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Block chains are distributed peer-to-peer networks, with many different applications. Bitcoin is the parent of all block chain technologies that act as financial networks, books, software, money and assets. We are dealing with new technologies that can integrate multiple functions simultaneously, which is why it is difficult for regulators to define encrypted currencies. Block chains can be well customized to meet a variety of needs, and there are several major block chain technical functions, many of which have the same functionality.


1. Increasing capacity


A distinctive feature of P2P technology is that they can increase the capacity of the network as a whole. With thousands of computers as a whole, they can have greater capacity than some central servers.


The project began at Stanford University with the creation of a distributed supercomputer to simulate protein folding in medical research. Protein folding takes a few microseconds, which is faster than normal computer processing. Usually, a protein folding simulator needs to build a multimillion dollar supercomputer, but the Foldingcoin project seeks to construct it at a cheap price by using distributed networks.


2. Safer


On the other hand, Bitcoin has never been hacked. Without secure storage of private keys, ensuring that they can be broken, the network itself remains completely secure.


Block chains are protected by many running nodes and computers that confirm network transactions.


3. Non-transform


The creation of an immutable ledger is one of the main value propositions of the block chain. Any centralized database could be destroyed, and third parties usually need to be trusted to ensure the accuracy of the information. Block chains such as Bitcoin keep the ledger on the move, as the millions-dollar hash capacity confirms the newly recorded transactions. To change the history of the bitcoin ledger, at least 51% of the hash capacity needs to be controlled.


4. Faster settlement


Traditional international banking can be very slow, and settlement times often take several days to complete. This is the main reason why most financial institutions want to upgrade the system. Block chains can usually settle remittances at near-immediate speed.


next stage: decentralized system


Block chain technology is being seen as a powerful technology for decentralized networks. This technology has proven its strength and has the potential to bring about significant changes in existing industries, such as banking and finance.


Next, we try to analyse the various causes of decentralization: .


(a) Authorized users: decentralized systems allow users to control all their information and transactions.


(b) Error: Decentralized systems are unlikely to fail unexpectedly, as they rely on many of the unlikely stand-alone components.


(c) Persistence and resistance to attack: as the block chain does not have a central control point and is better able to withstand malicious attacks, the cost of attack and sabotage or manipulation of decentralized systems is higher.


(d) Freedom from fraud: it is much more difficult for users of decentralized systems to benefit other users by causing harm to them.


(e) Elimination of third-party risk: the technology allows users to exchange without third-party intervention, thereby eliminating risk.


(f) Higher transaction rates: block chain transactions can reduce the transaction time to a few minutes and they can be processed at any time compared with the current mode of transactions through banks that require longer periods of time.


(g) Reduction of transaction costs: by eliminating third-party intermediaries and management costs used to exchange assets, block chains have the potential to significantly reduce transaction costs


(h) Transparency: Changes in the public block chain can be viewed openly by all parties that create transparency, and all transactions are immutable, meaning that they cannot be altered or deleted.


(i) Trueness: As a result of the decentralized system, block chain data are complete, consistent, timely, accurate and widely available.


The Internet transforms our lives by decentralizing access to and flow of information. The next phase is now under way. Block chain technology triggers a paradigm shift that can really affect industries and make processes more democratic, secure, transparent and efficient. Block chain technology has far-reaching potential impacts on our societies and businesses.


This technology helps to record every transaction and shares it across the network. Each user in the network can verify the transaction and has the same copy of the ledger that can be added to the copy. Any changes to the ledger will be reflected in all copies in a few minutes or, in some cases, in seconds. By using the key and signature, the security and accuracy of the asset is preserved by a password and controlled by the participants. The end result is an efficient and secure transaction execution method that allows the record of the transaction to be kept as an online ledger that cannot be changed.

哈希 - 提供真实性:

- -- provides authenticity:


In many cases, the authenticity of data and documents is very important. Many organizations have very sensitive documents, assets, or contracts that need to be protected. When you store data, files, or files, you create a hash for each file. The hash is the only one that converts data to a fixed length of output, as is the case with algorithmic fingerprints.


Each block can be divided into two parts, the head and the transaction. The title includes the hash of the previous block, and it refers to the hash that was previously constructed. It also stores the hash of the current transaction, which means connecting the next block when added. The block chain is distributed and new blocks are added for updating. Therefore, if any copy of the block chain is compromised, other locations can remain in that position. This makes the block chain inflexible. By comparing the hash of the data, the authenticity of the data can be verified, which helps to achieve independently verifiable systems.




In addition to encrypting currency, the technology can also reduce transaction costs, reduce the risk of dealing with third parties, and reduce processing time by providing transparent systems to prove their greatest interest in other areas. As technology moves closer to popular acceptance in different areas, everyone is beginning to realize its potential.


Block chains drive important and subversive trends in many areas. As the rate of adoption increases, we see a reduction in the number of intermediaries and fragmentation of systems, making them safer, more active and more transparent.


(Source: IT168)




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