
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:55 评论:0
  原标题:知乎大V、中科院博士被币圈割光身家!网友劝他曝光,他却说…Original title: Know Big V. Dr. Middle School was cut off by a coin ring. He was...



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Original title: Know Big V. Dr. Middle School was cut off by a coin ring. He was told to expose it, and he said...

  8月19日,距离七夕节刚刚过去两天,恋人们还沉溺在一片浓情蜜语,浑身散发着清香味的“单身狗”还在刷着节日的段子。然而在一片欢喜的节日氛围下,还有一些人的内心饱受煎熬,彻夜难眠,拥有20万粉丝的知乎大 V李雷就是代表之一

On August 19th, just two days after the New Year's Day, lovers were drowned in a warm tone, with a single dog full of fragrant flavours, and a festival period. But in the midst of a happy holiday, others suffered, sleepless at night, and the knowledge of 200,000 fans, V Lee Lei-Rae, was one of the representatives.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange knew that Big V was cut off too.


It is known that Li Lei, a Ph.D. in Genetics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is studying. A year ago, he entered the currency circle, and because there were familiar people who drew cakes and familiar people who stood up, he kept the encrypted currency in his hand, and he did not repent until the recent loss of the account was lost.

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“I thought about it carefully, and I realized that I was totally wrong: the ring was a zero-sum game, and I went to play with the value investment. The end result was that I had to be harvested,” Lei said. Especially when this idea was confirmed in communication with a lot of people, he died, and he realized that he was actually cut off, and one important factor was that it was stupid and naive.



In order to prevent more people from having the same experience as him, Li Lei knew that he had published the content, did not appreciate it, and did not accept anyone's bags or transfers. But after the article was published, it was felt that he was giving sympathy and selling a lot of money. In the face of insatiable questioning and insults, the tortured Li Le Lei, removing everything and knowing it, was not able to consider the loss. He said to himself, “Please forgive everyone, really, please, I accept it.”

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{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}I didn't think I was a pickle. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


All this started last year, and it started with greed and trust in the human nature. Suddenly, Leigh's long-unconnected people got rich, “Hitty” houses and cars.


Mr. Lee Lei is telling us about the big guy who brought him into the business.


In the past few years, Li Lei has been able to communicate with this group of people, who are alive and alive, not strangers. In listening to all kinds of propaganda and descriptions of a better future, such as "I know a coin of the CEO," "I know a big guy" (with a jpg and so on), "I have a message of xx", Li Lei really believes in the future they paint.

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There are no pies falling out of the sky, and everything is a dream, and it is painful to wake up. A doctor who has just been working for a year has lost all his income, and if he does not have a wage, Li Lei may actually have to sleep on the street. “I don't know how many of those people believe, or how many of them knew it was a trick. Indeed, many people have told me that they were as miserable as they were, but they were patient, and I blew it up.

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/ strong >


After just a year of work, money was cut off, and all the income that he had spent every day trying to buy was lost. When he wrote about his own cut, not only made more people stop doing the same thing, but also ended up doing it in the past.

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But what Lei Lei has yet to figure out is why a project that has no physical support and no real reality can collect billions of dollars if three or five people come together to make a story? He writes in his article, "A stock and at least a real company, with a bottle of shampoo, but these people are real white wolves. But everyone believes in it, and then, even after the first wave has been cut, they still believe in them, and they still hold them firmly until the end. Now, I can use my experience to say that all the virtual coins are now liars. This is a drum game to see who gets the last shot."

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Currency circles may be rich, but they belong to a very small number of people who have mastered the rules of the game; for most people, it is a myth that ordinary people, in the eyes of high-end players, are in their hands with their cut-off pickles and do not think of themselves as investors.

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"So I'm not in this circle now, and the world is big, and I'm just doing it honestly." Tragedy is in the past, and Li Lei decided to move away from the currency and do it all the time.

  记者 | 边万莉  实习编辑| 易望奇

Journalist & nbsp; Wanley & nbsp; & nbsp; intern editor





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