1比特币等于多少人民币2022年 买1000块钱比特币多少手续费

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:110 评论:0
文章来源:互联网作者:欧意交易所app官方下载发布时间:2023-04-04 18:19:00Source of articles: Internet author: OIE app official download...



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文章来源:互联网作者:欧意交易所app官方下载发布时间:2023-04-04 18:19:00

Source of articles: Internet author: OIE app official download release time: 2023-04-04 18:19


There are many small partners who want to know how much 1bitcoin equals in 2022, and let us look at the details below.

主流的手续费标准是按照字节收费每千字节收取 0点0001BTC的手续费不足一千字节的交易按照一千字节算。

Mainstream fees are based on a 1,000 bytes for transactions with a fee of less than 1,000 BTC per 1,000 bytes.


With the development of Bitcoin, transactions that are not subject to fees will not be generally packaged by miners, so many Bitcoin client wallets define their fees, which leads to different Bitcoin clients, whose fees may not be consistent.


Bitcoin is a virtual cryptographic currency based on decentralisation, using a point-to-point network and consensus initiative, open source code, using block chains as bottom technology, proposed by China-Bussen in 2008, born in 2009, the largest difference with other virtual currencies, and its total number and scarcity.


Bitcoin’s transaction costs generally range from 0.0001 to 0.0005 BTC. Of course, each miner and miner’s association receives a different amount. Sometimes, large bitcoin transactions do not require a fee, for example, more than 100 BTC. Small transactions below 0.01 BTC charge a certain amount.


First of all, it should be understood that the fee is an incentive for miners to continue mining to provide Bitcoin with sufficient credit to ensure the safety of the Bitcoin network. The main income for miners is currently the BTC reward through the creation of new blocks (Block), but the reward is reduced by half every four years, and over time the Bitcoin transaction fee will gradually replace the Bitcoin reward.


Under what circumstances do you have to pay the fees? What is the amount?


The Bitcoin system has a series of network rules, which contain rules on fees and fees, which are “what the client wants to do”. When you use the Bitcoin client (the wallet, Bitcoin-Qt) to send Bitcoin, the process is broadly divided into the following steps:

1. 筹备你要发送的比特币

1. Preparation for the bitcoin you are about to send


The client collects the bitcoin balance from your wallet (Bitcoin-Qt) in preparation for payment, because every bitcoin you receive is in your wallet until you spend it.


If in OKCoin bitcoin 3BTCs and 2BTCs twice, their records are separate from each other in your wallet, i.e. a 3BTC and a 2BTC, rather than combined into 5BTCs (the wallet records only details of transactions and does not merge balances, but you can see the total balance on the wallet interface), over time your wallet will accumulate many different amounts of bitcoins, and you can imagine that there should be thousands of such records in the OKcoin bitcoins wallets. So when you send bitcoin, the wallet will have to decide which records are best used for this delivery.


The bitcoin you get in a transaction is called "inputs" and the spent bitcoin is called "outputs" and there are multiple inputs and outputs in your wallet.

2. 阻止大量微额(dust)支付冲击网络

2. Blocking large amounts (dust) of impact payment networks


You have to pay a fee of 0.0001 if you charge the transaction platform of OKCoinbit less than 0.01 BTC (including the change of funds within your wallet). The wallet has a well-established rule that when you prepare your payment, you try to avoid a change in the amount of less than 0.01 BTC when you prepare for payment in a lot of inputs (e.g., you charge the sum of 5.005 BTC to OKCoinbitco, and the wallet selects 3 + 2.005 or 1 + 1 + 3.005 to the extent possible, instead of 5 + 0.005).

3. 数额越大、币龄(age)越高优先级越高

3. The larger the amount, the higher the currency age (age) and the higher the priority

如果你发送金额太小或者是你的比特币刚开采出来不久,那么你的转账就不再免费之列。每一个交易都会分配一个优先级,这个优先级通过币的新旧程度、交易的字节数和交易的数量。具体来说,对于每一个输入(inputs)来讲,客户端会先将比特币的数量乘以这些币在块中存在的时间(币龄,age),然后将所有的乘积加起来除以此次交易的大小(以字节为单位),计算公式:priority=sum(input_value_in_base_units * input_age)/size_in_bytes,计算结果如果小于0.576,那么该交易就必须支付手续费。这也是为什么你在OKCoin比特币提现的时候都要加一个0.0001的原因了,因为OKCoin钱包内的比特币转账频繁,比特币在块中的时间比较短,因此需要支付手续费。如果你确实有大量的小额输入,比如小矿工,又想免费转出,这时候你可以加一个数额大的、币龄大的比特币金额,就会将平均优先级提高,从而可以免费转出比特币。

If the amount you send is too small, or if your bitcoin has just been mined, then your transfer will not be free of charge. Each transaction will be assigned a priority through the currency's old and new levels, the bytes of the transaction, and the number of transactions. Specifically, for each input (inputs), the client will have to multiply the amount of bitcoin by the time it is in the block (in currency, age, age) and then add all the multipliers to the size of the transaction (in a byte), the formula: the price =sum (input_value_inbase_units * input_age)/size_bytes, if you do have a lot of small input, then the transaction will have to pay a fee. That is why you need to add a 0.0001 to the current amount of the transaction (in a byteline), because the amount of the currency in the Kocoin wallet is often transferred and the amount of the special currency is shorter in the block.

4. 每千字节的收费

4. Fees per kilobytes

在转账的最后客户端会计算本次转账的大小(以字节为单位),大小一般取决于输入和输出的数额大小,计算公式如下:148 × 输入数额 + 34 × 输出数额 + 10,如果该次转账的大小超过10000字节但是优先级符合免费的标准,那么仍然可以享受免费转账,否则需要支付手续费。每1000字节的费用默认是0.0001BTC,但是你也可以在客户端里进行追加,依次打开选项卡“设置选项主要”进行手续费的调整。如果你在设置的手续费小于0.0001BTC按0.0001算。当本条规则适用时将会取代步骤2的规则而不是累加。

The final client of the transfer calculates the size of the transfer (in bytes) generally depending on the size of the input and output. The formula is as follows: 148 x input amount + 34 x output amount + 10, if the amount of the transfer exceeds 10,000 bytes but the priority meets the criteria for free payment, the transfer will still be free of charge, or the fee will be paid. The cost per 1000 by default is 0.0001 BTC, but you can also make an adjustment to the fee on the client's side by opening the option " set the main option ". If you set the fee less than 0.0001 BTC at 0.0001. When this rule applies, you will replace the rule of step 2 rather than cumulatively.

1比特币等于多少人民币2022年 买1000块钱比特币多少手续费-第1张图片-火必下载


According to the currency conversion rate as at 3 January 2020, one bitcoin = 47,000 yuan.


Bitcoin does not have a centralized issuer compared to the legal currency, and it is generated by network node calculations that make it possible for anyone to be involved in the manufacture of bitcoin, and can circulate around the world, and can be bought and sold on any computer connected to the Internet, wherever it may be, anyone can dig, buy, sell or collect bitcoin, and in the course of the transaction it is impossible for outsiders to identify the user.


In the wake of the global financial crisis that erupted in 2008, on 1 November 2008, a self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto published on the P2Pfoundation website the Bitcoin White Paper, Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System, setting out a new vision of electronic currency — bitcoin was created in this context. On 3 January 2009, Bitcoin was born.


Whenever bitcoin enters the mainstream media, mainstream economists are asked to analyze bitcoin. Earlier, these analyses focused on whether bitcoin was a fraud.


Extended information:


Currency characteristics:


Decentralization: Bitcoin is the first distributed virtual currency, and the entire network is made up of users and has no central bank.


Worldwide circulation: Bitcoin can be managed on any computer that has access to the Internet. No matter where it is, anyone can dig, buy, sell, or collect bitcoin.


Exclusive ownership: Controlling Bitcoin requires a private key that can be stored in isolation in any storage medium. No one can access it except the user itself.


Low transaction costs: Bitcoin can be transferred free of charge, but eventually approximately 1 bit per transaction fee will be charged for each transaction to ensure faster execution of the transaction.


No specific amount.


In Bitcoin’s bottom-of-the-line agreement, there is no specific amount of fees specified for Bitcoin transactions, but the address is required to enter a total amount not less than the total output, i.e. the total amount of bitcoins in your wallet must be greater than the sum of the transfers and fees. This is simple to understand that you have only 10 dollars and the transfer of 10 dollars requires a fee of one dollar, which means that you have to spend 11 dollars, 10-11 =-1, which is naturally impossible to complete.


Bitcoin follows the UTXO model, each of which contains several transaction inputs and transaction outputs. In fact, the composition of each unspent transaction output depends on your transaction input, and when you need to move one bitcoin to another address, it may consist of five bitcoins of 0.2 bitcoins or ten bits of 0.1 bitcoins in your transaction input.


The Bitcoin rate is the main processing cost during the Bitcoin transaction. The Bitcoin rate is the main processing cost during the Bitcoin transaction, at a rate of 0.2%, and the contract fee is higher than the bill, at about 0.03%, to encourage miners to compete.




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