虚拟货币成违法犯罪工具 比特币中国将停止所有交易

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:64 评论:0
  每经记者 肖乐 每经编辑 毕陆名Every reporter, Shawla, every editor, Brewer's name.   9月14日,比特币中国公告宣布,即日起停止新用户注册,...



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  每经记者 肖乐 每经编辑 毕陆名

Every reporter, Shawla, every editor, Brewer's name.


On 14 September, the Bitcoin China announcement announced that the registration of new users would be suspended as of that date, and that the digital asset trading platform would cease all trading operations on 30 September 2017. Once the announcement was made, the Bitcoin price should fall sharply.


Just on September 13, the Chinese Internet Finance Association (hereinafter referred to as the Mutual Gold Association) issued a reminder on protection against so-called “virtual currency” risks, such as Bitcoin (hereinafter referred to as the “Guide”). The reminder states that so-called “virtual currency” such as Bitcoin lacks a clear value base, that there is a strong climate of market speculation, that prices are volatile, that investors are blind and active, that they are prone to financial losses, and that investors need to strengthen their awareness of risk prevention.


"virtual currency" has become a criminal tool


The price of “virtual currency” such as Bitcoin has risen rapidly since this year, and our country is a major global market for bitcoin transactions. The monitoring report on domestic bitcoin transactions, previously published by the National Technical Expert Committee on Internet Financial Security, shows that the price and market value of “virtual currency” – represented by bitcoin, Taiku, etc. – has risen rapidly since 2017. The market value of the world’s main “virtual currency” rose from $17.7 billion to $100 billion in the first half of 2017.


It noted that, in recent years, so-called “virtual currencies”, such as Bitcoin, Latcoin and various tokens, have been traded centrally on a number of Internet platforms, and that the number of people involved has gradually expanded, resulting in financial and social risks that cannot be ignored.


According to the Association, so-called “virtual currency” such as Bitcoin lacks a clear value base, there is a strong climate of speculation in the market, price volatility, the blindness of investors and the risk of financial loss. It is worth noting that so-called “virtual currency” such as Bitcoin is increasingly used as a tool for criminal activities, such as money-laundering, drug trafficking, smuggling, and illegal fund-raising.


According to a civil judgement of July 2016, the suspect may have purchased 34 bitcoin 553.0346 items worth approximately $2 million using the “OKCoin” trading platform of Lecupta's website. In parallel with the purchase of bitcoins, he may have been allowed to operate the account to carry out a money-deposit operation, with all of the 553.0346 bitcoins purchased in four instalments to be transferred to the Bitcoin wallets registered on the “blockchanl” website, and then to sell the bitcoins to help the fraudsters to complete their money-laundering operations in Macao, China.


In addition to money-laundering, the judgement states that Lecupta did not effectively fulfil its legal anti-money-laundering obligations, such as customer identification and suspicious transaction reports, as required by the Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin issued by five ministries, including the People's Bank of China, in the event of an anomaly in its account. In addition to money-laundering, there are also precedents for criminal offences involving fraud through the Bitcoin platform. A criminal decision of April 2016 showed that Liu Gang, Kim Hae, Huang Liqin and the so-called Bitcoe trading operators, the fictional company's shareholder structure, investment background, stock acquisition, stock exchange rights, etc., fraudulently trust others and engage in bitcoal transactions on their own websites.


bitcoinstops all transactions in China at the end of the month


Currently, the three trading platforms of the domestic OKCoin bank (22.5 per cent), Bitcoin China (19.7 per cent) and the Currency Net (18.2 per cent), together accounting for 60 per cent, have the largest volume of transactions. Many other “virtual currency” exchanges account for the remaining 40 per cent of the market share.


In its Note of September 13, the Mutual Gold Association states that there is no legal basis for all types of so-called “currency” trading platforms in our country. A senior Internet finance lawyer has indicated to the Daily Economic News journalist that the exchange should be set up with the approval of a local financial office, and that the scope of operation of the exchange we are now seeing is non-financial.


A number of financial and media reports have recently led to regulatory decisions to close “virtual currency” exchanges in China, involving all exchanges between “virtual currency” and French currency, such as “OKCoin” and “bitcoin China”.

  “比特币中国”是上述三家主流交易所中最先宣布关停交易的平台。“比特币中国”在公告中表示,根据9月4日下发的《中国人民银行中央网信办工业和信息化部 工商总局 银监会 证监会 保监会关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》文件精神,秉承着防范投资风险,最大限度保障用户利益的原则,比特币中国团队经慎重讨论,决定比特币中国数字资产交易平台即日起停止新用户注册;2017年9月30日数字资产交易平台将停止所有交易业务。比特币中国的矿池(国池)等业务将不受此影响,继续正常运营。

“Bitcoin” is the first of the three major exchanges to declare a cut-off. “Bitcoin China” states in its bulletin that, in accordance with the communiqué issued on 4 September by the Central Network Information Agency of the People’s Bank of China, the Department of Industry and Commerce of the Bank of China, the Superintendency of Trade and Information, the Superintendence of Securities, the bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, the principles of investment risk prevention and maximum protection of the interests of users, the Bitcoin China team, after careful discussion, decided to suspend the registration of new users from the Bitcoin China Digital Assets Trading Platform as soon as possible; the Digital Assets Trading Platform will cease all trading operations on 30 September 2017.


The tender network issued a circular on 9 September stating that the regulators did not declare Bitcoin as illegal per se, nor did they prohibit point-to-point transactions between users, and that the holding of bitcoin could still be realized by point-to-point transactions. The OKCoin line also previously stated that if the relevant regulatory information was correct, the current Bitcoin transactions against the renminbi would be discontinued and transformed into an information platform for digital asset point-to-point transactions.


Senior analysts of the digital money market, Xiao Xiao, told Daily Economic News journalists that the risk of point-to-point transactions was still greater, as it was difficult to secure credit because of the problems associated with the transfer of the renminbi, and that investors and traders were therefore exposed to greater credit risks; for the State, such points were largely unmonitored of point-to-point transactions and could lead to a greater risk of financial outflows or illicit transactions.




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