
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:72 评论:0
▌一、 i, 一哥们,人很好,但对股市真的水土不服。做股票近十年,成功把本金从数千万做成了数百万。Dude, he's nice, but he doesn't like the stock mar...



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Dude, he's nice, but he doesn't like the stock market. He's been in stock for almost a decade, and he's succeeded in making the capital from tens of millions to millions.


But recently, he showed up, and, like the strong kid, he began risk-based investments with a low profile and near randomness: asked who wanted the money, the start-up company lost one or two billion, the start-up company lost one or two million, and the start-up company lost 100 or two million, all real gold and silver.


I know very well where he came from, asking where he came from. This is a very modest and frank answer: "It's for coins." Two ICOs for three months, 300 million for one, 2 billion for one, short-term overfunding, and I'll give you a few of my coins.


is said to be the current modus operandi of .












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>br/> > > >br/> > >br/> > >br/> > >br/> > b/ > > > b/ > > > b/ > > > b/ > b/ > > > > transactional platform for large transaction costs;
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The King is just a small case of currency-making myths. In fact, a group of people who, like him, have gone into a business like this and then, in a very short time, recovered the wealth that most of China’s families have accumulated for centuries.

福布斯近日发布了首个“虚拟货币”领域富豪榜(加密货币净资产),我们看到了瑞波CEO、Coinbase老大、V神、比特币基金会创始人、BM、BB等熟悉的身影,其中Ripple 创始人 Chris Larsen排名第一,以太坊联合创始人 Joseph Lubin排名第二:

Forbes recently released the first “virtual currency” rich man's list (encrypted net monetary assets), and we have seen the familiar presence of Rippo CEO, Coinbase, V God, the founder of the Bitcoin Foundation, BM, BB, and so on, where Ripple Founder Chris Larsen ranks first, and the co-founder Joseph Lubin ranks second:


And one of the Chinese broke into the first three. Unsurprisingly, this man is not a pro-money “best-selling writer” Li laughter, not a miner, the CEO Wu Xianxian of the Pitt continent, but a “exchange” for digital money, the CEO Zhao Changping:


(CHO Chang Peng on the cover of Forbes)


In spite of the reliability of the Forbes data, what we see is a rate of wealth transfer: the Chinese programmer, Zhao Chang Peng, took only six months to create the Binance platform!




3、开交易所。这个不同于深交所、上交所这样官方背书并承担连带责任的交易所,目前所有的虚拟货币交易所就是民间个人自己开设的一个网站而已,无需任何人批准,开发上线,有人用,就OK,这是币安(Binance)网、火币Pro站、OKEX,和BitStar等的玩法。以赵长鹏的币安(Binance)网为例,一天24小时不间断交易,一天成交不低于61亿美元(据 Coinmarketcap数据),双向不低于千分之一的手续费计,日入金也在近亿元级,这还不算每单ICO可观的上市费用,以及做市商费用。

1; coins >br/
; mine machines. , basically like the IPO of the stock market, is quick in money, large in size, with a single distribution of hundreds of millions, many hundreds of millions, easy in hand. But the path is a bit longer and complicated in terms of the vast majority of `bank entrepreneurs' ;
br/ > ; , basically like the IPO of the stock market. >, a little bit of technology for gold miners, a bit of iron and water, a few billions of dollars, a lot of money.


has a common feature: money comes at a speed that is scary.


The vast majority of their wealth is either deliberately hidden or transferred abroad, and what we see is only the tip of the iceberg. The total size of the digital currency today is growing with a growing number of private participants (the money net adds millions of users a week, and within an hour on January 10th this year alone, the platform has to temporarily close its doors), and many insiders of the currency – the world’s richest and China’s richest – have implicitly acquiesced to the fact that the world’s richest – and China’s richest – have become vulnerable by the end of 2017.


"Strong" removes the irregular period of the peasant uprising, which is a violent deprivation of wealth, and human history has never seen a transformation of society as a whole on such a large scale and within such a short period of time, merely through the transfer of wealth from stock (fraud) without increasing overall labour productivity and creating new wealth.


The question is, from government to civil society, how should we view and deal with this storm-style transfer of wealth and class shift?


Remember the word I used in the previous text, which I used at my discretion: the transfer of wealth.




technology is not in itself shameful — this is said by the fast-tracking CEO Xin, who is seen as being sent to prison.


(Hong Xin, who has just been released from prison, is warmly welcomed by the Internet)


This sentence, which is used on the block chain, is still in place — although I have not yet fully understood the block chain, I believe it is a technological structure that could change or destabilize much. Technology itself is not shameful.


But if you go to the pit to hide the truth in the name of “the technology of human change”, then it is not an shameful matter, but a question of guilt and sin, and of not going to prison.


So far, the most successful applications of block chains have been digital currency such as Bitcoin, Etheria - the problem is that 99.99% of the current digital currency of


There's only one simple way to make the difference between "strong" and "strong": to see if the "money" is dug up or sent.


It is not difficult to technically analyse the nature of the various Tokens. is based on the block chain structure and the Pow (Credit of Work) consensus mechanism , such as Bitcoin, Letcoin, Etheria, etc., which have distributed decentralisation features, and these pure PoW-certified currencies, because the more the miners are involved, the more the money, the more the wealth, the founder and the need to dig to get the currency, it does not borrow the money, it does not have the right to change the course of future development, and it is extremely difficult to manipulate them. thus digs, the essence of which is an exchange of intermediaries and tools.


But it's not the counterfeit currency (air currency) that does not take a distributed account book. The issue of air currency (ICO) is not fundamentally different from the IPO of the stock market.


If someone says they sell air to you, you're gonna call him insane. So they change the name, not the air, but the air currency -- so the people are coming.


The core of the `strung' block chain is decentralized, but the issuance of the token is back to a central issuer


"strange" simply says: "Excavated currency (e.g. bitcoin) has its worth in existence. But 99.99% of the money that comes out is a scam.


Last week, when the stock market collapsed, the currency net CEO Zhao Chang Peng “deeply transmitted a tweet: “The US stock market evaporates $1 trillion last week, which is higher than the value of all virtual currencies.” Zhao Chang Peng's comment is, “There's so many people advocating that 'bitcoin' is bubbles.” I think the real question is, “The stock market and Bitcoin, who is bubbles?”


Zhao Chang Peng misunderstands the meaning of the market: they do not have the right to call foam for at least 99 per cent of air tokens.


, in other words, a real asset against a target stock can be called foam when it is overvalued. There is no real asset against a target air token. It has nothing to do with bubbles. It's a scam .




If it's an obvious scam, why is there so many people who volunteer?


The simple truth is that everyone is lying and has no chance at all without participating.


In addition to the dramatic 6.55 million times the number of times the number of times the number of times the number of strongs in seven years in Bitcoin, it is inevitable that the fearless nation will be stunned:


As for whether Bitcoin would fall by 60% a month, it would be out of their minds -- in case of luck, winning? At least in China, there is no religion, no concern for the next world -- sooner or later:


The question is, what does it mean to a country, a society?


In human history, there have been more financial scams. The 1637 tulip fever, the 1720 South China Sea bubble, the near-behind P2P scam, which is linked to human greed, let him go. Arrest him, by the way.


But if you don't arrest him, the whole river is gone?


This is not a matter of alarm, but is based on several basic characteristics of the token:




strung>, the transfer of this stock of wealth on a scale and at a speed that goes far beyond the P2P “baby unit” — ICO looters enter, several larger “exchanges” in the country are waiting for thousands of bills to come to the market, and a bigger “exchange” daily fee can be easily removed from the hundreds of millions — the so-called “currency ring for one year”;
strong > 3, the vast majority of these stocks that are easily transferred (scavenging) will not return to — few of the ICO's really want to do what they do, or will be transferred out of the country, or will be wasted.


The accumulation of wealth and capital is difficult for any country, and more than the characteristics of the token of .



1 Direct erosion of the physical balance sheet and reduction of investment in society as a whole if the ICO circle comes from business or the rich;
br/>2 Direct destruction of the population's balance sheet and reduction of consumption in society as a whole if the ICO circle comes from pickles or the poor;


Such capital devours the black hole and will be silent, large-scale, high-speed, irreversible and persistently diverting away from the general needs of society – an unaffordable weight to the economy of China, which is struggling with its transformation. If ignored, it could well drag the Chinese ship into the dark abyss.

好在监管层已经有所动作。2017年9月4日,监管将ICO直接定性为“非法公开融资行为”,并正式叫停。ICO落荒而逃,很多项目不得不退币清场。但ICO产业链迅速从国内腾挪至国外,甚至发展得比原先“更好”,本出海渡劫的ICO 却“飞升”上仙。没有了监管的大锤,参与者走向一个更加自由,也更加疯狂的世界。代投跑路,平台监守自盗,没有节操的甚至直接坐庄......鱼龙混杂的交易所、发币机构换上新马甲,继续大发其财,代币滥发和诈骗混杂其中,私募代投行为开始在QQ群、微信群和朋友圈上演,圈内稍有影响的带头大哥,受某个币种所在团队的请托,只需拉个微信群,就能“对韮当割”,原来公募占80%份额,私募占20%的ICO,出海之后结构颠倒,多数项目,私募达到了80%的比例,而这些私募对象,相当多仍是中国人....

But the ICO's industrial chain quickly moved from home to abroad, even developed more “better” than before, and the ICO's “stewardship” began to rise up in the QQ, micro-credit and friends' circles. Without the regulatory hammer, participants moved to a more freer and crazier world.


What is more crucial is that it affects sovereign authority and erodes the entire traditional financial architecture.


The chaos in the air currency market is bound to affect the existing securities market architecture and system design. If allows its development, the next step will be to generate a confusing financial variety and trading market that will quickly destabilize all trading market and variety design frameworks that almost all sovereign currencies have.


If it is not regulated, it is undoubtedly the sword of Damocles, which hangs on the sovereignty of the State and allows its development abroad, amounting to the handing over of the economic sovereignty of the State to the people, which is no different from the sending of troops to guard our homeland from the bandits.


This round of crazy ICO-distribution drama is inextricably linked to the role played by the crazy set-ups, who are the first to capture the king! The first set-ups should be the ones who pay the price at the end of the game, not the ones who go free from the scams.


"Strong" borrows the words of Rebs: "We can all focus on our work without a few thugs."




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