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When referring to USDT, investors found that there were three different chain types for choice, namely, ERC20, TRC20 and Omni, and that most investors were stuck here, and that they did not know how to choose between them, or even what they were, and simply said that ERC20 was the type of chain in the Terai sector chain, whereas TRC20 was the type of chain in the wave zone chain, while Omni was the type of chain in the Bitcoin sector network.


The USDT is currently the most practical and marketable stabilizer, issued by a central company, Tether. By April 17 this year, there were two different types of USDTs in the market. On April 17, there was another USDT issued by a wave-place TRC20 agreement. What difference does it make?


How do you choose USDDT to charge ERC20, TCC20, Omni?


In addition to different addresses, different types of chains are selected, and the speed of transfers and fees are different. If you want to be able to transfer quickly, and you want to pursue speed, you should choose the type of TRAC20 chain in the chain of the wave zone. The wave network TPS reaches 1,500 TPS.


If you care about the fees, if you want to transfer them lower, then you should also choose the type of TRAC20 chain. Because of the type of TRAC20 chain transfer, the fee is zero. The cost is 1 USDT for the type of ORC20 chain, roughly $7. The most expensive is the type of OMIN chain, which requires five USDTs, roughly 35 yuan.


But if you want the transfer to be safe, then choose the type of OMIN chain on the Bitcoin network, which is a little more expensive, but it's safe. It's expensive, it makes sense.


What's the difference between ERC20, TRAC20 and Omni?


One, Omni-USDT is best secure, but transfers are too slow. If you have large orders that do not rush, you can give priority to Omni-USDT.


In 2014, the USDT was born on the Bitcoin network and officially launched several major mainstream exchanges in February 2015. By 2018, the USDT had only one route to transfer, which is Omni-USDT, based on the Bitcoin network. Omni-USDT was stored at the Bitcoin address, so that at each time it was transferred, Bitcoin would have to be paid as a fee for miners. Omni-USDT was in the Bitcoin network with a high cost of hacking, so assets were relatively secure.


2 ERC20-USDT’s security and speed of transfer are in the middle.


As in Omni-USDT, the use of ERC20-USDT also required the payment of absenteeism, but the speed of transfers increased significantly. Due to good security and speed of transfer, ERC20-USDT was widely accepted in the market, and the issuer of USDT, Teda, started to support a more efficient TERC20 in the near East.


3 TRAC20-USDT transfers are the fastest and the chain transfers are free of charge, but less secure. For friends who need to be fast-tracked, it is recommended that they be small, and now it usually takes a few minutes to make a single transfer.


In 2019, Teda announced the launch of the TRC-20-based USDT, TRC20-USDT, on the market. The release was made with a commitment to be fully transparent, with a zero transfer fee, and a second-class payment.


The three types of USDT, ERC20, TRAC20 and Omni, are not different in the exchange, but are not interconnected in the chain, which means that the USDT on Omni cannot be transferred to the other two chains, so it is important to keep an eye on the type of address when the exchange fills in the USD.

USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(简称USDT),1 USDT=1美元。

USDT was introduced by Tether as a token based on a stable value currency, the United States dollar (USD), and 1 USDT = US$ 1.


USDT is issued and traded using the Omni (formerly Mastercoin) agreement, which is a 2.0 currency-based Bitcoin block chain. The parameters such as USDT transaction confirmation are consistent with Bitcoin. Users can transfer the United States dollar through SWIFT to a bank account provided by Tether, or exchange it for USDT.


Tether strictly adheres to the one-to-one reserve guarantee, that is, there is a $1 guarantee in its bank account for every USDT token issue.


USDT was issued by a central company, Tether. By 17 April of this year, there were two different types of USDT in the market.

第一种是基于比特币的USDT (基于Omni协议发行)。 这种USDT存储在比特币地址上,所以每次转账(链上转账)时,都需要支付少量的比特币作为矿工费。

The first is a bitcoin-based USDT (issued on the basis of an Omni agreement), which is stored at a bitcoin address, so that a small amount of Bitcoin is required as a miner's fee for each transfer (a chain transfer).

除了转账需要比特币作为矿工费之外,每发起一笔USDT转账,都会对应地生成一笔数量极小的比特币转账。所以,每发起一笔基于比特币的USDT转账,钱包地址中至少要有0.0002个比特币才能保证转账成功。同时,收款方在收到一笔 USDT转账时,也会收到一笔最小金额的比特币转账。

In addition to the amount of bitcoin required for the transfer as a miner’s fee, each USDT transfer is matched by a very small bitcoin transfer. Thus, every dollar transfer based on bitcoin is initiated with a wallet address of at least 0.0002 bitcoins to ensure that the transfer is successful.


The second is a USDT based on the Etherms (based on the ERC-20 protocol). This USDT is stored at the Etherms address, corresponding to the need to consume Gas, or ETH, for each transfer (a chain transfer).


Currently, the vast majority of USDTs in the market are based on USDT in Bitcoin, and the share of USDTs based on Etheria is low (about 3 per cent).

4月17日,第三种USDT诞生了,它是基于TRON网络(波场)发行的USDT。基于TRON网络的TRC-20 USDT,存储在TRON的地址当中,充值、提现都是通过TRON网络进行,而且转账免费。

On April 17, the third USDT was born, based on the Tron network (bandyard) for the USDT. TRC-20 USDT, based on the Tron network, is stored at Tron’s address, and the values, withdrawals and transfers are made through the Tron network and are free of charge.


Which of the three USDTs is the fastest transfer? Because of the 1,500 TPS network, it's the fastest transfer at the moment.

哪种USDT转账最安全?有人表示波场的DPoS 27名超级节点没有其它两个网络来得安全,最安全的也就只有比特币网络了。

Which USDT transfers are the safest? Some say that the two other two networks are safe for the two DPOS 27 supernodes in the waves, and only the Bitcoin network is the safest.

大笔转账推荐基于比特币的USDT,折中选择基于以太坊的ERC-20 USDT,小额转账可以选择基于波场的TRC-20 USDT,速度更快一点。

Large transfers are recommended on the basis of USDT in Bitcoin, split on the basis of ERC-20 USDT in Ether, and small transfers can choose on the basis of TRC-20 USDDT at a faster pace.


Do not lose assets when full value is raised.


USDT based on Bitcoin, and USDT based on Etheria, are incompatible and cannot be transferred to each other.


So, how do you know what kind of USDT you belong to?


In fact, it is easy to judge by storing a USDT address: “ 1&rdquao; first, a USDT based on Bitcoin; first, &ldquao; 0x&rdquao; first, a USDT based on Etheria. In other words, a USDT based on Bitcoin can only be stored on a Bitcoin address; and, second, a USDT based on Etheria address.


As for the third TRAC-based USDT, some of the trading platforms are now supported at & ldquo; T” at the beginning.

▲ 三种USDT地址示例

Examples of three USDT addresses


Whether it's a transfer or a collection from a trading platform, it needs to be clear what type of USDT is going to operate.




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