The block chain has recently resurfaced, and the People's Daily has sent a message explaining that the block chain does not amount to bitcoin.
However, currency circles continued to flourish, and the equity prices of companies that could be associated with block chains also rose sharply.
What's going on?
2014 年还是憨憨高中生的麦子,曾下载过手机挖矿软件。
In 2014, he was also a high school student of wheat who had downloaded cellular mining software.
What kind of chain did you know then?
不过后沉迷 IT之家,也渐渐对区块链和比特币有了一些了解。
But then the IT House became obsessed with the chain of blocks and bitcoin.
Mai will come and talk to you today.
When it comes to the block chain, the first reaction of many is “Heard of it, Bitcoin”.
First of all, it is not accurate to say that the block chain is not the same as bitcoin.
Second, there is a reason why so many people have this impression.
比特币的概念最早在是 2008 年在《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》论文中被提到。
The Bitcoin concept was first mentioned in a 2008 paper in Bitcoin: An Electronic Cash System for Point-to-Point.
The paper is now known as the White Paper of Bitcoin, which is published by the well-known medium-breathed.
As the author of the block chain concept and the inventor of Bitcoin, little is known to him.
He claimed to be Japanese-American and, as an unidentified person, had been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Economics by the economics professor of UCLA.
It can be said that his information is harder to dig than bitcoin, and interested students can challenge it.
What does the block chain have to do with Bitcoin?
In one sentence, Bitcoin is a specific application of block chain technology in the economic field.
To be honest, Bitcoin is a monetary system, and the block chain is its bottom technology.
It's easier to understand the relationship between the two.
Block Chain
The chain of blocks is simply a chain of blocks.
Conceptually, data for a given period of time are packaged into blocks, known as blocks, which are then chained to the pre-sequence, i.e. blocks chains.
In practice, the block chain is a decentralised distributed book database.
In human words, a man has a large account in his hand. What for? It's for accounting.
To be centralized means that there is no centre, that is, everyone is a centre.
Distribution means that the same data will be recorded at each node.
For example, in traditional terms, now that the bank accounts for wheat, the bank transfers $5 from wheat to the pony, and the bank records the transaction.
But in the form of block chains, banks are less important than they are now. The books in everyone's hands record each person's deposits and transactions information.
If the pony tries to blackout the wheat by five dollars, struggles to hack the bank database and modify the balance and transaction information, the pony succeeds in swallowing the wheat by five dollars.
If we switch to block chains, the ponies will almost lose their minds about the $5. Because he needs to hack more than half of the world's books to get the $5.
That's the first feature of the block chain: security.
One of the basic principles of the block chain is called “the longest chain principle”, which makes it clear that a few are submissive to the majority.
The central distribution of blocks in combination is known, not to mention five dollars, and the ponies need to change more than half of their books if they want to black out the wheat.
This cost appears to be almost inexplicable at this stage.
And the more people are involved in the bookkeeping, the more secure the five dollars and every cent of the people are, the more difficult it is to tamper with the information.
The second feature of the block chain is convenience.
As the books in your hands are synchronized as a whole, point-to-point transactions are very easy to achieve, and information exchange, including transactions, need not pass through third parties.
The phrase “no middleman earns the difference”.
In addition, in order to prevent problems such as double payment, the information in the block chain is all traceable.
With the broadcast of the transaction record, the sale of a house to two persons at the same time would not occur.
What about Bitcoin? What is it?
We already know that Bitcoin is a P2P digital monetary system with a block chain as the bottom of the technology, and it is clear that one layer of play is based on the block chain.
In the White Paper, Big Nakamoto stipulated that the data generated during this period would be packaged into a block every 10 minutes in accordance with the recording of the block chain, and that the person who packed it would receive a certain amount of bitcoin as an incentive, as in Bitcoin.
So the question arises, how do we decide who's going to pack this bag? How much is the reward?
Packing the distribution of qualifications is like a process in which the first to answer questions in primary school class is rewarded for the small saffron.
所有参与竞争的账户,同时去算一道 hin 难 hin 难的数学题,这道数学题基于 SHA256 加密算法,有多难呢,人脑肯定没戏,需要计算机巨量的算力,甚至只能一个数一个数的去试……
All competing accounts, at the same time counting a difficult mathematical question that is based on the SHA256 encryption algorithm, how difficult it is for the human brain to be useless, needing the computer's greatness, even one number at a time...
That's how we do it, that's what we're talking about.
正是由于这个特点,擅长密集型运算的 GPU 更适合被用来挖矿,这下知道了为什么狂潮来袭时显卡玩家最受伤了嘛。
It's because of this feature that the GPU, which is good at intensive calculations, is better suited for mining, and it's clear why the card player was the most hurt when the tide hit.
Whoever calculates first, the little bitcoins belong to them, and then we all go back to the next question.
And how much bitcoin do you get?
大佬规定,刚开始获胜的小朋友打一个包会获得 50 个比特币的奖励,每四年减少一半,以此类推。
The big guy says that a first-win kid gets 50 bitcoins for a pack, cut it by half every four years, and so on.
所以从一开始比特币的总量就是确定的,经过简单的计算可得总量约为 2100 万个。
So, from the beginning, the amount of bitcoin was determined, and by simple calculations, the total available was approximately 21 million.
乍一看好像还不少对吧,但根据算法比特币的产出是越来越少的,矿工或矿主们的竞争也会越来越激烈。数据显示截至 2019 年中比特币总量的 80% 都挖没了。
At first glance, there seems to be a lot, but the output of bitcoin by algorithm is decreasing, and the competition between miners or miners is increasing. The data show that 80% of the amount of bitcoin was cut off by mid-2019.
Now that we know, we're going to figure out the topic for the prize, and the question arises again, where's the reward coming from?
我们之前说了这是一个 P2P 数字货币体系,理论上全世界任意两人都可以直接交易,这笔交易会产生微量的手续费(远低于跨国转账),用这些手续费做为整理账本的人的奖励,不得不说小算盘打得不错。
We have said before that this is a P2P digital monetary system in which, theoretically, two people from all over the world can make direct transactions, which would result in a small amount of fees (almost lower than cross-border transfers) that would be used as a reward for the people who prepare the books, and would have to say that little is done.
And then someone asks, "Isn't that everyone can see how poor I am?"
In fact, the bitcoin deal is encrypted asymmetrically, just addresses and public keys to decrypt. Everyone knows how much money you have, but they don't know who you are!
Problem solved~
The security and anonymity of Bitcoin is also prevalent in underground transactions, etc.
It should be understood here that the block chain and Bitcoin cannot be confused; the former is the latter's bottom technology and the latter is the actual application of the former.
Of course, the block chain can also be used in a variety of ways, such as medical care, copyright protection, etc.
Central Bank digital currency
最近盛传的可能推出央行可能推出的数字货币 DCEP,也是基于区块链技术,那和比特币有啥区别呢?
What difference does it make to Bitcoin?
First, the central bank's digital currency is the cash flow, the steel bar and the ticket that we are less and less likely to see.
Digital currency is a new-day currency, and positioning is a substitute for liquid cash and the equivalent of the renminbi.
它的重点是基于区块链技术的交易体系,依然通过央行-银行发行,但对 P2P 交易更加友好,大家一起记账。 It focuses on a system of transactions based on block chain technology, which is still issued through the central bank-bank, but is more friendly to P2P transactions and is accounted for together. 数字货币和比特币的区别更好理解了,虽然都基于区块链技术,但区别更大。 The difference between digital currency and bitcoin is better understood, although it is based on block chain technology. 数字货币是货币,有权威公信力背书,和人民币是一样的(或者也是人民币的一种),价值相对稳定。 Digital currencies are currencies with authoritative endorsements and values that are the same as the renminbi (or one of its kind) and that are relatively stable. 而比特币是无国界的,通过算力产生的,价值极易受到多方因素影响,看看比特币历史价值变化就知道了…… And bitcoin is borderless, generated by arithmetic, and values are highly susceptible to multiple factors, as you can see from the changes in bitcoin's historical values... 区块链作为一种技术,已经上升到战略层面,未来我们可以看到越来越多的实际应用落地。 The block chain, as a technology, has risen to the strategic level, and in the future we can see a growing number of practical applications on the ground. 我们没必要过分吹捧,也不用抵触,甚至不用去了解它。 We don't have to brag about it, we don't have to contradict it, we don't even have to understand it. 噱头终将过去,我们也将受惠于此。 We will benefit from the end of the journey. 骗子都来蹭热点了,告诉爸妈别上当 The strong's all over the place. Tell Mom and Dad not to fall for it.
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