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Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure that many people have no special knowledge of the basics of the currency circle, so let's share the basics of the currency circle, as well as the basics of the currency circle, for us to see today, but for us to read with patience!



1. Bitcoin and Etheria are hard currency in the block chain world and are recommended BTC and Ether if new handkerchiefs do not know what digital assets to buy.


2. Digital currency categories are diverse: currency (BTC), platform (ETH), application (SC), anchoring (USDT), and semi-red (buyback of BNB) digital currencies have many attributes. The new garbs need only distinguish between value and air currency, the value of which can be held regularly, and the amount of air currency doubled without touching it!


The purchase channels for French currency are: off-site trading platforms and private off-sites. The off-site trading platforms generally support multiple BTC/ETH/EOS assets, mostly BTC and ETH hard currency, depending on the size of the private off-site.


Conventional trading platforms: bitfinex, bittrex, binance, okex, etc. Bitf plays the most rich, bitt deals the most, currency the best experience, and the combination of the three basically meets all the needs of ordinary users.


Common wallets: Imtoken is recommended by the Tails and Bitcoin is recommended by Bitcoin.


6. Important digital assets other than air currency should not be placed on the website, but in secure wallets.


What does a coin ring mean?


The so-called currency circle, the natural circle of digital money players. The currency circle is small, but it is not small in numbers, and it is basically small in the population, but the forest is at last a circle, with few people making money and a variety of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as the meco, the coin, the mine, the exchange, the project, the self-media, etc.


What's the main currency in the ring?

BTC(比特币)    ETH(以太坊)  XRP(瑞波币、波女神) 

BTC (bitcoin) #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; ETH (Etheria) #160; #160; XRP (Ripoon, Bojo) #160;

BCH(比特现金、大皇子) EOS(柚子) LTC(莱特币、辣条)

BCH (bit cash, crown prince) EOS (fruit) LTC (Letcoin, chili)


How's the coin ring making money?


There's a lot of ways to make money in the ring. The most important ones are coins, ICOs, bricks, contracts, and so on.


Which exchanges are best used?

现货交易所: 币安、火币、okex、比特儿(最知名安全)

On-the-spot exchange: #160; coins, coins, okex, bitel (most well known for safety)

期货交易所: okex、bitmex、火币(最知名安全)

Futures exchange: okex, bitmex, coin (most well known for safety)


Where do you usually read about currency circles?


Behavior sites: non-small, Mytoken, Alcoin, etc.


News website: Gold Economy, Babbit Community, Money World News


What do you mean, French?


The French currency is the legal currency issued by the State and the Government and is guaranteed only by government credit, such as the renminbi, the United States dollar, etc.


What do you mean, token?


Token is one of the important concepts in the block chain, which is more widely known as “demons”, but, in the opinion of professional “chainers”, its more accurate translation is a “passport”, representing a proof of interest in the block chain, not money.


Token's three elements.


The first is the proof of a digital entitlement, which must be a certificate of interest in digital form, representing a right, an inherent and intrinsic value;


The second is encryption, where the authenticity of hyphens, anti-fouling, privacy protection, etc. are guaranteed by cryptography;


The third is the ability to move in a network so that it can be validated anywhere.


What does that mean?


Currency-circumstance construction, also known as the opening of a currency, refers to the purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency by the traders.


What do you mean, "loose"?


It's the money that's going to put all the money into it.


What do you mean, currency drops?


Airdrops are a very popular method of encrypting money. In order for potential investors and those interested in encrypting money to have access to money-related information, the money team regularly drops it.


What does that mean?


Lockdowns generally mean that investors, after buying and selling contracts, when the market is moving in the opposite direction from their own operations, open new warehouses that are in the opposite direction of the original warehouse, known as locks, locks, even butterflies.


What do you mean "loose candy"?


& #160; the currency circle confectionery, the digital currency that was distributed free of charge to users at the time of the issuance of the various digital currency by the ICO, is a campaign and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the Virtual Currency project.


What does that mean?


The fall refers to the issuing price of a digital currency. The fall in a currency refers to the fall in a digital currency.


What do you mean, private money?


The private collection of currencies is a way of investing in encrypted money projects and the best way to raise funds for the operation of the platform by the founders of the cryptographic money projects.


What do you think of the k-line?

K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。

The K-line map, also known as CandleStick Charts, the candle map, the Japanese line, the yin-yang line, the bar line, the red black line, etc., is commonly referred to as the “K-line”. It is based on the opening price, the highest price, the lowest price and the collection price for each analytical cycle.


What do you mean, currency rings and bricks?


Brick removal is the purchase of digital currency from a low-value exchange and then its sale on a high-priced exchange.


What does ICO mean?

Initial Coin Offering,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目以自身发行的虚拟货币,换取市场流通常用的虚拟货币的融资行为,以及还有IEO,STO等,模式都大似相同

Initial Coin Offering, an IPO concept derived from the stock market, is a virtual currency issued by the block chain project itself in exchange for the financing of the virtual currency commonly used for market circulation, as well as IEO, STO, etc., in a similar fashion.


Five Great Investment Codes


1. There is no way for the founders to be held legally accountable once they have gone away.


2. Knowledge of the block chain and of the industry pain points addressed by the block chain will then enter the currency circle.


3. It is important to have a comprehensive picture of the projects that you want to invest, whether the projects actually use block chain technology, whether their founders have made their identities known and their context correct, whether the business logic of the projects is closely linked to the tokens, whether similar projects already exist with the industry to address industrial pain points and, if the projects are successful, whether their projects are profitable in real life.


4. If it is not possible to determine accurately the project prospects in the currency, then investments in more than 20 per cent of the assets involved in the block chain should not be made and eggs should not be placed in a basket.


5. Quality projects are also expected to rise and fall. They are usually treated as self-serving investment projects that do not pay too much attention to prices in the short term, whether the team's development progress is consistent with the White Paper, and that only long-term holdings will ultimately yield more.


Ten major trading codes.


First, low-value chips should not be easily lured away, with a firm conviction to prevent the dealer from smashing the plate.


Secondly, the catch-up, the fall in and out of the warehouse is always a big taboo, and the big trend is a positive one, with the downswing in lots, with lower risks, lower costs and greater profits than the upswing.


Third, reasonable distribution of profits, maximizing the release of funds, rather than keeping money on deposit,


Fourthly, when he rises and falls to hold his currency, he must at all times be righteous, not speculative, not indignant, not greedy, not indignant, not indignant, not in battle prepared,


Fifthly, the ambush or private collection of low-value currency is based on experience and the future of the currency, and the second-tier market games are based on technology and information and on the process of doing business.


Sixth, warehousing, delivery of goods must be stratified, prices gradually spread out, and risk and profit ratio points are effectively controlled.

第七、联动效应要熟悉,打币看行情,同时要留意其他币子的动向,每个币子在大盘交易都不是孤立存在的,貌似没有联系其实盘根错节,联动效应就要对币子要了解, 很多现在很多工具可以利用查看币子信息和资讯,

Seventh, we need to be familiar with the effects of the connection, to watch the behaviour of the money, and to be aware of the movements of the other coins, which do not appear to exist in isolation from the big deal, and which do not seem to be linked to the fact that the connection effects require knowledge of the currency, #160; many tools now have access to information and information about the currency.


Eighth, the silo is reasonable, the hot currency, the value currency is reasonably configured, the resistance to pressure and the proportion of profit intake are too conservative to miss the opportunity, and too radical to be exposed to high-risk risks. The most important feature of the value currency is stability, the hot currency is the most volatile, and it may also be zero in the first day of the World War.


Ninth, there are coins on the plate, there are money in the account, cash in the pocket is the safest and safest mark, there is no way to go, there is no way to go, there is no way to go.


Tenth, mastering the basics, learning the basics of the game and the basics of the game. Observation is a prerequisite, bearing in mind the highs and bottoms of each time, as a reference data, learning to record, learn to summarize the material itself, develop reading habits, develop the ability to filter information and filter it.


Robust investment programmes


Control the warehouse. Don't fill it easily. Why don't you fill it up?


The first is risk control, and you can't guarantee that when you buy it, your assets will rise, and if you run into the falls, you will not be able to make up for the average price.


The second point is mind control, and I've had my own experience, and I've been staring at it after everything, and it's seriously affecting my mind. I can't sleep well.


The third point is easy to cut, gambling, every moment to see a change in their earnings, a short period of time to see their currency not rising, other currencies to rise or others to buy meat, and repeated operations to bring less and less money #160;

长线 3-4成  长时间持有

Longline #160; 3-4 to #160; #160; long-term holding

短线 3-4成 为什么会有短线,很多人都说短线是肯定会亏钱的。但是在我们做了长线资金分配情况下,炒币是一件很有意思的事情,我相信绝大部分人都管不住自己的手,只要做好仓位控制,不要频繁割肉,短线在一般情况下一定要做到获利在出场(特殊情况是项目或者大盘有问题)。然后参考我上面的仓位控制,还有不是任何一个币的长线都比短线收益要高。

Shortlines #160; 3-4% #160; why there are short lines, and many say that short lines are bound to lose money. But when we do long-line fund allocations, it's interesting that the vast majority of people can't control their own hands, so just do not cut meat frequently. Short lines usually have to be profitable.


The currency circle is one of the most challenging places for humanity, with many saying that investment is anti-human, Bucky, and others saying that the money that investment earns is an anti-human reward. This experience is also sending a message that it is also a place where real silver is needed to grow, to be a qualified investor, not to step on a few pits, not to lose a little money, and to make money, which is extremely difficult, as if it were a bad reason to learn to swim when we were young, and not to drink a few water. But we can make less mistakes and less losses.


1. Risk of a sharp up/down in currency prices


The risk is rising.


For newcomers, it's basically the tail of the cattle market, and it's just a month later in the bear market, and even if you're running around the tail of the cattle market, you need to find a way to make money to accumulate chips in the bear market.


When you get to the bull market, when prices are high, you can basically split up, so long as you give up your IQ, trust in the market, and earn a cycle of money, you can avoid that risk. You can make money by looking at the big trend in digital money, whether by choosing Bitcoin or Lightcoin.


2. Risk of keeping the currency


With regard to the custody of the currency, because I'm in contact with a currency circle every week, the interview includes the question of what kind of digital asset you're in now? Most people choose to put it on the exchange.


When our digital assets are not at a certain level, such as less than 100,000, and when they are relatively lazy, I think that there is a choice between a few big, solid exchanges, and not just one or two, currency security, OKex, and gun money. Even if a family is hit by hackers or runs, you still have most of your assets, and the risk is relatively low.


3. Risks of transactions


The risk of a transaction, mainly from money received in your currency, is that your bank card will be frozen by the courts if it involves the laundering of money.


In Bear City, learn to operate short lines with a small amount of money, including the sale of coins, and learn all kinds of mistakes. The freezing of bank cards by the courts is a very troubling thing, with six months of movement, years of long, and if your big money is on the cards, it's a terrible loss because it's so big that you can't move on the cards.




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