
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:58 评论:0



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The instability of the United States dollar has led more and more people to focus on bitcoin, many of whom believe that bitcoin is being bought and sold at a very low price, and even that some investors have linked bitcoin to shares, which are different from stocks, which are a virtual encrypted digital currency in the form of P2P, while shares are title deeds issued by stock companies, although those who know both know that a tool needs to be used to invest bitcoins or shares, that is, the K-line map, and that is why investors have doubts about whether the Bitcoche-K-line map is the same as the stock.


The answer is whether there is a difference between the two. We all know that stocks have a K-line, that the K-line for stock research is an essential part of the job, and that many stock market bulls spend day and night analysing K-line trends.


In the Bitcoins time map, bitcoin transactions typically mean buying, while bitcoin transactions are selling green. In our actual operations, the length of the red column means buying a plate, the length of the green column means selling the plate positively, so that the market increases rapidly with the red column, and the rapid increase of the green column when it falls, and the tangled change in the plate means that our operations need to change, build or reduce.


The colour of the stock mass column is based on stock growth and falls, while the stock K line has a red line (generally representing a stock increase) and the stock K line has a green line.


The stock exchange represents the stock trade, the turnover and the synchronization of the stock price are benign, the turnover increases, the turnover increases, the probability of subsequent stock increases is greater, the turnover increases, the turnover does not widen or the stock price does not rise, the turnover increases and the probability of subsequent stock declines is very high.


The K-line of digital currency is also somewhat different from the K-line of the stock market, and today we teach you how to read the K-line of digital currency from a practical point of view.


Here, we give the most representative example of the Bitcoin K Line, where the material comes from the 13th.


The same numeric currency differs from line to line in different cycles. In bitcoin, for example, it opens the K-line map of bitcoin. Here's what we see:


We can adjust the cycle that needs observation from above:


It can also be viewed directly by drags, right or left, and can be magnified by mouse wheels.


In the graph we can see a lot of red green columns, green hollow columns that represent price increases, and red solid columns that indicate falling prices.


When the opening price of a cycle is lower than the closing price, it is higher, and the chart is shown as a green hollow column; when the opening price of a cycle is higher than the closing price, the price falls, and it is shown as a red heart column.


The length of the cylinders in each cycle represents the strength of both forces in the cycle. The longer the green column is the strength of multiple forces in the cycle, the higher the price is, the longer the red column is the strength in the cycle and the more the price falls.


Taps1: Multiple and empty means multiple head and empty head. Multiple headlines refer to investors who expect a price to rise when it is bought at a lower price, and sell it up to a certain level in order to reap the difference.


♪ Taps2: While both sides can serve as an inspiration and a wake-up call, they must also be analysed on a case-by-case basis according to their own circumstances and experience, so that they do not fall into the game trap.


At the upper and lower ends of the red-green column, two fine lines are usually derived, called cinematographic lines. Shadow lines reflect the range of price fluctuations. At the upper end of the entity, the call is the upper line, which is the highest price; at the lower end, the call is the lower line, which is the lowest price. Through the upper and lower line, it is possible to better analyse trends that are multi-empty and have some indicative effect on judging the situation, such as the long lower and upper line of the picture, which should have some risk awareness and self-aware.


We can also see two horizontal lines, white and yellow, on line K. The lines are five weeks and 10 weeks, respectively, representing the average price movement of successful transactions in nearly five weeks and 10 weeks, respectively.


At the bottom of the chart, we can also see a set of columns between red and green and other horizontal curves of colour, which are complementary analysis indicators of the k-line, including turnover, macd, kdj, etc., used for the technical analysis of transactions to inform transactions.


Summing up: The K-line of digital currency and the K-line of stock, the fact that current investors believe that it is easy to do, and the fact that there is no stock-breeding experience, would like to see some inspiration from the presentation. Of course, investors could make a small investment first, knowing how the entire industry works, and could give you a better insight before making a formal investment.




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