
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:165 评论:0
激勵模式(Inspiration Model) Incentive Mode 1 什麼是激勵模式 2 激勵模式的分析 3 西方主要激勵理論 4 中國古代激勵思想 5...



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激勵模式(Inspiration Model)

Incentive Mode


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This incentive model is a more appropriate description of the system, and he tells us that


Incentive models allow for the analysis of the following points:

  • 努力來自於報酬、獎勵的價值,個人認為需要付出的努力和受到獎勵的概率。而覺察出來的努力和獎勵的概率也受到過去經驗和實際績效的影響。如果人們確切知道,他有把握完成任務或者過去曾經完成的話,他將樂意做出努力並對獎勵的概率更加清楚。
  • 工作的實際績效取決於能力的大小、努力程度以及對所需完成任務理解的深度,如對完成目標所需從事的活動,以及影響任務完成的其他因素的理解和掌握。
  • 獎勵要以績效為前提,不是先有獎勵後有績效,而是必須先完成組織任務才能導致精神的、物質的獎勵。當員工看到他們的獎勵與成績很少有關係時,這樣的獎賞將不能成為提高績效的刺激物。
  • 激勵措施是否會產生滿意,取決於受激勵者認為獲得的報償是否公平。
  • 滿意將導致進一步的努力。


The current Western incentive theory has evolved gradually from the management reality of Western countries at the beginning of the last century, and is rich in content. According to the study, the incentive mix can be divided into: 馬斯洛的需求層次理論亞伯拉罕·馬斯洛A.H.Maslow)從人的需要來研究激勵,認為人有生理、安全、社交、尊重、成就五種需要,當低層次需要滿足後,高層次需要才會成為主導需要,各層次需要的強度不同。相應的管理措施在於滿足員工的個性需要,引導其向高層次需要發展,發揮激勵效果。

1. . needs needs > needs > needs > needs > > > >

  2.赫茨伯格的雙因素理論弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格Frederick Herzberg)指出,對工作的滿意因素有兩類:與工作條件相關,處理不當就會引起員工不滿意,而處理得好也只是使員工感到沒有不滿意的因素稱為保健因素;與工作自身相關,處理得好就會對員工產生激勵效果的因素稱為激勵因素。這就要求管理者在保證工作條件的情況下,從工作本身尋找刺激激勵員工

2. .


3. . 亞當斯公平理論斯塔西·亞當斯J.S.Adams)指出,員工會將自己獲得的報酬與投入的比值與組織內其他人做比較,同時還會與過去自己的這個比值做比較,只有相當時他才會認為公平,否則,他會要求增加收入或減少工作量。因此,在支付報酬時要力求公正,不但要註意客觀的絕對值,還要註意主觀的相對值。

4. . Adams > > >, and > > > > > > > > > > > >

  5.帕特和勞勒的綜合激勵理論萊曼·波特(Lyman Porter)和愛德華·勞勒E.Lawler)將激勵過程看作外部刺激、個體內部條件、行為表現和行為結果的共同作用過程。激勵是一個動態變化迴圈的過程:獎勵目標→努力→績效→獎勵→滿意→努力,這其中還有個人完成目標的能力,獲得獎勵的期望值,覺察到的公平,消耗力量、能力等一系列因素。只有綜合考慮到各個方面,才能取得滿意的激勵效果。


  “水不激不揚,人不激不奮” 是我國古代典型的激勵思想。中國古代在激勵方面有頗多論述和實踐,主要表現在以下幾個方面。

“Water is not hot, people are not hot” is an inspirational idea that is typical of my country’s ancient times. China’s ancient history is rich in the discourse and practice of encouragement, mainly in the following areas.


1. .

  人具有豐富複雜的情感世界,感情因素對人的工作積極性和創造性有很大的影響。 “士為知己者死”就是最典型的例證;劉備三顧茅廬,也是用那份真誠感動了諸葛亮,諸葛亮感激涕零,用了一生的精力和智慧來報答劉備。這些典故都表達了通過感情溝通,以心交心增強歸屬心理、激勵下屬的思想。

Human beings have a complex emotional world in which emotional factors have a great impact on their /a> and their creativity. “The death of the confidant” is the most typical example; and the , with appreciation for the alts and the use of the energy and wisdom of the entire life, have been used to respond to statements.


2. .

  榜樣的力量是無窮的,在我國古代十分推崇領導的榜樣作用。孔子指出:管理者“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,雖墨子提出榮譽激勵令不從。”管理者個人的舉止行 動其實就是下屬模仿的對象,是無聲的命令;“大禹治水三過家門而不入”的故事以及“身先士卒”的成語都說明瞭表率作用的重要意義。

The power of the example is inexorable, and in our country's ancient history the role of the leader is highly respected. Confucius points out that the manager “is right, he does not do it; he is not right, though ink offers an incentive to honour.” The personal behavior of the manager is an imitating and silent order; the story of the “thirteen-way water” and the words “the vanguard” speak for the importance of the role of example.


3. .

  獎與懲共同構成對人的雙向激勵,兩者不應偏廢。古人認為要以獎為主,以罰為輔,加強正面激勵。眾所周知的“重賞之下,必有勇夫”就是獎賞激勵的最好說明;韓非也指出:“明君之行賞也,暖乎如時雨,百姓利其澤;其行罰也,畏乎如雷霆,神聖不能解也。故明君無偷賞,無赦罰。偷賞,則功臣墮其業; 赦罰,則姦臣易為非。”只有做到恩威並施,賞罰分明,才能達到鼓勵先進,鞭策後進的真正效果。

The prizes and punishments have been set together as a two-way incentive for each other. The ancients believe that the prizes should be the main one, with punishment as a punishment, and that the positive incentives should be strengthened. The known “rewards” must be the best illustration of the incentive; Han Fei also states: “The reward of the King is warm and the people benefit from the rain, and the punishment of the Lord, fearing the thunder, the Holy One cannot be solved. Therefore, the King has no reward, and there is no impunity.


4. .


Honours satisfy the self-esteem of people and inspire their fighting and work. Ink has long proposed : : 激勵理論,比如目標激勵,孫子指出“上下同欲者勝”,將帥和士兵要確定同樣的目標,心往一處想,勁往一處使,這樣才能取得勝利;孫子對物質激勵也很重視,指出:“故車戰得車十乘已上,賞其先得者”,賞賜率先殺敵,取得敵人戰車計程車兵。此外,還有公平激勵勞酬相符激勵考核激勵法理激勵等。

stimulating theory such as http://www.://.int.int.int.int.Ew2%Ew.http.http.http.http.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.http.int.int.f.....f.f.......f..............f.f.f..f.



Activists argue that human motivation stems from the desire for human needs, and that a demand that is not satisfied is the starting point of the motivation and the key to action. Because unmet demand causes personal nervousness, it leads individuals to take action to satisfy demand in order to relieve or reduce it.


The goal is to encourage businesses to turn their needs into the needs of their employees. In order to understand the tension that this demand has created for him, he will work harder. When employees have achieved a stage-by-stage sexual outcome, managers should also turn their results back to their employees. The opposite will enable them to know whether their level of effort is sufficient and whether they need to do more to help them raise their goals further after the stage-by-stage goal is achieved.


The use of the target to inspire the need to focus on three points:


One is that to match the need to stimulate the needs of the individual. That is, to tie the achievement of the work that inspires the person to his or her rightful expectations and to inspire the aggressive and purposeful behaviour of the person.


Second, the goal has to be clear. For example, “This month's sales revenue has increased more than last month” is less encouraging than the goal of sales revenue has increased by 10% over the previous month.


Third, the goal should be both realistic and challenging. The goal is too difficult to expect; it is too low; it affects people’s expectations; and it is difficult to inspire. Whether or not the objective can be achieved, as long as the workers see it as impossible, their efforts will be reduced. Target settings should be as low as apples on trees, but not as long as they jump. The right approach should be long as .



So-called material encouragement, which begins with satisfying the physical needs of the human person, regulates the material interest relationship, stimulates the person's upward motivation and controls its behaviour. Material stimulation is an essential tool for stimulating increases, pay cuts, , under the current socio-economic conditions, and it has a significant impact on the consolidation of the distribution of wages and on the motivation of workers.



Incentives are neither induced by material interests nor inspired by spiritual ideals, but rather and 負激勵


According to , American psychologist Skinner encourages the theory


In , both incentives and disincentives are necessary and effective, since the motivation of these two ways will not only directly affect individuals, but will affect the surrounding bodies and . By example of a positive pattern and negative side, it will not only be personal, but it will create a good wind, and it will lead to an impregnable positive movement, more radicalistic, more radical, more radical, more radical, more radical, more radical, more radical, more radical, more radical, more radical, more radical, more radical, and more radical in the entire community.



People’s needs include: physical needs, security needs, social needs, respect for needs and self-realization needs. When one needs is satisfied, employees turn to other needs. Given the different needs of each worker, effective incentives for one individual may not be effective for others. Managers should give them a differentiated reward for the differences between employees. For example, some employees may prefer higher wages, while others may not care about their wages and wish to have free vacations.



Fair motivation stems from the American psychologist Adams's fair theory that and "positiveness" are not only affected by their absolute pay, but also, more importantly, by their relative pay. The lower president will compare his or her contribution and payment with that of a person with his or her own terms.


Using equity incentives, efforts are made to satisfy the requirements of equity and fairness. In a real society, there are more situations of inequality. For example, differences in terms of location, profession, unit, individuality, etc., coupled with institutional and policy disadvantages, cause large differences in people’s pay and, as a result, give rise to contradictions.


Equity inspires a radical reduction and elimination of unfairness, but the right thing to do is not to have absolute alimentism, but rather to have the leaders do justice, treat people fairly, do no harm, have a thick and dissipation. For example, in the distribution, promotion, reward, use, etc., it is just and fair and everyone is in a good mood.



The incentive for trust is for leaders to have full confidence in their subordinates and to let them deal with their problems independently, within their sphere of authority, so that they are empowered and creatively able to do their jobs. The ancients say, “No, no, no, no.”


Use trust to inspire three things:


The first is a man who must be both a moral and a professional person, and who can let go of his job. A peaceful and incompetent “seditor” must not be used with much faith or misled.


In reality, there are those who recommend love, and those who are jealous and pious. The leaders must be sober and clear, so that they do not affect the intelligence and creativity of the human being.


Third, when a mandate is granted, it must be allowed to work without interference, or there can be no real trust or authority. In this way, the appointee will be given the best psychological incentive to fully exercise his or her vision.



Harvard UniversityVillian James: 創造力的開發,激勵心與激勵智要結合起來。

This kind of stimuli can bring intellectual, intellectual and creative development of , and stimulate and stimulate creativity.

  中國上市公司的激勵模式多種多樣,但多採用業績股票模式。這種只和工作業績掛鉤,不涉及股價的激勵方式,和沒有上市的創業企業是一樣,是處在“做利潤 ”階段,而不是“做市值”階段。這說明,中國上市公司的經營者並不是在“真正為廣大流通股股東創造市場增值”的目標下,通過經營業績和股市價值的相關性為社會創造財富,從而為自己創造財富。

The incentive model for listed companies in China is diverse. The incentive model does not involve ; it does not involve


i, : Widely used incentive model


The larger share of performance shares in the stock incentive system of the Chinese listed company is the most widely used incentive model.


Performance shares (also referred to as performance shares) are paid to managers as long-term incentives by companies based on their motivational performance levels at . Companies usually determine their performance targets at the beginning of the year, and if they encourage the image to reach the target at the end of the year, they award a certain amount of

  在業績股票激勵模式中,很多公司以凈資產收益率(Return On Equity,ROE)作為考核標準。在這種模式中,公司和受激勵者通常以書面形式事先約定業績股票獎勵的基線。ROE達到某一標準,公司即按約定實施股票激勵,經營者得到股票;ROE每增加一定比例,公司採用相應比例或累進的形式增加股票激勵數量。

In the merit equity incentive model, many companies use (Return On Equity, ROE) as a benchmark. In this model, companies and stimulaters usually have pre-arranged performances in the form of books .


Among China's A-stock listing companies, the performance incentive schemes of “Faushan Light” (000541), “Fukuda Technology” (000828), and “Sky Pharmacy” (600488), all draw a certain amount of incentive funds each year to buy some or all of the company's shares.


They have a number of common features: the annual incentive award for senior executives is based on the foundation of the company's business performance for the year, directly linked to the current year's profit margin,


But each of the three companies' performance incentive programs has specific features (see enclosure).


The performance incentive scheme has both advantages and disadvantages. The performance of managers is measured entirely through the company's previous performances, which is not necessarily reasonable for companies that do not themselves .


, in which case the manager cannot obtain out-of-pocket gains for the year >, but the operator must take into account the development of his company in the post-election period.


The operator must hold a winning stock during his or her term of office, from stock ownership incentive >.


At a time when the company's performance has improved this year, second-tier market stock prices are higher, and managers will receive less of the equity reward if the number of incentive funds is drawn , compared with the pre-determined , and costs are higher and incentive effects are reduced .


One of the necessary conditions for a right of tenure is that the share price is matched to the company's performance. The company's performance is good, and the stock price is rising, and the reverse is falling. This requires a sound , but this is precisely what our country does not have. For example, in the last year, one equity-enhanced listed company experienced a 20-30% increase in its performance, but the stock price fell by 50%.


There are inherent flaws in the credit-based incentive model, such as the more casual nature of the definition of responsibility for posts, the determination of performance indicators, and the higher requirements for programming. In particular, the higher incentive costs for companies that are listed in the traditional industry also determine that it is difficult to encourage a wider audience.



  股票增值權Stock Appreciation Rights, SARs)是公司給予激勵對象一種權利:經營者可以在規定時間內獲得規定數量的股票股價上升所帶來的收益,但不擁有這些股票的所有權,自然也不擁有表決權、配股權。


As specified in the contract, stock value-added rights can be realized in full or in part. Furthermore, equity value-added rights may be applied in combination with or in combination of shares, or in combination of cash and stocks.


The equity value-added rights are often used under three conditions, the first being the shares , the second being the shares , and the third being the closed company with no equity workers.


(600028) and "tri-Maoist God" (000779).


. shares as stock source > > > stock value-added rights of senior managers = > >, 480 middle-level managers = 4% Afkít/l%Abl%Eb2 > > > > > > > > >


On the index of stock value-added rights, ;


The “middle petrochemical” equity value-added programme is special:


This is very rare in the case of domestically listed companies scheme.

  股票增值模式的激勵幅度比較大,浮動的收入占到了高管人員目標總收入的大部分,業績獎金和股票期權占到了潛在薪酬總額的75%。而且管理人員層次越高,期權的比例也越高。以2000年披露的薪酬為例,“中石化”6名執行董事共獲得基薪36萬元,業績獎金39.5萬元,兩項合計75.5萬元,平均每人 12.5萬元。假定這6名執行董事人均100萬股期權,在行權的五年內只要上漲1元,收入就是100萬元。

The incentive for the stock value-added model is greater, with floating income accounting for the bulk of the overall HLCM target income, and merit awards and stock options accounting for 75% of the potential gross remuneration. And the higher the manager hierarchy, the higher the share of the options. For example, “medium petrochemical” > 360,000 yuan, or 755,000 yuan, or an average of 125,000 yuan. Assuming that the six executive directors have an average of 1 million shares per capita, revenue will rise by 1 million yuan over the five-year period of authority.


Board of Directors decided to establish a long-term incentive scheme to implement the stock value-added incentive programme. Listed companies granted incentives to a certain amount of stock value-added rights valued > Board of Directors decided to establish a long-term incentive scheme.


So far, the program has not entered the practical operating phase. It is a relatively clear feature of the program itself:


The use of the value added of each of the company's clean assets as an incentive does not involve restrictions on China's current laws and policies. The specific incentive program is can be implemented without the approval of other ministries. Stock added rights are easier, easier, and easier to operate than in other schemes.


Using clean value added as an incentive indicator, and , stock prices do not reflect the performance of companies and managers.


At the same time, this incentive programme is not directly related to the market price of the company's stock, and may create a perception that shareholders interests are inconsistent.


The current equity value-added programmes of listed Chinese companies remain more conservative and subject to more restrictive conditions than do foreign countries.


First, the main idea of stock value-added rights is to generate gains for the holders by raising the price of a company’s stock on the market. In order for the holders of value-added rights to reap the benefits, efforts must be made to boost the company’s performance in exchange for market recognition.


Second, the incentive earnings are lower. The “middle petrochemical” equity value-added scheme provides managers with up to 70 per cent of floating income. If H shares increase by one dollar, they may generate millions of dollars in revenue for a number of top managers. Of course, this is a small amount of income for their previous wages. But this is a very small part of what they bring to the company, almost 0.3 per cent.


iii, : incentive model for policy edges

  股票期權(Stock Options)是以股票為標的物的一種合約,期權合約的賣方(也稱立權人),通過收取權利金將執行或不執行該項期權合約的選擇權讓渡給期權合約的買方(也稱持權人)。持權人將根據約定價格和股票市場價格的差異情況決定執行或放棄該期權合約。在美國,那些進入指數的股票,一般都有標準化的期權合約在市場上交易,這些股票期權合約的交易與發行股票的公司無關。

Stock Rights (Stock Offices) is a contract for stocks < , title sellers (also entitled) 行權期股票市價高於約定價(行權價),股票期權受權人就會向公司購買約定數量的股票(行權),從而獲得價差收入;如果所購股票的市價在行權後繼續上升,受權人就通過股票轉售獲得股票增值轉讓收入。在股票市價低於約定價格時,被授予者可以放棄行使購買股票的權利。

The income earned by the entitled person through the stock options is generally made up of both margin differential and resale value-added income. If is higher than the agreed price, the entitled person will buy the stock (right to move) from the firm and earn the price difference; if the market price of the stock purchased continues to rise after the title, the entitled person will receive the income from the stock value added through the sale of the stock.


The shares provided by the company to the entitled owner may be stock purchased by the company from the market (i.e. ), stock purchased by the company from the market (i.e. ) or stock acquired by the company from the market (清華同方”(600100)、“東方電子”(000682)、“中興通訊”(000063)等均推行了股票期權方案。

Currently, “Long-source power” (000966), “ (6001000), “A href=https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E4%B8%AD%E5%E4%E9%E9%E8%AE8%AE%AF's "title=" newsletter" (00063) all promote stock ownership programs.

  “長源電力”的股票期權激勵方案的主體思路:設立薪酬與考核委員會,主要是進行股票期權方面的管理,如業績指標評定和期權的執行。激勵範圍包括公司董事、監事、高管人員及附屬單位的主要負責人等。方案的具體內容是,以凈資產收益率9%、總資產報酬率3.87%為考核指標,股票期權數量為社會公眾股的 0.1%;股票期權的贈予時間為股東大會後,股票期權的行權價為公司股票首次發行價的110%到120%。用於激勵的股票由薪酬與考核委員會從二級市場購入。

Incentives include corporate directors, 股權出讓給經營者。在中國,由於內部人控制問題,採用這種方法會導致企業經營者將國有股份以較低的價格進行轉讓,造成國有資產流失國有股的出讓會受到諸多的限制並必須經過嚴格的審批程式。這種方法存在較大的難度。

Outside the country, there are generally three ways to address stock sources: first, the former equity owner . In China, the former equity owner .




Third, the company buys its stock back from the second-tier market to meet the demand for stock options. There are institutional obstacles to this approach, as our company's Companies Act provides that “the company shall not The company's capital and other companies holding shares in the company


One of the special features of China’s stock options is that they are less expensive. In international practice, stock options cannot be less expensive than the market price of the stock at the time they are granted, which guarantees their incentive to the management.




The complex model combines multiple forms of equity incentive. The model is analysed using examples such as the Guangzhou Pharmacy (600332) and the Oh Trundary (000862).


The Guangzhou Pharmacy has been running a long-term incentive system since 2001, targeting 12 per cent of the clean capital profit rate, and is awarded an incentive from the Enterprise's 6 per cent incentive fund . The board set up the facility .

  在推進激勵機制的同時,“廣州藥業”對下屬的兩家子公司進行了改製。2001年12月,“廣州市醫葯公司”改製為“廣州醫葯有限公司”;2002年1月“廣州中藥一廠”改製為“廣州中一藥業有限公司 ”。以每股凈資產作價各增資擴股10%,用於持股計劃。兩家企業的持股自然人都是33位,而負責人必須以100萬元以上、300萬元以下的現金入股,經營班子成員則按負責人70%的比例,即70萬元以上入股;企業的中層核心管理人員和技術骨幹按負責人10%-20%的比例入股。通過兩家企業的改製,“廣州藥業”實施了企業經營者和核心骨幹持股經營機制。“廣州中藥一廠”2001年稅前利潤7000萬,在改製、經營者持股後,2002年1月至5月已經達到 6500萬。

At the same time as the incentive scheme was introduced, the “Hong Kong Pharmacy” made changes to its two subsidiaries. In December 2001, the “Hong Kong City Medical Company” changed to “


The focus of the Guangzhou Pharmacy programme is: first, the program sets corporate performance targets and provides incentives to the incentive fund, encourages the fund to contribute to the operating costs of the year, and the board has set up a dedicated body to manage corporate equity incentives and appraisals. Whether listed companies or subsidiaries, avoid policy restrictions in specific operations, without the approval of .


Second, it is more feasible. Since it is not the executive who owns the shares, it is no longer affected by the duration of the stock cast.


Third, incentive funds are set up by companies at a time when they are not motivated to influence whether or not they are released from their jobs, and the binding effect on incentives for the longer term can be achieved.




In the third year after the granting of the title, the title of the title is allowed up to 20 per cent of the first year's title; in the fourth year, the maximum amount available is allowed up to 50 per cent of the first year's title; in the fourth year, the maximum amount available is up to 50 per cent of the first year's title; in the fourth year, the maximum amount available is up to 50 per cent; in the fourth year, the maximum amount available is up to 50 per cent of the first year's title; in the fourth year, the maximum amount available is up to 50 per cent of the outstanding year's title is up to 50 per cent of the first year's title; in the fourth year, the maximum amount available is up to 50 per cent of the unlicensed term's title is up to 50 per cent of the first year's title; in the fifth year, the total amount available is up to 8 per cent of the unlicensed account of the pending account is up to 8 per cent of the total amount of the A.


Following the implementation of the “O-Jongxin Watch” programme, the share ratio in the company's home country was reduced from 47.37 per cent to 30 per cent; the share requirement in the three-year equity plan plus the share in the employee-owned company's share in the given country was 17.39 per cent.


First, after the new program was implemented, the state and the CPS became the first and second shareholders. The existence of the CPS changed the existing country's lack of assets .


Second, structure adjustment with combined well with incentives.


Third, the establishment of the `state share account' combines the with shares with . 9% of shares with


V, : the usual model for high-tech enterprises

  虛擬股票Phantom Stocks)是指公司授予激勵對象一種“虛擬”的股票,激勵對象可以據此享受一定數量的分紅權和股價升值收益,此時的收入即未來股價與當前股價的差價,但沒有所有權,沒有表決權,不能轉讓和出售,在離開企業時自動失效。

(Phantom Stocks" >Phantom Stocks) means that the company awards an incentive for a “virtual” stock, an incentive for > > >


Virtual stocks and stock options have some similar characteristics and methods of operation, such as encouraging buyers and companies to sign contracts prior to the implementation of the plan, and contracting for the number of virtual stocks, cash schedules, cashier conditions, etc. The difference is that virtual stocks are not real stock buyouts, which actually extend payments ; virtual equity funds are derived from corporate incentive funds.


As a result of the release of virtual stocks, the company incurred in cash , and if the stock price rises too high, the company may be at risk of cash payments, and therefore a dedicated fund is usually set up for the plan.


Virtual shares are used more frequently in high-tech enterprises, such as IT. Companies such as Shanghai Bay (600171), Galaxy Technologies (000806), among others, have adopted virtual stock incentive schemes.


In the late 1990s, of the brain drain. While has taken a powerful incentive measure.

  在這種情況下,1999年7月“上海貝嶺”開始在企業內部試行“虛擬股票贈予與持有激勵計劃”。這套方案的總體構思是將每年員工獎勵基金轉換為公司的“ 虛擬股票”並由授予對象持有,持有人在規定的期限後按照公司的真實股票市場價格以現金分期兌現。公司每年從稅後利潤中提取一定數額的獎勵基金,然後從獎勵基金中拿出一部分來實施這一計劃。在年初,董事會與總經理、總經理與其下屬的激勵對象簽訂協議,年底按協議考核確定獎勵基金提取數額及每個獲獎人員所獲虛擬股票的數額(按考核情況及市價折算)。職工虛擬持股後,若實施送配股,將同步增加持有的股數;若分紅,職工也將獲得相應的現金。員工持有達到一定年限後,可將虛擬股票按一定的速度分階段兌現。

In this context, in July 1999, the “Shanghai Bay” experimented with the “Virtual Stock Grant and Holding Stimulus Scheme” within the enterprise. The overall idea of the programme was to convert to the company's “Virtual Stock Grant and Holding Scheme” by awarding > >.


The programme awards a different incentive system to senior managers and technical cadres, such as the company's main company. For these two types, a different incentive system is applied to the company's “Shanghai Bay”. For example,


“Shanghai Bay” is the first listed IT company in our country to introduce stock options, and its virtual stock programme is innovative. It does not involve stock sales, it is not suspect of irregularities, but, through the introduction of virtual stocks, links the company’s share price to the employee’s interests. In the current system environment, it is a way to change. The country has no clear policy on stock options, and virtual stock options can only operate with


Virtual stock models need to address a number of issues: First, the risk of second-tier stock markets. If the wave of second-tier stocks increases, the company will take on , which could cause losses to the company.


At the international level, the prices are https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw2% Bw2%E2%E8% Bwww%E8%E2%Ew%E2%Eft2%E2%E2%E2%E2%E2%EbN8%EbN8%EbN8%E2%E2%EbN8%E2%E2%E2%E2%E2%E2%Eftl%E2%E2%E2%E2%E2%E2%Etl%Etl%E%E%%E%E%E%E%E%E%E%%E%E%E%E%E%E%E%E%Etttl) current value) current value %E8%2%E%E%E%E%E%E%E%Ettl%E%E%E%E%E%E'E'E%E%E%E% of current value of current value of current value % of current value < < < < < < < < > < < < < < < < < < < < <


Third, how to test those involved in virtual options. Scientific evaluation of the operator’s performance is a prerequisite for the provider’s pay and its performance. If the criteria are not met by any effort, or if they are not performed as part of the options and shares, then the target is not met. With a clean yield rate or a share price, the company’s body reflects the previous business’s performance.


The virtual stock model avoids measuring company performance and stimulating workers by standardizing volatile stock prices, and avoids the impact of an uncontrollable agent's influence on title value in the same time that the virtual stock reality is a deferred payment of capital, a good way to avoid irregularity in the current institutional environment.


vi, : incentive model for management value enhancement

  管理層收購Management BuyoutMBO,又稱“經理層融資收購”)是指目標公司的管理者或經理層利用借貸所融資本購買本公司的股份,從而改變公司所有者結構、控制權結構和資產結構,進而達到重組本公司目的,並獲取預期收益的一種收購行為。通常,上市公司管理層和員工共同出資成立職工持股會或上市公司管理層出資成立新的公司作為收購主體,一次性或多次通過其受讓原股東持有的上市公司國有股份,從而直接或間接成為上市公司的控股股東

"https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/Management_Buyout" title= "Manigate Buyout" >E5%D7%D7%Eh-tweak


At present, there are listed companies such as (000527),


In common with the "Wouton passenger car" and "MBO" programmes, "https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E6.68A%95%E8%B5%84%E5%AC%E5%E5%F%B8" tile= "investment company" /a", the advantages of this approach are: first, to avoid legal restrictions on multiple issues, especially stock sources, so that stock-holding schemes can be implemented smoothly; second, to allow management and other workers to own shares in companies, both incentives and bonds; third, to transfer corporate shares at lower costs; and fourth, to make transfers in a negotiated manner, which are more expensive than each company's equity and can easily obtain the approval of the Department of State Administration.


This is a big problem for management. For corporate owners, it is difficult to generate tens of millions of dollars in trust investment companies such as and .


vii, : incentive model to avoid the impact of stock prices


In comparison with the performance stock, the performance unit has reduced the impact of the share price. The performance unit is paying cash, and at the beginning of the appraisal period . Under the performance unit scheme, the income of a senior administrator is either cash or market value equivalent shares, and is no longer affected by the stock price beyond the mark of an initial market surplus.


Listed companies such as “East Startup” (600278), “Tiancong shares” (600330), and “Tiancong Treasure” (000836).

  2000 年10 月,“東方創業”通過了經營者群體及主要業務骨幹激勵方案。方案規定,實現經營目標(稅後利潤指標),提取稅後利潤的2%作為基本獎勵金;超額完成指標,再按超額區間分段提取,作為超額獎勵金:超額10%(含10%),提取超額部分的30%;超額10%-20%(含20%),再提取此區段的40%;超額20%以上,再提取此區段的50%(以50%為限)。

In October 2000, the East End Craft adopted an incentive program such as . The scheme now provides (after taxation mark), 2% of the after-tax profit recovery is a basic incentive; over-directed index is completed and then withdrawn at a sub-point of %B%B%E8E8%90%A5%E7%A7%A%E%A%E6%E0%87%" for the target > (after profit mark of 20%) and more than 20% per cent of the excess-ext limit is a further 20% 20%.


Incentive programmes specifically stress the reciprocity of earnings risks by stipulating that, at the same time when incentives are set up, the operator's income is reduced by 30 per cent. Less than 10% - 20%, less than 40%; less than 20 - 30%, less than 50% (50%). In the incentive fund, 30% of the money is in the form of "Rate" fund, 70% of it is in the form of >.


According to the Eastern Creativity 2000 report, the company took $6.82 million from the $9.82 million in tax and post-tax profits realized in the year. The incentive fund spends $6.82 million from the clean profits or costs of the year.


The motivational effect of this incentive programme is greater. Moreover, the programme is particularly strong in that it refers to the profit markers adopted by the stockholders’ congress in the year, not to the requirement that a certain rate of growth be maintained each year. This approach is more dynamic.


VIII, : incentive model for risk and benefit sharing


The owners hold shares, i.e. their own shares held in a certain amount at the management level, are locked for a limited period of time. These shares originate from companies that are not awarded to the beneficiaries; are purchased by the company by the beneficiary; and they are forced to ask the beneficiary to purchase the shares themselves.


Domestic firms own shares, usually by subsidising their beneficiaries to buy their own shares at a low price, or directly by making provision for their own purchases. Listed companies such as Zhejiang Start-up (600840), Middle and Far Development (6006441) have now implemented stock-holding schemes.


The ownership scheme of the owners of Zhejiang Crafts stipulates that the executives will buy a certain amount of their company for a limited period of time, and will be locked up during their term of office only six months after the date of their appointment. In June 1999, the new director will buy his company's stock, at an average cost of about 10.4 yuan.


The special point of this programme is that, first, corporate coercion requires high-level managers to buy their shares from the market and lock them in their term of office. By tying management interests to corporate development through equities. Since stocks are locked up during their term of office, they can be thrown out only after six months of absence. This would effectively reduce short-term management behaviour.


Second, the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders can be better protected. The management sector usually owns only a few shares, a small proportion of the company’s total stock. Since the management is a small shareholder in its own right, the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders must be taken into account and decided upon.


Third, the scheme has a lot more incentive for management than it is for management. The management buys shares at the same time as the company’s shares, it can be used as a share of the margin differential and the resale of the value-added income. But, differently, in the program, managers have to fund their own funds and buy stocks first. A little like the management at /a>.


IX, : incentive model to avoid short-termization

  延期支付,也稱延期支付計劃Deferred Compensation Plan),是指公司將管理層的部分薪酬,特別是年度獎金、股權激勵收入等按當日公司股票市場價格折算成股票數量,存入公司為管理層人員單獨設立的延期支付帳戶。在既定的期限後或在該高級管理人員退休以後,再以公司的股票形式或根據期滿時的股票市場價格以現金方式支付給激勵對象。激勵對象通過延期支付計劃獲得的收入來自於既定期限內公司股票的市場價格上升,即計劃執行時與激勵對象行權時的股票價差收入。如果折算後存入延期支付帳戶的股票市價在行權時上升,則激勵對象就可以獲得收益。但如果該市價不升反跌,激勵對象的利益就會遭受損失。

also known as


In 2001, for example, this sum amounted to $3.8 million; in 2001, 150 beneficiaries accounted for 20 per cent of the total number of company employees; the source of the funds was uniquely spent on operating costs. Funding from operating costs, at , was easily accepted by the shareholders, but reduced national tax revenue and required approval from the State Revenue Authority.


The main thrust of the SMI deferred payment programme is the company's “benefit pay” reward for the management that completed the evaluation of the criteria, combining a freeze for a certain period of time, with the extension of the term of office.

  在本方案中,公司高層領導的薪酬結構由三部分組成:年薪、股票、福利。總裁除了拿年薪12萬元,還根據上一年度的“綜合業績”—完成的利潤指標及對公司長遠發展的努力程度,來確定“效益薪金”,而且70%的效益薪金要用於購買本公司股票。公司高級管理人員和下屬公司經理人員實行按凈利潤5%提取效益薪金制度,效益薪金70%再用於購買本公司股票,並鎖定用於企業風險抵押。對適宜劃小經營的外貿等子公司經理人員按公司註冊資本10%-30%的比例持虛股(即只有分紅權,沒有實際所有權),然後再用所得紅利的70%,轉為其個人對公司的實際出資,使虛股轉為實股,逐步使子公司經營者個人實際出資達到公司註冊資本的10%-30%。控股子公司經營者實行“持股經營”,持股比例從5%到30%不等。對有經營管理能力,而資金不足的經營者,先給10%的“乾股 ”,若經營的好,來年的紅利全額“填空”。經過多年努力,逐步變“乾股”為“實股”,一直到規定的限額。

is composed of three components: annual salary, stock, < 12 million" of annual salaries > <2% of netts > > <2% of netts <2% of netts > > . >


The SMI’s deferred payment program takes a different incentive approach to the group’s companies and subsidiaries. The company’s top manager is a cost-effective salary system, and the company’s owners demand ownership. The owners and operators have a structured union. The program first grants incentive rights to the image pairs and converts the red interest in their shares into real capital until it motivates them to hold shares in real terms.


The deferred payment model has two special features: first, the deferred payments are closely linked to the company’s performance. Management must focus on the value of the company’s stock market.


Second, deferred payments can stimulate management decisions that take into account the long-term interests of the company in order to avoid short-termization of the activities of the operator.



  員工持股計劃Employee Stock Ownership Plans,簡稱ESOP),由公司內部員工個人出資認購本公司部分股份,並委托公司進行集中管理。員工持股制度為企業員工參與企業所有權分配提供了制度條件,持有者真正體現了勞動者和所有者的雙重身份。

( >Employee Stones"


The head office of a listed company is 信托基金組織,用計劃實施免稅的那部分利潤回購現有股東手中的股票,然後再把信托基金組織買回的股票重新分配給員工;二是一次性購買原股東的股票,企業建立工人信托基金組織並回購原股東手中的股票。回購後原購票作廢,企業逐漸按制定的員工持股計劃向員工出售股票。

The scheme for holding shares is usually two types: through , the planned delivery of portion of the trust fund from the current owner, and the purchase of the B9%E 9% E 9% of the shares from the trust fund organization


(600383), etc. The stockholdings of the "Municipal community" are described in the September 2002 edition of the Holdings, which analyses the programme of the "Goldland group" below.


In 1994, the “Golden Land Corporation” began to run an intra-business employer's shareholding of about 70% of the company's total shareholdings and about 30% of . Of the total number of domestic workers' holdings, about 70% of the current stockholdings are owned by workers and about 30% are reserved for hires and are used to reward the company's talented and new workers.


The employer's share capital came from three funds: , loaned to employees and the union from the years public interest .


The scheme for workers in the “Golden Land Group” established an incentive scheme to combine investment credits and ; the shareholding in the corporate form of a union addressed the issue of the influence of the shareholding on company shares in the form of a corporate group.

  1. 趙民,李雪,陳立華.上市公司十大激勵模式.《新財富》2003,01



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