
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:60 评论:0
  价格波动剧烈的比特币再次遭到了监管风声的重击。The highly volatile bitcoin was hit again by the regulatory wind.  11月3日,彭博社消息称,不愿具名的知情人士透露,中国人...



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The highly volatile bitcoin was hit again by the regulatory wind.


On 3 November, Bloomberg reported that unnamed sources of information had revealed that regulatory agencies such as the People's Bank of China were studying measures to limit the exchange of the renminbi into United States dollars through Bitcoin transactions and the transfer of funds abroad. Measures under consideration might include restrictions on the transfer of bitcoins from domestic trading platforms to offshore platforms or limits on the number of bitcoins transferred to offshore platforms.


As a result of the news, the price of Bitcoin had already risen to 5,000 yuan on November 3, a 10% drop. But, as of the time of the news release, both Bitcoin trading platforms claimed that they had not been officially notified of the regulations.




Data from the Chinese Bitcoin trading platform, OKCoin, show that, on 3 November, at about 13 p.m., the price of the bitcoin had risen to 5138 yuan and then began to fall sharply. At 6.15 a.m. on 4th day, the figure fell to a low of 4505 yuan, a decline of 12.32 per cent, followed by a steady shock and a return to 4710 yuan at 15 p.m.

比特币11月3日-4日价格走势 图片来自OKCoin
比特币11月3日-4日价格走势 图片来自OKCoin


In response to this crash, the founder of the OKCoin Bank and CEO Stars analysed the news (www.thepaper.cn) as follows: “The recent growth of the Bitcoin market, which was affected by the regulatory situation yesterday, caused some undisclosed users to panic and therefore price volatility. Second, all transactions are volatile, rising and falling in volatility, and it is normal that there has been a small drop since the previous period.


Prior to the collapse, bitcoin prices had risen in the middle of the shock since the end of June, and on 28 October, Bloomberg had reported that, as the renminbi continued to depreciate at a six-year low, Chinese had begun to seek alternative assets, and that the currency, as an encrypted currency, had become a hedge risk at capital control, the price of which had peaked at 8.5 per cent a week, reaching US$ 685.79, equivalent to US$ 46.37.


According to the news, since August, the price of Bitcoin has slowly risen from a low of $3151 to a high of $5138 before the current fall, increasing by more than 63 per cent, before suddenly falling by 10 per cent between 3 and 4 days.


Another domestic Bitcoin trading platform, COO Chuqawi, told the news that Bitcoin had no limit to other investment items, and that volatility was not limited to and that the greater volatility of foreign exchange was one of its characteristics. Investors had to be aware of risk control when they experienced high volatility.


Will Bitcoin break the exchange controls?


According to a number of experts in the industry contacted by the news, a breakthrough in foreign exchange controls through Bitcoin could indeed be achieved.


Market analyst Yang Lingz said that foreign exchange controls could be broken by raising bitcoin at the trading platform and selling it at the foreign trading platform through his own bitcoin wallet.


Yang Lingz said that it was difficult for central banks to regulate because users were free to generate bitcoins’ wallets and did not need to register with any institution. If they were to be regulated, they had to be limited: Bitcoins’ wallets had to be generated on a domestic trading platform and could not be transferred to individuals’ wallets.


The first is the need for an agency to centrally manage all platform's Bitcoin accounts, which is validated by users when presented, which makes it more difficult to implement a uniform management system similar to that of banks.


The second is to reduce the use of bitcoins by users. Because there are now institutions such as game platforms, stock exchanges, which have opened the Bitcoin payment route, the use of bitcoins can be significantly reduced if the withdrawal of accounts is restricted, and users cannot use them on foreign power suppliers, games, and securities platforms.


The third is the development of a centralized management mechanism, which runs counter to the idea of decentralizing bitcoin.



  作为一种虚拟货币,比特币诞生于2009年1月3日,是一位自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的匿名人士设计的去中心化、点对点传输的数字加密货币,并使用密码学的设计来确保货币流通各个环节安全性,即使是最强大的巨型计算机,也很难破译这些密码。

As a virtual currency, Bitcoin was born on 3 January 2009 as a decentralized, point-to-point digital encrypted currency designed by an anonymous person claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto and using cryptography to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation, even the most powerful giant , which is difficult to decipher.


China’s rules specify that the number of bitcoins in circulation is growing at a reduced rate, with a maximum of 21 million dollars, and that the Bitcoin network releases a certain amount of coins every 10 minutes, which is expected to reach its limit in 2140. While there is no central bank to issue them, Bitcoins can be created by carrying out difficult tasks online, a process known as mining, a process called “mining” that essentially solves a complex mathematical problem with a super-calculation computer to ensure consistency in the Bitcoin network distribution accounting system.


In 2009 and early 2010, Bitcoin was worthless, in the first half of the year when it started trading in April 2010, one bitcoin was worth less than 14 cents, and in the summer of 2010 Bitcoin began trading in gold, and the value of online transactions began to rise as a result of a much smaller supply than demand. After that, Bitcoin rose by up to 20,000 times, attracting a large number of speculators from China, with its total market value as of now exceeding RMB 20.1 billion, while China now accounts for 70-80% of global transactions.


The news came from a former university student who had started a small amount of bitcoins in about 2012, throwing them at the highest point of 7,000 diversity, “when tens of thousands of dollars were made”.


It is worth noting that Bitcoin, as a virtual currency that is not controlled by central banks, has not been endorsed by Chinese regulators. Five ministries and other ministries, including the central bank, stated in their December 2013 Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, that, while Bitcoin is referred to as a “currency”, it is not a currency in the true sense of the word because it is not issued by monetary authorities and because it has no legal and compulsory monetary attributes.


The Circular also requires that Chinese financial institutions and payment agencies must not carry out business related to Bitcoin. Financial institutions and payment agencies must not price bitcoin for products or services, sell or sell bitcoin as a central counterpart, or cover operations or include bitcoin in insurance liability, directly or indirectly, other Bitcoin-related services for customers.


Within one hour of the issuance of the Central Bank's Circular, the value of the renminbi denominated bitcoin fell from $6,970 to about $4520, a 35 per cent decline, followed by a direct “blank cut” of 51 per cent in the following half-month.


Although the central bank did not approve Bitcoin, it has recently shown interest in the bottom-of-the-box technical block chain and the digital currency. In a new financial interview last February, Central Bank President Zhou Kochuan made it clear that the People’s Bank had deployed significant efforts to explore the application of block chains.


In addition, the Central Bank established the Digital Currency and Applied Research Group in 2014 and, at the end of August this year, the magazine China Finance, headed by the Central Bank, published a former article by Yao, Deputy Director of the Central Bank's Science and Technology Division and head of the preparatory team of the Central Bank's Digital Monetary Institute — China's Legal Digital Currency Prototype — describing the concept of digital money to be issued by the Bank in the future.




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