7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:93 评论:0
编辑导语:想必很多人对于Web3.0的概念是既熟悉又陌生的,中国Web3.0也在不断发展中,本篇文章作者将带你读懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势,从多个方面讲述了有关Web3.0的内容...



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编辑导语:想必很多人对于Web3.0的概念是既熟悉又陌生的,中国Web3.0也在不断发展中,本篇文章作者将带你读懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势,从多个方面讲述了有关Web3.0的内容与各方面的联系等,感兴趣的一起来看一下吧。

EDITOR: The concept of Web3.0 is familiar and unfamiliar to many people, and Web3.0 in China is developing. The author of this article will show you how to read Web3.0 and the trend of Web3.0 in China.

说到Web 3.0 ,就会有一大堆的名词,这里先简单跟大家对齐。

When it comes to Web 3.0, there's a lot of nouns, and here's a simple match.

  • Web 3.0:指的移动互联网后的下一个阶段的互联网生态,主要是通过区块链等技术手段,实现去中心化的网络形态,实现模拟真实世界感受、打破虚拟、现实边界的互联网;
  • 区块链:一种去中心化的数据结构,数据存储在分布式节点上,而节点就是提供算力的电脑,可以是个人电脑或服务器,皆同时具备服务端和客户端的性质,若要修改数据需有一半以上的节点,即大大增加数据修改的难度及安全性,借此解决人与人、人与平台间的不信任关系;
  • 以太坊(英文Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,简称“ETH”)提供去中心化的以太虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约;
  • 加密货币:是一种使用密码学原理来确保交易安全及控制交易单位创造的交易媒介,并利用分布式账本&区块链技术实现,基于全体共识机制(智能合约)来规范货币发行的数量及使用;
  • Dapp(去中心化应用程序)是一种在网络上公开运行的软件应用程序,他们与普通的应用程序没有什么区别,都拥有一样的功能,但不同的是Dapp是在P2P网络上运行;
  • NFT(Non-Fungible Token)非同质化代币:用于表示数字资产(包括jpg和视频剪辑形式)的唯一加密货币令牌,可以买卖;
  • 智能合约(Smart contract ):一种旨在以信息化方式传播、验证或执行合同的计算机协议。智能合约允许在没有第三方的情况下进行可信交易,这些交易可追踪且不可逆转;
  • Defi(Decentralized Finance)去中心化金融:以比特币和以太币为代表的加密货币,区块链和智能合约结合的产物,实现类似现实世界的金融交易、借贷、投资;
  • GameFi(游戏化金融):或称区块链游戏,即俗称的“链游”,游戏玩家可以通过玩游戏赚取加密货币、NFT;亦可通过加密货币,兑换游戏中的NFT(代币、游戏道具、虚拟资产);
  • DAO(decentralized autonomous organization)分散式自治组织:以公开透明的电脑代码实现的组织结构,通过智能合约所约定的规则,用算法、脚本的电脑程式执行,实现去中心化的自治组织;
  • 元宇宙(Metaverse)是利用科技手段进行链接与创造的,与现实世界映射与交互的虚拟世界,具备新型社会体系的数字生活空间。


The most significant feature of block chain technology is the “decentralized network”, and the technical details are not developed here because I am a PM (product manager), not a RD (procedure manager), and it is not clear.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势

7,000 words to get to you on Web3.0


Simply put, the centralization of the network is the technical way in which most of our Internet products are now realized, and companies need to build a server or rent a server (coated server) to provide code computing and data storage, call, product functionality and services to users, who complete the receipt and operation of services through “clients” (possibly mobile phones, Pad, PC, TV, etc.).


The decentralised network, where all users are equipped with server and client features, provides services for others and access to service operations, and all data is available at all nodes.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势



By way of example, you are now sending a message to your friends via micromail, and in fact, your cell phone (client) is sending a message to the micro-mail server, which transmits it to your friend's cell phone, and all your chat data, operations data, are stored on micro-mail, which has the ability to interrupt your contact with your friends at any time.


And to be centralized, your cell phone transmits the information directly to your friend's cell phone, and, through the technical agreement of the block chain, synchronizes it to all nodes for data storage, unless there are more than half of the nodes that interrupt contact between you or access information between you, no one can interrupt contact between you and see contact data between you.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势

7,000 words to get to you on Web3.0 and China's Web3.0 trend

Web 1.0,PC互联网时代,我们用户主要依靠搜索网站及门户网站,来找到我们想要的信息并接收,这个阶段我们主要是单向地接收信息,无法主动与网络交互,内容以PGC(专业机构生产内容)为主。

Web 1.0. In the PC Internet age, our users rely mainly on searching websites and portals to find and receive the information we want, a phase in which we receive information in a one-way direction and cannot interact proactively with the network, with content dominated by the PGC.

Web 2.0,移动互联网时代,我们用户可以依靠不同的平台,来满足我们的需求,并且我们可以主动与网络交互生产内容,也就是所谓的UGC(用户生成内容),人人皆可成为自媒体,但还是需要服从平台的规范,平台有权封锁、下架我们的账号或内容。

Web 2.0, in the mobile Internet age, our users can rely on different platforms to meet our needs, and we can actively interact with the network to produce content, the so-called UGC (user-generated content), that everyone can become a self-media, but that is subject to the platform's norms and that the platform has the right to block our accounts or content.


Web3.0, we can also interact with the Internet in the Woncosmos era, but instead of simply interacting with the information, we can break through the limits of the virtual world and directly affect life in the real world, for example, by making money in the virtual world, by converting to the real world, buying other goods or services; and by regulating our behaviour in the network through such agreed terms as smart contracts, without a central platform that can block us or take us down.

Web 3.0 想要实现的,就是打破虚拟与现实世界的边界,如果如Web 2.0,有中心化的平台、服务器,来统筹管理所有用户的信息、数据储蓄,则掌握服务器的人则掌握了虚拟世界的一切,如同造物主上帝,随时能决定你的账号、你的身份、你在虚拟世界的一切。

What we have to do is to break the boundaries of the virtual and real world. If, for example, Web 2.0, there is a central platform, a server to manage information and data savings for all users, the person who owns the server has everything in the virtual world, like God the Creator, who can always determine your account number, your identity, everything in the virtual world.


The decentralization of the block chain technology, which relies on a system of intellectual contracts to regulate the virtual world as a whole, no one is the creator, and all computer codes, scripts and algorithms jointly implement norms that maximize the data and rights of all users and ensure that every user has the same rights and equal rights.


There is also no need to worry about hacking into servers to tamper with data, or to steal data, resulting in loss of user account rights or disclosure of personal information.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势



While block chain technology has been developed for several years until Bitcoin has emerged, which has only applied block chain technology to encrypted currencies, it has not been applied to a wider range of developments, and it has not been possible to establish a well-developed technology application platform in the sense of block chains that can produce Dapps on the island and extend the product patterns and ecology of a range of DApp applications such as DeFi, NFT, GameFi, etc.

去年Web 3.0概念火起来的核心原因,不仅是NFT获得了全新的发展高度,2021年3月11日,在佳士得拍卖行,加密艺术家Beeple的NFT数字艺术品《每一天:前5000天》,拍出6934万美元,约合4.5亿人民币。

The central reason for the fires of the Web 3.0 concept last year was not only that the NFT gained a new level of development, but also that on 11 March 2021, at the Gasten auction house, the encrypted artist Beaple's NFT digital art, " Every day: the first 5,000 days ", recorded $69.34 million, equivalent to about RMB 450 million.

更是以太坊进行全新的升级,从2020年开始,以太坊陆续地执行以太坊2.0 的升级计划,改善原以太坊应用平台的缺陷,如高额Gas费(手续费)、节点电力损耗、整体区块链算力不足、网络拥塞等问题。

A new upgrade has been carried out in the Taiku, which began in 2020 with the implementation of an Ether 2.0 upgrade programme to improve the deficiencies of the original Etheraya application platform, such as high Gas fees (service charges), power losses at nodes, inadequate computing of the entire block chain, and network congestion.

此次升级预计在2023年会全部完成,届时以太坊的整体算力预期能实现超级电脑同等算力,可以为DApp提供更强的技术底层能力,实现更强大的功能,进而有机会进一步取代Web 2.0的App及产品,实现元宇宙的终极愿景

The upgrade is expected to be fully completed in 2023, at which time the total computing power of the Taiku is expected to achieve the same level of computing power as the supercomputer, which will provide Dapp with a stronger technological bottom-up capability and greater functionality, which will provide an opportunity to further replace Web 2.0 Apps and products and achieve the ultimate vision of the meta-cosmos.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势


The other side, AR/VR, is still progressing to XR technology to achieve a technological future that is no longer out of reach, such as the interactive brain of the film " Player One ", which would further break the borders of the virtual world with the real world and truly integrate the real, virtual science fictional future, while allowing assets to be placed in the virtual world at an early stage.

如NFT、加密货币也将获得更大的价值估价,这就是近两年为何元宇宙与NFT会火起来的原因,也是我们为何才会开始关注以太坊联合创始人Gavin Wood在2014年提出Web 3.0概念。

If NFT, the encrypt currency would also be valued with greater value, that is why the meta-cosm and the NFT will be on fire in the last two years, and why we began to focus on Gavin Wood, the founder of the Etherpaya coalition, who introduced the Web 3.0 concept in 2014.

虽然很多人会直接将Web 3.0 与元宇宙画上等号,但元宇宙是Web 3.0 的一种终极形态,两者并非相等的关系。

Although many will draw the equivalent of Web 3.0 directly to the meta-cosm, the meta-cosm is an ultimate form of Web 3.0, which is not the same relationship.


dollar universe:

  • 元:Byte,由代码字元所构成的;
  • 宇:空间,能无限拓展、容纳所有人事物的空间;
  • 宙:时间,能让用户沉浸其中的时间,并记录着古往今来的数据。


The meta-cosmos has four main characteristics in order to truly enter the lives of the general public.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势


The meta-cosmos not only transcends space constraints and shares virtual “physical” environments with people around the world. While the Internet can do so now, it is limited by local governments, platforms, so far, no single product or platform has been able to create a virtual online world that can be shared across the globe;

而若Web 3.0 发展顺利+去中心化的特性,才可能能够构建这一个能持续且实时为全世界居民提供服务的空间;且区块链具备巨大的可扩展性,让全球数亿虚拟角色同时共存于同一个虚拟空间,具备可能性,形成与现实世界雷同的高度社会性世界

And if web 3.0 develops a smooth + decentralised character, this space can be built to serve the world's inhabitants in a sustainable and real-time manner; and the block chain has enormous scalability, allowing hundreds of millions of virtual players around the globe to coexist in the same virtual space, with the possibility of creating a highly social world that is in harmony with the real world.


Most of the Internet products at this stage have systemic operational risks, and if the company fails to maintain the associated operating costs, such as servers, the platform or product cannot function, causing users to permanently lose their virtual role and everything in the virtual world.


Block chain technology provides decentralized server support that allows the meta-cosmos to survive indefinitely, without fear of a virtual world pause or stop, where development can take place for years or decades without fear of losing its role or achievements.


The metacosystem uses open source codes and encryption protocols that provide unprecedented data, digital objects/assets, and generic interactivity of content in each experience.


As in the real world, goods that can be purchased at will from different shops or made or created in various places are transferred directly to friends or others for use, without situations in which goods or works cannot be transferred or used because of differences in the different platforms, and all data and assets have universal interactivity in the metacosystem.


The meta-cosmos is another parallel world, similar to our real world, where people and social groups, i.e. the economy, are needed for social division of labour and allocation of resources.


In the future, the meta-cosmos may be seen as a legitimate workplace and investment tool, and it will provide rich content and become a dynamic emerging community. The meta-cosmos will provide users with the services to create, invest, own, lease, sell or buy, just as in the real world.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势



In short, the meta-cosmos is creating a virtual parallel world with the same weight as the real world, and to achieve that vision, there is also a need for a combination of hardware and software technologies and breakthroughs that are not likely to happen in the coming years.

虽然Web3.0 的终极状态 元宇宙,可能还离我们大家有一段距离与时间需要等待,但Web 3.0 仍带给我们以下的这些改变与益处。

Although the final state of Web3.0, the metacosystem, may still be some distance and time away from us all, Web 3.0 still brings us these changes and benefits.

过去Web 2.0 平台掌握着用户的数据,而现在每一个用户则能自己掌握自己数据,不会再因为平台的关停而丢失数据。

Whereas the Web 2.0 platform used to have user data, each user now has its own data and will not lose it because of the platform's shutdown.


User data have value, but the Web 2.0 platform does not distribute value to users, and even uses user data for commercial realization, such as the accurate placement of advertisements and the wait for sales of data analysis reports from certain platforms, all of which are quietly taken away from user data attribution rights in the User Agreement at the time of user registration.


In the past, users were unable to operate a cross-platform account (a platform of different groups), each platform needed to register an account to operate, and each platform often had no direct connection, such as the balance on the payment treasure, could not be transferred directly to the micro-mail wallet and needed to be rotated through a bank card

在Web 3.0人人皆可以拥有一个跨平台的唯一性身份认证,并记录着在链上的所有数据与行为,一个身份全网使用,大大提高用户使用效率及便捷性

At Web 3.0 everyone can have a unique cross-platform identity and record all data and behaviour on the chain, a full web-based identity that greatly enhances user efficiency and accessibility


In the past, user and user data had been the most important Internet platforms/products, so new products were released at the lowest possible cost, free of charge, and paid for burning to capture the cumulative number of users, i.e. the mooring river where Internet platforms/products compete.

如同上述所说,Web 3.0 将用户数据主权归还用户,并打破原有的用户与平台/产品耦合在一起的账号关系,用户数即不再是互联网平台/产品的核心资产与护城河,互联网平台/产品价值则将就重构成其他的形式。

As stated above, Web 3.0 returns user data sovereignty to users and breaks the pre-existing account relationship with platform/product coupling, that is, the number of users is no longer the core asset of Internet platforms/products and moats, and that the value of Internet platforms/products will be re-constituted in other forms.



In terms of product value formulas, under Web3.0, the replacement costs between Internet platforms/products would be lower and closer to zero, while the competitive relationship between platforms/products would place greater emphasis on the actual experience and services available to users.

Web 3.0来临后,互联网的价值链也将重构,能为用户提供更好的体验、服务的平台/产品,将具备更大的价值

When Web 3.0 arrives, the value chain of the Internet will also be reconfigured and will have greater value as platforms/products that provide users with better experience and services

上述内容描述了区块链技术、Web3.0 、元宇宙等发展趋势,听起来Web 3.0 一片前景美好,如同其他新鲜事物一样,理想很丰满,但现实很骨感。

The above describes trends in block chain technology, Web3.0 and meta-cosm, and sounds like Web 3.0 is promising, like other new things, full of ideals, but realistic.


Ordinary users are not able to interact directly with block chains and must rely on Web 2.0 platforms, for example, where the trade in NFTs requires transactions through a single NFT trading platform such as Opensea, where the general user cannot be a party to a genuinely inclusive benefit in the block chain and still needs to operate under the control and control of the platform.

虽然表面整个Web 3.0 是个采用区块链实现的去中心化世界,将各平台、应用的中心化权利释放,归还给用户,但实际运作中,各项目仍然是以发起人团队掌握3、4成的份额,对DAO有着控制权利,并由提供底层技术支撑的以太坊,拥有最大的权利对生态进行协定的制定、更改等,形成对个别链上的小组织的去中心化,掌握链上核心权利及资源的少数阶层成为超级中心化。

Although the entire surface of Web 3.0 is a decentralized world using block chains to release and return to users the centralization rights of platforms and applications, in practice the projects remain a 3-40-per-cent share of the sponsors, with control over DAO and the Etheria, which provides the foundation for bottom-level technology, with the greatest rights for ecological agreement-making, modification, etc., leading to the decentralization of small organizations in individual chains, and the super-centralization of the minority segments with the core rights and resources in the chain.

目前Web 3.0主要的身份认证方式为“加密钱包”,但当加密钱包遇到“助忆词”泄漏,导致虚拟资产被盗卖、盗取的情况,例如偶像巨星周杰伦的无聊猴在今年愚人节时被盗。

Web 3.0 is currently mainly certified as an “encrypted wallet”, but when the encrypted wallet is exposed to a leak of “memony aid”, it leads to the theft of virtual assets and thefts, such as the boring monkeys of the idol star Jayon during this year's fool festival.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势



The lack of a clear monetary/price policy and regulatory capacity for “decentralization” within the various encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin, Temasco and the various NFT projects, has led to trading outcomes that are dominated by market fluctuations and the case of project sponsors, which have at times experienced a sharp drop in value; and an unlimited trading time, with a 24-hour continuation of the transaction, may wake up and the price disappears.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势



There is also a significant lack of financial regulation of encrypted currency and NFT transactions, which are the latest money-laundering pipeline in the world, moving between the value of organized operations in the form of multiple encrypted wallets, and making it easy to launder or launder money out of the country, fleeing control and tracing within the country.


The digital renminbi is also a digital currency that is encrypted using block chains, unlike bitcoin, an encrypted currency such as Temas, which is issued on the “public chain” and issued and distributed in accordance with the respective smart contracts, while the digital renminbi is deployed on the “federal chain”, which is issued and managed by the Central Bank and has the same value and endorsement of trust as the legal order in practice.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势

7,000 words to get to know Web3.0 and China's Web3.0 trend


While the processing of the chain of alliances is more stable and efficient than the public chain, the nodes of the chain of alliances are absorbed by the servers of the specialized agencies, and the equipment of the nodes of the public chain is uneven. Although the number of nodes is many times greater, the overall calculation is far less effective than the union chain, and it is not possible to offline (hard wallet) as i-digit renminbi, which can be easily used in a realistic setting.


In addition, generally encrypted currencies do not have the character of a legal currency (French currency) in reality and need to be converted into other legal currencies on an exchange of encrypted currencies in order to have a real world value. In this regard, the digital renminbi has been dumping several streets of other encrypted currencies.


The most important thing is that the digital renminbi is extremely stable, unlike other encrypted currencies that are highly volatile and require real-time exchange prices to determine the conversion of real-world values to real-world values. It cannot become the daily use of the real-world, financial settlement, while the digital renminbi is equal to the renminbi and has unhindered access to the borders of the virtual world and the real-world use.


Moreover, the digital renminbi is guaranteed and managed by the State, without fear of artificial malicious manipulation, leading to loss of value or unusual fluctuations, and the stability of value is absolutely the best of the encrypted currencies.

目前中国互联网使用云服务器的占比,早在2020年时就超过7成,意思也就是说,大部分的互联网公司都是使用云服务器提供的服务器服务来运营自己的互联网产品,并未各自投入成本建设自己的服务器,所以将这个云服务器的集体结合成联盟链,即可用较少的成本、时间,完成中国互联网从Web2.0 一越升级到Web 3.0的愿景。

The current ratio of Chinese Internet access to cloud servers is more than 70 per cent as early as 2020, meaning that most Internet companies operate their own Internet products using the services provided by the cloud server and do not invest in building their own servers at their own cost. Therefore, the collective integration of the cloud server into a union chain can be achieved with less cost and time to fulfil the Chinese Internet's vision of upgrading from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.

7000字带你搞懂Web3.0 与中国Web3.0趋势

过去中国Web 2.0时代,我们想要使用微信、淘宝、抖音等不同平台的服务,就得在不同的平台上注册账号,且需在各平台上完成手机号绑定、实名认证、银行卡绑定等一系列的操作,且个人信息的数据都存储在不同平台的服务上,不仅有个人信息数据安全风险,也存在着较繁琐的流程,容易让有心人士通过恶意手段盗取账号,造成经济损失。

In the past, in China's Web 2.0 era, we had to register accounts on different platforms if we wanted to use the services of different platforms, such as micro-letters, treasures, tremors, etc., and had to complete a series of mobile phone numbers, real name certifications, bank card bindings, etc. on each platform, and personal information data was stored on the services of different platforms, with not only personal information data security risks but also more cumbersome processes that made it easier for interested individuals to steal accounts through malicious means, resulting in economic losses.


Particularly in the area of real-name certification, the platforms have their own accreditation standards, and there are unaccreditable and unusable situations with regard to Hong Kong's compatriots and outsiders, especially in platforms with strong links to everyday life, which give these particular groups a sense of differential treatment.


In addition, there are malign practices such as the replacement of user information and the lack of respect for user privacy and data in small Internet-based inter-industry companies.


For the sake of competition or partnership, however, the platform will only show that the account numbers of the cooperation platform are tied, creating user barriers and monopolistic situations.

到了中国Web 3.0时代,人人都有数字人民币加密钱包,直接使用数字人民币加密钱包作为网络世界中的身份认证,不再需要各平台注册账号来使用,并省去用户反复操作手机号绑定、实名认证、银行卡绑定等繁琐行为,也打破了各平台间的账号壁垒,实现全部共存共荣。

By the time of the Web 3.0 era in China, everyone had a digital renminbi-encrypted wallet, used it directly as an identity certificate in the web world, no longer required the use of platforms' registered accounts, and avoided the use of multiple mobile phone numbers, real name certifications, bank cards, etc., which were cumbersome, and broke the entry barriers between platforms and achieved full co-existence.


As with the digital renminbi, it also allows public security agencies to quickly identify irregularities such as fraud, cyber-money-laundering, malicious pretences and private exchange transactions, and to maximize the security of payments made by users in the Internet environment.


It also greatly enhances the security of user data, the adverse use of individual businesses for profit, the healthyness of network ecology, the malicious online disinformation by committed individuals, the unique authentication of digital people's encrypted wallets, and the ease, safety and ecological health of users'participation in web platforms.

中国Web 3.0世界,因为有数字人民币与政府的介入,共建完整的联盟链,并打通民营企业、公有机构的鸿沟,让虚拟世界所有的资产价值都能直接兑换成现实世界中的价值(数字人民币),并且政府有全国土地的所有权,用现实土地与虚拟世界资产联动,构建最完善的虚拟融合现实的Web 3.0世界。

Web 3.0 China has a world where, because of the involvement of the digital renminbi and the Government, a complete union chain has been built and the gap between private enterprises and public institutions has been bridged so that the value of all the assets of the virtual world can be converted directly into the values of the real world (the digital renminbi), and the Government has national ownership of the land, linking the real land to the virtual world assets and building the most perfect virtual world of integration, Web 3.0.

并强制境外人士要参与中国Web 3.0,就需使用数字人民币,也可进一步提升人民币在全球的法定货币地位,甚至可能一举超越美元多年的霸主地位。

The use of digital renminbi is also necessary to force foreign nationals to participate in China's Web 3.0. It can further raise the renminbi's status in the global legal currency and may even rise above the dominance of the United States dollar for many years.

中国Web3.0 不仅能通过数字人民币、土地资产等方式融合虚拟、现实世界,更能重构所有的经济形态,例如用户在虚拟世界中钓鱼,则现实世界操作着机器人在钓鱼,获得到鱼货可以直接在Web 3.0线上结算成数字人民币,入账到数字人民加密钱包上。

Web3.0 China is not only able to integrate virtual and real worlds through digital renminbis and land assets, but also to reconfigure all economic patterns, such as fishing by users in the virtual world, where robotics are operating fishing, and where fish arrives can be settled directly on the Web 3.0 line and recorded on digital people's encrypted wallets.

这篇我们从区块链的底层技术特色及发展的概况,并说明了Web 3.0世界发展的问题及局限,还有发想了未来中国Web 3.0的可能发展情况。

This is an overview of the underlying technological features and developments of the block chain, and illustrates the problems and constraints of the Web 3.0 world development, as well as the possible future development of the China Web 3.0.

其中最关键的影响要素就是“数字人民币”,数字人民币比其他加密货币提供了一个更安全、更稳定、更可靠,且可无障碍畅通虚拟世界、现实世界的场景,提供Web 3.0世界底层的稳定经济体系,并配合中国互联网发展的成熟度、硬件设备发展的进度,借此可推论到未来中国Web 3.0 极可能是全球最快发展、最佳的Web 3.0 生态世界。

The most critical impact element is the “digital renminbi”, which provides a safer, more stable and more reliable scenario than any other encrypted currency, with full and accessible access to the virtual world and the real world, providing a stable economic system at the bottom of the Web 3.0 world, and matching the maturity of China's Internet development and progress in hardware and equipment development, which can be inferred from the fact that in the future China's Web 3.0 is most likely the fastest-growing and the best Web 3.0 ecological world in the world.


(a) The digital renminbi has better value stability than other encrypted currencies, as well as flexible and effective currency-regulation strategies, backed by government credit guarantees, and has the same legal force as the French currency of the real world, which is absolutely the best currency of encryption;


In the development of Web3.0 in the future, the virtual world will be followed by an important bridge between the real world and the real world, and it is likely that in the Web3.0 era, the United States dollar will be a universal currency across the globe.

中国Web 3.0 的联盟链,相对国外的公链,具备更稳定的算力提供,公链的节点可能受到个别地区停电、管理员操作错误等情况中断节点算力提供;

China's Web 3.0 union chain, which has a more stable arithmetic over the public chain abroad, may be provided by interruption nodes in individual areas, such as power outages, administrative errors, etc.;


In addition, the chain of alliances can be upgraded faster and safer than the public chain, and with the endorsement of the Government, large enterprises and more reliable to provide more cutting-edge technical support and iterative speed

并且,公链的管理方针主要依靠智能合约,智能合约随着时代、时间推移之后,不一定适用于当时的治理情况,而中国Web3.0 能更便捷地调整治理策略,因应时代变化,也更能满足Web 3.0发展衍生的多场景新需求

Moreover, the management of the public chain is largely based on smart contracts, which, with the passage of time and time, do not necessarily apply to the governance situation at the time, while China Web3.0 has been able to adapt its governance strategy more easily to the changing times and to meet the new demands of the web 3.0 development.

数字人民币的硬钱包在离线也能操作,让用户能在无网络的情况下,也能感知到Web 3.0的行为价值,是真正地打破现实与虚拟世界的边界,其他加密货币或虚拟身份,在无网络的场景中,则相当于归零,只有数字人民币满足现实世界的使用及身份。

The digital renminbi's hard wallet can also operate offline, allowing users to feel the value of Web 3.0 without the Internet, truly breaking the boundaries between reality and the virtual world, while other encrypted currencies or virtual identities, in a non-networked scenario, amount to zero, with only the digital renminbi meeting the use and identity of the real world.

对用户而言,更重要的是应用的使用体验,目前国外的DApp都因为公链的算力不足,导致实现的功能及服务体验,远远低于目前市面的一般应用,而中国Web3.0 上述的技术优势,则可以提供更好应用体验,满足用户的使用需要,加速用户从Web 2.0 迁移到Web 3.0上。

For users, and more importantly, the usage experience of applications, which is currently being achieved by external DApps because of inadequate public-chain computing, is far lower than the general application of the current market, while the technological advantages of the above-mentioned Web3.0 in China provide a better application experience that meets user needs and accelerates the migration of users from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.

最后,期待国内将云服务器整合中国联盟链的那一天到来,也就是中国Web 3.0 世界向全世界亮相的一天。

Finally, the day that the country integrates the cloud servers into the Chinese union chain, the day that the world shines on the world, the day that the Chinese Web 3.0 shines on the world.


本文由 @有趣的宣宣仔 原创发布于人人都是产品经理,未经许可,禁止转载。

This post was published by @The Interesting Propaganda and was originally published by everyone as a product manager, without permission, and is prohibited from reproducing it.

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