数字币暴跌三大所现原形:OKEx领跑,火币跟随,币 安掉队?

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:68 评论:0
数字币暴跌三大所现原形:OKEx领跑,火币跟随,币安掉队?Digital coins fell down three of the way they were: OKEx leads, the gun follows, the coins...



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Digital coins fell down three of the way they were: OKEx leads, the gun follows, the coins fall?


Over the past week, global capital markets have collapsed collectively, oil collapses, gold collapses, American smelts, bitcoin cut-off overnight, one-time hit by $3,800, with a fall of more than 60%, the largest single-day fall since 2014, and other mainstream currencies have fallen as well. As a result, markets have been subjected to rare panic sales, with unprecedented tests on digital currency exchanges.



Extremely, the Bitcoin futures market is bleeding like a river. Coin data show that, within 24 hours of the start of the crash on the night of March 12, a total of $3.28 billion, or about 22.9 billion yuan, will explode.


On the night of March 12, Bitcoin started a violent fall. According to the user's slurring, “the currency is now punctured, the currency is nearly collapsing, the needle is re-emerged, and even the user is unable to raise the currency for long periods of time.

币安LINK / UDST交易对出现闪崩,LINK短线最低触及0.00001美元。不仅如此,币安更被曝在比特币跌破4000美金时,在3621美元处发生插针行情。币安合约账户用户持仓被自动减仓的现象第二天仍在持续,OTC提币不畅问题依旧。

In addition, when the currency was exposed to a drop of $4,000 in bitcoins, there was a puncture at $3621. The automatic downswing of customers of the currency’s contract account continued the following day, and the problem of OTC’s misalignment persisted.


The sharp fall in currency prices has led users to flee, and the platform failure has further exacerbated the user’s panic. There are data showing that the currency flows to 13549.53 BTC, out of 21482.54 BTC, and out of 7933 BTC, with only 22 bits left at one time due to large amounts of coins being raised by users.


In the tender contract, the waterfall came and stepped on the engine, making it impossible for the user to operate properly. According to Coin, the biggest single-blank explosion occurred on the currency exchange, with $5.832 million worth of bitcoins blown up.


It is worth mentioning that, on 9 March, the tender issued a bulletin on adjusting the contractual adjustment factor for the whole variety type, which appears to have been the subject of rumours of early explosion.

尽管如此,OKEx CEO仍指出,即使火币修改了调整系数,依旧存在提前爆仓的问题。同样开仓1000张,火币要比OKEx提前 $82 爆仓。这就意味着,在保证金固定,同样开20倍杠杆的情况下,火币将提前20%爆仓。

Nevertheless, OKEx CEO points out that even if the tender adjusts, there is still a problem of premature explosion. Similarly, 1,000 of them are opened, with 82 dollars ahead of OKEx.



In fact, in this rare drop-off scenario, it is also inevitable for an exchange with good wind control and technical capabilities. In the case of OKEx, its CEO revealed that the night was “50 times the average number of orders per second” and that the impact was clear, and that the OKEx contract was short in the case of Carton.


It is well known that the average volume of transactions in the derivatives market is much higher than in the spot market. According to the exchange volume data for 12-13 days, OKEx handles 98,436 transactions within a peak period of one minute, with a significant lead on all exchanges, while the tender contract handles 58,711 transactions in a single minute.


During the period of volatility, the OKEx risk reserve remained stable, and users did not get caught up in the ground as a result of the surge. In the aftermath of the shock, the OKEx achieved a “one-size-fits-all” rating of zero across the currency, and none of the profit-making users was pre-empted from this round of extreme stress.

经此一役,交易所马太效应加剧,市场选择用真金白银为信任投票。Skew数据显示,OKEx 24小时比特币期货交易量已超过BitMEX40%以上,位居第一。

As a result of this effort, the value of the exchange's Matthews has increased, and the market has chosen to use real silver as a vote of confidence. Skew data show that the 24-hour volume of futures trading in OKEx exceeds 40% of BitMEX, which is in the top position.


According to the March 14 explosion data, OKExbitco held a warehouse of 379 million, a warehouse of 860.5 million, and a warehouse of about one tenth of the entire network. The rate of blasts on the two main platforms, Général and BitMEX, is as high as 79%.

截至3月15日20时, CoinGecko数据显示,24小时未平仓合约中,OKEx以6.7亿美元居首,火币为3.27亿美元;24小时合约交易量中,OKEx以35.69亿美元排名第一,火币以28.51亿美元排名第二。

As at 2000 hours on 15 March, CoinGecko data showed that out of the 24-hour unsettled contracts, OKEx was at the top of $670 million and the gun was $327 million; out of the 24-hour contract transactions, OKEx was first in the order of $3.569 billion and the gun was second in the range of $2,851 million.


This week, the strength of OKEx continued its excellent performance last week, holding the first delivery seat on the Bitcoin futures volume. The skeew and CoinGecgo data show that, as of March 17, at 24-hour BTC futures volume and BTC futures day totals, OKEx was far ahead.




Not only did Bitcoin futures perform reasonably well, but it was also the first time this year that OKEx played the battle of platform money, and the ever-higher value of the ROB became the most resistant to falling platform money during last week’s crash.


According to BeatleNews, the fall last week of OKB was 23.4%, followed only by 22.65% of the ETC, and became the second most resilient mainstream currency, the strongest platform currency. And last week’s recovery of the largest currency was also the same, with the highest performance of 55.29%, especially on March 15, when it rose with 18% of the 24-hour rise in the platform currency, which clearly outperformed HT by 3.8%, and BNB by -0.09%.


During this period, in just two days from 13 March to 15 March, the price of OKB rose from $2 to $3.88, almost doubling.

2 月 10 日,OKEx主动破局,宣布销毁尚未发行的全部 7 亿 OKB,价值人民币约200多亿元,开启“极致通缩”,让平台币回归价值投资。与此同时,OKChain 测试网及 DEX 同步上线,公链创始区块通证 OKT 将 100% 映射给 OKB 的持有者。

On February 10, OKEx took the initiative and announced the destruction of the entire undistributed amount of 700 million KMB, valued at more than 20 billion yuan, and the launch of the “extreme deflation” to bring the platform currency back into value investment. At the same time, the OKChain test network and DEX are synchronized online, and the Public Chain Founding Block General Certificate OKT will map 100% of the total amount of KOB to its holders.

宣布销毁当日,OKB 最高涨幅 50%,并在 6 天后创下6.86 美元新高。

On the day the destruction was announced, the maximum increase of OKB was 50 per cent, and $6.86 was created six days later.

OK这个大动作令币圈始料未及,火币率先跟进。2 月 29 日,火币交易所跟随宣布永久销毁 14741.79 万个 HT,不再增发,也仿效喊出了“绝对通缩”的口号。另一边,HT也启动上涨行情,但相较OKB仍显疲软,最高涨幅仅有20%。

On February 29, the Exchange announced the permanent destruction of 147,479,000 HTs, no more, and followed the slogan “absolute deflation.” On the other side, the HT also started the upturn, but it was still weak compared to the OKB, with a peak of only 20%.


The rise, however, did not benefit investors, but rather revealed that the HT rat warehouse was not empty. Just after the fire price announced close to OKEx’s announcement of the destruction of 150 million HTs, the price of HT rose rapidly by $5, but then fell quickly, and the “single-side fall” became a true picture of HT, with an eventual real increase of only 2%.


This has not yet come to an end and has been followed by successive drops, leaving little to return to this wave of stimulus, which has taken a heavy toll on many scattered households in their pursuit of good news in high schools.


According to HT warehouse users, there were more than 5 million HT transactions above $5, with transactions exceeding 200 million, almost all of which came from high-level operations in the diaspora.


It is worth noting that, according to AlCoin, after the HT issued its destruction announcement, a total of 134 large lists were issued, of which 2.62,000 were registered. HTli was able to co-operate with the rat warehouse, and some people used internal information to make their profits, and the swarms were made to cry.

有币圈人士分析认为,三大交易所里的币安,“似乎大势已去“。自去年 7 月,币安发布官方公告称,从第八次销毁开始,将币安团队所持份额加入到 BNB 季度销毁计划之后,BNB实质上已不再是通缩经济模型,退回到用户使用的实用性代币功能,二级市场上回购销毁的增长逻辑不再。

Currency circles have analysed currency security in the three major exchanges as “seeming to have gone.” Since last July, when the official announcement was issued that starting with the eighth destruction, the shares of the currency security team had been added to the BNB quarterly destruction plan, the BNB was virtually no longer a deflationary economic model, returning to the functional monetic function used by its users, and the growth logic of repurchase destruction in the secondary market was no longer the same.


In addition to earlier media reports that the currency CEO suspected of misappropriation of the user's assets for bribes, which plunged into a crisis of trust, it is no wonder that analysis suggests that “BNB has completely lost its ability to lead” and has to follow OKB and HT, following a small ups and downs and downs.


According to data dated 17 March, for the past seven days, the decline in BNB by 38.6 per cent has caused a significant drop in glasses, compared with the decline in OKB and HT by 19.8 per cent and -25.2 per cent, respectively.

跟随和复制向来是币圈交易所竞争的必备手段,继OKEx宣布全部销毁 7 亿OKB之后,ZB、Fcoin、MX等其他交易所也陆续跟上,非但市场没有买账,更让这些平台背负了严重的资金压力,Fcoin一次性销毁7亿FT直接导致平台兑付危机,就是鲜活的血的教训。

Following the announcement by OKEx of the total destruction of 700 million kB, other exchanges, such as ZB, Fcoin and MX, have been following, but the market has not bought them, putting the platform under severe financial pressure, and the one-time destruction of 700 million FT, which has led directly to the platform's cash-for-money crisis, is a lesson of living blood.


Much of this is due to the fact that these exchanges reproduce, at best, the appearance of “total destruction”, while ignoring the nature of the value investment behind “extreme deflation”.


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从年初至今,OKEx在三大交易所里的表现有些“不安分”。风头强劲的OKB,“绝对通缩”的全销毁利好,刺激了OKB逆势领涨,市值跻身全球前十。一同上线的还有OKChain 测试网及 DEX,作为区块链的基石,以OKChain为核心的OKEx生态战略蓝图清晰可见。

From the beginning of the year to the present, OKEx's performance on the three major exchanges has been somewhat “unsettled.” The strong, “absolute deflation” of the wind’s total destruction profit has stimulated the rise in the reverse position of the OKB, which is ranked among the top 10 in the world. The same line also includes the OK Chain Test Network and DEX, which are the cornerstones of the block chain, with the OKEx eco-strategy blueprint with the core of the OK Chain visible.


And in the derivatives market, which has always kept itself in the lead, OKEx has also made great strides, especially with regard to the fast-online options, with good results.


The skew data show that the number of OKEx options passed $15 million on a daily basis, with a large number of clients actively adopting a straddle option strategy. Based on this option, users can also generate steady profits when currency prices fluctuate significantly.


According to the sources, OKEx will also roll out a portfolio bond to open accounts that are sustainable, deliverable, off-the-shelf, leverage and options, and collect a bond based on the risk position based on the overall account, further increasing the user's fund utilization rate.


In the derivatives trading market, although the gun, currency, and other trading platforms continue to expand their contractual operations in an attempt to encroach on the shares of OKEx, there is no denying that the pre-emptive advantage of OKEx has made it possible to build the moat faster and to create innovation. For the exchange, it is bound to be a “one-size-fits-all” killing.


On the other hand, to expand the larger market space, OKEx has also accelerated the pace of globalization around the application of OKB. Officially, the number of OKB’s global ecological partners has reached 35, opening up eight major channels of gold, including the United States dollar, the euro, the Korean won, the rupees, the Vietnamese shield, and so on, covering millions of users in 141 regions and countries around the world.


Unlike the beginning of OKEx’s year, two other exchanges were somewhat uncooled. The currency was still under the shadow of a bribe, and, although the situation had subsided after its founder’s public apology, the crisis of trust had been a severe blow to the currency, with the involvement of the coin. Although the currency had announced a strategic rhythm from centralization to open platforms and then to centralization, several centralized power games had made the strategy seem less robust, and market responses, judging by BNB’s weak upturn, had been a bit of a thunderstorm.


When you look at it again, not much has happened this year, but whether the platform money has been destroyed or the public chain has been tested online, it is following up OKEx, subject to the rhythm of OKEx and has had to follow the strategy with a sense of inflammation.


In 2020, under a landmark opportunity in the area of block-chain industries and digital monetary assets, who can pre-position and seize the potential hidden from the turmoil, and who can really stand up after this shuffle and leave other competitors far behind. Compared to the other two exchanges, the ecological mound that is being built by OKEx is no longer a magnified vision, the blueprint is more like, and the pace is clearer, and users can visually see the future of the value of the OkB-based exchange and platform currency.


Starting with OKB becoming the world’s first fully circulating platform currency, OKEx was the first to realize that a platform currency buy-back destruction model can only stimulate short-term false prosperity, and that its long-term value is ultimately reflected in the value of the exchange. There is no doubt that there is a great attraction for users.


As in the case of the stock selection logic of listed companies, on the one hand, what can be understood and what can be seen in the future can make investors willing to become shareholders in the company at lower risk; on the other hand, the accelerated layout of OKEx reveals its ambitions for the future of the crypto-economy, taking a larger share of the global market and becoming a well-deserved industry leader.




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