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北京时间2018年11月16日凌晨0点40分,BCH进行一场备受瞩目的硬分叉,数字货币史上第一次算力战打响。这场算力对决的双方,一方是自称是“中本聪”的Craig Wright和他背后的赌博业巨富Calvin Ayre支持的nChain开发...



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北京时间2018年11月16日凌晨0点40分,BCH进行一场备受瞩目的硬分叉,数字货币史上第一次算力战打响。这场算力对决的双方,一方是自称是“中本聪”的Craig Wright和他背后的赌博业巨富Calvin Ayre支持的nChain开发团队,另一方是Bitcoin ABC开发团队,以及背后的支持者比特大陆创始人吴忌寒和“比特币耶稣”Roger Ver。由于双方未能就如何最好地发展BCH及部署更新代码达成一致,最终走向硬分叉,BCH分裂为BCH ABC和BCH SV两个阵营,并约定用算力战定生死。BCH是于2017年8月由比特币硬分叉得来,时隔一年之后再次迎来分裂,并且这次是在没有重放保护的前提下,通过算力竞争互相搏杀。作为市值第四大的数字货币,BCH算力战引起了行业的广泛关注,并波及到比特币和整个数字货币市场,对未来的社区治理模式带来了深远影响。BCH算力战从16日开始,到11月23日SV方认输放弃争夺冠名权,持续一周有余。自此,算力战正式结束,BCH分叉为BCH原链和BSV链,BSV诞生。

On 16 November 2018 Beijing time, at 0.40 a.m., BCH conducted a highly visible hard split between BCH and “Bitco” Jesus Roger Ver, the first arithmetic battle in the history of digital currency. On one side of the calculation, Craig Wright, who claims to be a “medium bellicose” player, and on the other side, the Nchain development team, supported by Calvin Ayre, the huge gambling industry behind him, and on the other hand, the Bitcoin ABC development team, and behind its supporters, the Bitcoin ABC and the “bitcoic Jesus” Roger Ver. On the other side, the BCH split into the BCH and BCH SV camps and agreed to die with force. On the other hand, BCH was won by Bitcoin hard points in August 2017, then split again after a year, and this time came to be killed without heavy competition.

BSV(Bitcoin Satoshi Vision)其中的“SV”是Satoshi Vision(中本聪愿景)的缩写,旨在实现原定的大规模链上扩容愿景,成为全球通用的点对点电子现金与价值数据传输网络。BCHSV,它将成为硬分叉中的替代链。 他的方向得到了 Craig Wright的支持 BCHSV链将使用并遵循Satoshi Nakamoto在比特币白皮书中概述的原始规格,因此名称为SV或“Satoshi Vision”。对于有争议的硬叉,这是证明,BCHSV和BCHABC之间唯一的实际区别是 对于网络,SV将具有更大的块大小,大小为128MB。

The “SV” in BSV (Bitcoin Satoshi Vision) is an abbreviation of Satoshi Vision (medium-brain vision), which aims to achieve the intended large-scale expansional vision of the chain, becoming a globally common electronic cash and value data transfer network. BCHSV, which will become an alternative chain in hard fork. His direction is supported by Craig Wright’s BCHSV chain, which will use and follow the original specifications outlined by Satoshi Nakamoto in the Bitcoin White Paper, and therefore is called SV or “Satoshi Vision”. For contested hard forks, this proves that the only practical difference between BCHSV and BCHABC is that SV will have a larger block size of 128 MB for the network.

Bitcoin SV提供了一种全新的全节点比特币现金(BCH)实现方式,旨在实现中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)最初在其比特币白皮书中所设定的愿景。

Bitcoin SV provides a completely new way of realizing Bitcoin cash (BCH) in order to achieve the vision originally set by Satosh Nakamoto in its Bitcoin White Paper.

与其他竞相对比特币作出不必要变更的竞争性比特币现金(BCH)实现方式不同,Bitcoin SV的开发规划路线图在于恢复中本聪的初始协议、保持协议稳定性、进行大规模扩容、继而允许大型企业放心地在稳固的比特币现金(BCH)基础上开发创建项目活动。

Unlike other competitive bitcoin cash (BCH) realizations that compete for unnecessary changes in bitcoin, the development planning road map for Bitcoin SV is to restore the middle-brain initial agreement, maintain the stability of the agreement, undertake large-scale expansion, and then allow large enterprises to securely develop the creation of project activities on a solid bitcoin cash (BCH) basis.


At the onset of a series of booms to halve the number of mineral coins, the Great Bull Market of 2020, which has seen a surge in global uncertainty, seems to be opening. From the outside, the entire currency circle appears to be stunned by the global economy, and from the inside, bitcoin’s behavior is affecting the overall course of events.


But today we are not discussing how Bitcoin has created the myth of wealth for more than a decade, or whether its ultimate value can reach $100,000. From another perspective, the rise of the BSV, we look at the complex conglomerates.


The relationship between BSV, which is a split currency of BCH, is charted as follows:


People who don't know BTC can wonder why so many splits? What makes BSVs born twice? That requires starting with the technical principles of Bitcoin, which I try to be as plain as I can understand.

BTC一直被诟病的技术设计缺陷是区块容量小。目前的比特币系统,每一个区块的大小是 1M,每 10 分钟产生一个这样的区块,每一个最基本的比特币交易的大小是大约 250字节,每秒处理 6.6 个交易。被每秒处理上万笔交易的VISA和支付宝吊打,这样的性能是完全不足以支持商业化应用的,交易阻塞得不行,完全做不到中本聪创造比特币的初衷——成为全球通用的点对点电子现金与价值数据传输网络。

The technical design flaw of BTC, which has been plagued by disease, is that it has a small block capacity. The current bitcoin system, with each block size of 1M, produces one block every 10 minutes, each of the most basic bitcoin transactions is about 250 bytes, processing 6.6 transactions per second. Visa and payment treasure hangings, which are processed every second, are totally inadequate to support commercial applications, the transactions are blocked, and the original intent of the medium-sized Bentcoin creation - to become a global point-to-point electronic cash and value data transmission network.


On the issue of magnanimity, many polar and bitcoin believers improved on the basis of the Bitcoin original (the sectarian argument that omitted thousands of words in the middle) and gave birth to a series of splits such as BCH and BTG, up to a maximum of 80 fork, but mostly for BTC heat, currently surviving and partially recognized as BCH and BTG.


But the story is still far from over. By August 2017, the BCH came from Bitcoin and then split again a year later, because the two development teams of BCH failed to agree on how best to develop the BCH and deploy the updated code and decided on arithmetic battle.

决战双方分别是,自称是“中本聪”的Craig Wright和他背后的赌博业巨富Calvin Ayre支持的nChain开发团队,和Bitcoin ABC开发团队,以及背后的支持者比特大陆创始人吴忌寒和“比特币耶稣”Roger Ver。

The parties to the final war were Craig Wright, who claims to be “medium-brain” and the N Chain development team, supported by Calvin Ayre, who was behind him, and the Bitcoin ABC development team, as well as the supporters of Bitcoin’s founding fathers, U. Tsing and “Bitcom Jesus” Roger Ver.


As the fourth largest digital currency in the market, the BCH computing battle has attracted widespread attention from the industry, affecting Bitcoin and the digital currency market as a whole. The BCH computing battle began in 16 and lasted more than a week until November 23, when the SV gave up its title. Since then, the calculation battle has officially ended, with the BCH split between the BCH original chain and the BSV chain, with the BSV being born.

Bitcoin SV中的“SV”是Satoshi Vision(中本聪愿景)的缩写。这为信仰BSV的人写下了一个好故事,BSV被称为比特币原教旨币种,相当于告诉大家,原本的BTC已经无法实现中本聪的愿景了,没关系,我们再分叉一个BSV来继续完成,中本聪愿景也好,全球性商用也好,总之它有着无限美好的未来。除却后面我们要讲的“澳本聪”,这个概念是大家认为BSV价值不可估量的一大原因。

“SV” in Bitcoin SV is an acronym for Satoshi Vision. This is a good story for people who believe in BSV, which is called the Bitcoin fundamentals, which is like telling you that the original BTC is no longer able to achieve the vision of medium-sight. It's okay, we're going to split a BSV to continue it, a vision of medium-sight, a vision of global commerce, and an infinite future.


Combine the origins of the BSV, and we continue to learn about the NChain team that founded the BSV after the failure of the Arithmetic War.

澳大利亚博彩大佬Calvin Ayre,是在算力大战中为BSV提供支持的区块链公司Coingeek的实际控制人,最早靠博彩起家,亿万富豪。被媒体称为“澳本聪”的CWS是一位澳大利亚计算机科学家。

Calvin Ayre, the big Australian gaming player, was the actual controller of Coingeek, the block chain that supported BSV in the Arithmetic War, starting with a few billionaires. CWS, referred to in the media as “Abbon-Hear,” is an Australian computer scientist.

两人之间发生交际得从2007年开始说起,当时CWS担任了澳洲最大在线赌场之一 Centrebet 的安全顾问,认识了该项目的网络负责人S(字母代称),2010年S又成为了博彩大佬CA(简称)其中一个公司的CTO,然后CSW也经他介绍加入。

The relationship between the two began in 2007 when CWS served as security adviser to one of Australia's largest online casinos, Centrebet, and knew the project's network leader, S (lettered after letter), and in 2010 it became CTO, one of the big lottery players'CA's companies, and then CSW was introduced to it by him.

CA曾在接受星球日报的采访时称:“......创造了比特币的CSW(Craig S. Wright)当时在我手下工作,但我并不认识他。很多人知道比特币也是因为 Craig。后来大约是在2015年6月或7月,我见到了Craig,然后他向我解释这些原理,让我把一切点都连起来了,我终于明白了这项技术意味着什么。自此以后,我就更积极地参与这项技术。”

In an interview with the Daily Planet, CA said, "...the CSW that created Bitcoin was working for me, but I didn't know him. Many people knew that Bitcoin was also working because of Craig. And then, in June or July 2015, I met Craig, and he explained to me the principles, so I put everything together, and I finally understood what this technology meant. Since then, I've been more actively involved in this technology."


So, it was the CSW that introduced the company to the CA and then went to the CA "Anly" with the BTC. Then there was a series of later "Aubuncio", "BSV" projects, "Tulip Trusts"...


There are currently two popular versions of their collaboration.


One argument is that the CSW, as a true mid-brain, recommended BTC to the CA and convinced him that he was really middle-brain, that BSV was created for the sake of vision, that the CA even said in the interview that BCH was the last thing, and that the attack on BSV was only because people feared that the CSW technology was beyond the original BCH.

另一种说法是,CA这个有着经商头脑的亿万富翁找到了技术大牛CSW,希望联合他一起“搞大事”,于是把CSW包装成中本聪,推至台前,这些都是有计划有预谋的。当时CSW自己的公司正面临门头沟倒闭、ATO 调查(骗取退税和偷税漏税)等问题,背上了个人巨额债务,这时大老板CA同意下属拿出1500万美元慷慨救助,2015 年 6 月给 CSW 度过困境,CSW则得满足两个义务“1、转移所有的比特币知识产权;2、告诉媒体我就是中本聪”。

In another way, the CA, a business-minded billionaire, found the technocrat CSW, hoping to join him in “bringing big things” and then packaged the CSW into a medium-breeding and put it in front of the stage with a planned plan. At the time, the CSW’s own company was facing the collapse of its doors, the ATO investigation (trapped tax refunds and tax evasion) and the individual debt, and the big boss, CSA, agreed to give his subordinates $15 million in generous relief, and in June 2015 the CSW was in trouble, and the CSW had to meet two obligations: “1 to transfer all of its Bitcoins intellectual property;2 to tell the media that I am the middle-hear”.


So how do you wrap it up? It's a big job.


Even Indian citizens, Pakistanis, have come forward to claim that they are mid-brains, and have been mocked by members of the media and the community. CA or CWS may be familiar with this, preferring a third party to declare a “blind-blind” identity, and winning.


On 8 December 2015, WIRED and Gizmodo published a parallel article, claiming that the identity of the medium-breathed could be CSW, an Australian computer scientist.


WIRED and Gizmodo magazine stated that they had received a series of anonymous news lead mails claiming not only that they knew the true identity of Nakaki but even that they had worked for him?

黑客称“我黑了Satoshi Naklamoto,这些文件都是从他的企业账户上获得的。这个人就是雷格·赖特博士”。 Gizmodo随后收到了一堆电子邮件文件,显然是直接从澳大利亚学者,计算机工程专家,以及连续创业者CSW的Outlook帐户提取的。

The hacker said, “I hacked Satoshi Naklamoto, all of which were obtained from his business account. This is Dr. Reg Wright.” Gizmodo then received a bunch of e-mail documents, apparently taken directly from Australian scholars, computer engineering specialists, and from a continuous entrepreneur, CSW's Outlook account.


The evidence provided by WIRED and Gizmodo is as follows (Note: The following evidence is unproven and unprovoked):

?2014年2月,CSW和自己的律师以及澳大利亚税务办公室的就比特币监管问题进行的会谈的笔录,CSW似乎一直在试图说服澳大利亚政府将他持有的比特币视作货币,而不是必须要交税的投资品。如果没有这个监管举措,他的商业利益将受损失。其中引用了他愤怒的话:"我尽力隐瞒了自2009年以来我一直在经营比特币的事实,"CSW说。 "到这件事结束的时候,我想半个世界都会知道。” Gizmodo杂志采访了多个会谈纪要上的相关人员,他们证实确实参加过这次会议。

In February 2014, the CSW and its own lawyers, as well as the Australian Tax Office, conducted talks on Bitcoin regulation, and the CSW seems to have been trying to convince the Australian government to treat the bitcoin he holds as a currency, rather than as an investment for which taxes have to be paid. Without this regulatory initiative, his business interests would be lost. It quotes him: "I tried to conceal the fact that I have been operating bitcoin since 2009," CSW says. "I think half the world will know by the end of this thing." Gizmodore interviewed people on the minutes of the talks who confirmed that they did attend the conference.

?CSW 试图通过地址为[email protected] 的电子邮件联系澳大利亚参议员,询问比特币监管情况,并试图说服澳政府将他持有的比特币作为货币,而不是一项需要征收税收的资产。Nakomoto 用这个邮箱定期与早期的比特币用户和开发者联系。

? CSW tried to contact the Australian Senator by e-mail at

?另一邮件中显示,CSW将110万个比特币委托给合作伙伴Dave Kleiman成立郁金香信托。该邮件中还显示,Dave Kleiman同意他不会透露“[email protected]也就是中本聪发表白皮书的邮箱就是CSW的。(以上资料来源@丝路花语)



In summary, in order to convince everyone that the CSW is Chinese, the exposure process is "designed" in two parts:


1. The publication by two magazines of CWS as a hacker who hacked the CWS account is mainly documented by CWS's e-mail to the Australian Government's "Anly" Bitcoin in 2014, and by CWS's use of a mailbox that is recognized as a Chinese-Hear account;

2.CSW委托合作伙伴成立了郁金香信托。此举有三个作用,第一,他掌握了郁金香信托私钥的一部分,(注:82.5 万的比特币被锁密钥和地址都被锁在了郁金香信托中,而该信托基金已经用其私人密钥加密成 15 个部分,其中 7 个由他控制。)可以不用立马证明自己确实拥有大额的比特币;第二,要向公众证明自己就是中本聪,需要出示的强有力证据之一就是创世区块挖出过的超110万个BTC,郁金香信托是很好的回避方案;第三,信托的合作伙伴Dave Kleiman是当初被中本聪任命的比特币接班人。

2. CSW commissioned partners to establish the Tulip Trust. First, he held a part of the Tulip Trust's private key. (Note: 825,000 bitcoins are locked in the Tulip Trust and the Trust has been encrypted in 15 parts with its private key, of which 7 are under his control.) It is possible to prove that he really owns large bitcoins without having to do so; second, to prove to the public that he is middle-class, one of the strong evidence to be presented is that more than 1.1 million BTCs have been dug up in the creation block, and that the Tulip Trust is a good escape program; third, its partner, Dave Kleiman, was a Bitcoins successor who was originally appointed by the Central Bank.


Did the CSW do it? No.

尽管有曾参与过比特币开发,成立了比特币基金会的Gavin Andresen给CSW背书,称他就是比特币之父,但整个加密社区依然对这位新晋中本聪并不买账。

Although Gavin Andresen, who had been involved in the development of Bitcoin and founded the Bitcoin Foundation, had endorsed the CSW, claiming that he was the father of Bitcoin, the entire cryptographic community still did not pay for the new Jintao.

就连当时审判此案(合作伙伴Dave Kleiman的兄弟诉CSW)的法官都表示:我完全否认 CSW 博士关于所谓的郁金香信托基金,所谓的加密文件的证词,以及他所谓的无法识别他的比特币持有量。CSW 博士唯一的希望就是一个有抵押的信使带着解密密钥在 2020 年 1 月到达一个不知名的地方。如果 2020 年 DavidKleiman 所委托递送信托密钥切片的信使不出现,CSW 博士就失去了获取价值数十亿美元的比特币的能力,而他似乎也不在乎,这不可思议。这些违背了常识和现实生活经验。

Even the judge who tried the case at the time (partner Dave Kleiman's brother v. CSW) said that I totally denied Dr. CSW's testimony about the so-called Tulip Trust, the so-called encrypted documents, and his so-called inability to identify his Bitcoin holdings. Dr. CSW's only hope was that a secured courier with decryption keys arrived in an unknown place in January 2020. If David Kleiman's messenger to deliver the trust key slices did not appear in 2020, Dr. CSW lost his ability to acquire billions of dollars worth of bitcoins, which he did not seem to care about.


In addition to those unproven and unprovoked mails, CSW attempted to prove itself to be the creator of Bitcoin by publicly showing that its early Bitcoin digital signature for the development of the secret key matched the one that was dug out by the centre, although this evidence was later copied and pasted by the old signature that was proven to be publicly available from the centre.

对于加密社区来说,证明自己是中本聪的办法只有一个,那就是出示创始区块的签名,或者将中本聪所应该拥有的数字货币移动。CSW 承诺移动第一个区块的比特币,同时使用该区块私钥签名来证明自己的身份。

For an encrypted community, there is only one way to prove itself to be a medium-breeding community: to show the signature of the original block or to move the digital currency that China-bone should have. CSW undertakes to move the bitcoin of the first block, using the private key of the block to prove its identity.


And then shortly after that, the CSW turned back and sent an open letter explaining the reasons for it, which read, "I don't think I have the courage to prove right now that I'm middle-aged..."


The crowds who ate the guacamole face-to-face and even more doubted the series of statements by the CSW.

本来发生在2016年的事儿,至此也就该沉寂。但2018年,CSW 曾经的合作伙伴 Dave Kleiman 已经去世 6 年,他的弟弟 Ira Kleiman却将 CSW 告上了法院,称CSW侵占Dave110万比特币,价值100亿,另外还有相关比特币知识产权。由此在币圈声名大噪的百万美元比特币(现在已价值96亿美金)诉讼案拉开序幕。

But in 2018, six years after the death of CSW’s former partner Dave Kleiman, his brother, Ira Kleiman, sued CSW, claiming that the CSW had invaded Dave 1.1 million bitcoins, worth 10 billion dollars, and the related bitcoins’ intellectual property rights. This led to the opening of the multimillion dollar bitcoins (now worth $9.6 billion) lawsuit.


All this has to start with the Tulip Trust, which is also a central part of the BSV myth.

关于郁金香信托一案的最新进展,原本定于2020年1月就要公布和解锁,却再次延后了。根据南佛罗里达州地方法院的法院文件,美国地方法院法官 Beth Bloom 表示,CSW 被控干涉 Dave Kleiman 遗产案部分此前影响审判结果的部分事实存在争议,因此延长CSW 解锁并交付郁金香信托中相应数量 BTC 的期限至 2 月 3 日。

With regard to the latest developments in the Tulip Trust case, which was scheduled for January 2020, the lock was postponed again. According to the court documents of the District Court of South Florida, Judge Beth Bloom of the United States District Court stated that the CSW had been accused of interfering with some of the facts that had previously affected the outcome of the trial in the part of Dave Kleiman’s estate, thus extending the CSW’s mandate to unlock and deliver the corresponding number of BTCs in the Tulip Trust until 3 February.


Why does the unlocking of the trust attract the attention of all those in the industry?

原因有两个重点:1.如果该信托真的解锁,很大程度就证明CSW或者合作伙伴Dave Kleiman 两人中,其中一人是中本聪,而Dave Kleiman 已于2013年发生摩托车车祸意外去世了。

The reason for this is twofold: 1. If the trust is genuinely unlocked, a significant degree of proof is that one of the CSW or partner Dave Kleiman, one of whom was a mid-blind, died in a motorcycle accident in 2013.


Rumor has it that the CSW will support BSV by half of the $9.6 billion that the trust unlocks (and the other half may be awarded by the judge to the partner's brother), so that BSV will have the largest blast in history, possibly directly exceeding BCH.


In short, as long as the trust unlocks, 50 per cent of the $9.6 billion goes to the CSW, the BSV will rise dramatically, regardless of whether the huge amount of money goes to support BSV.


But this answer has been postponed until 3 February, when the BSV will skyrocket three to four times more. Everyone will be ambivalent, I'm afraid.

郁金香信托的原文就是 Tulip Trust,并非中文翻译时另取了名字。根据 2015 年 12 月黑客曝光给媒体的泄漏文件,郁金香信托首次进入公众视野。据称这份文件是 2011 年由法医电脑调查员兼作家戴夫?克莱曼(Dave Kleiman)撰写的,该文件描述了一个含有 1,100,111 个比特币的信托基金,这些币合并了CSW于 2009 年到 2011 年期间挖矿与购买所得的比特币,“在任何时候将被至少三人但不多于七人管理”,为了防止这笔资金在保管期间因各种原因被滥用,信托的私钥被一分为七,该文件声明信托中的所有私钥将于 2020 年 1 月 1 日时被返还给CSW。

The original tulip trust is Tulip Trust, not a different name when translated in Chinese. According to a leaked document exposed to the media by hackers in December 2015, the tulip trust entered public view for the first time. This document was allegedly written in 2011 by the forensic computer investigator and writer Dave Kleiman, who described a trust with 1,100,111 bitcoin, which merged the bitcoin that CSW had mined and purchased between 2009 and 2011, “will be managed at any one time by at least three but not more than seven people”, and in order to prevent the misuse of the funds for various reasons during their custody, the private keys of the trust were divided into seven, stating that all the private keys in the trust would be returned to CSW on 1 January 2020.

根据2014年比特币的价格,郁金香信托保管的100多万个BTC,总价值才不过上亿美金,但CSW或者Dave Kleiman犹如早有预料,给这份信托取名“郁金香”,短短几年时间,100多万枚比特币已经价值超96亿美金了,这场泡沫被称为郁金香再恰当不过。

According to the price of Bitcoin in 2014, the Tulip Trust holds over 1 million BTCs with a total value of just over a billion dollars, but CSW or Dave Kleiman, as expected, named this trust “Tulip” and, in just a few years, more than 1 million bitcoins have been worth over $9.6 billion, a bubble that is more appropriately known as tulips.

但也正是因为这样的先知,让人不得不怀疑,2015年由黑客向媒体曝光的这份信托似乎是一早就设计好的。但是在关于郁金香信托诉讼案中,令法官深信但听起来非常违背现实的故事版本却是:原告称他哥哥Dave Kleiman是创造比特币的合伙人,CSW博士侵占了他哥哥的55万比特币和比特币和知识产权。他哥哥2010年就入院治疗,身体每况愈下,2013年临死前却没有留下遗嘱告诉家人,他拥有55万比特币和知识产权,也没有留下任何和比特币有关的信息。死后清点财产时一贫如洗,欠下银行的许多债务,所居住的房屋被银行没收。

But it is also because of such a prophet that one had to wonder that the trust, which was exposed to the media by hackers in 2015, appeared to have been designed early in the morning. But in the Tulip Trust case, the story that convinced the judge but sounded very contrary to reality: the plaintiff claimed that his brother, Dave Kleiman, was a partner in the creation of Bitcoin, and that Dr. CSW appropriated his brother’s 550,000 bitcoins and bitcoins and intellectual property. His brother was admitted to hospital in 2010, his body deteriorated, his will was not given to his family before his death in 2013, he had 550,000 bitcots and intellectual property rights, and he did not leave any information about Bitcoins.


And the brother thought his brother had nothing but debt until his brother's partner, Dr. CSW, wrote an e-mail in 2014 telling the plaintiff that his brother had been involved in creating bitcoin, that he had kept his brother's hard drive, that there might be hundreds of thousands of bitcoins in it, but the plaintiff said I had formatted my brother's hard drive.


Dr. CSW also told the plaintiff that he would give him $12 million and 50% of the company’s shares. The plaintiff then failed to realize for four years, beginning in 2014, that his brother’s partner had appropriated 550,000 bitcoins and intellectual property.


And the documentary evidence of the trust provided in the plaintiff's action was consistent with the documents previously disclosed, assuming that the trust did exist, why did the plaintiff not have any evidence of the trust that his brother had left behind? The attribution of 1.1 million bits worth $10 billion in the tulip trust was the focus of the prosecution's reasoning and litigation, and the fact that all evidence and anyone involved could not testify or prove it was a dead end, and the plaintiff, for reasons of interest, would not tell the truth even if he knew that his brother had not been involved in any trust administration.


Personally, do I think that Dr. CSW's initiative to contact the plaintiff, the fact that he was stoned on his feet, would not fit the genius of the "father of Bitcoin"?


But his background is far from that. That is why all the other middle-breeders were quickly faked and buried, but the CSW was able to stall the case, stood up like Sun Woo's morning, and gained a lot of credibility.

根据公开资料,CAW拥有多个学士和硕士学位及博士学位,遍布在经济学、计算机、统计、数学和法律。还拥有超过多种计算机技术证书,除了获得众多的学位,他还拥有24个 GIAC 安全资格证书。 这些都是计算机科学领域中最高的安全荣誉。 (CSW的 GIAC 认证可以在这里看到: ?https://www.GIAC.org/certified-professional/craig-Wright/107335)。CSW还是世界上第一个 IT 全球信息保证认证(GIAC)安全专家(GSE)。

According to public sources, CAW has a number of bachelors and masters degrees and doctorates in economics, computers, statistics, mathematics, and law. It also has more than one certificate in computer technology, and in addition to a large number of degrees, he has 24 GIAC security certificates. These are the highest honours for security in computer science. (CSW's GIAC certification can be seen here: https://www.GIAC.org/certified-professional/craig-Wright/10733). CSW is also the world's first security expert for IT Global Information Assurance (GIAC).


Until July 2015, CSW was a CEO of about 15 companies.

他确实拥有过大额的比特币资产。《连线》杂志(WIRED)2015年12月8日披露:CSW比特币财富的另一条线索没有泄露给WIRED ,而是保留在企业咨询公司网站上,这是一份关于CSW创立的几家公司之一 Hotwire 的清算报告。?

He does own a large amount of Bitcoin assets. Wireless magazine revealed on December 8, 2015 that another clue to CSW Bitcoin’s wealth did not leak to WIRED, but was kept on the website of the corporate consulting firm, which is a liquidation report on one of the companies created by CSW, Hotwire?

Hotwire 试图创建一家基于比特币的银行,数据显示,2013年6月,CSW持有的比特币为这家创业公司带来了2300万美元的回报。 这笔钱在2015年底价值超过6000万美元。 在成立公司时,CSW仅对这家公司的投资就占到了现有比特币总量的1.5% 以上,对于比特币世界中一个不知名的玩家来说,这是一个奇怪的大数目。此外,从2014年税务纪要中披露,CSW用45万个比特币价值5000万,购买了银行核心代码。

Hotwire’s attempt to create a bitcoin-based bank showed that in June 2013, the CSW held Bitcoin, which was valued at over $60 million by the end of 2015. When the company was founded, CSW invested more than 1.5% of the total amount of bitcoins available, which was a strangely large number for an unknown player in the Bitcoin world.


On the basis of the above information, it can be seen that the CSW itself has many degrees, even GIAC security experts, that he was a CEO of several companies before exposure, that he also had significant Bitcoin assets, that he did not appear to be in any way a “medium-blind” asset, that he was not only investigated by the Australian Revenue Authority, that the business was liquidated, that he was discredited, that the encrypted community that he promoted was regarded as a liar... that was not motivated and that no material benefit was obtained through exposure, and that the CSW's pseudonym of being in the same position as being in the same way as being in the same position as being in the same way as being in the same way as being in the same position as being in “medium-brained”, and that the whole incident seems to have gone into obsessive situations.


Unless the CSW gets a private key to unlock the trust and gets a $9.6 billion BTC title, the BSV will always have a story to tell, and the truth is less important.


As early as 2013, there was a saying about BTC: Bitcoin was an absolute fraud, but it was strange that it was a trick to the world's smartest man, and the fool was still out there.


It also seems appropriate to place it on the BSV, Austen and Tulip Trusts, which is an absolute fraud, but only smart people fall for it.


According to BSV, the recent surge in BSV was nearly threefold, from $97 to a maximum of $459, an increase of 373 per cent.


Unlike a few dozen times the size of a small currency, the main currency has risen to market value four in a short period of time, which is an undesirable increase. Although the highest figure of 400 dollars in the balconies is 1,000 dollars and more than half the distance from community supporters, the BSV does expose the entire currency circle’s investors/speculators to its brutality and madness, and if there is a next pull, there may be more money coming in as a result of FOMO sentiment.


With the exception of the transfer of money from the diaspora, we can look at the calculations. The BTC, BCH, and BSV are all SHA256 algorithms, and the same machines can dig the three encrypted currencies, which are the most profitable ones, according to the principle of maximization of benefits, and which currency the calculus will flood. With the BSV, which has doubled its capacity, let us not forget that the BSV was born because of the power struggle, and the BSV's goal is to make the BCH worthless by counting. If BTC, BSV's power, and BSV's power, are coming into BSV, it's only a matter of time.


So, one day, BSV will become the real BTC? Technically, there are a lot of crypto-money fans who don't just look at the story of Australasia, nor do they look at BCH and BSV.


With the vision of making BTC a global electronic peer-to-peer cash and value data transmission network, the only weakness now seems to be performance, so that the blocks can be expanded and the number of transactional pens increased, so that “the perfect BTC” can be achieved?


The problem is far from simple. Some Internet users believe that adding blocks poses another serious problem -- increasing transaction costs, and the Bitcoin system, whether large or small, has almost the same transaction costs, so that small transactions generate transaction gains as the blocks increase transaction costs.


To sum up, in short-term news and marketing stories, the evidence behind the BSV for a range of values is whether it matters or not, whether it attracts more and more speculators is the key to the BSV's direction; in the long-term, technical logic, the BSV has not been able to achieve a true “medium-brain vision”, and the BTC fundamentalist currency is just a façade that supporters are willing to believe.


The BTC, BCH, and BSV will all face a halve in the first half of this year, and the Bits’ troika will probably lead all the new half-rates out of business. What do you do? I don't know if you've ever seen, say, that you never make money beyond your knowledge, or that you make it out of luck, and you're definitely going to lose your strength. Here's a reminder that by halving, you can read and learn as much as possible about all the BCH, BSV projects, open your information net, and be able to tell each time you release information about the BCH, BSV projects on the market, what is the sensitive information that affects the movement, what is the irrelevant rhythm, and then you can make the money that you should have earned by recognizing it.


When it is impossible to predict, the bullets and maps are prepared and the route is followed and when the shooting is to take place.


Relevant information:


It's true that the rise is the truth - BSVhttps://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hNWFGKf2qGafelln_KuyA

《A Comparative Analysis of Bitcoin Forks》https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yLzhHiaOWWNqBN0JVl2VKQ





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