
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:56 评论:0
编者按:本文来自“腾讯科技”《潜望》,作者刘鹏;36氪经授权发布。腾讯新闻《潜望》 作者 刘鹏Newscast "Aspecting" by Liu Peng乌鲁木齐向西150公里,石河子戈壁滩上大...



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腾讯新闻《潜望》 作者 刘鹏

Newscast "Aspecting" by Liu Peng


Urumqi was 150 km west, and the wind blew on the Gobi beach. At the end of November, a snowstorm just fell and the temperature fell to minus 15 degrees.


Miner Liu Hai is busy commanding casually hired workers to unpack the 10,000 bitcoins that have just arrived and move them to the recently expanded factory. The chimneys are smoked from far away, and the sunset is shining yellow over the silver metal casings of the miner through the grey air.


Bitcoin, which has been invented since 2008 by the “medium bellicose” model, uses the computing power of a chip to continuously “hashi collision” in blocks (block) created every 10 minutes in the bitcoin system, to win the rights to account and thereby get a system reward for bitcoin. This boring and repetitive process is graphically referred to as “mining”.


During the first few years of Bitcoin’s operation, a normal laptop could play a mining role. But the Chinese miners, who entered the market, turned the mine into a big business, monopolized the upper edge of the industrial chain: Bitcoin mining, thanks to the cheap electricity costs of Chinese-designed and manufactured specialized mining machines, as well as Xinjiang, Sichuan, and Naymon.


Liu is a typical member of the Chinese miners. More than a year ago, in the name of the “Cloud Calculus”, he took a discounted price of 0.28 yuan per degree of electricity from Ishida Electric Power Company, rented the premises of a ceramic processing company and converted them to a capacity of 40,000 miners. To provide more stable power to the miners, Liu also spent more than 20 million dollars, and built two transformers.


Behind the high input is the temptation of potentially high returns. In Ishi River, mines like the Sea of Liu, there are dozens of them, and to avoid attention, they hide in cloud computing, technology companies, etc., branded factories. According to incomplete estimates, nearly half a million mine machines are ringing here during peak periods. 7* 24 hours of operation, these machines consume 500 million degrees of electricity per month, equivalent to 100 million households a day.


And now they're in danger.


Beginning in November, Bitcoin prices fell from a high of $45,000 to a low of $25,200, up to 40 per cent.


The price of Bitcoin has slammed through the cost of multiple miners, that is, the profits from mining are not sufficient to cover the cost of electricity and management. According to data from one of the largest ponds in the country, 20,000 dollars of a M3 mine at the beginning of the year has already reached the price of the switchoff.


Some of the small and medium-sized mines are already unable to sustain the price of the price, which has been consistently frustrated, and they can no longer sell the machines for clean-up. The most popular miner type, the ant-S9, was up to 30,000 in the market a year ago, with the lowest transfer price being more than 600 in the series of currency drops.


In a panic, large mining sites with lower electricity prices and better costs opened up a “land annexation” campaign, and second-hand mining machines were diverted to new mines where they were plugged into the power supply and continued to function.


After passing through the last cycle and becoming a “mine magnate”, the Pitland and Carna are now also looking for suitable mines and cheap electricity prices everywhere in Xinjiang, which are based on the principle that “the cattle market sells mine machines, the bear market digs mine”.


A war between electricity migration, shifting competition and the use of financial instruments as hedges between diversions and the phasing out of high electricity prices and the phasing out of small mines in large mines has begun.


But even the victors of the annexation war could not predict their own fate and had to wait for spring during the long winter.


As a result of the tides of the times, and as the tides of the times faded, miners were able to visit several mines in Xinjiang and record all of this.


From 30,000 to 600 miners.


The first “extraction” came from Lo, who had 2,000 Avalon A741 mine machines at a constant price.


Unlike Bitcoin’s advanced technology, the mining business model is simple and rough: the money that is dug up is left behind by paying for the miner’s money and electricity, and the cost of the site. Once the currency falls, the money that is dug is not enough to cover the cost of electricity, the miners, in order to stop the damage in time, have to remove the power that continues to blow and temporarily shut it down.


Electricity is the lifeline of the mine, and its price and stability determine the profitability of the mine.


Depending on the size of the mine, the prices of electricity that can be negotiated at the time of arrival are, in general, much higher than those of the large mine. As the largest expense of the mine, the price of electricity is at the cost that the small mine is much less competitive than that of the large mine.


In the meantime, Lo had dug up 25 bitcoins and earned more than half a million dollars according to the offer, but during the same period the electricity bill was $600,000, “the same mine, the big mine could run evenly, but I've got the same amount of digging to pay, so just shut it down.”

恐慌的情绪开始蔓延。到了11月25日,一根大阴线再次凸显,比特币价格逼近25000,这也是矿工群体中最为风靡的蚂蚁S9 型号矿机的关机价格。

Fears began to spread. By November 25, one of the big vaginas again highlighted that bitcoin prices were close to 25,000, which was also the price of the most powerful miner, the ants S9-type miner.

更多的小矿工加入了清盘的队伍。但情况比他们想象的更加糟糕,四五天前二手S9 市场报价普遍在1200左右,随着币价逼近关机价格,S9的报价直接腰斩到600。

More small miners joined the crew. But it was worse than they thought. Four or five days ago, the second-hand S9 market offer was generally around 1,200, and as the currency closes the price, the S9 offer went straight to 600.


"This is a 30,000-dollar machine a year ago." A small miner who was forced to leave the field was excited. Like a stray lamb, he had no control of his fate at the onset of the winter.


An old miner told Tsing's Insight that, in terms of time, almost none of the miners who entered the site after November last year had managed to escape the lamb's fate. The worst of them was in January 2018.


At the same time, the price of bitcoin, which had been soaring for over a year, peaked at $120,000 and was capable of “producing” bitcoin, was considered to be a chicken with golden eggs, and the price of the plant was still two or three times higher.


That's the day the miners partyed. Some miners in Xinjiang, in order to get the goods, give the sales money, deliver the cars, even the houses, are convinced that "whatever they spend, they can make it back."


Ten months ago, they didn't even pay back the money they had bought the mine machine. The price of the second hand mine fell again, “up to 90 per cent of the fixed assets, so to speak, the old miner said.


Migration to low-cost areas


In the winter, the law of the jungle of the currency rings became apparent. Small and empty mines became prey in the mouths of large mines. Miners who had been sold in pain by small miners went into large mines in bulk, connected to power sources and continued to thunder.


The ocean finds this to be his chance. The price of 0.28 dollars, and the storage room of 40,000 aircraft seats, gives him the advantage of this round of arithmetic shuffling. “S9, which is received for hundreds of dollars, if it is still the current currency, can be returned for three months.” He goes on to say, “Well, if you don't dig the current S9 on the market, someone will always dig it.”


Medium-sized mines that do not want to stop doing so are also looking for a way out. In order to find less expensive electricity, they look to the larger Xinjiang border.


Near the border is the lowest price of electricity known in the mining industry. However, as a result of several sudden inspections of the company’s electricity use in Eining, many of the mines have been punished by blacklists of miners. The miners also use the term “JQK” as a metaphor, “start to tick you down, then circle you, and finally knock you out”.


However, counterfeit electricity use has occurred in the past. Some mines have been mounted by local energy companies, applying for electricity in the name of heat, and receiving State subsidies at a price of more than 10 cents.


In Uzbekistan, which is not far from Xinjiang, the price of electricity for industry is only 23 cents of the renminbi, and the price is also lower in Russia, about 25 cents.


In turn, they have to take on the risks posed by different institutions and cultures, as well as possible security risks. Some miners have chosen sites in old industrial estates where people are scarce, and as a result have been robbed by masked people who have stepped in less than a few days, and newly installed mines have been looted.


After visiting more than a dozen countries, people looking for a mine in the world’s first-largest producer, Bit continent, have concluded that power generation and infrastructure are still the best in the country. “In particular, Xinjiang, 750 kV of high-pressure rings, especially stable, and rich coal resources and power generation, are very appropriate for mining.”


It is also for this reason that the Bit continent is currently home to 50,000 miners in Xinjiang, paying tens of millions of yuan per month for local electricity.


At the end of November, the continent was hosted by 50,000 single-sized mine machines in a mine near the rocky river. Another manufacturer in the country, Kana Tianji, also placed 10,000 in the area.


Bear City survival skills.


The repatriation of bulk miners and the entry of large-scale capital are supported by additional cash flows, lower return expectations and longer investment cycles.


Compared to a month ago, the full net capacity of Bitcoin fell by 14.8 per cent, which also means that the difficulty of mining has decreased by 14.8 per cent, with the continued departure of scattered miners, bringing with them arithmetic reshuffling, a new round of mixed fighting in which miners each seek survival strategies.


“Into this business last year, it feels so good money, this year it feels too quick to die”, the founder of the Mamba miner, Kim Yong, lamented that “in order to survive in Bear City, it is necessary to have the right costs, as well as survival skills”.


In October 2017, he began researching mining, and focused his eyes on the market’s relatively small card miner. Unlike the ASI machine produced in Bit continent and Kanaji, which corresponds to the digital currency of the PoS algorithms, such as ETH (Etheria), XMR (Monroco) and Zcash.


Two months later, he was excited to find out from the intimacy of the visit, that “these two months make more money than I make in three years of starting a business”.

但暴利也仅持续了两个月,进入 2018年,随着数字货币整体向下探底,对现金流格外敏感的他砍掉了自己矿场中的ASIC比特币矿机,全部投入显卡矿机。

But the windfall also lasted for only two months, and in 2018, as the digital currency as a whole went down, he was particularly sensitive to the cash flow and cut off the ASIC bitcoin machine in his mine, all of it into a card mine.


Compared to the ASIC miner, despite the high cost of transport, the card mine is a little underworked, and the moored digital currency is distributed more widely as a global arithmetic. More importantly, the core component of the card mine, the card, can be removed at any time and returned to the game market, except for mining.


"There is a significant difference between the price of a card miner and the market for the game, where miners price the miner at the current currency, while the value of the card for the core parts of the miner is constant."


As a result, Goldstone developed its own strategy for the survival of the bear market: to collect second-hand card miners from miners leaving the market, to insert power expansion at a time when the price can cover costs and have a small surplus, to close the card and sell it to miners if the price falls to the cost line, if the price rises and waits for the market.


With the cattle bear cycle, the card flows between the miners and the game players. It seems to be a near perfect strategy.


"What if the price of the currency keeps falling?" Insight asks.


"That's a good one." Kim Jun's answer was clean as well.


At least for the time being, the strategy is working effectively. He also looks at reducing the energy consumption of the mines by 10%, with some of the computing power to take on orders from commercial companies for artificial intelligence operations.


At the end of November, another site in the country's mine, Sichuan, began to die, bringing him a large number of cell phones. His team was busy testing to get on board and then connect to the power source.


He was proud that, as the mine went on board, the mine now had 1 per cent of the Ether network, “equivalent to getting Ether's shares”.


We'll dig up the money and we'll pay for it at the same time.


The last cycle of bears in Bitcoin lasted for two years. Miners who dig up and don't sell Tuenco won an amazing return in the ensuing city of Bitcoin's Bulls, and became an industry legend of mutual praise.


Four years ago, this city was no longer applicable under the Tumong law, which the last round of miners claimed to be. Miners face a more complex market: more than 4 million bitcoins in circulation, more than trillion dollars in circulation, and more than 1,000 more exchanges for realization.


The new generation of miners rarely retrenched, the booming exchange provided them with more and more financial instruments, and learning to hedge ahead of time to lock revenues was one of the skills necessary for them to survive in Bear City. The factory model of Bitcoin was upgraded to a financial model.


Stewardship, in simple terms, is the simultaneous sale of the same amount in both the spot and futures markets, but in the opposite direction. Use futures and spot prices to create hedge mechanisms to compensate for spot losses by using futures and ups and downs.


“For example, in the coming month, when I produce 30 coins, the currency may continue to fall by 10 per cent in line with the trend, and then I will empty the exchange, sell it at the current price, and deliver 30 coins in one month.” Goldstone explains that it will be possible to lock in the French currency gains of the month, rather than suffer a greater loss in the downfall.


However, the frequent hedging operations of the miner's groups have made them, either intentionally or unintentionally, the largest vacuuming force of Bitcoin.


"Everyone's doing nothing, and finally everyone wants to keep their money down while they want to protect themselves, but it doesn't work for the mines." Goldbone laughed, "It's kind of like living in the wilderness, getting out of it.


The counter-diplomatic nature of financial instruments, which opened their mouths in order to avoid the risk of a bitcoin future, became speculative.


Every step of the game has to be careful in order to see what spring looks like.


It's not over yet.


On 28 November, the successive decline in bitcoin temporarily stopped, rising by 11 per cent in one day to return to more than 30,000.


It was even a reason for KANO to announce several new mine machines under the flag immediately and to sell them for sale.


However, the general trend was unstoppable and the currency price continued downward after a day had passed.


Winter continues. The 10,000 machines in Liu's ocean have been plugged into the power supply, the Golden Pine has received another batch of second-hand goods, and the old Lo is waiting between clean-up and migration.


There's also the dealer of the Chethai Electric Stone. A hairy guy comes to the door, opens up with 50,000 power switches, and the big list falls on his head, and he can't believe it.


50,000 switches are prepared for the 50,000 hosting machines that have just been placed on Bitcoast. Winter comes again in the spring and spring, the cattle market sells miners, and the bear market digs are the truth to be told in the past.


And it was in the last bear city that Bit continent took over a mine of the Inner Mongolia Darat flag from Gana Jian Jian, who invented the world’s first ASIC bitcoin machine. In the arithmetic shuffling, Bit continent became a riser.


This story inspires the winter miners. On December 2, the third snowfall since the winter began. 18 degrees below, the wind blows and the miners wait for the opening spring. Hundreds of thousands of miners are running and roaring, carrying their hopes and never sleeping.




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