比特币的发展历史 , 挖矿的意思是什么?

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On 3 January 2009, Bitcoin was officially born, a virtual encrypted digital currency based on the P2P network, and not controlled by any central bank or financial institution. The first version of the Bitcoin client was released by Bintco himself, with Bintco removing 50 bitcoins from a small server in Helsinki, Finland, from which Bitcoin entered the money market, and the world’s first block chain data began to work.


When Bitcoin was born in 2009, it was 50 bitcoins per bounty. Ten minutes after it was born, the first 50 bitcoins were generated, and the amount of money at that time was 50. The amount of bitcoins grew at about 50 per 10 minute. When it was 10.5 million, 50 per cent of 21 million, the amount was halved to 25. When it was 15.75 million (5.25 million new output, or 50 per cent of 1050), the amount was halved to 12.5.

门头沟被盗85万个比特币,成为当时震惊全球的最大币圈新闻,也成为了比特币发展 历史 上难以抹去的一笔。门头沟破产之后,比特币价格骤降,而受到巨大损失的用户们也开始了艰难的维权之路。此事件一出,比特币市场受到了严重震荡,人们对于比特币和交易所的信任直降冰点,对比特币和区块链所宣扬的去中心化概念产生了严重质

In the wake of the theft of 850,000 bitcoins, which was the biggest currency news in the world at the time, it became an indelible part of the history of Bitcoin development. After the collapse of the gate, the price of Bitcoins fell sharply, and users who suffered huge losses began a difficult course of defending their rights. The Bitcoin market suffered a severe shock, confidence in Bitcoins and the exchange fell directly to ice points, and the concept of decentralization promoted by Bitcoin and the sector chain created a serious quality.

2008年爆发全球金融危机,同年11月1日,一个自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人在P2P foundation网站上发布了比特币白皮书《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》,陈述了他对电子货币的新设想——比特币就此面世。2009年1月3日,比特币创世区块诞生。 和法定货币相比,比特币没有一个集中的发行方,而是由网络节点的计算生成

In 2008, when the global financial crisis broke out, on 1 November, a self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto published a Bitcoin white paper, Bitcoin: an electronic cash-to-point system, on the P2P website, setting out his new vision of electronic currency – bitcoin was created. On 3 January 2009, Bitcoin was born.

挖矿赚钱的原理:PoW和挖矿。最开始比特币可以用显卡挖出,但在 13 年时,已经无法用显卡通用计算程序挖出比特币 BTC,比特币现在全部都是用 ASIC 矿机进行"挖矿"。类似地,14 年莱特币 ASIC 矿机上市也终结了显卡挖莱特币的挖矿历史。目前显卡能够"挖矿"的数字货币是以太坊 ETH、以太经典 ETC、Zcash

The principles of mining: PoW and mining. The first bitcoin could be excavated with a card, but in 13 years it was no longer possible to excavate bitcoin BTC using a card-based generic calculation program, and all bitcoin is now "mining mine" using an ASIC mine machine. Similarly, the 14-year-old Letcoon ASIC mine went on the market and ended the mining history of Letco.


If you want to be a miner, and it's easier to buy a special miner's equipment, you can start digging, you don't have to do it yourself, you can do it with a computer, you just need to make sure that the miner's power supply is connected to the network.


Please check the video for more information.

1、pow:proof of work,工作证明。比如比特币的挖矿,每个矿工必须通过一定工作量的运算,来计算出符合要求的区块哈希值从而争取记帐权,并获得相应的比特币奖励。在比特币的世界里,大约每十分钟会生产出一个数据块,而这个数据块就是通过挖矿的计算机去进行哈希运算,达到一定算力后就可以生成区块链数据

1. Power: proof of work. For example, in bitcoin mining, each miner has to calculate a certain amount of effort to calculate the content of the block and obtain the corresponding bitcoin reward. In the world of bitcoin, a data block is produced about every 10 minutes, and this data block is used to run Hashi through a mine's computer to generate block chain data when a certain amount of computing is achieved.


Please check the video for more information.


The evolution of bitcoin mining in mining scams, from CPU to GPU to ASIC miners, is concentrated in large ponds, some of which have a stake in machine producers, and some have a half-way record. The Bitcoin system already has the basis for 51% of the attack, and the value of the central booking advocated by bitcoin is lost, and it turns into a centralized and unregulated system that will be swallowed up by human greed for 10 years.

 “挖矿”主要是通过计算机来运行一种记账程序来进行的。普通电脑都可以运行该程序,不过随着挖矿人数的增加,挖矿难度也在增加,这也就要求更高性能的显卡来支持运算。所以,专业的ASIC显卡矿机成为市场需求,挖矿也从个人参与的历史逐渐演变为一种专业的行为,矿场也随之诞生。 从目前来看,

& #160; "Drawing" is done mainly through computers running a bookkeeping program. Ordinary computers can run the program, but as the number of digs increases, the difficulty of digging increases, which also requires a higher-performance card to support the calculation. So, the specialized ASIC card miner becomes a market demand, and the mining has evolved from a personal involvement history to a professional behavior, and the mine is born. #160; for the time being, the mine is born.


The equipment used to dig mines was initially computer-based, using computer CPUs to compute mathematical questions, more and more people were involved in mining as bitcoin prices went up, CPUs slowly turned into professional cards and, in recent years, had become a specific mine machine. This evolution was due to questions of numeracy, as we said earlier, that mining was the higher the ability and speed of hardware to calculate a math question together by all miners.


Mining is a bitcoin miner, which is used to earn bitcoin. Users download software on their personal computers and then run specific algorithms, and communicate with remote servers and get the corresponding bitcoin as one of the ways to get bitcoin. Bitcoin is a virtual currency. Bitcoin mining is a mathematical process for the Bitcoin network through computer hardware.


The equipment used to dig mines was initially computer-based, using computer CPUs to compute mathematical questions, more and more people were involved in mining as bitcoin prices went up, CPUs slowly turned into professional cards and, in recent years, had become a specific mine machine. This evolution was due to questions of numeracy, as we said earlier, that mining was the higher the ability and speed of hardware to calculate a math question together by all miners.


It can be seen in its evolution, from the initial CPU to the GPU to the specialized miner, and eventually to the cloud mine that everyone can participate in. Miner development is becoming more professional, mining businesses from CPU to ASIC, from ponds to miner to cloud mining and cloud computing, going from easy to difficult and from difficult to easy.


"Drawing mines," by definition, is what we can do in our minds, which is digging in the ground with a shovel, but now we're not using shovels, we're using computers. We're digging not in the soil, we're digging in a data pool, we're not digging in gold, coal, etc., but we're fighting for the right to account. 1. Mining is a confirmation of transactions in the Nebitcoin system for a period of time, and we're recording the process of forming new blocks in the chain.


Simply put, mining is about using a chip for a random number-related calculation to arrive at an answer in exchange for a virtual currency. Virtual currency can be exchanged for a country's currency by some way. The faster the chip is able to find the random answer, the more virtual it can produce in theoretical time.

挖矿(英语:Mining),是指透过执行工作量证明或其他类似的电脑算法来获取加密货币,例如比特币、以太币、莱特币等。由于此名称源自对采矿的比喻,进行挖矿工作的人通常称为矿工。矿工透过解决具有一定工作量的工作量证明机制问题,来管理比特币网络 —— 确认交易并且防止双重支付。中本聪把透过消耗CPU的电

Mining (English: Mining) refers to the acquisition of encrypted currency through the execution of workload certificates or other similar computer algorithms, such as Bitcoin, Ethercoin, Leitcoin, etc. Since the name derives from the metaphor for mining, the person who digs is usually referred to as a miner. Miners manage the Bitcoin network by resolving the problem of workload certification mechanisms with a certain amount of workload -- confirming transactions and preventing double payments.

1. 所谓的“挖矿”,是指计算机上运行的特定程序,这些程序通过特定算法在计算机上进行运算。2. 运算完成后,会自动得到特定结果,从而产生虚拟币。这些虚拟币可以在第三方平台上换算成真实货币。3. 通常,人们口语中会使用“虚拟货币”或“数字货币”来指代比特币、莱特币、USDT、狗狗币等。4. “虚拟

The so-called “mining” refers to a specific program operating on a computer that operates on a computer through a particular algorithm. 2. When the algorithm is completed, a specific result is automatically obtained, resulting in virtual currency. These virtual currencies can be converted into real currency on a third-party platform. 3. People usually use the word “virtual currency” or “digital currency” to refer to Debitcoin, Letcoco, USDT, Dogcoin, etc.


Contrary to the law, the so-called “mining” refers to software programs in which computers are implanted, which, through specific algorithms, operate on computers. Once the algorithms are completed, they automatically produce specific results, resulting in virtual currency, which can be converted on a third-party platform to obtain real currency. Oralization generally uses the term “virtual currency” or “digital currency” to refer to Bitcoin, Leitco, USADT, dog currency, etc., which is actually “virtual currency” or “digital currency”


Prices and performances: The price of a bitcoin miner ranged from $2,300 to $200,000. Between 2011 and 2013, the high-configured Bitcoin miner increased from $10,000 to $300,000, but its performance was much better than before. According to industry sources, the old machine was able to dig one bitcoin for 100 days, and now the machine can dig 35 for 100 days.


At first, CPU was able to dig up Bitcoin, which was the first creation of the world with his computer CPU. However, the time of CPU mining is long past, and now the time of ASIC mining and large-scale cluster mining.


The Bitcoin network generates new bitcoins through “mining”. The so-called “mining” is essentially a computer solution to a complex mathematical problem to ensure consistency in the Bitcoin network distribution accounting system. The Bitcoin network automatically adjusts the difficulty of math problems, allowing the entire network to get a qualified answer every 10 minutes. The Bitcoin network then generates a new amount of bitcoins as a reward for those who get answers. Bitcoin was born in 2009.


According to industry sources, the old machine was able to dig one bitcoin in 100 days, and now (2013) it's able to dig 3.5 in 100 days. According to the mining machine published by the domestic assembly team, a minimum-configured miner with a selling price of $3,000 can return in more than 30 days at the rate of bitcoin. The mining machine at 10G/s can dig about 0.03 bitcoins in 24 hours a day, while the machine at 13G/s is based on 2013

(6) 防止通货膨胀:全世界一共只产生2100万个比特币,从发布之日起,每10分钟产生50个比特币,但产量每4年会减半,即发布4年后,每10分钟产生25个比特币,发布8年后,每10分钟产生12.5个比特币,这些新产生的比特币,属于制造比特币的人。2009年,比特币系统正式发布,但由于知道的人很少,1比特

(6) Inflation prevention: a total of only 21 million bitcoins were generated worldwide, 50 bitcoins per 10 minutes from the date of issuance, but production was reduced by half every 4 minutes, i.e., 25 bitcoins per 10 minutes after publication, and 12.5 bitcoins per 10 minutes after publication, which were newly generated bitcoins, and those who made bitcoins. In 2009, the Bitcoins system was officially published, but because of the small number of people known, 1 bitcot


Since the birth of Bitcoin, Bitcoin has gone through the following four stages: CPU digs GPU digs specialized mining machines dig up deposits. On 3 January 2009, Bintco, the founder of Bitcoin, dug up the first batch of bitcoins with a computer CPU. With the approval of Bitcoin, the number of diggers is increasing, the capacity of the whole network is increasing, and the difficulty of digging is increasing. The first card, published on September 18, 2010, is the equivalent of a few.

比特币挖矿机-我称之为机器人矿工。一台 最新的 蚂蚁 S9 矿机。 计算能力是 13个 T 。 而 今天,比特币全网的计算力 是 5023P ( 1P=1024T ) 也就是,一天 S9矿机,运行24小时,挂在网上,能挖出多少比特币呢? 一台S9 ,一天挖出: 1800 * 13 / ( 5023 *1024 )=0.004549382 个比特币。
最先进的比特币挖矿机,一到两年才能挖出一个比特币,比特币挖掘现在的难度太大。要挖的话就挖以太币,现在基本每天都在稳步升值,按照现在发展势态来看,大概7个月能回本,之后都是营利。 1、比特币,是一种全球通用的加密电子货币且完全交由用户们自治的交易工具。比特币是一种P2P形式的数字货币。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。 2、比特币的概念最初由中本聪在2009年提出。与大多数货币不同,比特币不依靠特定货币机构发行,它依据特定算法,通过大量的计算产生,比特币经济使用整个P2P网络中众多节点构成的分布式数据库来确认并记录所有的交易行为,并使用密码学的设计来确保货币流通各个环节安全性。货币系统曾在4年内只有不超过1050万个,之后的总数量将被永久限制在2100万个。 3、比特币可以用来兑现,可以兑换成大多数国家的货币。使用者可以用比特币购买一些虚拟物品,也可以使用比特币购买现实生活当中的物品。2017年12月11日,比特币期货在芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)开始交易。
区块链中的“挖矿”就是记账的过程,可购买算力设备,也就是“矿机”进行“挖矿”,从而获得记账奖励。 不过,随着记账竞争日趋激烈,且代表权益机制(DPOS)逐渐兴起,普通的算力设备已无法满足挖矿需求。 购入更专业的矿机,或加入大型矿池,成了挖矿的必备条件。因此,挖矿的门槛稍微高一些。 有需求就有市场。 由于专业矿机市场需求逐渐增大,越来越多芯片企业加大芯片研发投入,着手研发算力更高、能耗更低的矿机,以此来赚取利润。 在2017年币价大涨时,这类矿机供不应求。 由于全网算力水平越来越高,单个矿机难以抢到记账权、获取记账奖励,因此将少量算力合并联合运作的方式应运而生,以能提高记账的竞争力。 这种方式建立的网站被称作“矿池”。 矿池的盈利模式是收取手续费,参与矿池人数越多,手续费收取比例越高,矿池公司的收入就越高。 区块链是以比特币为代表的数字加密货币体系的核心支撑技术。区块链技术的核心优势是去中心化,能够通过运用数据加密、时间戳、分布式共识和经济激励等手段,在节点无需互相信任的分布式系统中实现基于去中心化信用的点对点交易、协调与协作,从而为解决中心化机构普遍存在的高成本、低效率和数据存储不安全等问题提供了解决方案。 区块链的应用领域有数字货币、通证、金融、防伪溯源、隐私保护、供应链、娱乐等等,区块链、比特币的火爆,不少相关的top域名都被注册,对域名行业产生了比较大的影响。




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