
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:67 评论:0
观点: Perspective: 【V神:区块链行业的炒作成分太高 期待货币社区淘汰POW】 ˂/strang ˂ ˂ ˂ ˂ ˂ ˂ ˂ ˃ ˃. ˂ ˂ ˂ ˂ ˂ ˂ ˂ ˃...



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【V神:区块链行业的炒作成分太高 期待货币社区淘汰POW】

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In his recent interview, God V expressed his views on the recent popular events, saying: “The current build-up in the block chain industry is too high, while the actual use is poor. Matching the current overall market value of $200 billion is a major challenge for the industry. With regard to related regulatory issues, he said: “Current regulation needs in the community should focus on making it easier to use a small amount of encrypted money.” In response to external concerns about the Etherms, he said that the Taiwan Foundation was seeking approval for expansionable attributes and reaching a higher level of consensus, hoping that the monetary community would later phase out the Pow mechanism.



At the WMC2018 World Mobile Internet Congress, Chung Hong, President of the Qinghuax-Lab Ivy Chain League Institute, stated that China had a six-point economic background consensus, and that the economic situation in the country in the second half of 2018 was stable employment, stable finance, stable foreign trade, stable foreign investment, and steady expectations. In this context, we would like to change the block chain by 3.0.



According to Sino-New News, KPMG, one of the four world’s accounting firms, released its Financial Science and Technology Pulse report today, which shows that China’s investment in financial science and technology reached a new high of $15.1 billion in the first half of 2018, almost equivalent to the sum of such investment in China from 2013 to 2017. KPMG’s Chinese banking partner, Wang Lippe, said that investment in financial science and technology in Asia will continue to have a positive growth advantage this year. In addition to insurance and regulatory technology, it is also likely that regional chains and artificial intelligence will continue to be the primary objective of financial science and technology investors.


Domestic information:



According to the Golden Lamb Network, at the 22nd Global Congress on the Application of Chinese Computer Education, the Vice-Chancellor of the South China Teacher Training University and Professor Hu Chin, Professor of Educational Technology, proposed that, following the reform of the new competitive examination, block chain technology would be applied to the confidentiality of the high-test files over the next three years.



On 16 August, at the 2018 World Mobile Internet Congress, hosted by the Ministry of Information and Communications, among others, the Director of the Research Unit of the Institute for Standardization of Electronic Industries, Li Ming, stated that, in the area of international standardization, the new technology of block chains, known as block chains and distributional bookkeeping techniques, was a form of network distribution, not to think that block chains were decentralized, that they had many characteristics and that the greatest capacity was to reduce the cost of trust in the ecological environment.

他还表示,在分析技术时,不要神化和妖魔化,它有优势的同时也有问题存在,第一是监管压力,区块链天生有金融属性,可以吸引更多资金和技术,这就对监管提出挑战;第二,可能存在智能合约漏洞,比如51%攻击;第三,风险问题,目前平台更新很快,选择一个平台之后,如果平台倒掉,基于这个平台的开发风险就会很大;第四是标准化的压力。脱离了技术的支撑和实践,其他都是空想,只有把实物资产放大才能放大区块链应用规模。 每个技术点,只是解决了一个问题,区块链技术一定是和其他技术相组合,比如云计算、大数据和AI,这样才能解决实体经济的问题。

He also said that, while analysing technology, there were advantages and problems, first, regulatory pressures, and the financial attributes of block chains, which could attract more money and technology, posed a regulatory challenge; secondly, there might be smart contract loopholes, such as 51% attacks; thirdly, risk issues, with the platform being rapidly updated and a platform being selected, and development risks based on it would be significant if the platform were to collapse; and fourthly, standardized pressures.



According to the public treasure official, the public treasure chain GX Chain Smart Contract 2.0 network is now online, allowing developers to develop and deploy smart contracts on the test network. To enhance security and stability in the smart contract 2.0 test network, the public treasure today works together to launch a leaked hunter bounty program in the safe community fog zone of the block chain, which will provide long-term incentives to developers who submit leak threats and slow fog coins. The public treasure official states that with the smart contract 2.0 test network online, application development based on GX Chain will be easier.



According to the Guiyang evening newspaper, today the Standing Committee of the Guiyang City People's Congress issued an announcement in full the Guiyang City Big Data Security Regulations, which are to be implemented as of 1 October 2018. The Regulations state that security duty units are to be encouraged to use new technological means, such as block chains, to optimize the general architecture of data gathering, strengthen the authentication of trust and anti-false design, and raise the level of protection against large data security.

【中国平安与中国医药公司达成合作 将运用区块链进行医疗科技创新】

>. >. >.


According to Zhejiang online, in recent days, China Peace Insurance Group Ltd. has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Pharmaceuticals Group Ltd., which will provide full cooperation in a wide range of areas, including China's entire pharmaceutical chain, medical health data, medical supply chains, and medical parks. According to the President of the Peace Group and CEO-Maminjor, companies have widely applied cutting-edge technologies such as block chains, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, etc. to China's intelligent medical construction and medical science and technology innovation.


International Information:


由燎原和星火区块链孵化器联合创办、AstroHash独家承办的“2018区块链无国界数字博览会”将在纽约曼哈顿召开,会议主题如下:1.主链争夺:终极之战,“公平”还是“效率”;2.DApp 产业:区块链技术落地的最佳试验田;3.交易所未来:交易即挖矿还是中心化;4.投资机构:区块链产业投资背后的逻辑。

The AstroHash Digital Expo, a joint venture of the AstroHash Block Chain Incubators, will be held in Manhattan, New York, on the following topics: 1. Main chain competition: final battle, “equity” or “efficiency”; 2. DApp Industry: the best test field where the block chain technology is located; 3. Future of the exchange: trade is mining or centralization; 4. Investment institutions: logic behind investment in the sector chain industry.


8月16日,Tether核心钱包地址之一Tether Treasury分两次共转入了8000万枚USDT至Bitfinex钱包地址。8月12日至16日,Tether Treasury累计转入2.7亿枚USDT至Bitfinex钱包,约占目前USDT总量(30.2亿美元)的8.9%。近五个交易日内的转账均为Tether单向转入Bitfinex,且截至目前Bitfinex并未转回USDT至Tether Treasury钱包。USDT最近于2018年6月25日增发2.5亿枚USDT。

On August 16, Tether Treasury, one of the Teth's core wallet addresses, transferred a total of 80 million USDT to Bitfinex wallets in two separate rounds. From August 12 to 16, Teth Treasury cumulatively transferred 270 million USDT to Bitfinex wallets, accounting for about 8.9 per cent of the current total USDT ($3.02 billion). Almost five transaction days of transfer were for Teher's single transfer to Bitfinex, and so far Bitfinex has not returned USDT to Tether Treasury wallets. USDT recently sent 250 million USDTs in 25 June 2018.


据Bitcoin.com报道,泰国证券交易委员会(SEC)宣布7家数字货币公司已被授权在该国合法经营。其中5家为数字货币交换公司,为别为比特币有限公司(BX)、Bitkub在线有限公司、Cash2coins有限公司、Satang公司(Tdax)和Coin Asset;2家为数字货币交易商,为别为Coins TH有限公司和Digital Coin Limited(Thai WM)。

According to Bitcoin.com, the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that seven digital money companies had been authorized to operate legally in the country. Five of them were digital currency exchange companies, namely Bitcoin Ltd. (BX), Bitkub Online Ltd., Cash2coins Ltd., Satang Company (Tdax) and Coin Asset; two were digital currency traders, other than Coins TH Ltd and Digital Coin Limited.


日前,在加拿大多伦多举办的Blockchain Futurist Conference大会上,Cardstack创始人Chris Tse谈到区块链应用落地现状时表示,由于DApp应用都需要相应的代币,用户使用步骤相较传统应用繁琐数十倍,从而损失了大量用户,日活数百是比较正常的情况。为了解决这一问题,Cardstack采取的方式是通过卡片化、模块化的方式,降低使用门槛。

Today, at the conference held in Toronto, Canada, on Blockchain Futurist Conference, the founder of Cardstack, Chris Tse, spoke about the current status of block-chain applications, saying that since Dapp applications required the corresponding tokens, users used steps that were dozens of times more cumbersome than traditional applications, thereby losing a large number of users, and living hundreds a day was more normal. To address this, Cardstack took the approach of reducing the threshold of use by way of cardization and modularization.


据Forbes消息,继委内瑞拉发行了国家数字货币Petro后,伊朗也正在酝酿发行自己的国家数字货币,以规避美国的制裁。对此,美国中情局(CIA)前分析师Yaya Fanusie表示,伊朗发行国家数字货币不太可能支撑该国经济,将其价值与里亚尔挂钩会使代币与国家的纸币一样缺乏吸引力,国民可能更青睐持有比特币等其它数字货币。

According to Forbes, following Venezuela’s release of its national digital currency, Petro, Iran is also developing its own national digital currency to circumvent US sanctions. In response, Yaya Fanusie, former CIA analyst, said that it was unlikely that Iran would be able to support the country’s economy by issuing a national digital currency, linking its value to a rial would make it as unattractive as a token as a national banknote, and that nationals might prefer to hold other digital currencies, such as bitcoins.


据Mashable报道,美国拉斯维加斯一家名为MORE Las Vegas的夜店推出了自己的数字货币,顾客必须持有这种数字货币才能通过夜店前门。另外,拉斯维加斯一些夜店接受数字货币付款。

According to Mashable, a club called More Las Vegas in the United States introduced its own digital currency, which customers had to hold in order to pass through the front door of the club. In addition, a number of nightclubs in Las Vegas are paid for in digital currency.


This paper is organized on the web and does not serve as an investment recommendation for the purpose of transmitting information only.




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