
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:124 评论:0
关注区块链就会经常听到“智能合约”的术语,那么如何理解“智能合约”?它从何而来,它如何运作?它有什么优缺点?本文适用于初学者。Focusing on block chains often h...



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Focusing on block chains often hears the term “smart contract”, so how do you understand “smart contract”? Where does it come from, how it works? What are its advantages and disadvantages? This applies to beginners.


We often hear popular language about block chain technologies, such as “decentralized networks” and “smart contracts.” Some people invest in projects that may not focus on the complex details, but many successful investors are familiar with important terms such as “smart contracts” and have a thorough understanding of the specific techniques behind encrypted money.


We can go from the history of smart contracts to the application of smart contracts. First of all, the paper does not deal with any investment proposals.


Before giving a comprehensive account of what a smart contract is, let us look back at the historical context in which it was created and help to understand its importance.

1994年,计算机科学家和密码学家Nick Szabo首次提出“智能合约”概念。它早于区块链概念的诞生。Szabo描述了什么是“以数字形式指定的一系列承诺,包括各方履行这些承诺的协议”。虽然有它的好处,但智能合约的想法一直未取得进展——主要是缺乏可以让它发挥出作用的区块链。

In 1994, computer scientists and cryptographers Nick Szabo first proposed the concept of “smart contracts”. It predates the conception of a block chain. Szabo describes “a series of commitments designated in digital form, including agreements between the parties to fulfil them.” Despite its benefits, the idea of smart contracts has not progressed — mainly because of the lack of a chain of blocks that can make it work.


In 2008, the first encrypted currency, bitcoin, did not appear until 2008, when modern block chain technology was introduced. The block chain was originally based on the bottom of bitcoin, and the multi-block chain splits led to significant changes. Smart contracts could not be integrated into the Bitcoin block chain network in 2008, but five years later, it was brought to the surface.

智能合约的概念可以追溯到1994年,由Nick Szabo提出,但直到2008年才出现采用智能合约所需的区块链技术,而最终于2013年,作为以太坊智能合约系统的一部分,智能合约首次出现。

The concept of a smart contract dates back to 1994 and was proposed by Nick Szabo, but it was not until 2008 that the block chain technology required for the introduction of a smart contract emerged, and eventually in 2013 the smart contract emerged for the first time as part of the Etherno Smart Contract System.


The above refers to the historical context, which continues to be discussed from several angles. Smart contracts are special agreements designed to provide, authenticate, and enforce contracts. In particular, smart contracts are important reasons why block chains are called “decentralized” and allow us to carry out retroactive, irreversible and safe transactions without the need for third parties.


Smart contracts contain all information about transactions, and result operations are performed only when the requirements are met. Smart contracts and traditional paper-based contracts are distinguished by the fact that smart contracts are generated by computers.


In fact, intellectual contracts typically involve strangers on the Internet, subject to binding digital protocols. Smart contracts are essentially a digital contract that does not produce results unless they meet the requirements.


A lot of block-chain networks use smart contract functions similar to those used in vending machines. Smart contracts are similar to vending machines: if you transfer to a vending machine (similar ledger) to bitcoin or other encrypted currency, it automatically executes the obligations agreed upon by the parties once it is entered to meet the code requirements of an intelligent contract.

义务以“if then”形式写入代码,例如,“如果A完成任务1,那么,来自于B的付款会转给A。”通过这样的协议,智能合约允许各种资产交易,每个合约被复制和存储在分布式账本中。这样,所有信息都不能被篡改或破坏,数据加密确保参与者之间的完全匿名。

Obligations are written in the form of “if then”, for example, “If A accomplishes its task 1, then payments from B are transferred to A.” Through such an agreement, intelligent contracts allow for various asset transactions, each contract being copied and stored in a distributed account book. In this way, all information cannot be tampered with or destroyed, and data encryption ensures complete anonymity between participants.


While smart contracts can only be used with the assets of digital ecosystems, many applications are actively exploring the world beyond digital currencies and attempting to connect the “real” and “digit” worlds.


Smart contracts are built and run logically. As long as the input requirements are met, that is, as long as the code writing requirements are met, the obligations in the contract will be implemented in a secure and trusted network.


In order to write a smart contract, you must use the smart contract language (SCL). These are the programming languages for directly writing a smart contract or for translating it into a smart contract. Solidity is the programming language for writing a smart contract, which operates on the Etherton virtual machine. It is a high-level contract-oriented language, similar to JavaScript, whose syntax is directed primarily at the Etherm EVM.


The Etheraya Virtual Machine (EVM) is an operating environment for the Taiyo Smart Contract. It is in fact completely isolated, which means that codes running on EVM do not have access to networks, file systems, and other processes. Smart contracts also have limited access to other smart contracts and operate separately on the block chain network.


Three major steps have been taken to create a smart contract on the Etherms network:

  1. 用以太坊高级语言编写
  2. 用EVM编译器编译成字节码
  3. 用以太坊客户端上传到区块链网络


One of the well-known resources for people interested in smart contracts and open source codes is GitHub. This is an online platform for developers to host software codes. Each segment of your code will be stored in a repository, which is essentially a folder for all code components.


Many people copy and paste other people's repositories into their accounts, and then fine-tune them to themselves. By browsing the pages, you can build your own projects. Once you find the repository that you need, open it and search for content, it contains a lot of complex content that is useful. With these programs and resources, you can also create your own smart contracts.


Smart contracts are written by SCL, thanks to the Etheraya virtual machine. This is the operating environment for the Etheraya smart contracts.


Like any new system agreement, smart contracts are not perfect. There are several advantages and disadvantages to using smart contracts, including greater efficiency and lack of regulation. Specifically:


Some of the main advantages of using smart contracts include more efficient processing of documents. This is due to its ability to adopt fully automated processes, without any involvement, as long as it meets the requirements set out in the smart contract code. The result is that it saves time, reduces costs, makes transactions more accurate, and cannot be changed.


In addition, the decentralization of the network is further enhanced by the removal of any third-party interference from smart contracts.


On the other hand, there are a number of problems associated with the use of smart contracts. Some of the disadvantages are human error, difficulty in fully implementing the law, and uncertainty.


While many view the irreversible nature of smart contracts as its main benefit, there are also those who believe that problems cannot be changed when they arise. Because humans make mistakes, as they do when they create smart contracts, some binding agreements may contain errors that are irreversible.


Moreover, smart contracts can only use digital assets, which can be problematic when connecting real assets to the digital world. Finally, and most importantly, smart contracts lack legal regulation and are subject only to code-negotiated obligations.


The advantage of using smart contracts is that they are more efficient, irreversible, secure, and fully automated. On the other hand, the disadvantage is the lack of legal regulation and the difficulty of human error and enforcement.


Smart contracts have been implemented in a variety of block-chain networks, the most important and popular of which are Bitcoin and Etheria. Although the Bitcoin network is known for trading with bitcoin, its agreements can also be used to create smart contracts. Bitcoins actually provide a programming language that allows for the creation of custom smart contracts, such as payment channels.


Ether is the most visible intellectual contract framework to date, as it was created specifically to support the use of smart contracts.


In addition to encrypted currency, there are user scenes in different industries, such as elections, optimized supply chains, and efficient use of smart contracts in e-commerce.


As a result, cryptographers have seen recent developments in smart contracts, working with block chain technology to change the digital world.


Smart contracts can be created in Bitcoin and Etheria. Industries can benefit from intelligent contract development, including elections, supply chains, and e-commerce.


A smart contract is really smart. It makes transactions executed on a block chain network more efficient, and, as it cannot be modified, it allows for careful viewing of protocols.


Regardless of how you look at smart contracts, a growing number of projects are looking for ways to manage them, many of them starting with the Etherton smart contracts. As research on smart contracts progresses, attention can be paid to its progress, but above all, not to forget the importance of smart contracts in carrying out transactions that are secure, untrustworthy and distributed in the network of block chains.



Risk Alert: All Blue Fox notes do not constitute investment recommendations, they are risky, they should take into account individual risk tolerance, and it is recommended that projects be thoroughly examined and their investment decisions carefully taken.


原文作者:CoinBundle Team

Image by Flickr user CoinBundle Team.


Original address: medium.com


This post is part of our special coverage Human Rights Watch.

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