The block chain is an irrevocable shared ledger xff0c; it helps to facilitate the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in the business network.
assets may be tangible xff08; houses, cars, cash, land xff09; xff0c; xff08; intellectual property, patents, copyrights, brands xff09; almost anything of value can be tracked and traded on a block chain network xff0c; thereby reducing risks and the cost to all concerned.
The operation is based on information. The faster the information is received, the more accurate the information is. The block chain is the ideal option for transmitting such information xff0c; it provides immediate, shared and observable information xff0c; it stores it on an irrevocable ledger xff0c; only authorized network members can access it. The block chain network can track orders, payments, accounts, production, etc. because members share the same fact view xff0c; you can see all the details of end-to-end transactions xff0c; thereby enhancing your confidence xff0c; improving efficiency #xff0c; and creating new opportunities.
利用 IBM 的下一代区块链平台构建入门区块链网络并开始编码。
Build a network of entry blocks using IBM's next generation block chain platform and begin encoding.
Guide to trends in registered access to sustainable development
All network participants have access to distributed ledgers and their irrevocable transaction records. With such shared ledgers xff0c; transactions are recorded only once xff0c; duplications typical of traditional business networks can be eliminated.
The transaction record is xff0c after the shared ledger; no participant can change or tamper with the transaction. If the transaction record contains an error xff0c; a new transaction must be added to avoid the error xff0c; then two transactions are available.
To speed up the transaction & #xff0c; a set of smart contracts called
These transactions indicate the movement of assets xff0c; the assets can be tangible xff08; product xff09; product xff0c; intangible xff08; knowledge xff09; and data blocks can record the information you select xff1a; person, event, time, location, price. It can even record conditions xff0c; e.g. food transport temperature.
As assets are transferred from one place to another xff0c; or as owners turn xff0c; these blocks form a data chain. Blocks confirm the exact time and sequence of transactions xff0c; and securely link between blocks xff0c; prevent any blocks from being tampered with xff0c; or insert an additional block between the two existing blocks.
Each block is added to enhance the verification of the previous block xff0c; this enhances the verification of the entire block chain. The tampering of the block chain makes it easier to detect xff0c; this is the key advantage of non-frozenness. This eliminates the possibility of tampering by malicious actors xff0c; and creates a transaction ledger that you anticipate other network members can trust.
needs to change xff1a; operators often waste their energy on the retention of duplicate records and third-party certification. Record-keeping systems are vulnerable to fraud and cyberattacks. Limited transparency may slow down data validation. xff0c; the volume of transactions increases explosively as things get online. All of this slows down business development and consumes profits xff0c; so we need better methods.
By using block chain technology xff0c; as a member of the membership network xff0c; you can be sure that you receive accurate and timely data xff0c; and your confidential block chain records can only be shared with network members to whom you specifically grant access.
All network members need to agree on data accuracy xff0c; and all verified transactions cannot be tampered with xff0c; because they will be recorded permanently. No one xff0c; including the system administrator xff0c; cannot delete the transaction.
By sharing distributed ledgers between network members & #xff0c; there is no need to waste time checking records. To speed up transactions & #xff0c; a set of rules called smart contracts can be stored on block chains and run automatically.
An in-depth understanding of the basics of block chain technology: how data blocks contain data that represent anything of value, how they are linked in chronological order in non-manual data chains, and how they differ between block chains and encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin.
Understanding how the decentralised nature of the block chain allows it to emerge from traditional record-keeping methods, exploring the value of the permit block chain for commercial transactions, and how the block chain can foster trust and transparency.
The food industry is only one of many industries that have been transformed through block chain technology.
The building blocks chain builds trust because it represents a true shared record. Data that everyone can trust will help to promote the development of other new technologies that will lead to significant efficiency, transparency and confidence.
The public block chain is a block chain that anyone can join and participate in xff0c; e.g. Bitcoin. Shortcomings may include the need for a great deal of computing power, inadequate or minimal privacy of transactions, or even lack of security. These are important considerations in business block chain usage.
Private block chain networks & #xff0c; similar to the public block chain network & #xff0c; a decentralised point-to-point network. But & #xff0c; private block chain networks are managed by organizations & #xff0c; control who can participate in the network, implement consensus agreements and maintain shared ledgers. Based on the example & #xff0c; this can significantly enhance trust and confidence among participants. Private block chains can run xff0c after the enterprise firewall; and can even be hosted locally.
Enterprises that build a private block chain usually establish a network of licensed blocks. It is worth noting that xff0c; a network of public blocks can also become a licensed network.
Multi-organizations can share responsibility for maintaining block chains. These pre-selected organizations can determine who can submit transaction or access data. If all participants need permission xff0c; and if there is a shared responsibility for block chains xff0c; then a coalition block chain would be the ideal option for businesses.
xff0c on the construction of the enterprise block chain application; it is particularly important to develop a comprehensive security strategy xff0c; such strategies can use cybersecurity frameworks, security services and best practices to reduce the risk of attack and fraud.
IBM Food Trust 正通过追踪从海洋到超市和餐厅的每一次捕捞活动,来帮助 Raw Seafoods 提高整个食品供应链的信任度。
IBM Food Trust is helping Raw Seafoods to increase confidence throughout the food supply chain by tracking every fishing from the sea to supermarkets and restaurants.
INBLOCK 发行了基于 Hyperledger Fabric 的 Metacoin 加密货币,有助于更快、更方便、更安全地进行数字资产交易。
INBLOCK issued an encrypted Metacoin currency based on Hyperleder Fabric, which facilitates faster, easier and safer digital asset transactions.
IBM Blockchain Platform 可以改变生态系统确保信任、数据来源和效率的方式,从而改善患者护理和盈利能力。 阅读:实现医疗成果转型
IBM Blockchai Platform can improve patient care and profitability by changing the way ecosystems ensure trust, data sources and efficiency.
Vertrax 和 Chateau Software 推出了首个基于 IBM Blockchain Platform 构建的多云区块链解决方案,以帮助防止大宗石油和天然气配送中的供应链中断。
Vertrax and Chateau Software launched the first cloud-based block chain solution based on IBM Blockchai Platform to help prevent supply chain disruptions in bulk oil and gas distributions.
Home Depot 正采用 IBM Blockchain 来获取有关发货和收货的共享可信信息,以便减少供应商纠纷并加快纠纷解决速度。
Home Depot is using IBM Blockchain to obtain shared and credible information on delivery and receipt in order to reduce vendor disputes and speed up dispute resolution.
Bitcoin is an unregulated digital currency. Bitcoin uses block chain technology as its transaction ledger.
This video illustrates the difference between the two.
IBM Blockchain Platform 由 Hyperledger 技术提供支持。
IBM Blockchai Platform is supported by Hyperledger technology.
This block chain solution helps any developer to become a block chain developer.
详细信息请访问 Hyperledger 网站。
For more information, please visit the Hyperledger website.
IBM Blockchain Platform 软件经过优化,可部署在 Red Hat 最先进的企业级 Kubernetes 平台 Red Hat OpenShift 上。
The IBM Blockchai Platform software has been optimized xff0c; it can be deployed on Red Hat's state-of-the-art enterprise platform, Red Hat OpenShift.
This means that you can choose the deployment location of block chain network components xff0c; whether local, public or mixed cloud structures.
从 IBM Developer 上的区块链教程中了解更多信息
If you need more information about how the block chain network operates and how it is used xff0c; read Distributed ledger profiles.
深入了解 IBM Blockchain Platform 的功能,这是唯一完全集成的企业就绪型区块链平台,旨在帮助您加快多机构业务网络的开发、治理和运营。
注册并下载 IBM Blockchain Platform 白皮书
In-depth knowledge of IBM Blockchai Platform functions & #xff0c; this is the only fully integrated enterprise-based block chain platform & #xff0c; aims to help you accelerate the development, governance and operation of multi-agency business networks.
获取有关 Hyperledger Fabric 的详细信息,了解其独特之处、对业务网络的重要意义,以及如何开始使用。
访问 IBM Developer 上的 Hyperledger 页面
Get detailed information about Hyperledger Fabric & #xff0c; understand its uniqueness, importance to the business network & #xff0c; and how to start using it.
这份面向开发人员的快速入门指南介绍了如何使用 IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan 构建入门区块链网络并开始编码。
This fast-track introduction guide for developers describes how IBM Blockchai Platform Starter Plan can be used to build a network of entry blocks and begin encoding.
IBM Blockchain Platform 属于领先的 Hyperledger Fabric 平台。区块链创新者可充分利用这一平台,通过 Red Hat? OpenShift? 在任何计算环境中构建、运营、管理和发展区块链解决方案。
IBM Blockchai Platform is the leading Hyperledger Fabric platform. Block chain innovators can make full use of this platform & #xff0c; through Red Hat? OpenShift? Build, operate, manage and develop block chain solutions in any computing environment.
作为顶级区块链服务提供商,IBM Blockchain Services 拥有丰富的专业知识,可帮助您基于最佳技术构建强大的解决方案。超过 1,600 名区块链专家使用来自 100 多个实时网络的洞察,帮助您构建和发展。
As a top-level block chain service provider & #xff0c; IBM Blockchai Services has a wealth of expertise & #xff0c; it helps you build powerful solutions based on the best technology. More than 1,600 block chain specialists use insights from more than 100 real-time networks & #xff0c; help you build and develop.
采用 IBM Blockchain 解决方案是区块链取得成功的最快途径。IBM 融合了各种网络,让您能够与他人一起推动食品供应、供应链、贸易融资、金融服务、保险以及媒体和广告等领域的转型。
Using the IBM Blockchai solution is the fastest way to succeed in the block chain. IBM integrates networks & #xff0c; it enables you to work with others to promote transformations in the areas of food supply, supply chain, trade finance, financial services, insurance, and the media and advertising.
我们请来五位对区块链技术知之甚少的艺术家,创作有关区块链主要优点的艺术作品。查看他们的作品,然后在我们最新网络研讨会系列 Blockparty 中,从 IBM 客户和业务合作伙伴那里了解更多信息。
We invite five artists with little knowledge of block chain technology to create art on the main advantages of block chain. View their work, and then learn more from IBM clients and business partners in our latest online seminar series, BlockParty.
通过了解创新者如何使用区块链技术 IBM Blockchain Platform 变革业务来获得启发。您可以加入现有的区块链网络,也可以与我们合作创建您自己的区块链网络。
You can join the existing block chain network or work with us to create your own block chain network.
了解我们的客户如何运用 IBM Blockchain 区块链技术,对组织进行革新,从而获得切实可行的业务成果。
To learn how our clients have used IBM Blockchain block chain technology to innovate the organization to achieve practical business results.
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