
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:61 评论:0
文/恒天软件 周海明    10月24日,国家主席习近平在中央政治局第十八次集体学习时强调“把区块链作为核心技术自主创新重要突破口,加快推动区块链技术和产业创新发展”,将区块链的发展要求提到了新的高度。区块链技术...



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文/恒天软件 周海明


& nbsp; & nbsp; On 24 October, President Xi Jinping, during his 18th collective study at the Central Political Bureau, emphasized “the importance of the block chain as an important entry point for core technological autonomy and accelerated technological and industrial innovation development” and referred the development requirements of the block chain to new heights. The application of block chain technology will facilitate rapid developments in data sharing, optimize business processes, reduce operating costs, enhance synergies, and build credible systems.


What's a block chain?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; block chain technology is a completely new distribution base structure and computational paradigm that uses block-chain data structures to validate and store data, uses distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, uses cryptography to secure data transmission and access, uses smart contracts made up of automated script codes to program and operate data. In simple terms, in block-chain systems, transaction data generated by each participating subject is packaged into a data block in chronological order, forming a data block chain in which each participating subject has the same data chain and cannot be tampered with unilaterally, adding only new information, unable to delete or modify old information, and ensuring that information generated by each subject's identity and transaction between the subjects is not tampered with, open and transparent.



block chain application scenario analysis


& nbsp; & nbsp; Through comparative analysis, study of typical applications in various fields, both domestic and foreign, and related references, we summarize and recommend applications or issues with the following characteristics, and active consideration should be given to pilot block chain technology:

1)  业务开展需要进行跨主体协作

1) & nbsp; Operations require cross-subject collaboration


& nbsp; & nbsp; In the context of cross-subject business collaboration among business participants, which is relatively equal, using the characteristics of a block chain of shared data, anti-false, distributed and digitized contracts, a number of issues that previously needed to be coordinated at the operational level can be addressed at the technical level, making the process more efficient, flexible and objective.

2) 业务开展需要参与方之间建立低成本信任

2) Operations require low-cost confidence-building among participants


& nbsp; & nbsp; Most operations need to build a certain trust base, especially in a cross-subject setting. The block chain can be very effective in a context of trust-building difficulties and high maintenance costs. There are three ways to help build low-cost trust: data credibility, contract performance, and history.

3) 业务过程存在长交易、 长周期链条

3) Long transactional, long-cycle chain of business processes


& nbsp; & nbsp; When operations flow across multiple subjects, it is difficult to determine the authenticity and validity of indirect subjects, and it is difficult to extend multi-level operations because of the multi-subject segregation of operations. Block chains technically guarantee the true identity of the participating subjects of the entire long-trading, long-cycle chain, reliable data, multi-level transmission of credit, promotion of the flatening of the business chain, and improvement of operational efficiency.



A typical application of the block chain at


& nbsp; & nbsp; Block chains can be used as a technology in many industries with larger applications prospects in the following scenarios:

  •   银行业:银行是一个安全的存储仓库和价值的交换中心,而区块链作为一种数字化的、安全的以及防篡改的总账账簿可以达到相同的功效。

    & nbsp; Banking: Banks are a secure repository and a clearing house for values, and block chains can be equally effective as a digital, secure and tamper-proof general ledger.

  •  交易和跨境支付:区块链可能绕开笨重的转账系统,创建一个更直接的支付流,它可在国内或跨国界,并且无需中介,以超低费率几乎瞬时速度的方式支付。

    & nbsp; Transactions and Cross-Border Payments: Block chains may bypass cumbersome transfer systems, create a more direct flow of payments that can be paid domestically or across borders, without the need for intermediaries, at almost instantaneous speeds at ultra-low rates.

  • 供应链金融:基于区块链的供应链金融和贸易金融是基于分布式网络改造现有的大规模协作流程的典型。区块链可以缓解信息不对称的问题,十分适合供应链金融的发展。

    Supply chain finance: Supply chain-based finance and trade finance are typical of existing large-scale collaborative processes based on distributed networks. Block chains can mitigate information asymmetries and are well suited to supply chain finance development.

  • 医疗:区块链技术可以让医院、患者和医疗利益链上的各方在区块链网络里共享数据,而不必担忧数据的安全性和完整性。

    Medical: Block chain technology allows hospitals, patients and parties in the medical interest chain to share data in the block chain network without worrying about the security and integrity of the data.

  • 政务:政务信息、项目招标等信息公开透明,政府工作通常受公众关注和监督,由于区块链技术能够保证信息的透明性和不可更改性,对政府透明化管理的落实有很大的作用。

    Government: The transparency of information, such as government information, project tenders, etc., and the public interest and oversight of government work are often important for the implementation of transparent government management, given that block chain technology ensures transparency and non-changeability of information.



Network new constant block chain research and products


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; New Day of the Network has many years of block chain research and project practice experience, while also actively developing an enterprise-level block chain support system that allows us to quickly build block chain networks for clients and develop block chain application systems.


& nbsp; & nbsp; The Block Chain Application Development Framework and the Carrier System, currently under constant development, supports state secret algorithms, smart contract rapid development, block chain network automation deployment, real-time monitoring, automatic alerting, etc.



图 - 区块链浏览器


图 - 区块链运维管理系统



Future development of the block chain

     区块链现在仍然尚未成熟,但在接下来 3-5 年内将趋向成熟。 参考云计算的商业化轨迹,区块链市场将在成熟过程中逐步整合,最终胜出的只有几个大的底层平台。 最终的平台很可能:

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; block chains are still immature, but will tend to mature in the next 3-5 years. The commercialization trajectory, based on cloud calculations, will gradually integrate the block chain market as it matures, eventually winning only a few large bottom platforms. The ultimate platform is likely to be:

  •  拥有开放的架构

    & nbsp; have open structures

  • 混合式/支持跨链

    Mixed/support across chains

  • 适配不同的共识算法和业务形态

    Fits to different consensus algorithms and business patterns

  • 高度可扩展、与企业级开发技术和过程高度融合

    Highly scalable, highly integrated with enterprise-level development technologies and processes


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; overall, there are many unchanged but constantly adjusted rules in the development of the block chain. If these rules are developed in the future, there will be large-scale applications of the block chain and even subversive applications, after all, each of which may be an opportunity for industry breakthroughs. Let us look forward together to the day when the block chain is fully matured.




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