
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:53 评论:0
公链是区块链中的底层基础设施,公链的最好的例子是比特币,近两年国内外公链如雨后春笋般上线,公链经历了从 POW、POS 到 DPOS、POA 等各种机制和技术创新,但经过2...



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公链是区块链中的底层基础设施,公链的最好的例子是比特币,近两年国内外公链如雨后春笋般上线,公链经历了从 POW、POS 到 DPOS、POA 等各种机制和技术创新,但经过2018年以来的市场寒冬洗礼,绝大多数公链都纷纷销声匿迹。那么,国产公链是什么意思呢?国产公链的定义又是什么呢?在深入一些,国产公链有哪些?下面小编就将从国产公链的定义开始,让大家一文读懂国产公链。

The public chain is the bottom of the chain. The best example of the public chain is Bitcoin. For the last two years, the public chain, both domestic and foreign, has been on the line like rain. The public chain has undergone a variety of institutional and technological innovations, ranging from Pow, POS to DPOS, POA, but most public chains have disappeared since the winter of the market in 2018. So what does the public chain of national production mean? What is the definition of the public chain of national production?



A public chain is a chain of blocks to which anyone in the world can read, send a transaction and participate in the process of consensus without permission, in other words, a chain of blocks to which everyone has ownership.


The best example of a public chain is Bitcoin, which has a highly decentralized character and whose books are difficult to tamper with. In addition, the public chain requires original assets as incentives to engage nodes in the consensus process, and the introduction of a decentralized character of the public chain makes it contradictory for such blocks to want to achieve both security and high scalability, also known as & ldquao; the block chain is a difficult one & & rdquao;


For regulators, there are also problems with the public chain that are difficult to regulate, and this is also the most troubling part.


Well, what is the definition of a public chain of national origin when we talk about the world's public chain?


In a literal sense, the public chain of national production seems to refer to a public chain dominated by the State, which can actually be extended to most public chains, whereas, by the definition of centrifugal encyclopaedia, national production refers to the autonomous development and production of manufactured products in China, or more than half of the components are nationalized, so the real public chain of national production seems to be extremely limited, as most public chains now draw on world public chain technologies such as Bitcoin and Etheria.


We could then further relax the definition of the public chain of national production: it refers to a nationally owned public chain established in China at the headquarters of R & D and operations.



TRON, also known as the Dome, was launched on 1 July 2017 at a market value of $1.06 billion, with a total circulation of $992.1 billion, and was founded by Sun Woo Morning.

波场在币圈是一个网红项目,由90后创业小生孙宇晨创办,于2017年7月上线,是全球加密市场市值排名TOP 10的区块链项目,波场目前主要的DApps数量也仅此于以太坊、EOS,主要是游戏等娱乐项目,TPS也优于以太坊、EOS。

It is a mesh project in the currency ring, founded by Sun Woo-ming, a 90-year-old entrepreneur, and launched in July 2017. It is a block chain project in the global encryption market ranking TOP 10. The number of the main DApps is currently only as much as in Ether, EOS, mainly games, and TPS is better than in Ether and EOS.




NEO, also known as Little Ant, was released on 1 June 2014 at a market value of $660 million, with a total circulation of 100 million, and was founded by Da Hung Fei.


NEO is the front of the public chain of national production, popularly known as the Chinese version of the Chinese version of Etheria. Similar to Etheria, NEO introduces concepts such as smart contracts, digital identities, etc. Use smart contracts to automate the management of digital assets and achieve “ the smart economy & rdquao; a distributed network.



Vechain, also known as chain-only, was issued on 17 August 2017 with a market value of $460 million and a total circulation of 86,712 million.


The chain currently has more than 100 professional teams in globalization, more than half of them specialized block-chain application engineers, and branches and offices have been established in seven countries and regions, including Shanghai, China, Singapore, Paris, Luxembourg, Paloodo, Japan, Tokyo, and Hong Kong, China. The chain is also at the forefront of research and development in block-chain technologies, with active technical research cooperation globally, and a number of top global academic institutions have entered into regional-level technology research partnerships, including Qinghua University, Massachusetts University of Technology, Stanford University, Oxford University of Mathematics, Dartmouth University, Michigan State University, City University of Hong Kong, and Chinese University.




ONT, also known as the body, was launched on 26 February 2018 at a market value of $390 million, with a total circulation of 1 billion, and was founded by Li Jun.


In 2018, the body was known as a one-time project for which the big players in the circles of Da Hung Fei, Wu Xiaoqing, the investment consultant (the realist) and others stood, once a star project, which also provoked the appearance of the three major exchanges, namely, coins, coins and gate.


The purpose of the body is to establish a chain-based system based on block chains/distributed accounts, up to a maximum of 5,000 TPS. It is the first basic platform for proposing distributed network systems globally. In addition to the distributed framework of the home network itself, which can support the realization of block-chain systems under different governance models, it can collaborate with different chains from different fields of operation and different regions to form cross-linkages and cross-systemal mapping of the various isomer block chains and traditional information systems through various protocols of the home network. Thus, the home network innovatively presents a matrix-based stubbed grid architecture & mdash; & mdash; super-integrated chain network structure.




The Quantum Chain, also known as QTUM, was issued on 16 March 2017 at a market value of $160 million, with a total circulation of 100 million, and the founder of the Quantum Chain (China).

Qutm曾经也是一个吸睛项目,受到很多人的追捧,当时在国际上有个叫Roger Ver(比特币耶稣)的大佬称Qutm是一个全世界都需要关注的项目。量子链被称为比特币和以太坊的结合体,致力于开发比特币和以太坊之外的另一种区块链生态系统。在量子链系统中,可通过价值传输协议来实现点对点的价值转移,并可以构建一个支持多个行业的去中心化的应用开发平台。

Qutm was once also a pick-up project that was well received by many, when a big man called Roger Ver (bitcoin Jesus) called Qutm a project of worldwide concern. The quantum chain, known as the Bitcoin and Etheria combinations, was dedicated to developing a block chain ecosystem outside Bitcoin and Etheria. In a value chain system, point-to-point value transfer could be achieved through a value transfer protocol, and a decentralized application development platform could be built to support multiple industries.


The public chain of national production is always hot for periods of time, but the public chain of national production is awkward and does not tend to be highly skewed in national policy, because the public chain of national production is still a grey area, after all, the public chain of national production concerns currency, which has been banned by the State since 94 years.


Before that, a "History of China's Public Chain Sadness" was read, bringing the chain of national production into a kind of sadness. It was truly sad. Why is the history of China's public chain sad?

国产公链一直是资本在撑着,公链属于短期难盈利的项目,并且很多国产公链都是“自嗨”型的。其实公链最热的时候已经过去了,从2017年底其实可以算是国产公链的一个高潮起点,而从2018年的冬天开始就迎来了国产公链的一个下坡路,国产公链的发展也不过短短几年的时间 。

The public chain of national production has always been capital-sustaining, the public chain is a short-term unprofitable project, and many of the public chain of national production is & & & & & & & & & ; type. The hottest time of the public chain has already passed, and it can be considered a climax of the public chain of national production since the end of 2017, and a downside of the public chain of national production from the winter of 2018, and the development of the public chain of national production has been only a few years away.


With the new infrastructure, the leading companies in the national public chain also want to make some cash flow. After all, it is hard for businesses that spend no money, and much more for the technological development services of the federal chain. The root cause is that the domestic investor’s deformed view of block chain technology and the policy strike on the ICO make the national public chain a failure.

国产公链中早期的一批比如 本体ONT、NEO小蚁、IOST、BTM比原链、草莓糖CMT、TRX波场以及QTUM量子链等,我们不难发现都是随着时间的推移代币价值泡沫不断破裂,而价格峰值也都是在2018年年初上线。

The earlier batches in the national production chain, such as home-grown ONUB, NEO ants, IIST, BTM-to-origin chains, strawberry sugar CMTs, TRX-bands and QTUM quantum chains, all of which we can easily see are bursting in the currency value bubble over time, with price peaks coming online at the beginning of 2018.


From the end of 2017 onwards, the price of coins in both the Etheria and several national production chains peaked, but as currency prices fell, we found that data such as the number of users and turnovers in the etherms had reached a certain level of magnitude, even though the performance of the waves was still good, but the situation in the national production chain was highly questionable and in the grey zone, and the waves were still lagging behind Ether (the wave white paper and the code were not always copied) and there was no meaningful breakthrough in the data in the national production chain, and NEO and IOST could actually represent the state of the current national production chain.


Although the public chain of national production has made some modest achievements since its beginnings in the cold winter, the public chain of national production appears less perfect than the mature public chain of Ether and Poca, and it can be said that most of the public chain of national production is not ecologically complete and the number of developers is small, coupled with the slow pace of technological development, so that the development of the public chain of national production remains constrained and the public chain of national production has a long way to go, but the editor is convinced that the pace of the public chain of national production will not stop and that the future is still to be expected.


What does that mean? What's in the chain?

Tag:国产公链   区块链   公链  



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