今晚 20:00,我们邀请到了 DeBank 创始人汤洪波和 Tokenlon 增长负责人 Lucas 与大家聊聊 DEX 与它的「孪生兄弟」DeFi 为什么能够在复杂的行业环境下稳步发展?其中 DEX 又是如何渐渐成为一些用户的第一选择?扫描文末海报报名参加。
区块链上的转账有时 2~3 分钟就成功,有时却好几天都不成功,这是怎么一回事呢?
What happened to the transfer on the block chain, sometimes two to three minutes and sometimes days?
to change your angle today so you can understand "block chain transfer."
区块链是通过去中心化集体维护的数据库,是未来趋势,是.... 打住。
The block chain is a database maintained collectively through decentralisation and is a future trend.
简单理解,区块链是一本记录流水账的账本,里面记录着:张三转 10 个 ETH 给李四,李四转 5 个 ETH 给王五,王五转 5 个 ETH 给丁六...
simplely understood,
不是中本聪在记账,也不是孙哥在记账,更不是 imToken 在记账,而是一群被称为「矿工」的人在竞争上岗,抢着记账。 is not a record-keeping by Chinabone, nor is it an imtoken, but a group of people called "miners" who competed to keep books. 每过一个区块,账本每翻一页,就会有一道数学题,哪个聪明的矿工先答对了,就由他来记这一页的账,记完之后会拿到一笔辛苦费。 , every time a page is turned, there's a mathematical question. Any smart miner is right first, so he will take the page and get a hard fee. /span > 任何一笔转账只有被矿工选中,并记到账本里,才是成功的。 any transfer will be successful only if selected by the miners and recorded in the books of accounts. A 矿工往账本里记录一笔假账:Vitalik 转了10000 个 ETH 给 A 矿工。? A Miner to record a false account: Vitalik transferred 10,000 ETHs to A Miner. 其他矿工作为 A 矿工的竞争对手一直在盯着呢:A 同志,你这是造假,是在给区块链抹黑! The competition of other miners working for A miners has been watching: Comrade A, you are falsifying the chain of blocks! 然后 A 就成了矿工中的失信人员,大家不承认他记的账,到手的记账奖励和小费也归其他矿工了。 and then A became a badass among the miners. 休息一下,闭上眼睛,想象你是工商局的领导,现在要去查比特币这个账本了! Take a break, close your eyes, imagine you're the head of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry, and now you're going to Chabitco's book! 睁开眼,打开浏览器或者 imToken ,进入比特币的区块浏览器 BTC.com,从 2009 年到现在,每一个比特币转账信息都摆在你面前。 Open your eyes, open your browser or imtoken, enter Bitcoin's block browser BTC.com, where every bitcoin transfer information from 2009 to the present is before you. 每时每刻区块链网络都有几万笔转账,在排着队拿着爱的号码牌,等着被矿工记到账本里。 Twenty thousand transfers are made every minute of the block chain network, waiting in line to be recorded in the ledger by the miners. 如果你是矿工,你会选哪些转账记到账本里? If you were a miner, which transfers would you choose to record in the books? 如果我没猜错,你会和矿工一样,谁给的「小费」(矿工费)多,就先把他的转账信息记到账本里。 If I'm not mistaken, you'll be like the miner, who gives you more tips, and then put his transfer information in the ledger.
If I'm wrong, that means the miner's job isn't for you.
你和中本聪同时转账,中本聪给 5 毛的矿工费,你给一块的矿工费,那矿工一定优先把你的转账记进账本里。
读完上面的内容,想必你已经对区块链,和区块链转账有了大致了解。那我们说说用 imToken 转账有什么优势: reading it, I'm sure you already know a lot about block chains and block chain transfers. So what's the advantage of using imToken to transfer them: --- 今晚活动 ---
和交易所固定的手续费不同,你可以通过 imToken 选择愿意支付给矿工的费用。
已经发出去的低矿工费转账,通过 imToken 进行「加速交易」,后来先到。
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