
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:63 评论:0
1、区块链的技术是什么?1. What is the technology for block chains?如果我们把数据库假设成一本账本,读写数据库就可以看做一种记账的行为,区块链技术的原理就是在一段时间内找出记账最快最好的人,由这个人...



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1. What is the technology for block chains?

如果我们把数据库假设成一本账本,读写数据库就可以看做一种记账的行为,区块链技术的原理就是在一段时间内找出记账最快最好的人,由这个人来记账,然后将账本的这一页信息发给整个系统里的其他所有人。这也就相当于改变数据库所有的记录,发给全网的其他每个节点,所以区块链技术也称为分布式账本(distributed ledger)。

If we assume that the database is an account book, reading and writing the database can be seen as a bookkeeping act. The rationale behind block chain technology is to find the fastest and best person to book the account over a period of time, and then send this page of the account book to all the rest of the system. This is the equivalent of changing all the records in the database and sending them to every other node on the web, so the block chain technology is also called distributed books.

区块链(Blockchain)是指通过去中心化和去信任的方式集体维护一个可靠数据库的技术方案。该技术方案主要让参与系统中的任意多个节点,通过一串使用密码学方法相关联产生的数据块(block),每个数据块中包含了一定时间内的系统全部信息交流数据,并且生成数据指纹用于验证其信息的有效性和链接(chain)下一个数据库块。    区块链是一种类似于NoSQL(非关系型数据库)这样的技术解决方案统称,并不是某种特定技术,能够通过很多编程语言和架构来实现区块链技术。并且实现区块链的方式种类也有很多,目前常见的包括POW(Proof of Work,工作量证明),POS(Proof of Stake,权益证明),DPOS(Delegate Proof of Stake,股份授权证明机制)等。    区块链的概念首次在论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)》中提出,作者为自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的个人(或团体)。因此可以把比特币看成区块链的首个在金融支付领域中的应用。

Block chains (Blockchain) are technical solutions for the collective maintenance of a reliable database through decentralisation and detrust. The technology programmes are primarily designed to give multiple nodes in the participating system that are capable of achieving block chain technology through numerous programming languages and structures. There are also a number of types of data that achieve block chains, including the Pow (Proof of Work, Work Certificate), the POS (Proof of Stock, Certificate of Interests), the DOS (Delegte of Non-Relationship Database), the private ownership certification mechanism, etc.

  1. 1


    2. What is the rationale for the block chain?

    结合定义区块链的定义,需要有这四个特征我们才能认为:去中心化(Decentralized)、去信任(Trustless)、集体维护(Collectively maintain)、可靠数据库(Reliable Database)。并且由四个特征会引申出另外2个特征:

    In conjunction with the definition of a block chain, these four characteristics are required to be considered: decentralization (decisionralized), detrust (Trustless), collective maintenance (Collectively maintain), reliable databases (Reliable Database), and two other features can be derived from four features:

    开源(Open Source)、匿名性(Anonymity)。如果一个系统不具备这些特征,将不能视其为基于区块链技术的应用。    去中心化(Decentralized):整个网络没有中心化的硬件或者管理机构,任意节点之间的权利和义务都是均等的,且任一节点的损坏或者失去都会不影响整个系统的运作。因此也可以认为区块链系统具有极好的健壮性。    去信任(Trustless):参与整个系统中的每个节点之间进行数据交换是无需互相信任的,整个系统的运作规则是公开透明的,所有的数据内容也是公开的,因此在系统指定的规则范围和时间范围内,节点之间是不能也无法欺骗其它节点。    集体维护(Collectively maintain):系统中的数据块由整个系统中所有具有维护功能的节点来共同维护的,而这些具有维护功能的节点是任何人都可以参与的。    可靠数据库(Reliable Database):整个系统将通过分数据库的形式,让每个参与节点都能获得一份完整数据库的拷贝。除非能够同时控制整个系统中超过51%的节点,否则单个节点上对数据库的修改是无效的,也无法影响其他节点上的数据内容。因此参与系统中的节点越多和计算能力越强,该系统中的数据安全性越高。    开源(Open Source):由于整个系统的运作规则必须是公开透明的,所以对于程序而言,整个系统必定会是开源的。    匿名性(Anonymity):由于节点和节点之间是无需互相信任的,因此节点和节点之间无需公开身份,在系统中的每个参与的节点都是匿名的。

    & nbsp; & nbsp; Decentralized: The rights and obligations between nodes are equal throughout the network without centralised hardware or regulatory bodies, and no other nodes are damaged or lost. & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbnob nob nob; & nob nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of % of the system; & nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of nob of % of the system; & nob of nob of & nob of nob of nob of & nob of nob of nob of t of tb of tb of tb of tb of tb of t; & tb of nob of nob of t of tb of tb; & bb of nob of nob of t of tb of t; tb of nob of nob of t of tb of nob of t of t of ts of ts of t; t of nob of nob of nob of t of t of t of nob of t of t of t of t of ts of ts of ts of ts. t t t t t t t t t t t t of t of t t t t t t t of t t of t of t t t t t t t t of t t t t t t t # #.

  2. 2


    3. What is block chain finance?


    In 2016, the innovators will be innovators. A new technology revolution will address the challenge of trust between strangers in a shared economy and undermine the basis for such platforms to make money.


    Traditional intermediaries


    While the shared economy effectively challenges the status quo and has strong innovative attributes, it still uses a very traditional business model.


    The most common form of commissioning of transactions has been in place for centuries. Today, technology has made many things possible, but it is still not a complete substitute for intermediaries.

    P2P 平台与其他在线市场刚兴起时,人们纷纷谈论去中介(disintermediation),这种绕过传统中介,通过网络直接将人们连接起来的新方式。事实上,尽管我们已经体会到新型市场便捷得多,并看到与各种供应商进行交易的可能性,但是,我们今天仍然在很大程度上依赖中介。事实是如今最大的新型企业正是巨型中介,其规模超乎想象,像阿里巴巴、Amazon、eBay 和 Uber。

    When the P2P platform and other online markets emerged, there was talk of intermediaries, a new way to bypass traditional intermediaries and connect people directly through the web. Indeed, while we already feel much easier to reach new markets and see the possibility of trading with various suppliers, we still rely heavily on intermediaries today.


    Is there a technical solution that would completely eliminate intermediaries between the various trading parties? Is there a system in which you can deal directly with anyone and be free from deception while no one owns the system, so there is no commission to collect it?


    Block chain technology makes this possible. Block chains are the core technology of Bitcoin and are extremely innovative and can be used to build fully transparent, unowned and decentralized systems that guarantee the safe conduct of transactions by various trading parties, including people, businesses, and even governments, without any form of intermediaries.


    Naturally, a lot of resources flow into the chain of blocks, which also have a considerable impact on the financial and legal sectors, and which will eventually dominate the two industries or provide the best opportunity, depending on how you see it. & nbsp;


    To centralize finance.

    2015年,可能是出于对另类金融(alternative finance)市场增长的高度敏感,九家投资银行针对区块链技术金融服务联合开发了开放标准。去年,不断有各种活动讨论区块链技术的未来,还推出了Slock.it,这是去中心化共享经济的第一批技术堆栈之一。

    In 2015, perhaps because of a high degree of sensitivity to the growth of alternative finance markets, nine investment banks jointly developed open standards for block-chain technical financial services. Over the past year, there have been a number of events to discuss the future of block-chain technology, and the launch of Block.it, one of the first technology stacks to decentralize the shared economy.


    What is the shared economy under the block chain?


    If you want to continue to earn commissions in the shared economy, a new business model will have to be created.


    Of course, there will still be some investment in the block chain market. Developers may be happy to spend time solving the code that plagues the system. But, as yet, I have not met brand consultants, designers or businessmen with similar ideas or who are willing to invest.


    But the chain of blocks will flourish, and it will be almost predictable that it will be cheaper than the existing shared economy, when the giants will be forced to deal with it.

    老牌共享经济将重复历史,因坚信本身坚不可摧而走向没落,被更灵活、有科技助力的竞争对手迅速取代?还是将进行实验,在共享经济 2.0 中找到有利可图的市场,并在游戏中胜出?

    Will the old shared economy repeat its history and be quickly replaced by a more flexible and technologically supportive competitor because it is convinced that it is indestructible, or will it be tested to find profitable markets in the shared economy 2.0 and win in the game?


    What about credit?


    Credit, the highest number of words in all discussions about sharing the economy, is complicated and difficult. The current platform for collaboration is very clear: we can raise the level of trust in the shared economy; we can take the best measures to ensure that users trust our platform and deal with it, but we cannot guarantee trust in people’s transactions.

    区块链中交易系统不可改变,并且可以在已分配分类账内跟踪每笔交易,智能合同为所有双方交易充分设定参数与条件,因此区块链不再需要任何的 “可信中介” 或者陌生人之间信用的担保方。

    The trading system in the block chain is unalterable, and each transaction can be tracked in the assigned ledger. Smart contracts fully set the parameters and conditions for all parties to the transaction, so the block chain no longer requires any “trustworthy intermediary” or guarantor of credit between strangers.

    到 2017年,监管机构将意识到他们需要彻底反思共享经济领域的规章制度。那时,各交易方将在区块链中达成数亿的独立合同,一种解决方案是向系统中敲进规则代码。

    By 2017, regulators will realize that they need a thorough rethinking of regulations in the shared economy. By then, traders will have reached hundreds of millions of independent contracts in the block chain, one solution being to tap into the system’s rules code.

    2008年 左右共享经济首次出现时,很多人欢呼不已,认为是将带领我们进入一种新的包容、可持续经济的现象,是未来带我们进入后资本范式的一种民主化力量。但是,(到目前为止)事实并非如此。互联网刚出现时也是这样,在最初阶段曾被乌托邦式理想化,所以,对区块链持有同样变革性期待的人很可能会失望。即便如此,区块链将动摇共享经济巨头,这丝毫不会受到影响。

    In 2008, when the shared economy emerged for the first time, many cheered about it as a phenomenon that would lead us into a new inclusive, sustainable economy, and a democratizing force that would lead us into the post-capital paradigm. But (to date) that was not the case.

  3. 3


    4. Block chain communities


    The Bubi block chain, which focuses on innovation in block chain technology and products, already has a number of core technologies, and has developed its own block chain service platform. At the heart of decentralizing trust, it is committed to building open value flow networks that allow digital assets to move freely.


    Features and strengths


    A number of core technological innovations have been made, and a self-owned infrastructure service platform for block chains has been developed and has been applied in areas such as equity, supply chains, credits and credit.


    Quick Transaction Validation


    By optimizing key transaction links such as signature algorithms, consensus mechanisms, bookkeeping, etc., the Bubi block chain allows quick transaction validation at the second level.


    Efficient account book access


    The restructuring of the Bubi block chain reconciliation storage structure will save 90 per cent of the storage space and reduce the risk that the system will operate for long periods of time, resulting in reduced access performance to the books.


    Multiple asset issuances


    The Bubi block chain supports the issuance and transaction of different users, multiple assets, each of which can track the issuer, the number of issuances, the circulation of transactions, etc.


    Joint signature control


    Allows multiple user settings under the same account and corresponding privileges for different operations to accommodate multiple signature controls.


    Built-in smart contracts


    Smart contracts are defined as a set of commitments in digital form, and the parties to the block chain conversion contract are responsible for maintaining the preservation contract and implementing it automatically.


    The chain exchange.


    Compared to traditional centralized exchanges, all transactions are validated, completed and preserved on a block chain to ensure the security of transactions by users.


    What the Bubi block chain is going to do is a new technology and product – a real flow of value that will bring the Internet to a new height. If this technology is applied, there will be no central institution at the time of the transfer of assets, and there will be a direct transfer of assets between us. In the future, if the network itself closes the accounts, we will be able to move directly, without having to go through an intermediary.




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