Etheeum is an open-source block chain platform that allows developers to build and deploy smart contracts and decentralised applications (DApps). It is not just a digital currency, it provides the infrastructure for building decentralized systems.
is in the Taiyo currency (Ether, ETH) . It is the original encrypted currency on the platform to cover transaction costs and computing services, as well as assets to be invested and traded.
以太坊的创始者是加拿大-俄罗斯程序员Vitalik Buterin。他在2015年推出了这个平台,其目标是打造一个去中心化的全球计算机,可以执行任何编程指令而不需要中心化的控制。
The founder of Etheria is Vitalik Buterin, a Canadian-Russian programmer. He launched the platform in 2015 with the goal of creating a decentralised global computer that can execute any programming instructions without central control.
The Smart Contract is a self-executed contract, where the terms of the agreement between the buyer and the seller are written directly into the code. When the predefined terms of the contract are met, the code automatically executes the contract. This mechanism enables Ether to support complex financial applications, such as decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
以太坊的区块链是基于工作量证明(Proof of Work,PoW)机制的,这与比特币相同。但是,以太坊正在转向一种更为环保的共识机制——权益证明(Proof of Stake,PoS),这被称为“以太坊2.0”升级。PoS机制旨在减少能源消耗,提高网络的可扩展性和安全性。
The Community’s block chain is based on the Proof of Work, PoW, which is the same as that of Bitcoin. However, it is moving to a more environmentally friendly consensus-based mechanism, Proof of Stark, PoS, which is called “Etheria 2.0” upgrades. The PoS mechanism is designed to reduce energy consumption and improve the expansion and security of the network.
plays an important role in the global market for encrypted currencies with the market value and liquidity of Taiwan . The ETH is the second-largest encrypted currency in the market, after Bitcoin. Its prices are highly volatile, but it also offers potential high returns for investors.
Despite its remarkable achievements in technological innovation and application development, it also faces a number of challenges. For example, cyber congestion, high transaction costs (also referred to as “gas costs”) and security issues are often the focus of attention.
The Etherm ecosystem includes developers, users, investors, and projects. As more businesses and individuals recognize the potential of block chain technology, its reach and application is expected to expand further.
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