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Underline encryption conferences, which are an important part of the block chain industry, play a vital role in promoting industry development. In recent years, as a result of the impact of the new crown epidemic, industry exchange meetings have been held on-line, and as the epidemic slows down, international travel restrictions on entry and exit are relaxed, below-line communication will be back on track.


For participants, in addition to feeling an on-site atmosphere, it is possible to learn from industry experts about the latest trends in the industry through participation in encryption congresses, which also provide an excellent opportunity for new friends and contacts; for exhibitors, through the off-line encryption exhibition platform, they can showcase their business products and acquire new customers, communicate their voices to industry and demonstrate the combined strength of the project.

  AAX将线下大会活动作为全球扩展策略的一部分,将在2022第三季度得到充分的展现。目前依据公布的进程,AAX将在Q3季度参加越南胡志明区块链展览会(BLOCKCHAIN EXPO HOCHIMINH 2022)、土耳其区块链经济峰会(BlockchainEconomy)和新加坡“Web3盛会TOKEN2049”三场大会。

AAX, as part of its global outreach strategy, will be fully demonstrated in the third quarter of 2022. Based on the announced process, AAX will now participate in three Congresses in the third quarter of Q3 at the Ho Chi Minh block chain exhibition in Viet Nam (BLOKCHAIN EXPO HOCHIMINH 2022), the Block Chain Economic Summit in Turkey (BlockchainEconomy) and “TOKEN 2049” in Singapore.


AAX, Viet Nam, Block Chain Exhibition ()

  区块链技术正在全球迅速发展,越南也不例外。BLOCKCHAIN EXPO HOCHIMINH 2022作为越南与韩国建交30周年框架内的活动,汇集了区块链和技术市场上具有开创性和影响力的个人和组织,受到加密市场的关注。活动将于2022年7月22日至23日在胡志明市举行。

Block chain technology is rapidly developing globally, and Viet Nam is no exception. BLOCKCHAIN EXPO HOCHIMINH 2022, an event within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Viet Nam’s relations with Korea, brings together individuals and organizations with a pioneering and influential presence in the block chain and technology market, and is receiving the attention of the encrypted market. The event will take place in Ho Chi Minh City from 22 to 23 July 2022.


At the event, participants will have access to leading suppliers of block chain projects, including upstream suppliers from around the world to downstream suppliers, executives of enterprises, founders, experts, etc., large institutions in block chain ecology, such as exchanges, project parties, security advisers, investment agencies, quantitative service providers, etc.

  此外,BLOCKCHAIN EXPO HOCHIMINH 2022还将举办与来自加密空间和NFT的合作伙伴、影响者、博主和创作者的区块链、NFT和代币有关的会议、研讨会和研讨会的活动。

In addition, BLONKCHAIN EXPO HOGHIMINH 2022 will organize events, seminars and seminars related to partnerships, influencers, bloggers and creators from encryption spaces and NFT block chains, NFT and tokens.

  AAX将作为区块链展览会(BLOCKCHAIN EXPO HOCHIMINH 2022)钻石赞助商亮相活动现场。


AX, Turkey, Block Chain Economic Summit (BlockchainE


The fourth block chain economic summit, to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 27 to 28 July 2022, will last two days. The Istanbul block chain economy is the largest block chain activity in Eurasia and will revolve around the future of finance: Bitcoin, Web3, NFT, Yuan cosmos, DeFi, mine mining, encryption currency regulation, discussions on the topics of investment and trade through encryption, the implementation of block chain technology in business and government, and will bring together the world’s top encryption companies and sector chain entrepreneurs to learn, connect and meet.

  峰会活动包括圆桌讨论、主题演讲、炉边谈话、产业主题展览、NFT美术馆、大伊斯坦堡加密市场等。目前峰会的演讲者包括MicroStrategy的CEO Michael Saylor、AAX研究和战略主管BenCaselin、Kucoin Labs的负责人Lou Yu、乌克兰数字经济转型副部长Alex Bornyakov等。

The Summit events included round-table discussions, keynote addresses, balconies, industry-related exhibitions, the NFT Gallery, the Great Istanbul Encryption Market, and so on. Present speakers included CEO Michael Saylor of MicroStrategy, BenCaselin, head of AAX research and strategy, Lou Yu, head of Kucoin Labs, and Alex Bornyakov, Deputy Minister for Digital Economic Transformation of Ukraine.


BenCaselin will attend and deliver keynote addresses at the Turkey Block Chain Economic Summit (BlockchainEconomy) and, in addition to the official event, AAX will organize offline thematic meetings at the local level to interact and meet with local Turkish users and partners.


AAX, Singapore, Web3 Token2049


This year's Singapore Congress, which will be held for the first time in Singapore from 28 to 29 September, will be part of a week-long wonderful event to be the flagship of Asia's Week of Encrypted Currency.


During the event, the members of the encrypted monetary ecosystem came together with encryptists, founders and executives of the block chain industry, among others, and some of the world’s most pioneering projects will bring together the first big-scale field events organized by the encrypting money industry in Asia. The 2022 Singapore formula-level formula competition will be launched on weekends.

  作为亚洲加密货币周(Asia Crypto Week)的旗舰活动,该会议有望吸引来自全球各地的3000名与会人员。活动委员会和主旨演讲人将围绕广泛主题进行演讲,从不断变化的监管格局和机构投资趋势,到元宇宙、Web3的崛起,以及在主流认知度不断提升的背景下这一切最终对行业会带来什么样的影响等话题。

As the flagship of Asia Crypto Week, the conference is expected to attract 3,000 participants from around the world. The board and keynote speakers will address a wide range of topics, ranging from changing regulatory patterns and institutional investment trends to the meta-cosm, the rise of Web3 and the eventual impact on industry in the context of growing awareness of the mainstream.


AAX, a new generation of digital money exchanges, became a top partner and sponsor of the Token 2049 Singapore Conference, and will be deeply involved in the General Assembly.

  作为亚洲加密货币周的一部分,与会人员将有机会参加各种各样的周边活动,包括Pantera亚洲区块链峰会(Pantera Blockchain Summit Asia)、梅肯研究院亚洲峰会(Milken Institute Asia Summit)和Algorand AVM Singapore。AAX也将计划举办主题酒会等活动,并融入为亚洲加密货币周的一部分,具体计划将随着大会的邻近公布。

As part of the Asian Encryption Currency Week, participants will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of side events, including the Pantera Asian Block Chain Summit (Pantera Blockchain Summit Asia), the Merken Academy Asia Summit (Milken Institute Asia Summer) and Algorand AVM Singapore.


AAX, Hong Kong, Trends Seminar + Cocktails

  除了上述大会活动,7月19日AAX将在香港举办小型的“新兴市场中的比特币”趋势研讨会,该研讨会以AAX与Forrester Consulting进行的相关研究结果为主题展开。

In addition to the above-mentioned General Assembly events, AAX will host a small “bitcoin in emerging markets” trend seminar in Hong Kong on 19 July, which will focus on the results of a related study conducted by AAX with Forrest Consulting.

  通过基于对拉丁美洲、中东、非洲和东南亚主要新兴市场的深入研究,研究提供了有关比特币如何被感知以及在一系列不同国家的经济状况对加密货币的采用情况的见解。在演讲嘉宾Forrester副总裁兼首席分析师Martha Bennett发表演讲后,AAX研究与战略主管Ben Caselin、Grassroots Future总监Tegan Smyth和International Blockchain高级分析师Sunny Wan将举行圆桌讨论。讨论内容将涵盖该研究对传统金融以及围绕支付和金融包容性的影响,并将由Ashbury的董事总经理Adam Harper主持。讨论会结束后,还将举行鸡尾酒会自由交流活动。

Based on an in-depth study of major emerging markets in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and South-East Asia, the study provides insights into how Bitcoin is perceived and the economic situation in a number of different countries applies to encrypted currencies. Following a presentation by Martha Bennett, Vice-President and Chief Analyst of Forrester, the Director of AAX Research and Strategy, Ben Caselin, Director of Grassroots Future, Tegan Smyth, and Senior Analyst of International Blockchain, Sunny Wan, will hold a round-table discussion that will cover the impact of the study on traditional finance and surrounding payments and financial inclusion, and will be moderated by Adam Harper, Managing Director of Ashbury.


Concluding remarks


AAX (aax.com) not only appears as an exchange in an encrypted ecology, AAX assumes a responsibility in the area of encrypting money. AAX will continue to work on education in the encrypt currency market and lead dialogue on the relationship between culture and finance.




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