风暴眼 | 颠覆HTTP、20亿骗局背后 Filecoin是下一个比特币?

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凤凰网《风暴眼》出品{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The Storm Eye from Phoenix核心看点: core: 1、2017年 6 月,Filecoin刚刚推出,便从 8 家知名投资机构募集了 5700万美元,...



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{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The Storm Eye from Phoenix



1、2017年 6 月,Filecoin刚刚推出,便从 8 家知名投资机构募集了 5700万美元,其中包括红杉资本、联合广场风投、安德森·霍洛维茨基金、斯坦福大学等。Filecoin也被称为“互联网存储板块第一币”。

In June 2017, as soon as Filecoin was launched, it collected $57 million from eight well-known investment agencies, including Redwood Capital, Union Square Winds, Anderson & Middot, Holowitz Foundation, Stanford University, etc.


In the view of many FIL holders and miners, unlike some of the “air coins” on the market, the Filecoin, based on the IPFS application scene, will become the next bitcoin, even beyond the bitcoin.


3. IPFS is a decentralised solution, theoretically more efficient and safe than HTTP. In the view of many industry, the future IPFS will subvert the current mainstream HTTP transmission protocol and lead the next generation of the Internet revolution.


4. Industry says to the Phoenix Network Storm Eyes: “The price of bitcoin has doubled by a thousand times in more than a decade, not because of its technological application, but more because of the status and broad consensus of its origins. It's hard for the FIL to use IPFS technology as the next bitcoin.”


10月31日,是比特币白皮书发布13周年。十三年来,比特币价格从0.0008 美元/枚,涨到了现在的6万美元/枚,升值 7,749,999,900%。

On 31 October, the 13th anniversary of the publication of the Bitcoin White Paper. In 13 years, the price of the Bitcoin rose from US$0.00008 to US$60,000 today, an appreciation of 7,749,999,900 per cent.


That is, if in 2009 you purchased 1250 bitcoins at $1, at current market prices these bitcoins are now worth $75 million, or about 480 million yuan.


An old man with a circle of coins laments: “There is nothing more to regret in the world — there was an opportunity for me to be rich, and I didn't appreciate it”.


Bitcoin’s opportunity has been missed. In the fish-combined market for encrypted money, some look again at the FIL (Filecoin), known as the first dollar of the Internet storage plate, in an attempt to replicate the "false myth" that Bitcoin has skyrocketed.


The slogans “Filecoin is the next bitcoin” “Don't miss bitcoin” are also emerging among the projecters, miners, speculators and soft language.


After Filecoin was on the main web line on 15 October 2020, prices jumped from US$ 26 to more than US$ 200, but soon thereafter they fell to more than US$ 30.


This year, after a brief surge in March and April, Filecoin has set in motion another pattern of collapse. At the same time, there is increasing controversy over Filecoin and the IPFS technology behind it.


So, would Filecoin really be the next bitcoin? Is the IPFS behind it really capable of subverting mainstream HTTP technology? Is it a wealth code, or is it a carefully woven lie?


What the hell is Filecoin?


Although Filecoin was only on the main web line on 15 October last year, it is no stranger to many currency circles.


In fact, as early as 2017, the IPFS team announced the Filecoin project.

2017年 6 月,Filecoin刚刚推出,便从 8 家知名投资机构募集了 5700万美元,其中包括红杉资本、联合广场风投、安德森·霍洛维茨基金、斯坦福大学等。

In June 2017, Filecoin raised $57 million from eight well-known investment agencies, including Redwood Capital, United Square Winds, Anderson & Middot, Holowitz Foundation, Stanford University, etc.

在随后9月的公募环节,虽然 Filecoin 只在合规融资平台 上仅面向合格投资者(年收入20万美金以上)筹资。但仍在一个月内筹集了 2.05 亿美元,成为当时人们口中“史上最大ICO项目”。

In the public fund-raising process that followed in September, while Filecoin only raised funds on the compliance financing platform for qualified investors (with an annual income of more than $200,000), it raised $205 million within a month, becoming the “greatest ICO project in history”.

而 Filecoin之所以受到投资机构和投资者的追捧,与其背后的IPFS生态和项目团队和密不可分。

Filecoin, on the other hand, is well received by investment agencies and investors, and is inextricably linked to the IPFS ecological and project team behind it.

IPFS最早的提出者是美国加州人Juan Benet(胡安·贝内特 )。Juan Benet毕业于世界名校斯坦福大学计算机专业,硕士学位。

The first author of IPFS was Juan Benet, Californiaan (Jan & Middot; Bennet). Juan Benet graduated from Stanford University, a master's degree in computers.

Juan曾和合伙人联合创立了一家手机 AR 游戏公司(Loki Studios),后来被雅虎收购。随后他入驻 StartX,这是斯坦福大学的一个非营利性的创业公司加速器,从这里开启创业生涯。

Juan co-founded with his partner a mobile phone AR game company (Loki Studios), which was later acquired by Yahoo. He then moved into StartX, a non-profit start-up firm accelerator at Stanford University, where he started his entrepreneurial career.

IPFS技术提出者 Juan Benet

IPFS technology provider Juan Benet

2014年5月,Juan Benet发布一份白皮书草案,描述了「对等分布式文件系统」的设想,即 IPFS 协议最早的雏形,并获得母校投资。

In May 2014, Juan Benet published a draft white paper describing the concept of a " peer-distributed document system ", the earliest prototype of the IPFS agreement, and obtaining an investment in parent schools.

IPFS全称是Inter Planetary File System,一般翻译为“星际文件系统”,它由Protocol Lab提出,是一种点对点(P2P)的分布式文件系统。IPFS将HTTP视为对手,而HTTP(超文本传输协议)就是一种目前最常用的传输协议。

IPFS is referred to as the Interplanary File System, which is generally translated into the Interplanetary File System, which is proposed by Protocol Lab and is a distributed file system for point-to-point (P2P). IPFS considers HTTP to be its counterpart, while HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) is the most commonly used transfer protocol at present.


At that time, many argued that decentralized IPFS technology would destabilize traditional HTTP-based HTTP technology, leading the next generation of the Internet revolution. This was also an important reason why IPFS was promoted after the launch of Filecoin.

2015年年初,Juan Benet 成立了Protocol Labs,又叫作协议实验室。专注IPFS的研发工作,并加入颇具声望的初创企业孵化器Y Combinator。

In early 2015, Juan Benet set up Protocol Labs, also known as protocol laboratories. Focused on IPFS research and development and joined the prestigious start-up business incubator Y Combinator.


Two years later, in June 2017, the IPFS team announced the Filecoin project.


According to the White Paper issued by the project party, Filecoin is based on a decentralised storage network of IPFS, the only incentive layer on IPFS, and a pass based on block chain technology.


In fact, Filecoin was born to support the development of IPFS. Filecoin promotes the development of IPFS through an economic incentive mechanism, while the Filecoin network also needs IPFS to provide ecological support for the development of its markets.


The miners in the Filecoin network can access FIL by providing storage and retrieval services to their customers.


Filecoin uses a completely new algorithm ( workload proof) as a way to reward miners by contributing idle hard disks. Simply put, you have enough hard disk capacity, so the more the Filecoin reward you get.



不过,大洋彼岸的胡安(Juan )或许没想到,自己推出的Filecoin 尚未成熟,一些不怀好意的人却已经开始打起了它的主意。

However, Juan, on the other side of the ocean, might not have thought that his own launch of Filecoin was premature, and that some unwelcome people were beginning to come up with its ideas.

2018 年 10 月 29 日,郑州喜来登酒店召开了一场“高大上”的会议在,会议的名称为“2018 中原硅谷首届 (国际) 创新科技盛典暨 CAI 百富排行启动大会”。

On October 29, 2018, the Sheraton Hotel in Chengzhou held a conference called “The High Council”, entitled “The First (International) Episode of Innovation in Silicon Valley, Central 2018, and the Launch Conference of the CAI Broadway”.


The conference culminated in the invitation of two high-weight guests, Hu Yun, the founder of the “Hu Yun Bung list” and the Chinese Academy Semiconductor Institute, to host the Silicon Valley Innovation Technology and Technology Park in China.


According to investors, the real name of this so-called Silicon Valley is Henan Chain Technology Co. Ltd. (“Systeming Company”). Sky-Eyed information shows that Serpent Company was registered on 11 October 2018, with $5 million in registered funds, and that it was actually controlled by Hodong.

事实上,无论是胡润还是“中科院半导体研究所”都只是这场会议的配角,这场会议真正的核心是另外两个当时外界都完全陌生的名字:一个名为 CAI 的虚拟货币和一款名为“蜗牛星际服务器”的矿机。

In fact, neither Hu Yung nor the Middle School Semiconductor Institute were the only parallels to the conference, the real core of which was the other two names that were completely unknown to the outside world at the time: a virtual currency called CAI and a miner called the Snail Interplanetary Server.


And Huodong's words at the conference on the same day allowed many of the participants to become investors in the Snail Interplanetary Miner:


"10 years ago, a bitcoin machine could dig 375 bitcoins a day, equivalent to $200,000 a day, but many people were not interested in it. Now, if the Snail interplanetary machine is in front of you, grab it and you can get two months back, and the more machines you buy, the more money each machine digs every day."

主办方及霍东当时宣传的是,用户可以在 IPFS 的代币 Filecoin 上线前先挖 CAI ,待 Filecoin 上线后,用户可根据收益最大化原则动态切换,形成 CAI、Filecoin 双挖…

The host and Horton campaigned that users could dig CAI before the IPFS token Filecoin gets online, and that once Filecoin gets online, the user can switch it according to the principle of maximization of benefits and form CAI, Filecoin double dig...


The “snail interplanetary machine” that was sold at the conference at a price of more than 5,800, while the actual cost of production was between $600 and $800. Subsequent facts also prove that no user dug up a Filecoin until the chain company collapsed.


The price of the so-called CAI currency also fell rapidly from $2 at the peak to $7 cents, and eventually turned into a list of worthless figures.


By selling mine machines at a high price and operating the CAI, Horton and Serpentine have harvested $2 billion of their wealth in just four months. The victims, in addition to those in the block chain industry, include many older people over half a century old.


According to the first finance report, Huodong et al. first sold hundreds of dollars worth of “snail interstellar machines” to investors through the 100 per cent control chain company; then managed the CAI price hike and fall through the only trading place, the “AT” exchange, which continued to attract investors who did not know anything about block-chain investment; and finally suddenly closed the deal and the roll-out.


On 25 February 2019, the Cheng Dong Division of the Chengzhou City Public Security Bureau issued a circular on the legal non-approval of the filing of cases of persons leaving the country, disallowing information on passports held by Hudong et al. on the grounds that they were involved in “money-gathering fraud.” Several executives of the chain company, including Khodong, were officially restricted from leaving the country.


Who's faking Filecoin?


The 2 billion-dollar scams of Horton and Serpent did not prevent Filecoin from continuing. In fact, this has had little impact on the team of the Filecoin project, far from the United States.


Three years after it was conceived, on 15 October 2020 Filecoin's main online line, followed by the main exchange of the token FIL.


The FIL price rose once from $26.730 to over $200, a sharp increase of 600 per cent. But what's hard to see is that, not long ago, the currency fell from over $200 to over $30.


For the next few months, FIL prices remained constant at around $35, until the end of the second quarter of this year, when it was affected by a massive explosion in encrypted currency, when FIL prices rose again to more than $200. But they have been falling all the way since May, and now prices are around $65.


A trader said to the Storm Eyes of Phoenix: “The price of Filecoin has soared and fell because, in addition to being influenced by factors such as the external environment, such as regulation, big plate, etc., the miners, speculators, behind-the-scenes players and even exchanges are squeezing and pulling.”


In fact, as of now, there are a number of articles on the web page “Filecoin” entitled “Why say IPFS is the next bitcoin” and “Don’t miss the next bitcoin.” At the back of the article, links to the Filecoin miner or QQQ.


“IFPS is technology, bitcoin is currency, it's not even a character, it's a soft language article, selling mine machines or scribbling.” A currency ringer said.


However, in the miners’ view, the fall in the value of the currency is not necessarily a good time to enter. Because bitcoin digs do not require pledge money and GAS fees, while FIL digs require pledge currency and GAS fees (like car fuel costs).


In order to ensure the safety and efficiency of the data stored by miners, the FIL currency has a special economic model.


At the same time, in order to cover the cost of network nodes, miners need to prepare a certain amount of FIL to be consumed as GAS fees, which will be consumed by the system.


In other words, the higher the FIL price, the higher the price of the hardware and the ratio of pledge, the higher the pledge cost of the input needed by the miners in the early stages. On the other hand, the higher the return on mining when the price is high.


The miners believe that, if the FIL is worth more than $100, the new miners may have to invest 1 million dollars in pledges in addition to $1 million for hardware equipment, which is so high that it does not have the courage and financial strength for most miners.


When the price is $20, only 200,000 more will be needed as pledges after $1 million in hardware equipment, which will significantly ease the pressure on the input of new miners, facilitate an influx of more new miners and allow the old miners to choose to continue their investment.


Filecoin Miner


Filecoin is the next bitcoin?


Many view Filecoin as the next bitcoin, even because of the IPFS technology behind it. According to some, IPFS will subvert traditional HTTP technology and lead the next generation of the Internet revolution.


For most people, both IPFS and HTTP are slightly unfamiliar terms. In fact, HTTP is the current mainstream transmission protocol, which is also visible in our lives.


If we find what we want online, we have to enter the web site, often starting with HTTP. Through HTTP, the browser extracts and displays the web code of the site on the WEB server, creating a request for a WEB element. If there is more content on the web site, it takes longer load time.


Now we depend on HTTP for Internet access. But there are also problems with HTTP, such as not very efficient performance, excessive reliance on central servers and backbone networks.


Compared to HTTP, IPFS is a decentralised solution, with content searching not by domain name, IP, but by the sole HASH key. All nodes in this network can provide content and services to other nodes, allowing multiple nodes to request multiple WEB elements.


For example, HTTP is like a library, and it needs to be registered in a librarian's office and picked up by an administrator to borrow books. If the first person needs to borrow 100 copies, the people in the back can only wait slowly. We usually open some web pages slowly, partly for reasons similar to this, depending on the processing speed of the central server.


The IPFS, like a book corner, has books in everyone's hands, and one of them sends 100 requests for loans, and the people who own them hand them over, and the efficiency increases.


Of course, IPFS is more than that, and there are many other features, such as avoiding the confusion caused by the centralization of institutions, and the level and application of which go beyond simple P2P downloads. In the digital economy age of the “data” explosion, IPFS is also seen by some as a safer and more efficient way of storage.


Thus, in the view of many FIL holders and miners, Filecoin, based on the actual application scenario, would become the next bitcoin, unlike some of the “air coins” in the market.


In the current situation, however, it is not realistic that IPFS wants to replace HTTP. In fact, IPFS technology still has a number of insurmountable problems, such as difficulties in achieving dynamic web pages, supporting large-scale web systems, and commercializing applications.


A senior trader said to the Phoenix Network Storm Eyes: “FIL is the next bitcoin, it's the project owner and some people are bragging themselves, and FIL and BTC are not comparable at all.”


“Bitcoin, as a pioneer in the area of crypto-currency, is unshakeable and has the greatest global consensus, which is the main factor underpinning the rise in prices, which FIL does not. Even in the light of the IPFS technology promoted by FIL, its massive landing remains elusive and difficult to sustain.” The senior man said.


But there is also FIL's crowd to the Phoenix Net Storm Eyes, which says that FIL's main online line is only one year, Bitcoin has grown for more than a decade, and Bitcoin's pre-prices are low, so that FIL's price rises by thousands or tens of thousands of times like Bitcoin after a decade or so is entirely possible.




Regardless of the evolution of IPFS technology, Filecoin remains essentially an encrypted currency, and many investors simply want to participate in a “breath of wealth” for the purpose of holding Filecoin.


But in the vagaries of the virtual money market, if you do not shine your eyes and are blinded by the spirit of “breathing wealth”, then there is a real risk that you will fall into a trap and become a “breed” harvested by the project side.


Recently, following the explosion of Netflix's Netfish Game, the virtual currency market also produced a squid coin (SQUID) named after the brand.

10 月 20 日,SQUID 币正式开始对外出售,并在 1 秒内迅速售罄 。之后将近两周的时间内,SQUID价格从不到1美元涨到惊人的2861.8美元,涨幅高达2300倍。

On October 20, SQUID officially opened for sale and was quickly sold out within one second. In the next two weeks, SQUID prices rose from less than $1 to an alarming $2861.8, up 2300 times.


In the process, a lot of speculators were attracted to “get in the car” and tried to make a big profit. But what they did not know was that the project party had quietly lifted the “kissing knife” from the harvest.


At 9.35 p.m. on November 1, US time, the squid suddenly fell to near zero in just a few minutes, after a short-line surge of $2850. All who invested in SQUID were almost bloodless.


According to media reports, the issuer of the project is now on the run, with investors losing at least $2.1 million.


"SQUID has been an obvious scam from the beginning, and people with some experience will not be involved, and much of it is a little bit of an understanding of encoded money."


However, there are also currency-circumcised investors who say to Phoenix Network Storm Eyes: “Knowing it's a scam, and knowing that the project side pulls a needle, but still thinks it can get out before the harvest, with speculation.” But I didn't think the project side would be able to run away so quickly.


Charlie, the well-known anchor of YouTube and Twitch in the United States, also tweeted, “If you lose money on SQUID, it certainly deserves it.


And frauds like Hodón and SQUIID have been numerous in virtual currency for years. In addition to speculators, many ordinary people who want to make money are being deceived, and they end up without blood and tears.


Indeed, both BTC, FIL, SQUID and other encrypted currencies are currently subject to strict policy regulation at the domestic level.


On 24 September of this year, ten ministries, including the Central Bank, the Superintendence of Silver Insurance, the Internet Network Office and the Foreign Exchange Bureau, issued a circular on the further prevention and management of the risks associated with virtual currency transactions.


The circular states that virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Temas do not have the same legal status as legal currencies and do not circulate on the market as such; virtual currency-related operations are illegal financial activities and should be strictly outlawed by law, etc.

与此同时,国家发改委也发布文件,矛头直指“挖矿”:禁止任何名义“挖矿” ,将数据中心类企业相关承诺纳入征信;将虚拟货币“挖矿”活动列为淘汰类产业,停止一切财税支持等。

At the same time, the National Development and Reform Commission has issued a document that directs itself to “mining”: prohibits any nominal “mining” and incorporates the relevant commitments of data centre-type enterprises into letters; lists the virtual currency “mining” activities as a phase-out industry; and stops all fiscal support.


Since then, major mining sites in the country have been closed down or relocated to the sea, and major encrypted currency exchanges have announced that they will clear domestic account users by the end of the year.


Professor of Economics, Hong Kong Business School, Beijing University, and the President of the China Shenzhen Institute for Integrated Development, a high-level national think tank, Chen Shenzhen, stated in an interview with Phoenix Web finance that Bitcoin was a gamble and that “you lose, you lose badly”.


Xiaoyan Zhang, Vice-President of the Qinghua Five-Daoguchi Institute of Finance, in an interview with the phoenix web finance manager, also said: “China has a large number of silos, small and medium-sized investors have a low level of financial literacy and knowledge of virtual money. Regulatory policy is to protect the sweaty money of diaspora investors.”




What's the difference between the ipfs agreement and http?


Investment Agency Evaluation: 3 Reasons for Not Recommending Investment in IPFS


"Why is the short-term fall of the FIL expected, and the long-term rise is the trend? "


"Mother of the Square Dance too &quat; Mining &quat; Unforeseen Unforeseen Discovery of $2 billion &quat; Miner &quat; Fraud"




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