
资讯 2024-06-18 阅读:135 评论:0
文? | 棘轮 比萨Wen, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee...



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文? | 棘轮 比萨

Wen, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee.


"If one day the USDT crashes, what will happen?" The boot that hanged for too long in the prophecy fell to the ground.


On the afternoon of October 15, an exciting moment appeared. The USDT, which had been running for five years, fell by 8 per cent in two hours.


As a result of this, mainstream digital money has generally surged against the USDT price. But no one dares to switch it to USDT, because in doing so, it is likely to end up with just a bunch of useless codes.


What is the reason for the USDT’s collapse? Which ecology will it change in the industry?


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"USDT crashed!"


In just two hours, the USDT plunged by 8 per cent, giving me the creeps.


A small drop began at 7:44 this morning. Soon, market confidence began to collapse, and a large number of USDTs were sold into bitcoin, ETH, Ripoco, and even various forms of platform currency.


The company Tether, which issues USDT, has been committed to paying the dollar at a 1:1 ratio. Today, however, USDT prices are lowest, even below $0.9.


The panic peaked in the afternoon. From 13 p.m., the mainstream digital currency rose by more than 10 per cent over the entire USDT price.


In fact, the “currency price rise” in most currencies is the result of a sharp fall in the USDT — most currencies remain constant if converted in French currency such as the renminbi, the United States dollar and so on.

但是,对于比特币、ETH等主流币种而言,其币价仍然出现了真实的上涨。今日下午,比特币价格一度触及7600 USDT高位,上涨18%,远高于USDT的跌幅。

But for mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin, ETH, etc., the price of the currency has actually risen. Today afternoon, bitcoin prices hit a high of 7,600 USDT, up 18%, well above the fall of the USDT.


USDT is the most mainstream currency of stability and should have been considered a “risk-free asset”, but it has become a risk point. This scene is dramatic.


At the very moment, several exchanges suspended the USDT charger, puller function.


At 9:59, the KuCoin transaction stated that the USDT charging and lifting functionality was suspended as a result of the USDT wallet system maintenance. At 14:08, this function was restored.


At 1405 hours, the currency could easily suspend the USDT charge function, stating that the recovery time would be notified separately, but that the withdrawal of the currency and the transaction would not be affected.


In addition, the rise in the price of USDT in the mainstream currency led to the explosion of a large number of futures platforms.


In the half hour after 1400, Coin data showed that the large explosion manifests on OKEx had been paid for US$ 4062 million, of which US$ 2887 million went off in Bitcoin, USD 14.26 million in ETH and USD 10.39 million in EOS.


Most of the profits during the same period were made at the expense of mainstream currencies, replacing a large number of USDTs with a risk of continued devaluation.


After the USDT price rebounded, they became the biggest winner of this bloodbath.




The outbreak of the USDT crisis was not a cold day.


In 2015, the USDT was born. The issuer, Tether, promised to set up a bank reserve account for USDT — all USDTs are guaranteed in equal quantities in French dollars.


If Tether is telling the truth, the USDT is safe and secure.


However, Tether may not be holding the bottom line. The unbridled excess of hair, compared to the 1:1 release of the USDT, clearly allows Tether to earn more money.


No one can stand the temptation of a money-printer.


In order to escape suspicion, Tether commissioned a transparent report from the law firm in an attempt to prove his innocence. However, the report gave Tether more questions.


The report merely assured that, on 1 June 2018, Tether would be able to provide an equivalent dollar guarantee for all United States dollars in circulation, but could not prove that the same level of collateral was available before and after 1 June.


In addition, the issuer of the report, the FSS law firm, could not guarantee that all data were based on standard accounting standards and that the report itself could not be considered as a formal audit finding. The firm also stated that there was a link between the firm's partner, who was a consultant to a branch of an account in Teth...


This was compounded by the bankruptcy crisis in the banks that provided Tether with financial hosting services, which was difficult to protect themselves.


Earlier this month, Bloomberg reported that the Puerto Rican-registered Noble Bank, affected by the 2018 digital currency bear market, was on the verge of bankruptcy. The bank was currently seeking potential buyers at a cost of $5-10 million.


Public sources indicate that Tether and Bitfinex are the two most important clients of Bank Noble.


But there is more to the relationship between Tether and Noble Bank.

Noble银行的实控人布罗克·皮尔斯(Brock Pierce),也是Tether的创始人之一。这两者之间的关系,就像Tether与Bitfinex一样,说不清,道不明。

The realist of Noble Bank, Brock Pierce, was one of the founders of Tether. The relationship between the two, like Tether and Bitfinex, was unclear and unclear.


Therefore, the news that Noble Bank is on the verge of collapse is clearly causing a panic in the USDT.


It is worth mentioning that the recent negative news about USDT appears to have come from one media, Bloomberg.

在曝光Noble银行濒临倒闭的消息后,彭博社再次发文,称美国金融学教授格里芬(John Griffin)发现,Tether可以直接通过发行USDT的方式,操控比特币交易——2017年比特币的牛市,至少有一半功劳应归功于Tether。

After exposing the impending closure of Noble Bank, Bloomberg again wrote that US Professor of Finance John Griffin found out that Tether could control the Bitcoin deal directly through the release of USDT — at least half of the credit for Tether was due to Bitcoin's cattle market in 2017.


But, in fact, Griffin’s paper was published in the public domain in June this year. And early this year, Medium’s web users exposed audio files between Teth and Bitfinex executives about the over-exploited USDT, Lagobitcoin prices.


Bloomberg's choice of a USDT cold meal at this time is worth playing.


Yesterday afternoon, Bloomberg continued to send a message on why digital money investors would question USDT. Today, 12.30 p.m. Bloomberg’s latest article quotes a member of the block chain investment agency that there are now a number of stable currencies on the market, “some people may abandon USDT and support either USD or PAX.”


"It's supposed to be a premeditated sniping battle." One of the people in the industry said to a block chain, "This is the size of the market, and how do the rest of the stables not take up the USDT if they want to sing on stage?"


"03?" "b" shuffling


"Is there a complete collapse of the USDT? Is there a complete collapse of the currency market? "The day when the USDT is raining, there are questions in the market.


Pessimists believe that any currency traded on the basis of USDT offers could be seriously damaged if there was a problem with the USDT, and that there was a stepping disaster.


On the contrary, optimists believe that this may, on the contrary, create cattle markets — funds flowing into mainstream digital currencies, such as the BTC, which will become larger as a result of the collapse of the USDT.


In the short term, the second view appears to have been provisionally accepted.


And the financial columnist Yin Ho-Chung thinks it's a short-term collapse and, in the long run, USDT still has room for survival.


“Because of Bitfinex and Tether's nepotism, Bitfinex will not let the USDT die so easily.” Yin-ho told a block chain reporter.


In fact, Bitfinex is “no bad money.” On August 24, this year, the BTC’s first-ranked wallet address was transferred to the address of 1Kr6QSydW9bFQG1mXiPNu6WpJGmUa9i1g, with 10,000 bitcoins and 179501 bitcoins remaining. The wallet address at the beginning of 1Kr6 holds 13267 BTCs.


Sources revealed that both addresses were the wallet of Bitfinex and that the transfer was an exchange's internal wallet.


"Bitfinex earns more than $3 billion in cattle, and as long as the tide is over, the USDT will turn over." Yon-ho-ho.

他认为,Bitfinex有足够的资本度过这次危机。“哪怕拿出1亿美金,让这些短期套利者赚一波。” 殷浩天说。

In his view, Bitfinex had enough capital to survive the crisis. “Just give these short-term arbitrators $100 million to make a wave of money.” In the name of Ying Ho.


But with this fall, there is no doubt that other stable currencies will capture the market share of the USDT.


“KuCoin recently announced cooperation with Gemni and today stopped the USDT deal.” A trader told a block chain reporter.


In his view, other stable currencies, including the GUSD and PAX introduced by Gemini and Paxos, had long been rubbing their hands, preparing to take down the USDT and taking up their seats.


What can be foreseen is that, for a long time to come, the steady currency of the river will be in the throes of blood.


Today, after 15 p.m., the USDT starts to get out of its slump, returning to the price of $0.94. As a result, mainstream digital currency prices for the USDT begin to fall and the currency market becomes silent again.


"Some people are panicking about selling USDT, some are on the run, causing Bitcoin to soar." One investor wrote on Twitter, "Looking back for a while, it's another harvest of pickles."




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