
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:59 评论:0
由于交易员为周三公布的美国关键通胀报告和美联储会议做准备,加密货币周二进一步下跌,比特币(BTC)跌至 66,000 美元附近。As a result of the trader's preparations...



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由于交易员为周三公布的美国关键通胀报告和美联储会议做准备,加密货币周二进一步下跌,比特币(BTC)跌至 66,000 美元附近。

As a result of the trader's preparations for the U.S. Key Inflation Report published on Wednesday and the Federal Reserve Meeting, the encrypted currency fell further on Tuesday, bitcoin href="https://www.qkl456.com/site609.html"title="Target="_blank">BTC) fell near $66,000.

比特币(BTC)开盘价接近 70,000 美元,随后在美国交易时段触及三周低点 66,170 美元。随后小幅反弹至 66,500 美元附近,但过去 24 小时内仍下跌近 5%。

The start-up price for Bitcoin (BTC) was close to $70,000, and then hit a three-week low of $66,170 at the time of the U.S. transaction. A small rebound occurred near $66,500, but fell by almost 5% in the last 24 hours.

同期,山寨币的回调幅度更大,加密货币市场基准 CoinDesk 20 指数下跌超过 6%,所有 20 个成分股均出现亏损。以太坊的以太币(ETH)跌破 3,500 美元,下跌 6.5%,而 solana (SOL)、狗狗币(DOGE)、Cardano 的ADA和 Chainlink 的LINK则下跌 6%-9%。

During the same period, there was a greater re-entry of the coins, the index for the encrypted currency market fell by more than 6 per cent, and losses occurred in all 20 components. to to

CoinGlass 的数据显示,此次突然回调导致所有加密资产的杠杆衍生品交易头寸被清算超过 2.5 亿美元,这是继上周五 4 亿美元清算后,一周内第二次出现大规模杠杆冲高。

CoinGlass data show that this sudden return resulted in the liquidation of the leverage derivative trading position for all encrypted assets in excess of $250 million, the second time in a week after the liquidation of $4 billion last Friday.



Liquidation occurs when the trader fails to meet the bond requirements or does not have sufficient funds to maintain the warehouse, leading to some or all of the transaction's initial funds or bonds being lost, leading to the exchange's deleveraging of the warehouse.

对冲基金 QCP 在最新消息中表示,回调的原因之一是投资者在明天公布的 5 月份消费者价格指数 (CPI) 报告和美联储会议之前“规避”加密资产风险。

The hedge fund QCP states in its latest news that one of the reasons for the return was that investors “circumventiond” the risk of encrypted assets before the May Consumer Price Index (CPI) report and the Federal Reserve meeting, which will be published tomorrow.

K33 Research 在周二的市场更新中指出,比特币周三可能会出现波动,因为它最近对经济数据“高度敏感”,并且其与美国股市的 30 天关联度攀升至 2022 年以来的最高水平。

K33 Research noted in the market update on Tuesday that Bitcoin could fluctuate on Wednesday because it had recently been “highly sensitive” to economic data and its 30-day connection to the United States stock market had risen to its highest level since 2022.

K33 分析师表示:“周三宏观经济形势一片混乱,5 月份 CPI 数据和美联储利率决议都将对市场产生影响。”

K33 According to the analyst, “The macroeconomic situation is chaotic on Wednesday, and both the CPI data and the Federal Reserve interest rate resolution of May will have an impact on the market.”


Investors will focus on the interest rate prospects of the members of the Federal Open Market Commission (FOMC), the so-called point maps, to see how many interest rates policymakers expect to fall this year, given the recent strong inflation data and weak economic data.

随着 BTC 重新关注市场的利率预期,FOMC 点阵图以及杰罗姆·鲍威尔新闻发布会上的前瞻性指引很可能成为最重要的价格推动因素。市场观察人士指出,在抛售期间出现了一些积极迹象,可能预示着经济将快速复苏。

As BTC refocuss on market interest rate expectations, the FOMC point-outs and forward-looking guidelines at Jerome Powell’s press conference are likely to be the most important price drivers. Market observers have pointed out that there are some positive signs during the sale, which may signal a rapid recovery of the economy.

匿名加密货币分析师 Gumshoe 在X 帖子中指出,比特币在今年 FOMC 会议之前曾多次回调,但之后不久就扭转了走势。

The anonymous encrypted currency analyst, Gumshoe, in an X post, noted that Bitcoin had returned several times before the FOMC meeting this year, but that the trend had been reversed shortly thereafter.

加密货币分析平台 CryptoQuant 援引匿名交易员 BQYoutube 的话称,加密货币交易所 BitMEX 和币安的比特币期货未平仓合约今天早些时候出现偏差。通常,当 BitMEX 上的鲸鱼开始积累头寸,而币安散户被淘汰时,就会出现这种现象。 尽管短期内存在阻力,但我们认为这可能是积累资金的好机会。

CryptoQuant quotes the anonymous trader BQYoutube, stating that there was a discrepancy between the secret currency exchange BitMEX and the currency bitcoin futures contract earlier today. Usually, this happens when the whales on BitMEX begin to accumulate their positions, and the money sedentary is eliminated.




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