面對用戶的資產安全,Steaker 一向採取嚴謹的審核標準與措施,平時使用冷 / 溫 / 熱錢包存放資產,搭配多重簽章技術控管出入金流程,2021 年更將安全標準全面提升,啟動與加密貨幣安全領域的專家 CYBAVO 的託管合作。
Faced with user security, Steaker has always taken strict audit criteria and measures, regularly uses cold / warm / hot wallets to store assets, coupled with multiple signature technology and controlled cash access processes, to raise safety standards across the board in 2021, CYBAVO.
目前 Steaker 採用銀行級的加密貨幣管理解決方案—— CYBAVO VAULT 服務,透過第三方託管部分企業資產,達成分散式責任風險機制,讓用戶在選擇信任 Steaker 的同時,也能獲得更安心、完整的保障。
Currently, Steaker uses the - CYBAVO VAULT, which allows users to obtain more reassuring and complete security at the same time as they choose trust.
CYBAVO 是加密貨幣安全領域的專家,團隊成員平均擁有 10 年以上的研究經驗,專業領域包含區塊鏈安全、密碼學、計算機安全、網絡攻防等,知名客戶包含台灣交易所幣託 BitoPro、ACE、MAX/Maicoin 集團,以及無名小站創辦人林弘全所成立的 Poseidon Network。
CYBAVO, an expert in the secure domain of encrypted currency, has an average of more than 10 years of research experience among team members, including area chain security, cryptography, computer security, cyberattacks, etc., with prominent clients including the Taiwan Exchange Currency Group BitoPro, ACE, MAX/Maicoin, and Poseidon Network, created by the Unnamed Small Station Founder, Inc.
除了深受台灣客戶信賴,CYBAVO 也在國際間獲得擔保及肯定。2020 年 7 月起,CYBAVO 透過全球最大的獨立保險經紀公司諾德保險經紀 (Lockton) 的協助,取得一間歐洲知名 S&P AA-rated 等級的保險機構承保;2021 年 6 月更在美國商務部國際貿易局舉辦的 2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit 活動中,由數十間新創公司中脫穎而出,榮獲資安領域 Pitching Sessions 冠軍。
In addition to being trusted by Taiwan clients, CYBAVO has also received international assurances and affirmations. Since July 2020, CYBAVO has been able to secure a European-renowned S&P AA-rated insurance facility with the assistance of the Lokton Insurance Agency, the world’s largest independent insurance agent; in June 2021, it was launched by the International Trade Bureau of the United States Department of Commerce and Industry, 2021SlectUSA Investment Society, which has been funded by dozens of new companies.
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