2023QS World University ranking span World University rankings presentation and qs World University ranking to help students learn how to spend their time!
QS世界大学排名(英文:QS World University Rankings;简称 QS rankings),是由教育组织Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)所发表的年度世界大学排名。排名包括主要的世界大学综合排名及学科排名。
QS World University rankings (English: QS World University Rankings; QS Rankings) are published by the Educational Organization Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) in the annual World University rankings. The rankings include the main QS世界大学排名”,与“软科世界大学学术排名(ARWU)”、“泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名”及“U.S. News世界大学排名”被认为是世界四大具有影响力的全球性大学排名。
QS regularly publishes strang>Soft World University academic ranking (ARWU) ;
1. 学术声誉(40%):基于超过 151,000 名学者的调查问卷反馈。
1. 雇主声誉(10%):基于超过 99,000 名雇主关于大学与毕业生就业力之间关系的调查问卷反馈。
2. 单位教员论文引文数(20%):衡量研究影响力,通过五年内大学研究论文的引用总数除以该大学的教员数量得出。
3. : Measuring the impact of research, by dividing the total number of references to university research papers over five years by the number of instructors at the university.
4. 师生比例(20%):代表教学规模,将学生人数除以教员人数得出,以用于全球学生群体参考所选大学的班级规模等指标。
4. Teacher-student ratio (20 per cent): represents the size of the teaching, dividing the number of students by the number of teachers to be used for indicators such as the size of classes in selected universities among the global student population.
5. 国际教师(5%)/留学生比例(5%):展示了吸引来自世界各地师生的能力,意味着高度全球化的前景,并为学生和员工提供适宜交流的跨国环境
5. 国际学生比例(5%):QS 的两个国际化指标中的第二个指标,衡量一所大学中的非本国学生群体的比例,这也可表明大学吸引世界各地人才的能力。
6. 就业成果(0%):用于评估学生的就业能力。
7. 国际研究网络(0%):分析国际研究合作和知识转移。
第1位:麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Number 1: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
第2位:剑桥大学University of Cambridge
Number 2: University of Cambridge
第3位:斯坦福大学Stanford University
Number 3: Stanford University
第4位:牛津大学University of Oxford
Number 4: University of Oxford
第5位:哈佛大学Harvard University
Number 5: Harvard University
第6位:加州理工学院California Institute of Technology
Number 6: California Institute of Technology
第6位:伦敦帝国学院Imperial College London
6th: Imperial College London, Imperial College of London
第8位:伦敦大学学院University College London(UCL)
8th: University College London London (UCL)
第9位:苏黎世联邦理工学院ETH Zurich
9th: ETH Zurich, Zurich Federal Institute of Technology
第10位:芝加哥大学University of Chicago
10th: University of Chicago
第11位:新加坡国立大学National University of Singapore
11th: National University of Singapore
第12位:北京大学Peking University
12th: Peking University
第13位:宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania
13th: University of Pennsylvania
第14位:清华大学Tsinghua University
14th: Tsinghua University
第15位:爱丁堡大学The University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh
第16位:普林斯顿大学Princeton University
Number 16: Princeton University, Princeton University
第16位:洛桑联邦理工学院école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
16th: Federal Polytechnic Institute of Lausanne école Polytechnice Fédérale de Lausanne
第18位:耶鲁大学Yale University
18th: Yale University, Yale University
第19位:南洋理工大学Nanyang Technological University
19th: Nanyang Technology University
第20位:康奈尔大学Cornell University
20th: Cornell University, Cornell University
第21位:香港大学The University of Hong Kong
Number 21: The University of Hong Kong
第22位:哥伦比亚大学Columbia University
Number 22: Columbia University
第23位:东京大学The University of Tokyo
23rd: The University of Tokyo
第24位:约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University
Number 24: Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins University
第25位:密歇根大学-安娜堡University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
25th: University of Michigan - Annaburg
第26位:巴黎文理研究大学PSL University
26th place: PSL University of Philosophy, Paris
第27位:加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley
27th: University of California, Berkeley
第28位:曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester
The University of Manchester
第29位:首尔国立大学Seoul National University
29th: Seoul National University
第30位:澳大利亚国立大学The Australian National University
30th place: The Australian National University
第31位:麦吉尔大学McGill University
31st: McGill University, McGill University
第32位:西北大学Northwestern University
32nd place: Northwest University
第33位:墨尔本大学University of Melbourne
33rd place: University of Melbourne
第34位:多伦多大学University of Toronto
34th: University of Toronto, University of Toronto
第34位:复旦大学Fudan University
34th: Fudan University
第36位:京都大学Kyoto University
36th: Kyoto University, Kyoto University
第37位:伦敦国王学院King’s College London
37th: King's College London
第38位:香港中文大学Chinese University Hong Kong
Number 38: Chinese University Hong Kong
第39位:纽约大学New York University
39th: New York University
第40位:香港科技大学The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
第41位:悉尼大学The University of Sydney
41st: University of Sydney
第42位:韩国高等科学技术研究院Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
42nd place: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
第42位:浙江大学Zhejiang University
42nd place: Zhejiang University
第44位:加州大学洛杉矶分校University of California, Los Angeles
44th: University of California, Los Angeles
第45位:新南威尔士大学The University of New South Wales
The University of New South Wales
第46位:上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong University
46th place: Shanghai Transport University Shanghai Jiao Tong University
第47位:不列颠哥伦比亚大学University of British Columbia
47th place: University of British Columbia
第48位:巴黎理工学院Institut Polytechnique de Paris
48th place: Institut Polytechnic de Paris Institute of Technology
第49位:慕尼黑技术大学Technical University of Munich
49th: Technical University of Munich Technical University
第50位:昆士兰大学The University of Queensland
The University of Queensland
第50位:杜克大学Duke University
Number 50: Duke University, Duke University
Students can click on the link below to see about university presentations, professional placements, specializations, application requirements, tuition fees, etc.
Duke University QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP50 (with application for a)
University of Queensland QS world ranking: 2023QSTOP50 (with application for tuition fees)
Munich Industrial University QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP49 (with application for tuition fees)
University of New South Wales QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP45 (with application for tuition fees)
Korea Academy of Science and Technology QS world ranking: 2023QSTOP42 (with application for a)
University of Sydney QS world ranking: 2023QSTOP41 (with application for tuition fees)
New York University QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP39 (with application for a)
Chinese University of Hong Kong QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP38 (with application for tuition fees)
London King's College QS world ranking: 2023QSTOP37 (with application for tuition fees)
Kyoto University QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP36 (with application for tuition fees)
University of Toronto QS world ranking: 2023QSTOP34 (with application for tuition fees)
University of Melbourne QS world ranking: 2023QSTOP33 (with application for tuition fees)
Northwestern University QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP32 (with application for tuition fees)
McGill University QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP31 (with application for tuition fees)
National University of Australia QS world ranking: 2023QSTOP30 (with application for tuition fees)
Seoul National University QS world ranking: 2023QSTOP29 (with application for tuition fees)
Manchester University QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP28 (with application for tuition fees)
University of Michigan QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP25 (with application for tuition fees)
Johns Hopkins University QS World ranking: 2023QSTOP24 (with application for tuition fees)
Nanyo Polytechnic QS World ranking: 2023 No. 19 (with introduction to the school enrolment rate)
Yale University world ranking: 2023QSTOP18 (with introduction to the school attendance rate)
Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, world ranking: 2023QSTOP16 (with introduction to )
爱丁堡大学世界排名:2023QSTOP15(附介绍|学费|录取率) Edinburgh University world ranking: 2023QSTOP15 (with introduction to the school attendance rate) 清华大学世界排名:2023QSTOP14(附介绍|学费|录取率) University of Qinghua world ranking: 2023QSTOP14 (with introduction to school enrolment rates) 宾夕法尼亚大学世界排名:2023QSTOP13(附介绍|学费|录取率) 北京大学世界排名:2023QSTOP12(附介绍|学费|录取率) Beijing University world ranking: 2023QSTOP12 (with introduction to the school attendance rate) 新加坡国立大学世界排名:2023QSTOP11(附介绍|学费|录取率) 芝加哥大学世界排名:2023QSTOP10(附学校介绍|学费|录取率) University of Chicago world ranking: 2023QSTOP10 (with an introduction to school fees) 苏黎世联邦理工学院世界排名:2023QSTOP9(附学校介绍|学费) 伦敦大学学院世界排名:2023QSTOP8(附学校介绍|学费|录取率) 伦敦帝国学院世界排名:2023QSTOP6(附学校介绍|学费|录取率) 加州理工学院世界排名:2023QSTOP6(附学校介绍|学费|录取率) California Institute of Technology world ranking: 2023QSTOP6 (with introduction of tuition fees) 哈佛大学世界排名:2023qsTOP5(附学校介绍|学费|录取率) 牛津大学世界排名:2023qsTOP4(附学校介绍|学费|录取率) Oxford University world ranking: 2023qsTOP4 (with an introduction to school fees) 斯坦福大学世界排名:2023qsTOP3(附学校介绍|学费|录取率) 剑桥大学世界排名:2023qsTOP2(附学校介绍|学费|录取率) Cambridge University world ranking: 2023qsTOP2 (with introduction of tuition fees) 麻省理工大学世界排名:2023qsTOP1(附学校介绍|学费|录取率) Massachusetts University of Technology world ranking: 2023qsTOP1 (with introduction to school fees) 更多院校排名、留学资讯、托福备考干货等内容,推荐扫码关注新东方在线托福,现在关注后回复【XDF】,还能获得托福备考资料包! More college rankings, information on study trips, Tofu preliminaries, etc., recommended a clean-up focus on the New East Online Tofu, now responding [XDF], and access to the Tofu Kit! 你是否还想知道: 2023QS世界大学排名指标 2023QS World University ranking indicator
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