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The meta-cosm is extremely topical, but to achieve such a vision of the next generation of the Internet, it needs to be done with the enterprise of the entire ecosystem. This paper will describe what the meta-cosmos is. How is it built? Who is building it?

虽说这个在线世界仍处于发展初期,但长远而言将深具潜力。用户(尤其是年轻用户)最终可能会在数字世界中赚取他们的大部分资金并加以支出、投资。CB Insights的产业分析师认为,十年之后元宇宙可能将有1兆美元的市场规模。

Users (especially young users) may eventually earn most of their money in the digital world and spend, invest. CB Insights’ industrial analysts believe that the meta-cosm could have a market size of $1 trillion in 10 years.


At the end of last year, Facebook changed its name to Meta, and the annual growth rate of the meta-cosmos (Yoy) mentioned at the 2021 Q4 financial conference was four times higher. In the interim, the media began to report on the meta-cosm, and news agencies began to wonder whether the meta-cosm and the emergence of a mature virtual economy (including property ownership, business offices, fashion seasons, etc.) were the next battle for science and technology.

元宇宙是一种愿景而不是一种具体的技术。故此对企业而言,这样的模糊性使得企业要想弄清楚怎样加入元宇宙所代表的一系列新兴科技,但事实上却备受困难。故此,CB Insights整理了下列架构,将元宇宙拆解为多个技术层面,并介绍了立足于实践元宇宙的关键供货商。

So this ambiguity makes it difficult for businesses to figure out how to join the array of emerging technologies represented by the metacosystem. So CB Insights has organized the following architecture, dissecting the metacosystem into multiple technical dimensions, and presenting key suppliers based on the practical metacosystem.


Infrastructure (networks and operations).


The creation of metacosystems requires infrastructure capable of large data processes, low-delay calculations and processing, and emerging technologies in the areas of chips and processors, 5G, cloud-end infrastructure and peripheral infrastructure will demonstrate the importance of creating a metacosystem that is seamless and without delay.


The progress of

以元宇宙为核心的新型硬件(如VR头戴式装置和AR眼镜),用于支持与高拟真图形及AI有关的密集工作负载,并在较小的轻型装置上使用。高通公司(Qualcomm)的芯片是这一领域的佼佼者,高通声称骁龙芯片(Snapdragon)已应用于50多个AR/VR装置,诸如Meta的Oculus和HTC Vive等主流VR头戴式装置。近来,高通还宣布推出1亿美元的骁龙元宇宙基金,投资扩展现实(XR)领域。

New hardware centred on the meta-cosm (e.g. VR headwear and AR glasses) is used to support intensive work loads related to high-precision graphics and AI, and is used on smaller light devices. The Qualcomm chip is the Qualcomm player in this field, which claims that Snapdragon has been applied to more than 50 AR/VR devices, such as the Mainstream VR headwear device, such as Oculus in Meta and HTC Vive.


Moreover, Intel claims that what the metacosystem needs is a 1,000-fold increase in computing efficiency, encompassing 5G and mixed border cloud infrastructure. That is, new chips are also needed to drive these critical low-delay computing networks. Intel released details in February 2022 of new chips supporting high-power data centres and 5G networks.


5G and low-delay network to support high-resolution metacosystem programs


5G wireless technology provides a reliable, resilient and low-delayed network for online devices to create high-resolution meta-cosm applications, such as immersion worlds and games.

至2022年止,美国的龙头电信企业都能为消费者提供5G网络。一些企业正在尝试在游戏和AR/VR中使用5G。比如:2021年4月,Verizon与VR新创公司Dreamscape Immersive合作,在Verizon的5G网络上建立沉浸式学习和培训应用。三个月后,AT&T与Meta的Reality Labs合作,展示怎样运用5G来产生更多的无缝AR体验。

By 2022, America’s leading telecom companies were providing consumers with 5G networks. Some companies were trying to use 5Gs in games and AR/VRs. For example, in April 2021, Verizon worked with VR’s innovation firm, Dreamscape Immersive, to build a dipping learning and training application on Verizon’s 5G network. Three months later, AT&T worked with Meta’s Reality Labs to show how to use 5Gs to generate more seamless AR experiences.


Cloud infrastructure to assist low-level computing devices to support metacosystems

云端基础设施将使元宇宙企业能够存储和解析它们产生的大量数据,尤其是那些托管虚拟世界和体验的企业。2018年,Epic Games的游戏《要塞英雄Fortnite》每月产生5PB的数据(这相当于2.5T页的标准文本)。为了储存和理解这些数据,Fortnite近乎是完全在亚马逊网络服务(AWS)上运行,在AWS上运用云端运算来加总(aggregate)和分析难以处理的数据流。

Cloud infrastructure will enable meta-cosm enterprises to store and interpret the vast amount of data they generate, especially those hosting virtual worlds and experiences. In 2018, the Epic Gomes game Fortnette produces 5 PB data per month (the equivalent of 2.5 T pages of standard text). In order to store and understand these data, Fortnet is running almost exclusively on Amazon Net Services (AWS), using cloud-based calculations on AWS to add to the total (aggregate) and analyse data streams that are difficult to process.


Advances in cloud-side infrastructure will also help people to access metacosystems on devices that lack sufficient computing capacity (e.g. high-resolution graphics and artificial intelligence), and cloud-end computing will enable the processing of experiences on remote servers and then move to terminal devices, such as PC, VR helmets, or mobile phones. While this type of back-to-back communication with external servers may be delayed, it will also reduce delays associated with peripheral calculations and 5G developments.


edge infrastructure assists in real-time, ground-based operation of the meta-cosmos


The margin calculation is used mainly for metacosystem applications that require real-time responses, such as AR/VR and games. The margin calculation allows data from low-capacity devices to be processed closer to where they are generated. When it comes to the need to process information in real-time, it is when the margin is in use, for example, by using hand-trace sensors on VR headwear devices or by handling instructions in competitive games. In fact, peripheral infrastructure enterprises such as Stackpath and Zenlayer have formally listed games and VRs as their main areas of concern.

边缘处理与云端运算密切关联。云端基础设施处理的工作负载不需要最低延迟,比如在游戏中加载超出视野的物体。而边缘基础设施处理需要非常快速响应的加载,比如玩家的动作。有些企业开发了混合的产品,比如:Akamai为一些高知名度的游戏企业提供边缘–云端混合服务,囊括机器砖块(Roblox)和独角兽Riot Games。

Marginal processing is closely related to cloud-end computing. The cloud-side infrastructure process loads do not require minimum delay, such as loading objects beyond the horizon in games. The peripheral infrastructure process requires a very rapid response load, such as player action. Some companies have developed mixed products, such as: Akamai provides edge &ndash for some high-profile games; cloud-side blending services, including Roblox and Unicorn Riot Gomes.


2. Access/interface (hardware)


This includes hardware devices that people experience in the meta-cosm. While connected devices like mobile phones, personal computers, and games are also in this category, they are mainly centred on emerging technologies and are intended to enhance users’ sense of submersion in the virtual environment.


Touch technology (Haptics) gives digital objects a qualitative and weight touch

这类新创企业正在开发将触觉带入虚拟世界的技术。新创企业如HaptX和Sense Glove,正在开发能够赋予虚拟物体触觉的手套。将微振动、用于抗力的气动系统(pneumatic system)和运动追踪结合,使人们可以感觉到数字物体的材质、硬度和重量。

These start-ups are developing technologies to bring tactiles into the virtual world. New start-ups, such as HaptX and Sense Glove, are developing gloves that can give virtual objects tactiles. Combining microvibration, pneumatic system, and motion tracking to make people feel the material, hardness and weight of digital objects.

未来,触觉技术可能不再限于人的双手。苏格兰的Teslasuit公司正在开发完整的连体服,以便在虚拟环境中提供全身的触觉回馈和温度控制(climate control)。

In the future, tactile technology may no longer be limited to people’s hands. Teslasuit, Scotland, is developing a complete hyphenation to provide full-body tactile feedback and temperature control (climate control) in a virtual environment.


headwear device (VR) provides insight, eye tracking, hand tracking


These companies are developing VR glasses, which are now considered to be the main entry point to meta-cosm applications. VR glasses provide users with visual and hearing content to immerse them in the digital environment.

最受欢迎的VR头戴式装置之一是Meta企业的Oculus,消费者在2021年的假期季对其兴趣激增。新创企业也纷纷仿效。比如:Varjo运用光达(lidar)和计算机视觉技术,为其VR头戴式装置带来景深感知(depth perception)、眼球追踪和手部追踪。

One of the most popular VR head-dressing devices is the Octus of Meta Enterprises, with a surge in consumer interest during the 2021 holiday season. New start-ups are also following suit. For example, Varjo uses photodar and computer visual technology to bring a picture of VR head-dressing, eye-trace and hand-trace.

全像投影(Holographics) 应用于场景设计、表演、产品设计及医学

full image projection (Holograpics) & nbsp; applied to scene design, performance, product design and medicine

这些企业使用光衍射技术(light diffraction)将3D物体投射到实体空间。这些全像技术将数字体验带入实体世界。虽说如今仍处于早期阶段,但可能应用于广泛的应用案例,从全像图主导的场景设计和表演到产品设计及医学。Base Hologram公司正运用这项技术让Whitney Houston和Buddy Holly等已辞世流行音乐人重现舞台,以色列的RealView Imaging公司则是产生病人内部器官的全像投影,以辅助手术前规划。

These companies use light diffraction technology to project 3D objects into physical space. These full-scale technologies bring digital experiences into the real world. Although still at an early stage, they may be applied in a wide range of applications, ranging from image-led scene design and performance to product design and medicine.


There is still a long way to go before full-scale projection is successful, but now the companies that are plowing in this field have given us a vision of the future.



Companies are developing AR-enabled glasses or contact lenses. While not all AR-glass applications are directly related to the meta-cosm, for example, AR tools designed to help engineers repair refrigerators do not have shared experiences, what such companies do is building bridges between the entity and the virtual world.


Along with the spread of AR (especially social applications), the technology will be developed as a tool to integrate virtual and real worlds more effectively, for example, by interacting with a person's digital incarnation in the meta-cosm, which further blurs the boundaries between consumer online and offline identities.

如今,中国的新创公司Nreal正在为日常消费者开发配有网络浏览和影像串流功能的AR眼镜。其他企业如Magic Leap则正在开发企业用的AR头戴式装置。

Today, China’s new start-up company, Nreal, is developing AR glasses with web browsing and video streaming features for day-to-day consumers. Other companies, such as Magic Leap, are developing AR-cap devices for companies.


3. Virtualization tool


Enterprises in this field are working on software development toolkits, game engines, 3D scanning techniques and other developers'tools to help 3D content designers build metacosystems and experiences.


3D design engine to create meta-cosm vision

该领域企业提供游戏引擎和动画视觉效果等工具,使设计师可以用来构建元宇宙中的视觉元素。比如:Epic Games的Unreal Engine用来开发其内部游戏套件,如《火箭联盟Rocket League》和《要塞英雄Fortnite》,Unreal Engine同时也是其他工作室制作的大量高知名度游戏的核心。

Businesses in this area provide tools such as game engines and animation visual effects that designers can use to build visual elements in meta-cosm. For example, the Unreal Engineering of Epic Gomes is used to develop their internal games packages, such as Rocket League and Fortnette, the Fortune hero, which are also at the core of a large number of high-profile games produced in other studios.

AR/VR开发者也会使用Unreal Engine及其竞争对手Unity,VR游戏工作室Survios和Sanzaru使用前者,而知名VR游戏Beat Saber则是用Unity设计的。

AR/VR developers also use Unreal Engineering and its competitor Unity, which is used by the VR game studio Survios and Sanzaru, while the famous VR game Beat Saber is designed by Unity.

3D建模和捕捉(3D modeling & capture)用于产品仿真

3D modelling and capture (3D modeling & capture) for product simulation


For example, through Vntana, branders can upload existing design documents or 3D scanning files and immediately optimize them to meet the standards of the network, social media, and game engines. These products can be uploaded to the company’s website, social media, or AR, where users can access products such as 360° viewing, changing colours and textures; and testing products for possible appearances in the real world.


Some companies use scanning and 3D capture to transform the physical environment into virtual environments. For example, PreVu3D has built virtual models of factories. These models are now used to help redesign layouts to improve efficiency, but basic technologies can also be used to create metacosystem experiences.


AR software development toolkit and AR developers platform

该领域的企业提供软件开发工具包(SDK)以优化AR app开发。该领域的新创企业大多仍处于早期阶段,这是因为AR还没有渗透到主流应用案例中。

Businesses in this area provide software development toolkits (SDKs) to optimize AR app development. Most start-ups in this area are still at an early stage, because AR has not infiltrated mainstream applications.

2021年,《Pokémon GO》的开发商Niantic宣布推出自家的AR开发者平台Lightship,希望突破纯AR游戏企业的身份。2021年9月,高通公司收购了位于奥地利的Wikitude,这是一家建立SDK以加快AR app设计的新创公司。此次收购很可能成为高通公司开发头戴式AR开发者套件的基础,该套件在收购后2个月推出。

In 2021, the developer of Poké Mon GO, Niantic, announced the launch of his own AR developers platform, Lightship, in the hope of breaking through the identity of a pure AR game company. In September 2021, Hightower acquired Wikitude in Austria, a new start-up company that set up a SDK to speed up AR app design.

高通公司并不是这个领域独一无二的大型科技企业。新创公司可能会面临来自Amazon Sumerian、Google ARCore和Meta Presence平台等科技巨头产品的竞争。

Hightower is not one of the largest technology firms in the field. Newcomers may face competition from technology giants such as Amazon Sumerian, Google ARCore, and Meta Preence platforms.


digitalized and overwritten mode


Digital incarnation start-ups are helping individuals, games and brand designs to customize and write digital incarnations, with the inclusion and participation of meta-cosmos users in the virtual world.

Alter和Ready Player Me这样的新创企业允许用户以多种方式订制化,将自拍变成卡通式的数字分身。这些企业还希望他们的数字化身能够在整个元宇宙内互通,以便让使用者在穿越虚拟世界和体验时维持同一个身份。

New start-ups like Alter and Ready Player Me allow users to customize in many ways, turning self-tapes into cartoon digital divers. They also want their digital incarnations to communicate across the meta-cosm so that users can maintain the same identity as they travel through the virtual world and experience.


Other start-ups are more committed to hyper-realistic digitalization, covering business uses. For example, Piscreen and Uneeq provide digital development platforms that include natural language processing (NLP) tools, an AI that can understand and respond intelligently to human language, so that brands and businesses can create virtual assistant digitalization for customer service.

空间捕捉影片(Volumetric video)应用于建立表演艺术新媒体

Space Capture Video should be used to create new media for performing arts


Space capture capture capture captures images of the real world from multiple angles for viewing in a 3D way in a digital environment. Space capture is crucial for bringing entertainment into the meta-cosm. The Israeli company Tetavi is using space capture to create media, games, and other VR-based content. Tetavi claims that it is now exploring with major artists and production companies, that is to say, it is likely that its techniques will be used in the future to bring concerts, dance performances, etc. to the virtual stage.


4. Virtual world


Virtual worlds are places where people gather and exist in metacosystems, and these worlds differ according to user-driven experiences and economies.


Centered World: To attract high-intellectual users to enhance meta-cosm experience


In a centered virtual world, an enterprise has the ultimate decision about the rules, goods and experiences of the world. In addition, the centered world is usually a socially driven environment in which people can come together and use interactive tools.


Roblox, for example, has its own developers portal, where users can create custom-defined landscapes, objects, games, etc. This freedom is the key value proposition of the Roblox world. Users are empowered to create scenarios from deep-sea dives to bold escapes, thus helping to drive the flyer effect, making it central to the development of the meta-cosmos world. Because highly committed users improve the virtual world and attract more users, that is, users improve their experiences for others.

创造者也可以针对他们的服务收费。虽说中心化的虚拟世界会收取创作者收入的一定比例(Roblox大约1美元会收取27美分),但一些创作者已经获得巨大的成功。2006年,虚拟世界Second Life中的创作者Anshe Chung被认为是第一个通过在虚拟世界中建立的业务实现现实世界百万富翁地位的人。

While the centralized virtual world will charge a percentage of its creator’s income (about US$ 1 in Roblox, 27 cents), some creators have achieved great success. In 2006, Anshe Chung, the creator of the virtual world, Second Life, was considered the first to achieve real world millionaire status through business established in the virtual world.

虽说Roblox和Second Life可以在传统的游戏机上访问,如Xbox、Playstation、PC和智慧手机,但像VRChat和Rec Room这样的新创企业正寻求通过超越剧本以创造更多的沉浸式虚拟世界,并纳入VR功能。

While Roblox and Second Life are accessible on traditional games, such as Xbox, Playstation, PC and smart phones, start-ups such as VRChat and Rec Room are seeking to create more immersion virtual worlds by going beyond scripts and incorporating VR functions.


去中心化的虚拟世界提供类似于虚拟世界的体验。然则,这些世界是以区块链技术建立的。Decentraland和The Sandbox是两个最受欢迎的去中心化世界。就像中心化世界,这些世界允许居民购买、出售和创造。然则,这些交易都是基于每个世界独特的加密货币。另外,世界内的物品或土地都是以非同构型代币(NFT)的形式进行交易。

The virtual world of decentralisation offers an experience similar to that of virtual worlds. These worlds, however, are created by block-chain technology. Decentraland and The Sandbox are the two most popular decentralized worlds. Like the central world, they allow residents to buy, sell and create.


Considering that developers will not cede control to a single entity of another control standard, some argue that the de-centralization of the block chain will promote interoperability between games and other platforms. This will eventually allow the rareness of assets to be realized in every world. In the future, a person may transfer their NFT yachts from one de-centralized world to another.

去中心化世界也倾向于使用与中心化世界不同的商业模式,去中心化世界从销售虚拟土地、加密货币和其他数字资产中获得收入,而不是从内部世界创造者(in-world creator)产生的利润中抽取一定比例。

Decentralizing the world also tends to use a business model different from that of centralizing the world to generate revenue from the sale of virtual land, encrypted money and other digital assets, rather than drawing a percentage of the profits generated by in-world creators.


Some decentralized virtual worlds even allow their residents to help govern through distributed self-governing organizations (DAOs). These block chain technologies, self-enforceable smart contracts, usually based on a ratio of encrypted assets to their internal world, give users the right to vote and allow them to have a say in the rules and regulations of the world.


5. Economic infrastructure


This dimension encompasses technologies that enable the purchase, sale and storage of goods and services in the metacosystem.


Despite the surge in interest in encryption money and NFT, start-ups and firms entering this field may serve only a small fraction of the meta-cosm and are decentralised meta-cosmos. Thus, traditional payment firms remain highly relevant.


Payments: traditional and encrypted currency deposited in meta-cosmos transactions

传统的支付方式在元宇宙中不会被淘汰。伴随虚拟世界经济的发展,客户会出于方便而希望使用他们典型的支付系统,供货商会急于从这些交易中分一杯羹。PayPal已经可以被用来购买Roblox、Minecraft和econd Life中的虚拟货币。同时,Minecraft世界内的货币Minecoin也接受多种支付方式,囊括Visa、Google Pay、Apple Pay和Mastercard。

With the development of the virtual world economy, customers want to use their typical payment systems, and the suppliers’ chambers are eager to take a share of these transactions. PayPal can already be used to purchase virtual currency in Roblox, Minecraft, and econd Life.


Encrypted Currency Exchange: Decentralized, trans-exchange transactions

这些企业提供购买和销售加密货币的平台,包罗原生加密货币和去中心化的数字世界。举例来说,The Sandbox的加密货币Sand,可以在Gemini、Crypto和Binance等交易所进行交易。同样,Decentraland原生的加密货币MANA可以在Coinbase、Kraken和其他交易所购买。

For example, The Sandbox’s encrypted currency, Sand, can be traded on the Gemini, Crypto, and Binance exchanges. Similarly, Decentraland’s original encrypted currency, MANA, can be purchased on Coinbase, Kraken, and other exchanges.


Encrypted Money Wallet: Login Certificate to Decentralize the World


In order to enter a world like Cryptovoxels or Decentraland, users need an encrypted wallet. The only ID of the wallet is also their personal account. As long as they can access the wallet, they can log into the centralized world from multiple devices and receive digital assets, such as NFTs in currency or virtual land in the world. Sandbox, for example, allows users to register with some of the most popular encrypted currency wallets, including Venly, Bitski and Metamazk.


NFT: Can be used in meta-cosmos and the non-cosmos


These start-up businesses develop platforms to support business activities that de-centralize the world, where users can buy and sell virtual land, digitally incarnated clothing, to NFTs. Non-homogenous tokens (NFTs) are not a meta-cosm concept, and people can simply buy and sell tweets, films, etc. The NFT is becoming the backbone of economic activity in the de-centralized virtual world, as they provide proof of ownership of the property based on the meta-cosm.

元宇宙物品的NFT也可以在元宇宙外部NFT市场上市。比如Open Sea或Rarible这样的市场已经支持销售Decentraland和The Sandbox的虚拟房地产和物品。同样,新创企业DMarket也在开发专门针对去中心化世界和游戏的商品交易的NFT市场。

Similarly, the start-up firm Dmarket is also developing NFT markets specifically designed for de-centralized world and game trading.


6. Experience >/strong>


This dimension covers the range of goods, services and experiences that will be offered in the future in the metacosystem. Please note that this dimension will continue to evolve and change. The following special categories illustrate the metacosystem experience that is now popular in the market.


This category includes AR/VR games and enterprises that develop decentralized multiplayer games. While the meta-cosmos can be incorporated into traditional games, the categories highlighted below explore emerging game trends that may affect the development of the meta-cosm.


AR/VR game:

这类新创企业正在迎来下一波沉浸式AR/VR游戏的发展。大多数这类型的企业(如:Ramen VR、Survios和ForeVR Games)是以VR为重点的游戏工作室。其他企业(如迪斯尼支持的Illumix)正在开发可以将消费者的智慧手机摄像头变成一个游戏平台的AR游戏。Illumix广受好评的恐怖游戏《玩具熊的五夜后宫Five Nights At Freddy’s》让用户可以击退并收集躲在家中墙壁里被附身的机械偶。

Most of these types of enterprises (e.g. Ramen VR, Survios and ForeVR Games) are VR-focused games studios. Others (e.g. Illumix, supported by Disney) are developing an AR game that can turn consumer smart cell phone cameras into a game platform. Illumix, a well-received terror game, Five Nights of Bears, Five Nights At Freddy & rsquo; s, allows users to repel and collect robotic dolls hidden in their home walls.


这类新创主要开发基于区块链的多人游戏或帮助游戏企业开发基于区块链的游戏。去中心化游戏类似于去中心化的虚拟世界,但在玩家自由度方面比较受限。比如,Mythical Games的去中心化游戏Blankos,允许玩家建立小游戏和交易NFT物品。然则,玩家不能像在Roblox或Second Life中那样创造新的纹理、生物或物品。另外,游戏的规则也不是像Decentraland或The Sandbox那样由分布式自治组织决定的。

This kind of innovation is primarily to develop block-based multi-player games or to help game companies develop block-based games. Decentralizing games are similar to decentralizing virtual worlds, but they are more restricted in terms of player freedom. For example, Mythical Gomes' decentralized games, Blancos, allows players to create small games and trade NFT items. However, players cannot create new textures, organisms or objects like in Roblox or Second Life. Also, the rules of the game are not determined by distributed autonomous organizations like Decentraland or The Sandbox.


Virtual concert: concert games

这类新创企业正在元宇宙中建立虚拟演唱会场所,同时也在使用新的沉浸式体验来增强现场演唱会。比如,2022年1月,AmazeVR为其VR音乐会平台吸引了1500万美元的B轮融资。这类企业可能发现了自己正面临来自虚拟世界和游戏企业的竞争,《要塞英雄Fortnite》的Travis Scott演唱会吸引了超过1200万观众参加。

For example, in January 2022, AmazeVR attracted $15 million in B-round funding for its VR platform. Such companies may find themselves facing competition from virtual worlds and game companies, with Travis Scott at Fortnette, the Fortress hero, attracting more than 12 million viewers.


Pixelynx is an enterprise founded by musicians like Deadmau 5, which uses AR technology to play concerts. Fans can point their phones to the stage, experience new visual effects, participate in small games, and collect virtual objects and NFTs.


Virtual Fashion: Digital Dictionary

虚拟时尚企业是开发在元宇宙中所著服装的品牌。虚拟时尚新创企业仍处于早期发展阶段。Brand New Vision和DressX近期进行了种子轮融资,以支持其基于NFT的时尚项目。从这些新创企业购买服装的用户可以选择使用AR来展示他们的虚拟服装,其范围可以从相对普通的外套到精心设计的礼服,这在真实世界中很难制造。

Brand New Vision and DressX have recently made seed rotation financing to support their NFT-based fashion projects. Users of clothing from these new start-ups can choose to use AR to show their virtual clothing, ranging from relatively normal coats to carefully designed dress, which is difficult to manufacture in the real world.

大型时尚品牌也在关注虚拟时尚并将之作为营销和建立新收入来源的一种方式。比如,Nike收购了虚拟运动鞋企业RTFKT,并与Roblox合作建立了 「Nikeland」,这是一个用户可以为他们的数字化身购买Nike服装的世界。同样,巴黎世家在《要塞英雄》中发布了虚拟时装品牌,2021年5月,一个数字Gucci包在Roblox的售价超过4000美元。

Large fashion brands are also focusing on virtual fashion as a way to market and create new sources of income. For example, Nike acquired a virtual sports shoe company, RTFKT, and, in collaboration with Roblox, created "Nikeland," a world where users can purchase Nike clothing for their digital identity.


Virtual real estate: available for purchase, resale, development, rental

虚拟房地产企业在去中心化的虚拟世界中购买、转售、开发和出租虚拟财产。前面提到的Anshe Chung就是这样赚钱的,通过购买虚拟房地产,用Second Life的创作者工具重新开发,然后出租给其他Second Life的居民。

Virtual real estate buys, resells, develops, and rents virtual property in a decentralised virtual world. This is how Anshe Chung, referred to earlier, earns money by purchasing virtual real estate, re-developed with the creative tool of Second Life, and then rents it to the residents of other Second Life.

虚拟房地产企业Everyrealm是Republic Realm的衍生企业,它在The Sandbox中购买价值400万美元的房产的事情成为头条新闻。该企业的项目囊括在这块土地上开发热带景观,这些景观带有独特的物品和NFT,如:巨型游艇(其中最大的一艘以65万美元售出)。

The virtual real estate enterprise Everyrealm is a derivative of Republic Realm, and the purchase of $4 million worth of property in The Sandbox is the headline news. The project of the company includes the development of tropical landscapes on the land, with unique objects and NFTs, such as giant yachts (the largest of which is sold for $650,000).


Virtual work:


Such enterprises are developing immersion workspaces, where employees can work together on projects, move in digital offices, and communicate with each other, as they do in the same room. Enterprises in this area rely heavily on AR and VR technology. For example, Immersed and vSpatial are developing VR office space, digital incarnations can work in real time on shared whiteboards, complex workstations with multiple dashboards and meetings, etc. It is not practical in real life to set them up.


Other start-ups are working on specific use cases. For example, IrisVR is developing VR spaces for architects to work together on projects that allow them to dock and explore 3D renderings of structures in a shared virtual environment.

其他企业,如Cosmos Video,则更加强工作时的社交面向。员工可以浏览其电玩方式呈现的办公室,不止可以举办视频会议、办公时间,也可以在小游戏中相互挑战。

Other businesses, such as Cosmos Video, enhance the social orientation of their jobs.


guided tours and the VR Gallery


In addition to these applications, there are companies that are developing a unique meta-cosm experience. Smartguide is developing an AR application to turn a person’s cell phone into a museum tour guide. Meanwhile, Spatial has raised $25 million in B-round financing to move from virtual workspaces to the VR gallery, where people can display NFT art.





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