智慧城市 未來已來

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:53 评论:0



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In recent days, forums and fairs have been held in many parts of the country about the City of Wisdom. The City of Wisdom is a topic that people are very keen to talk about, and the fruits of the City of Wisdom are becoming more and more common among us.


According to McKinsey Global Research Institute estimates, smart cities can reduce emergency response time by 20-35%, average commuting time by 15-20%, disease burden by 8-15%, greenhouse gas emissions by 10-15%, and so on, helping cities to make progress and develop. Let's talk about smart cities today.

1 中國試點建設數量全球最多

1 China has the largest number of sites in the world.


Smart cities combine modern information and communication technologies such as data, networks, networks, cloud computing, analysis, integration of key information from the core of urban operations, a new urban landscape of intellectually managed domains such as population, environment, social life and public services, and a deep convergence of information, industrialization and urban urbanization.


The City of Wirtschaftsprüfer was first proposed by IBM, which considered the city to be a confluence of six core structures: organization (humans), industry/government, transport, communications, water and energy. In 2009, Dibik partnered with IBM to create the first smart city in the United States. The City of Dibik used a network technology to connect water, electricity, gas, oil, transport, public services, etc., in a community of 60,000 people, to monitor, analyse and integrate data, intelligently respond to the needs of citizens, and improve service standards. In addition, the city of Dibik created a network of water control machines for all households and businesses, including low-flow sensor techniques, to prevent the cost of water and electricity leaks.


For more than a decade, the development of intelligent cities has moved from 1.0 to 3.0.


Intelligent City 1.0 Times: Technology driven, information-based construction and applications are the main models, but technology, fields and fields are divided in parallel, and the horizontal and interchangeable distribution of data cannot be realized, most of which is used for the fragmentation of intelligent cities. The core of the time 1.0 is information.


Smart City 2.0: With the extensive applications of big data, internet, network, cloud computing and other technologies, smart cities have evolved into multi-occupational, multi-occupational, digitally integrated and shared landscape applications that are typically used as "net+" policies.


The smart city of 3.0 times: Big government and social data are collected, shared and calculated online, generating new needs and solutions. The most prominent feature of the time of 3.0 is intelligence.


Before that time, many countries around the world opened the way to intelligent cities. According to Deloitte’s report, there are more than 1,000 intelligent cities that have been activated or built around the world, with more than 10 countries or regions that have started or built intelligent cities: China, the United States, Europe, and India.

2 智慧城市分為四層構架

Two intelligent cities divided into four layers.


The intelligent city architecture is divided into four layers: the sensory layer, the communications layer, the data layer and the applications layer, and links information between the various layers at the same time.


Sensitivity: This layer is the primary component of the intelligent city technology system. The main means of perception are identity, location, multimedia, and state awareness. Through the combination of these different ways of perception, it is possible to bring together the knowledge of people and things in the city and to integrate them.


Communication layer: The layer is a network that supports communications and data, and is divided mainly into access and transmission layers. The network is accessed primarily through a variety of communication network tools, connecting information and data collected and stored by the sensor layer, and providing secure, accurate and timely data transmission, interactive and shared.


Data layer: This layer mainly integrates raw data taken from the sensor layer, such as temperature, humidity, positioning, etc., into the corresponding domain data base according to the intelligent urban domain model, while simultaneously building urban information warehouse in time and space dimensions, and using information technology such as data warehouse, big data analysis and cloud computing, storage, processing and analysis of actual data.


Application layer: It directs itself to the ultimate users of intelligent cities and provides multiple applications and services, such as smart politics, smart traffic, smart security, smart finance, etc.

3 需要多種資訊技術支撐

3 requires multiple information technology support.


The development of intelligent cities requires a variety of information technologies, such as network networks, cloud computing, sector chains, artificial intelligence, and 5G, among others. The network is the foundation of intelligent cities. The use of network technologies in smart cities allows the collection of city air conditions, weather variations, sewage discharges, lighting, parking spaces, power stations, vehicle traffic, logistics, and so on. For example, all portal beacons in the city of Beijing are now fully connected to the network; 199 traffic points within 155 square kilometres are adapted when they are available; video intelligence analysis also allows self-awareness, factual warning of illegal events such as traffic restrictions, lack of land cover, etc.; and even garbage partitions can be traced.


Clouds are sort of a sort of distribution calculation, whereby huge data computing processors are broken down into countless applets via web-based clouds, and then processed and analysed through multiple server systems and returned the results to users. Cloud computing solves problems in accounting for the timely updating of big data in intelligent cities, dynamic response, etc.


The block chain is a new application model for computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transfer, cognition systems, encryption algorithms, etc. The "decentralization" of the chain technology and the "go to


Artificial intelligence is a new technological science for research, development, and extension of human intelligence theory, methodology, technology, and application systems. In intelligent city construction, artificial intelligence is used to expand areas of transport, logistics, security, and so on. For example, in logistics storage and loading loops, artificial intelligence robots are able to sense, judge, and solve some of the problems in logistics themselves, efficiently extracting and distributing unattached goods.


5G is a new engine for the development of intelligent cities, equipped with high-speed, more capable air-media technology that can provide people, goods, and organizations in cities with the ability to connect at any time and in any place, in real time, to meet the needs of different parts of the city. For example, the China People’s Liberation Army’s General Hospital has successfully implemented emergency treatment for Parkinson’s patients by using 5G technology to perform remote human surgery across 3,000 kilometres.

4 運用先進技術解決“城市病”

4 Using advanced technology to solve “urban diseases”


Using all of the above-mentioned modern information technologies, intelligent cities have developed a number of intelligent applications around all areas of social life, such as transportation of wisdom, security of wisdom, medical care of wisdom, and home-based wisdom, to solve urban problems such as traffic congestion, public safety, and to improve the efficiency of urban operations.


Intelligent traffic is carried out through techniques such as surveillance, surveillance, distribution of traffic, improvement of surveillance systems and information networks, such as public security, urban management, highways, etc., and the creation of systems focusing on traffic inducement, emergency command, travel, taxi and bus management, as well as the development of systems for managing and servicing urban traffic in which the full sharing of traffic information, the effective monitoring of road traffic conditions and the intelligent management of traffic is fully shared. In Hangzhou, it is reported that intelligence based on artificial intelligence has helped to reduce traffic congestion by 15%.


For example, the Beijing police promoted a visual bell system in the Cité Soleil community in the Sun, allowing automatic surveillance of strangers who wandered in front of recorders and stayed in an unusual situation, and first passed the news to the master's phone, APP, at a distance of more than 3.5 metres.


Intelligent medicine is a way of realizing the interaction between patients and medical personnel, medical institutions, and medical equipment through the creation of a health file district medical information platform, using the most advanced technologies such as network technologies, artificial intelligence, telepathic techniques, etc., which gradually leads to the intellectualization of medical services.


Wisdom is a combination of home video devices, lighting systems, curtain controls, air conditioning controls, security systems, digital cinema systems, Internet telephones, etc., which provide power and power control, lighting control, curtain control, remote telephone control, indoor and outdoor control, anti-piracy alerts, environmental surveillance, heating control, etc., to create an efficient, comfortable, safe, convenient and environmentally secure residential environment.


In the future, with the common use of urban artificial intelligence in all walks of life, unmanned driving, AI medical treatment, and the constant spread of AI cars, the “brain” of intelligent cities will be equipped with the ability to think and will become more and more intelligent, with an efficient, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly city fully integrated into our lives.


He's an associate researcher at the University of Guizhou Institute of Scientific and Technological Information.




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