As in real life, you have to protect your wallet. The use of bitcoin makes it easy to transfer funds around the world and gives you complete control over your own funds. This powerful function also raises a lot of security concerns. At the same time, with proper use, bitcoin provides a high level of security. Keep in mind that it is your duty to do good to protect your property at all times. to learn more about wallet protection /a>.
As a result of the young economy structure of Bitcoin, its novel character, and the occasional lack of market liquidity, Bitcoin prices are likely to fall dramatically and irregularly in a short period of time. Therefore, bitcoin is not recommended for saving your savings. Bitcoins should be considered a high-risk asset, and do not keep the money that you cannot afford to lose in bitcoins. If you receive bitcoin payments, there are many service providers that can convert bitcoins into local currencies.
Any bitcoin transaction is irrevocable and can only be returned to bitcoin by the payee. This means that you need to be careful to deal with individuals and organizations that you know and trust, or have established a reputation.
在使用比特币的时候保护你的隐私需要花费一些精力。所有的比特币交易都公开且永久地存储在网络中,意味着任何人都能查看任何一个比特币地址的余额和交易记录。然而,除非在购买过程中或者其他状况下透露了身份信息,比特币地址背后的真实身份是保密的。这也就是建议一个比特币地址仅使用一次的原因之一。永远记住养成良好的习惯来保护你的隐私是你自己的责任。 阅读更多有关你的隐私保护的信息。
Protecting your privacy in the use of bitcoin requires some effort. All bitcoin transactions are publicly and permanently stored in the network, meaning that anyone can look at the balance and transaction records of any bitcoin address. However, unless identity information is disclosed during the purchase process or under other circumstances, the real identity behind the bitcoin address is confidential. This is one of the reasons why a bitcoin address is recommended only once. Always remember that it is your own responsibility to develop good habits to protect your privacy. Read more about your privacy protection .
During this period, the transaction can be considered reliable, but at the same time the transaction can still be cancelled. Some unreliable users may deceive or defraud others through the transaction, which also implies a certain risk of accepting unaudited transactions.
Bitcoin is an experimental new currency that is actively developing. Although its experimentality is diminishing as it grows, remember that bitcoin is a brand-new invention that explores ideas that have never been tried before, so no one can predict the future of bitcoin.
Bitcoin is not a legal currency. In other words, most jurisdictions will require you to pay taxes on income, sales, wages and investment earnings, which also includes Bitcoin.
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