
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:55 评论:0
编辑|吴说区块链Xiao Wu says the chain of blocks 近日币安注册用户突破 2 亿 并为此举办 AMA,币安联创何一回答了一些大家关心的问题,包括近期出现的对敲盗币事件,FDV 大项目上币的矛盾,下架僵尸币的标准...



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Xiao Wu says the chain of blocks

近日币安注册用户突破 2 亿 并为此举办 AMA,币安联创何一回答了一些大家关心的问题,包括近期出现的对敲盗币事件,FDV 大项目上币的矛盾,下架僵尸币的标准。此外,何一说每天会给 CZ 写邮件,还需要写读书笔记;平时生活主要是健身、打电话(电话会议)、哄小孩睡觉,非常枯燥。何一调侃地说到“闺蜜币”,表示币安在尝试能不能带来一些正常的商业模式,过程中也会承受一些嘲讽和失败。

In recent years, the Japanese currency has been registered for 200 million users, and the AMA initiative has answered a number of concerns, including the recent incident of currency pilfering, the contradiction between the FDV big project, and the standard for the next zombie currency. In addition, there is a need to write letters to the CZ every day, and to write notes; life is usually tedious, mainly physical fitness, telephone calls, and sleeping with children. What is nuanced about the “friend currency”, indicating that the currency is trying to bring about some normal business models, and that there are some cynics and failures in the process.

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Small cosmos:




声明:Space 内容不代表吴说观点,请读者谨慎参与投资,严格遵守所在地的法律法规。

Declaration: The Space content does not represent Wu's opinion, invites readers to participate carefully in investments and strictly abides by the laws and regulations of the place where they are located.


First of all, I would like to say that there is no absolute security in this matter of security, and we must be vigilant at all times. This applies not only to the exchange, but also to the security management of our own assets, whether with a hardware wallet or an electric wallet.


The currency has suffered too early and indeed has invested much more in security, and our security input is now a continuous process. For example, we have raised wind control standards and ratings in the case of earlier users who have stolen assets by clicking on third-party plugins.


First, when price volatility is high, big data alerts the information, and then manually confirm it. At that time, we captured information on price volatility, but there was no problem with wind control judgement because of the number of trading teams involved and the number of profitable players.


For the losses caused by user clicks on plugins, we understand the expectations of users and hope that they will be well informed when they do risk operations. We have higher demands on our security teams and wind control teams, constantly replacing our security measures.


Some users have stolen their assets as a result of shared accounts, and we can record the details through a full user behaviour log. It is recommended that you try not to click or share suspicious links, especially videos, live broadcasts, etc. If you have to click, it is recommended that the transaction number be placed on a relatively secure cell phone, especially for users with more assets.

下载 APP 时要检查是否为官方版本,避免下载钓鱼 APP。最近大家情绪较为恐慌,社区有很多不同声音,比如质疑交易平台是否监守自盗。我们认为一个运营良好的交易平台不会有这种行为,因为这是一个健康的商业模型,我们的竞争对手也做得很好。这种谣言会极大损害用户对整个行业的信任。以上是对最近频繁发生的安全事件的总结。

Downloads of APPs to check whether they are official versions and to avoid downloading fishing APPs. People have been panicking lately, and communities have had a lot of different voices, such as questioning whether a trading platform is self-inflicted. We do not think that a well-functioning trading platform would do that, because it is a healthy business model, and our competitors are doing well.

何一:首先,我想给出一个框架,这个框架是我个人的观察和理解,并不代表官方逻辑或绝对标准。区块链行业目前进入了一个特殊阶段,类似于技术从小众市场走向大众市场的过程。比如,早期的 VR 和 3D 打印等技术虽然非常流行,但未能大规模应用,原因在于它们未能跨越鸿沟,从小众市场走向大众市场。特斯拉的成功在于电动车技术的商业化应用。

First of all, I would like to give a framework, which is my personal observation and understanding and does not represent official logic or absolute standards. The block chain industry is now entering a special phase, similar to the process of technology moving from small to mass markets. For example, early technologies such as VR and 3D printing, which are very popular, have not been applied on a large scale because they have failed to cross the divide and move from small to mass markets. The success of Tesla lies in the commercialization of electric vehicle technology.


In the block chain industry, what we may be building is a more central and efficient mini-financial system, in which trading, assets, and inflation-resistant scenarios already have mature business models. However, the bigger challenge is how to really help the block chain industry move to popular applications, and there are currently few success stories on games, social events, etc.

我希望能有更多真正有商业模型的项目在区块链上构建,而不是仅停留在虚无的概念上。反 VC 浪潮和 memecoin 的流行反映了市场上缺乏优质资产的问题。很多 VC 以高估值投资项目,但这些项目并未跑出好的商业模型。空投等方式只是做数据,而交易平台则因用户需求迫于压力上币,但最终没有人真正满意,反而所有人都受损。

I would like to see more projects with real business models built on block chains, rather than just empty concepts. The anti-VC wave and memecoin popularity reflect a lack of good-quality assets in the market. Many VCs invest in high-value projects, but they do not run out of good business models. Airdrops, for example, merely produce data, while trading platforms are forced to come to currency by user demands, but in the end no one is really satisfied and everyone is damaged.


We want each project to have a sustained growth and good business model, but in practice, the trading platform cannot control the project and become a marketer. We can only give guidance, for example, if the project is more air-dropped to users, but price pricing and enforcement cannot intervene. When we recruit projects, we hope to find low-valued teams with good business models, as well as to recruit marketers.

高 FDV 的问题导致除了少部分项目方获利,用户和投资人都非常痛苦。这个行业是新兴市场,发币规则可以自定义,投资者和用户需要多花时间做研究并用脚投票。我们持续迭代标准和对项目方、做市商的要求,但这个过程是一个斗智斗勇的过程。

The problem of high FDVs has caused both users and investors to suffer, with the exception of a small number of profitable projects. The industry is an emerging market, where currency rules can be self-defined, and investors and users need to spend more time studying and voting.


We want more friends in the market who are willing to do solid projects, not just air projects. Real success requires human challenges. I hope this wave of bubbles will sink more excellent projects and assets.


In the future, in terms of incubating and financing investment, we hope that block chain assets will be used by more entrepreneurs, rather than simply locking users in the air-dropping and trading platforms. The whole industry needs to cross the divide.

何一:从个人经验来看,我出身贫寒,见过世界的高点和低谷。当你看到这个世界的参差后,会去想在这个世界上想做什么,或想留下什么。我可能会说物质遗产是你的孩子,是 DNA 的延续。但如果有机会去真正改变世界,为什么不去试一试?像 Elon Musk 或亚马逊那样留下变革性的东西。实际上,一个人一生能花的钱是有限的,我不是一个喜欢奢侈品的人。我更大的热情在于如何去重建自我,打破自己的天花板,看到自己的成长。

One: From personal experience, I am poor and have seen the world's heights and valleys. When you see the world's differences, you think about what you want to do in the world, or what you want to leave behind. I might say that material heritage is your child, the continuation of DNA. If there is a chance to really change the world, why not try something transformative? Like Elon Musk or Amazon. In fact, the money a person spends a lifetime is limited, and I'm not a person who likes luxury.

我注重自我提升,比如昨天晚上发了一条消息,说我睡 6 个小时起来健身。我确实起来健身了,被教练虐得很惨。对自己的要求可以分为几个模块:第一是健康,健身不仅是对身材的要求,还有健康。第二是自我认知的迭代,我在 Twitter 上推荐过一本书《终身成长》,它能推我自我迭代。我的优势是看书后能快速内化,与自身知识形成链接。第三是在这个世界留下什么,如果能改变世界,我想试试。这就是我多年来始终如一,坚持在一线的原因。

I've focused on self-improvement, for example, by sending a message last night that I've been sleeping six hours to work out. I did get up to gymnasium, and I've been tortured by coaches. My demands can be divided into a few modules: first, health, fitness, not only for the body, but also health. Second, self-acknowledgement, I suggested on Twitter that a book, Growing for Life, could push me into self-introduction. My advantage is to be able to internalize quickly after reading and to connect to my own knowledge. Third, what the world leaves, and if I can change the world, I want to try. That's why I've been on the line for years.

如果问我是否想退休或偷懒,我当然也想。但我有一个目标,就是希望能做一个基业长青的公司。这不仅是个人能力的要求,也是构建一个组织的能力的要求。如果币安的高管每个人都能复制成理念上的我,他们可能在技能上比我更专业,比如我们的 VIP 用户经理更懂金融,技术团队更懂技术。我的目标是构建一个强大且健康持续增长的组织。

If I am asked whether I want to retire or be lazy, of course I am. But I have one goal, which is to be a big company. It is a requirement not only for personal competence, but also for the ability to build an organization. If everyone in the board of money can copy me as a concept, they may be more skilled than I am, such as our VIP user managers, and more skilled. My goal is to build a strong and healthy organization that continues to grow.

在这方面,我的榜样是段永平,他在中国创业史上非常低调但成功。他创建了小霸王和步步高,后来步步高裂变成 vivo、OPPO 和小天才手表。他不仅成功创业,还在投资上取得了巨大成功,比如投资网易和拼多多。段永平的成功证明了成功是可以复制的,我希望我的成功能力也能复制给更多人,为币安培养更多高潜力人才,把好的思维方式、理念和企业文化带给币安。

In this regard, my role model is Jingping, who has been very low-key but successful in China’s entrepreneurship history. He created a small king and high pace, which later turned into vivos, OPPOs, and small talent watch. He has not only succeeded in starting a business, but has also achieved great success in investing, such as the investment network, easily and in many ways. The success of Jingping proved that success is replicable, and I hope that my success will be replicated for more people, for more high-potential people and for better ways of thinking, ideas and business culture.


That is what I wish to do and try to do now, and I would welcome more potential and interested friends to join us.

何一:我们不是先通过 Launchpool 还是 MegaDrop 来选项目,而是先选项目,再看它们适合放到 MegaDrop 还是 Launchpool。最初我们做的是 Launchpad,但由于很多国家和地区对代币预售有监管问题,所以改成了空投。空投的事情我们先推出了 Launchpool,发现很多项目方希望获取真实用户,而币安的持币用户相对更真实。

The first thing we did was Launchpad, but because many countries and regions had regulatory problems with reserve sales of tokens, it turned into airdrops. We started with Launchpool, and we found that many of the projects wanted to get real users, while currency-holding users were more real.

币安的 Web3 钱包有 KYC,可以证明用户是真实的。例如,最近 ZK 项目被批评是因为他们把很多撸猫工作室的用户反撸了。如果一开始通过币安的 Web3 钱包获取真实用户,情况会简单很多。因此,Launchpad、Launchpool 和 MegaDrop 都是为项目方寻找真实用户的解决方案,同时也为币安用户谋取福利。

For example, the recent ZK project has been criticized for having turned many of the users of the cat studios back on. The situation would be much easier if the real users were initially obtained through the currency of the Web3 wallet. Therefore, Launchpad, Launchpool, and MegaDrop are looking for solutions for the real users of the project, as well as for the welfare of the users of the currency.

有时候我们因为项目方愿意提供更多的空投份额,就选择上线他们的项目,但这种决策未必总是正确的。因此,我们不断反思,并听取用户的反馈。例如,高 FDV 的项目在其他平台上市后流通量低,短期内上涨,但随后价格下跌。没有一个标准答案,比如流通量或通缩模型是否一定好,需要根据具体情况评估。

Sometimes we choose to go online because the project side is willing to give more air-drops, but that decision is not always correct. So we constantly reflect and listen to feedback from users. For example, high FDV projects have low circulation, short-term increases, but subsequent price declines. No standard answer, such as whether circulation or deflation models are necessarily good, needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

我们的目标是找到质量好的项目,有长期发展意愿或成功潜力的团队,再决定是放到 Launchpool 还是 MegaDrop。如果项目方提供的份额较低,就放到 Launchpool;如果提供的份额较高,就放到 MegaDrop。无论叫什么名字,关键是帮助项目方获得真实用户,同时为币安用户提供福利。

Our goal is to find projects of good quality, with teams with long-term development aspirations or potential for success, and decide whether to put them in Launchpool or MegaDrop. If the project party provides a lower share, it will put them in Launchpool; if it provides a higher share, it will put them in MegaDrop.


We will adjust the criteria for project selection based on market feedback to ensure the health and long-term development of the market.


One: We conduct periodic reviews of online tokens, which are not limited to social media activity, but also include the continued development of products, their mobility, and the existence of significant negative news. Moreover, we evaluate them in accordance with the regulatory requirements of each country and region. If we find higher-risk tokens, we label them and spend more time observing them.


We have a special department to monitor projects that are already online, including chain accidents, hackers, and user feedback. We will conduct a detailed analysis of the lower currency when it comes to ensuring that the lower currency decision is accurate, not simply because the project is underperforming.


The lower currency can cause harm to both the project party and the currency holder, so let us try to be objective and strictly enforce the standards of the upper and lower currency. Don't think that some of the “shell” items on the currency can be bought because they can be put down at any time. We are firmly opposed to the buying of the shell, and if found, the project will be shut down directly.

何一:首先,我认为 Coinbase 本质上是股票证券,而 BNB 是 token,两者不在同一个赛道上。Coinbase 的股票不能像 BNB 那样在币安平台上使用。BNB 不仅有币安的应用场景和持续的销毁机制,还有 BNBChain 的加持。

First of all, I think Coinbase is essentially a stock security, while BNB is a token, not on the same track. Coinbase shares cannot be used on a currency security platform like BNB. BNB has not only currency applications and ongoing destruction mechanisms, but also BNB Chain ownership.

BNB 在币安平台上的使用非常广泛,被称为“金铲子”,可以用于大量手续费的抵扣。虽然当前 BNB Chain 的势头不如一些大的 L2、L1 生态系统或 TON 的用户群大,但相对于以开发者为中心的公链如 Ethereum 或 Solana,BNBChain 有更多的真实 Web3 用户和构建者。

BNB is used extensively on currency security platforms, known as “gold shovels” that can be used to offset large transaction costs. While BNB Chain is currently less dynamic than some large L2, L1 ecosystems or TON user groups, BNB Chain has more real web3 users and builders than developers-centred public chains such as Etherum or Solana.

我认为未来 BNBChain 的一个重要方向是将区块链技术带入普通人的生活,帮助更多创业者和开发者推动整个区块链行业进入下一个阶段。从这个角度来看,Coinbase 和币安走的是完全不同的路。Coinbase 是一个优秀的交易平台,通过与 Circle 的合作实现盈利,但币安在区块链赛道上走的是另一条路。

In my view, an important direction for the future BNB Chain is to bring block chain technology into the lives of ordinary people, helping more entrepreneurs and developers to push the whole block chain industry into the next phase. From this perspective, Coinbase and the coins have gone a different way. Coinbase is an excellent trading platform that makes a profit by working with Circle, but the coins have gone another way on the block chain track.

币安在很多项目上线的过程中,通过持续发放福利和空投,为 BNB 赋能。价格的短期波动并不能代表什么,我们更关注的是团队的长期努力和目标。BNB Chain 和整个社区的共建,需要用户、社区、创业者和开发者的共同努力。

In many projects, currency security empowers BNB through ongoing welfare payments and airdrops. Short-term price fluctuations do not represent anything, and we are more concerned about the long-term efforts and goals of the team. BNB Chain and the community as a whole build together, requiring the combined efforts of users, communities, entrepreneurs and developers.

何一:我先回答 AI 的问题。实际上,我在上次的 AMA 中也谈到了关于 AI 的理解。我认为区块链改变的是劳动关系,分配利益,而 AI 则是生产力的巨大变革。举个例子,很多交易平台和产品都是多语言环境,如果能很好地利用 AI,可以节省大量翻译费用,同时提高效率。这是生产力提升的一个具体例子。未来,AI 的生产力提升会在更多方面体现出来,包括设计、市场营销等,成本更低,效率更高。

What I say is: I answer AI first. In fact, I talked about AI's understanding in AMA last time. I think that the chain changes are labour relations, distribution of benefits, and AI is a huge change in productivity. For example, many trading platforms and products are multilingual environments that, if well used, can save significant translation costs and increase efficiency. This is a concrete example of productivity improvements. In the future, AI's productivity gains will be more visible in more ways, including design, marketing, etc., and more cost-effective and efficient.

AI 可以分为几个模块。应用侧是大家最常见的,比如 OpenAI 的聊天机器人,可以帮助写计划书、做设计、制作视频等。再往上是大模型团队,这些团队规模不大,但专业能力非常强。再上一步是算力,这就是为什么英伟达的股票表现如此强劲。英伟达在芯片上的领先地位,使得其他竞争者难以企及。科技的进步使得算力提升更加显著。

AI can be divided into several modules. The application side is the most common one, such as OpenAI's chat robot, which helps to write plans, make designs, make videos, etc. The larger model teams, which are small but professional. The next step is arithmetic.

能源和数据是支持 AI 发展的两个关键产业。全球的战争和政治较量往往围绕能源展开,未来的 AI 发展也离不开能源的支持。数据是另一个关键因素,掌握大量用户数据的公司在 AI 发展中具有优势。

Energy and data are two key industries that support AI’s development. Global wars and political rivalries often revolve around energy, and future AI’s development depends on energy support.

我们在币安也在寻找好的 AI 解决方案。比如,BNB Chain 之前推出的 Greenfield 产品,通过隐私保护网来使用数据,确保用户隐私。这是我们在区块链和 AI 结合方面的尝试。

We are also looking for a good AI solution in the currency. For example, the Greenfield product, which was launched before BNB Chain, uses data through a privacy protection network to ensure user privacy. This is an attempt to combine block chains with AI.


As far as the choice of the track is concerned, I think as a businessman, there is a need to focus and think about new and emerging paths. Whatever the track is, it's a viable business if it helps society and has good products and services.

我的日常生活其实非常简单,每周三次健身,通常会早起健身,健身后就是一整天的电话会议。我的目标是培养有领导力的团队,在整个行业内打造强大的领导力。除了开会,我花很多时间研究组织和管理,与 HR 负责人沟通。最近还增加了给 CZ 写邮件的任务,汇报工作、分享生活点滴等。我的生活朴实无华,从早到晚都是工作、健身、陪伴家人和读书,这就是我的一天。

My daily life is really very simple, three times a week, and it's usually an early exercise, followed by a full day's teleconference. My goal is to develop a leadership team and build strong leadership throughout the industry. In addition to my meetings, I spent a lot of time working on organizing and managing and communicating with HR leaders. More recently, I have added the task of emailing CZ, reporting on work, sharing life.

何一:我们对稳定币的逻辑很简单,虽然不能说来者不拒,但我们希望这是一个持续的竞赛。过去 BUSD 是与第三方合作的,对于我们来说,无论是 TUSD、FDUSD 还是未来更多的稳定币,我们都欢迎合作。关键在于合作方的资质和能力是否匹配,是否能谈得拢。我们非常看好稳定币赛道,但要把这件事运营好,需要天时地利人和,而不仅仅是设立一个稳定币账号,接受资金。

What is it? Our logic of stabilizing the currency is simple, though we can't say no, but we want it to be a continuous competition. The BUSD has worked with third parties in the past, and for us, whether TUSD, FDUSD, or more stable currency in the future, we welcome cooperation. The key is whether the qualifications and capabilities of the partners match and can be negotiated.

币安用户突破两个亿后,新的用户增量可能来自于哪里?首先要声明,注册用户不等于活跃用户,有些注册用户可能没有交易或充值行为。市场要达到更大的规模,需要有更多优质资产出现。如果行业内卷,原因是缺乏优质资产,这涉及到跨越鸿沟的问题。我们的任务和思考是如何跨越鸿沟,让区块链变得像互联网或 AI 一样,让普通人能够直接使用。只要跨越鸿沟,用户规模再大十倍、二十倍也不成问题。

Where can the new number of users come from when currency security users break out of two billion? First, to state that registered users are not equal to active users, and that some registered users may not be trading or charging. If markets are to reach a larger size, more assets of good quality are needed. If the industry is involved, because of a lack of quality assets, this involves bridging the divide. Our task and thinking about how to cross the divide and make the chain of blocks, like the Internet or AI, directly accessible to ordinary people.

我深信,只要币圈能够出现落地且优质的资产,市场规模可以扩大五倍甚至更多。每个周期都会有新的应用和公司出现,坚持下来并为世界创造价值的公司将成为行业的领导者。就像互联网泡沫后的头部公司,如 Apple、亚马逊、Facebook、Google 等,它们持续创造价值,成为全球顶尖的公司。我们也希望在区块链领域看到这样的持续成长和发展。

I am convinced that the size of the market can be increased fivefold or even more as long as the currency circle is able to emerge as a viable and high-quality asset. New applications and companies will emerge in every cycle, and companies that persist and create value for the world will become industry leaders.

何一:在币安跨越 2 亿用户后,我们有什么计划和策略来为行业引进更多圈外力量?

What are our plans and strategies to introduce more extra-circle power into the industry after the currency reaches 200 million users?

实际上,币安一直在做这样的尝试。不管是从市场营销层面,还是通过我们的学院、慈善项目,甚至在项目上市方面,我们都做过一些尝试。我们也收到过一些负面评价。举个例子,大家知道我们之前签约了 The Weeknd,我们后来也签了 C 罗。C 罗在 Instagram 上有 6 亿粉丝,他的日常点赞常常是几百万甚至上千万。我们希望通过这些名人效应,让更多人知道币安和加密货币。

In fact, the currency has been trying to do this all the time. We have tried to do it, whether at the marketing level, through our colleges, through charity projects, or even through project listing. We have received some negative evaluations. By way of example, we know that we signed The Weeknd, and we signed Cro. C. Row has 600 million fans in Instagram, and his daily praises are often millions or even tens of millions. We hope, through these celebrity effects, that more people will know about currency security and encrypted money.

此外,我们希望用户在注册币安时,能够花时间了解加密货币,而不是盲目跟风投资。即使是投资 meme 币,也需要了解其本质和周期,避免冲动操作。我们的逻辑是,币安上线的项目不一定都是质量非常高的项目,有时是因为用户需求。我们会先将一些项目放到合约市场,让用户自行选择做多或做空。如果不确定项目的长期热度,就先放到合约市场,用户可以选择一倍或两倍杠杆。

In addition, we hope that users will spend time in the register to understand encrypted money, rather than to invest blindly. Even if they invest in meme, they need to understand its nature and periodicity and avoid impulsive operations. Our logic is that money-fixing projects are not necessarily very high-quality, sometimes because of user demand.

我们也犯过有一些错误。例如,Hook 项目被大家嘲笑为“闺蜜币”,很多人质疑这个项目的用户都是假的,都是买来的。我们仔细研究了一下他们的用户,确实不是典型的 Crypto 用户,而是那种通过注册和完成任务来获取奖励的用户,比如摩托车、电饭煲等。这些用户并不是典型的 Crypto 投资者。

We've made some mistakes. For example, the Hook project has been mocked as a “fine coin” and many people question that the users of the project are fakes and buys them. We've looked at their users, not the typical Crypto users, but the kind of users who get incentives by registering and doing their jobs, such as motorcycles, electric dishes, and so on. These users are not typical Crypto investors.

我们最近也与一些 Web3 项目方进行跨游戏合作,吸引了 130 万用户,但其中只有 56 人成为交易用户,因为他们主要是冲着薅羊毛来的。在这个过程中,大家可能会质疑为什么我们会上这些项目,但我们希望通过这些尝试找到能够改变普通人生活的应用和商业模型。

We have also recently worked with a number of Web3 projects in cross-playing, attracting 1.3 million users, but only 56 of them are trading users, because they come mainly for wool. In the process, one may question why we have these projects on the table, but we want to find applications and business models through these attempts that can change the lives of ordinary people.

此外,币安学院和慈善项目也在承担更多的行业责任和影响力。虽然有时投入并不总是见效,但至少让更多人看到了币安和加密货币。签约 C 罗可能没有带来大量注册用户和交易用户,但至少让更多人看到了币安。

In addition, the Academy and charitable projects are assuming more professional responsibility and influence. While sometimes inputs do not always work, at least more people see currency and encrypted currency.

Crypto 行业有很多负面信息和偏见,但我们仍会坚定地推动行业前进,引导更多圈外用户加入。即使在这个过程中承受一些嘲讽和失败,只要目标明确,我们就会坚定地往前走。

The Crypto industry has a lot of negative information and prejudice, but we will still be determined to push the industry forward and guide more outside users to join. Even with some cynicism and failure in the process, we will be determined to move forward as long as our objectives are clear.


In conclusion, we will continue our efforts to bring in more extraneous forces to promote the healthy development of the industry.

何一:在美国监管和解之后,币安在欧洲或其他地区的发展多少会有一些影响。大家可能也看到,我们有一个高管在尼日利亚遇到麻烦。从监管角度看,传统金融有上百年的历史,监管体制也是一步步建立起来的。因此,当他们看到 Crypto 这种新事物,号称要掀翻传统金融,自然会视其为洪水猛兽。在这种情况下,作为行业的头部公司,我们会面临更多压力和挑战。

What is it? After regulation and reconciliation in the United States, the development of the currency in Europe or elsewhere has had some impact. You may also see that one of our executives is in trouble in Nigeria. From a regulatory point of view, traditional finance has a centuries-old history, and the regulatory system has been built up step by step.

很多人认为 DeFi 可以解决一切问题,但事实上,互联网的发展也经历了类似阶段。虽然信息自由很重要,但互联网仍然受到各国政府的观察和监管。区块链行业也会面临类似的挑战。如果完全去中心化,各国尤其是美国的监管机构会采取强烈措施打击 DeFi,而对于 CeFi 部分,他们也不会手软。这就是为什么 CZ 目前还在美国。

Many believe that DeFi can solve all problems, but in fact, the development of the Internet has gone through a similar phase. While freedom of information is important, the Internet continues to be observed and regulated by governments.

如果我们希望这个行业服务 10 亿用户,推动行业前进,就必须与监管机构和解,建立共识和信任,找到生存之路。当行业规模足够大时,必须展示其正面影响,如何与现有金融系统互补,提高效率,实现和平共存。这是我们在思考和前行的方向。

If we want one billion users of this industry to drive the industry forward, we must reconcile with regulators, build consensus, and trust, and find a way to survive. When the industry is large enough, we must demonstrate its positive impact, how to complement the existing financial system, improve efficiency, and live side by side with peace. This is our way of thinking and moving forward.


In this process, we face challenges, such as the possibility that contractual transactions may not be available in some areas. Moreover, the size of the compliance team will become very large, and many decisions will require the approval of the compliance and legal team.

Coinbase也非常支持拥抱监管。我们可能是全球范围内第一家积极拥抱监管的交易所,尤其在美国做得非常好。实际上,整个市场上的竞争对手如 Coinbase、OK、火币、Bybit、Bitget、Bitmex 等,每一个能够走到今天的公司都经历了许多周期,有很多值得我们学习的地方。这个行业还非常早期,需要共同努力把蛋糕做大。

Coinbase is also very supportive of embrace regulation. We may be the first to actively embrace regulation globally, especially in the US. In fact, competitions in the entire market, such as Coinbase, OK, Signal, Bybit, Bitget, Bitmex, etc., have gone through many cycles, many places for us to learn.




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