These "religion" are the connecting nodes of the "new community" and set the tone for the growth of the community, as well as the choice, attention, support and movement of the "new community" in terms of activity, cohesion and values.
A mature and powerful community will ultimately depend on the number of ‘belongers’ who really want to be with you: ‘100 dream sponsors’ of Mi’s, ‘volunteers’ or ‘superplayers’ of Lego.
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In addition to having a common faith, the ‘believers’ also have enviable hidden skills:
, which connects users and moves them, is the greatest happiness for a new community with a large number of believers.
The "Sermons" rule is to find the three groups of you, raise him, nurture him, own him, drive him, evolve him.
The sense of ritual is to make one day different from the others, and to make one moment different from the others — Little Prince.
The term “ceremonial” refers to any activity that marks the special nature or importance of a given period of time or event.
The behaviour of the ritual is profound, and it links the present with what happened in the past and our hopes for the future.
1) Growing rituals - Joining, entering and entering
对于大部分社群来说,至少需要三个仪式:「加入仪式」、「进阶仪式」和 「入圈仪式」。
For most communities, at least three rituals are required: "participation ceremonies", "step rituals" and "circumstances".
「加入仪式」 , 新人需要知道他们正式加入社群的起点在哪里;
「进阶仪式」, 帮助我们进行重大转变时产生自豪感、荣誉感,成就感;
「入圈仪式」, 当你加入社群的内圈/核心圈时,仪式自然又不一样。
2) Connected ceremony - Weekly, Moon and Annual and Surprise
对任何人来说,和他人一起经历快乐与痛苦,一起实现目标时,人们会感觉彼此的关系更进一步。这种状态被心理学称为「积极的决定性时刻」或「峰值时刻」 ,可以让情感变得更为牢固。
For anyone, when they experience happiness and pain with others, and when they achieve their goals, people feel more each other's relationship. This state of affairs, which is referred to by psychology as > `positive and decisive moments' or >, can strengthen feelings.
Therefore, a positive “new community” is supposed to organize, direct, create, and innovate various kinds of “connection rituals” such as the Year's Lives, the Seasons, the Moons, the Weeks, and the strong's intended surprises.
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3 >
It is important to note that digital life accelerates and, over time, communities grow, which requires rituals to change according to their members, or to grow dynamically.
The rituals are far more profound and profound for the community than we have seen on the surface.
The Temple is a place where a group of people who share common values conduct community events or rituals and can find some spiritual belonging or place their hearts and minds there.
1) Three elements of the Temple Law: physical space + ritual + man
(1) Physical space is the way the temple of the New Community exists and is of great significance to the new community
对新人群,这是一种「精神地标」 。
实体「神殿」能将品牌和社群气质固定为一种「可感知」的存在 。
物理空间的活动和仪式,相信只有身处其中,才能真正体验到那种无比强大的“场域” 。
(2) Places where there is a ritual or meaning are called temples
Not any physical space can be called a temple, where members gather and perform rituals, or where meaning is given.
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(3) meaningful human participation and space becomes more sacred.
Those who are important to the rituals are also essential to the temple, and their arrival will make space more sacred.
2) The four new forms of the temple
(1)打造一个独一无二的「 圣地神殿」
(1) to build a unique Holy Place > >
每一位信徒都有一个一生要去的地方。「圣地神殿」不一定是恢宏的空间,但必须有一个固定场所,拥有独有故事和意义 就是「圣地神殿」。
Every believer has a place to go for a lifetime. The Temple of the Holy Land is not necessarily a place to restore greatness, but there must be a fixed place where the unique story and meaning of the strong is the Temple of the Holy Land.
(2) let the branch, the temple, be "localized"
分支社群需要一些差异化的场地/场景作为分支神殿,我们称其为分支「神殿」“在地化” 。
The sub-communities need differentiated sites/scenes as sub-chambers, which we call the branch .
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3) Temporary temples - redefinition of flash shops
You can give any space a temporary choice and a sacred meaning, and that is the temporary temple.
By extension, if flash shops or flash events were given some meaning/value, it would also be a temple, not just a red point, a propagating head and a shared label.
4 + time on line can also be a temple
Members know that any scene can be called a temple at a time when major rituals of interest to them are taking place.
Therefore, the microscopic community is not a temple, and the live room is not a temple, but at some point it can become a temple by participating in the same ritual.
5) The Temple of the Won Universe
As you can imagine, tomorrow, under the digital way of life, the era of the Woncosmos, the advent of VI technology, the vibrancy of virtual temples will be accelerated — communities can create any temple that can imagine, be it the deep sea, the desert, Mars, or history and the future.
All you need is a new understanding of the meaning of the temple to the new community and to the new generation -- the spiritual landmark, the experience field and the base.
品牌猿引入「曼陀罗圈」 的概念。
The branded apes introduced the concept of "Mandaro Circle" .
The real inner circle (playing method) is not generally hierarchical, but, like Mandrau, every part is central and every part is connected to each other.
The Centre is Mandrat's right midway point, “greater than all the spaces outside Mandraro”.
- The Art of Community Operating.
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The "Community Creation" law is to draw four interrelated and progressive “circles” that form the “Mandoro Circle”-style ecology in response to the four major business needs of brands and new communities:
「活跃圈」——「共生内容」: 加速成员融入社群的有效方法;
「参与圈」——「共创产品」: 产品演进的新势能;
「内圈」——「共建社群」: 新社群自生长自发展的驱动力;
「执事圈」——「共进未来」: 共管社群共享未来。
1) Active circle - "Symbiotic content": "even if it's just a compliment"
「共建共创」,首要就是激发「活跃圈」,源源不断的共生内容 。
"Community-building" is first and foremost an inspiration for "active circles" with a constant symbiotic content of .
(1) "Symbiotic content" is a strategic issue and a “life-and-life” event for the new community
其次,需要了解当下青年对「共生内容」的新期望。不仅是新审美新文化,不止于温暖和归属,而是如何与志同道合者探索更广阔的生活,扩展对真实世界的感知与理解力 ,并获取新力量。
(2) The key to "symbiotic content" tactics is whether to create simple and interesting expressions
"Symbiotic content" needs positive feedback -- even if it's just a compliment
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4)「活跃圈」是内圈核心 成员的推选,从「关系连接者」到「关系连接者」
4) The Active Circle is the selection of , from "relationship connector" to "relationship connector"
The “active circle” has not only symbiotic content, but has also taken on the role of those who seek to excavate brands and social “eyes”, to find the people who may be in a deep alliance, to train them, to grow them, and to make them real brands and community assets.
For most of the new consumer brands and communities, the "active circle" is the daily life of the community and brand.
2) "Participation circle" - "Community product": Unleashing the power of product innovation
The "active circle" is only a starting circle, where members are involved in co-creating products, and where the best communities are.
It is argued that the first step in building a user-centred organization is to create products with users, and even more radically, that the purpose of creating a community is to allow the community to drive your product evolution.
(1) Three cases give you an understanding of how participating circles can help the product evolve
案例2:Seed Beauty——「行动和实时参与是一切事情的核心准则」;
(2) Three new enabling capacities for co-inventive products in the world
The co-inventive product is essentially a product innovation for “user thinking” that can be learned and replicated, and that can help break the shackles of traditional engineers and create brand-new innovative Force. There are also three unexpected gains:
(3) Finally, play "Participation Circle" requires three new insights
认知1——不是任何人都适合待在「参与圈」,参与圈只能是那些拥有创造力,能互相激发想象力,有“造物”情结的成员, 否则就是一个吐槽圈或者是意见圈;
依托用户构建「参与圈」,吸引一部分“有能力”的成员参与进来,体验产品,玩产品,创产品,造产品 ,形成依靠用户驱动产品进化的动能,这种对“洪荒之力”的掌握,是商业创新的新机会,也将是未来新商业生态的一部分。
Building on user-driven to engage a group of “capable” members, experience products, play products, create products, create products
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3) "Inner Circle" - "Community-building communities": a new community that thrives on its own power
(1) is the beginning of a community with a sense of ownership.
Various activities organized by branders and community creators are not co-constructing, which is called community marketing; is called a “communist community” only if members of the community are genuinely willing to transmit their values, organize their activities spontaneously and influence each other.
The new members consider what they can gain from this community, what they can grow, and the "owners" who are in the center are concerned with each and every one of them in the Mandarin circle, how to help them integrate, grow and grow.
(2) Mandraean inner circle -- everyone's the center, working to create a world of life
Most of the community's inner circle is composed of excellent members of the "active" and "participated" circles.
他们每一个人都是一方世界的「中心」 :有了他们,生态“世界”才能繁花似锦;有了他们,这个社群/社交平台的核心骨架才能真正完成。
Each of them is the “centre” of one side of the world: with them, the ecological “world” can flourish; with them, the core of the community/social platform can be truly completed.
他们——这些「中心」, 借品牌/平台/社群实现自己的梦想,打造自己的“应许之地”,在这里播撒自己的梦想种子。
They -- these "centres", where realizes their dreams with brands/platforms/communities and builds their own “ploughs of promise” where they sow their own seeds of dreams.
, therefore, is the creation of a mechanism, platform or ecology where everyone can become a “subworld centre”.
(3) Three functions of the inner circle: Grow, Grow and Grow
1 helps others to grow
2 helps communities to grow
他们既集结同好壮大社群 ,也会通过社群社交维持关联,更是新商业的策源地,这是一个从边缘到主流,从小众到大众的过程;
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3 to grow
It used to be that you should grow up to help others grow. But the real thing is -- helping others grow and communities grow, it's .
Or the process of moving towards the inner circle is self-development.
(4) Three new perceptions of the inner circle community
The Community Operating Arts divides the path into the inner circle into five levels: visitors, newcomers, senior members, masters.
品牌猿演绎后,以「关心」做连结,拿「关爱」画圈圈, 每踏入下一个圈圈,成员们都可以获得一些有利于自己成熟或成长的东西,进行形成新的「内圈」路径 。
As a result of the branded apes, /strong.
来访者: 或许不关心任何人,只是来寻找新奇或有趣的体验;
新人: 只关心自己,希望取得个人成就和认证;
成员: 关心自己的同伴,为团队寻求成就和尊重;
资深成员: 关爱社群中身处各级的所有成员,希望整个社群赢得成就和尊重;
主人: 关爱整个世界,努力帮助全世界的人融入社群之中,并为创造一个生机勃勃的世界而努力;
执事: 富有责任而有远见,已经与社群融为一体,甚至献身社群。
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也就是说,高级别的内圈设计者,必须给成员提供一个教育他人或是服务他人的机会 ,不仅传授技能,还要传授能够帮助成员在心智上得成熟价值观和理念。
In other words, high-level insiders must provide members with an opportunity to educate or serve others , not only to impart skills, but also to impart values and ideas that can help members to achieve intellectual maturity.
4)「 执事圈」——共管社群「共进未来」:1个核心5大权责6个技巧
4) "Death Circle" - Community of Commons "Towards a Future": 1 core 5-Power 6 skills
A "new community" would be made up of many different Mandarin-style inner circles, where key players would naturally become more central, as in the case of the Supreme Council of the Jedi of Star Wars.
所谓「 执事」,是指社群中比其他成员权力更多,同时思考更多,责任更多的人。
(1) Core mission of the Deacon - Launching, modifying and defending community values
“C in CEO or CEO, I hope it represents culture, which the CEO can say is the cultural guardian of an organization.” — Microsoft CEO Nadera, Renovation.
For the new community, the Deacon is a role of guardian similar to the CEO culture, unlike it is a circle.
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(2)「 执事圈」的权力和责任还应涉及五个方面
(2) The powers and responsibilities of the Deacon shall also cover five areas
(3)「 执事圈」管理社群的的六个小技巧
(3) Six little techniques of the Deacon to manage the community
lacks a circle of deacon, and questions follow.
On the basis of Eleanor Oström's eight principles of "Governance in Public Life" (the Nobel Prize economist), five small techniques have been developed.
因为「 执事圈」,更多的志同道合者以多种形式参与,前行路上不再孤单;社群和品牌不再是二元对立和割裂,这是日渐壮大社群的根本所在。
Because of the Deacon, more like-minded people are involved in many forms, and the way forward is no longer lonely; communities and brands are no longer bipolar rivalries and fragmentations, which are fundamental to the growing community.
一个人除了家庭角色,社会角色,还会有另一个角色, 「以新的方式参与集体并做出贡献 」。在这个时代,开放者赢,控制者输。
In addition to the role of the family, the role of society has another role, "The strong" is a new way to participate in the group and contribute to the
这就是品牌猿新社群第8法则——「共建共创」法则,画出四个相互关联,又层层递进的「曼陀罗圈」——层层递进的帮助成员学到更多东西,拥有更多智慧,接触更大的权力,成就更好的自我 。
This is the 8th rule of the brand new community of apes — the "combining" rule, which draws four interlocking and progressive `strange' `Mandoro Circles' — which helps members to learn more, to gain more wisdom, to reach out to greater power and to achieve better self .
"Action" means a free and active life -- the human condition, Hannah Arendt.
How to help community members "self-fulfill"? -- that's action.
From "me" to "us"
Standing in 2022, there's a need for cognitive upgrading -- from "me" to "us".
2) Do something meaningful
Not everyone can have a "high cause" for ordinary people. The "new community" has come, and it has taken on a new mission: leads us to a "high cause" together.
"Very interesting things" include:
Are you tired of being "head"? I'm tired, but I have to come out. Sometimes we bring supplies, some senior residents bow to us at 90 degrees, and we're all together -- we can't afford it, but we're particularly touched.
3) Meaningful things are "action" not "activity"
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If the value of the new community is growth, then "acting" together, doing something meaningful and small, is to build a bridge between business, life and meaning, and he can save and revive something that everyone has in his heart.
Thus, “action” is of great importance to the new community, meaning that one thing is more important than one to be transparent and informed, and that it means that the new sense of belonging competes from the taking of mind to the physical and mental growth, and that the logic and paradigm of the new community is constantly escalating, which is an irreversible trend for the new community and the unique way in which it may exist in the future.
到这里,我们已经重构了「新社群」土壤和定义;还创建了一个「新」商业模型——「阶梯模型」 ;完善了「新社群」打造方法论——「四大基柱和九大法则」。
By this time, we have redefined the "new community" soil and definition; created a "new" business model - ; refined the "new community" methodology — "four pillars and nine laws".
说明一下,方法论很重要,但是更为重要的是「认知」 。
Explain that methodology is important, but more important is "know" .
「认知是因,创新是果」, 没有对「新社群」的新认知,任何法则的使用仅是锦上添花,甚至可能是忙中添乱,更不说运营和激活「新社群」。
"Cognitiveness is the result of innovation", has no new knowledge of the "new community" and any law is used only to add flowers, or even to create confusion, let alone to operate and activate the "new community".
Moreover, not all the laws are suitable for themselves, depending on the local context, on the individuality, on the basis of the individuality, on the one hand, and even on the other, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the one hand, and on the other, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, it may be possible to explore a promising path.
What is the world's largest community? — tribes, religions, nations, nations?
如果说是「文明是人类共同的想象,品牌是集体的共同认知《人类简史》」 ,那么新社群就是「一部分共同想象和志趣相投的人联合体」 。
If it is that "civilisation is the common imagination of humankind and brand is the collective understanding of "The Brief History of Man" , then the new community is part of the conglomerate of people who share a common imagination and aspirations.
Imagine how big the future is.
在《小兴趣商业》中,吴伯凡老师在提出了「分子经济」 和「从眼球经济到眼神经济」 的创新理论。
In Small Interest Business, Mr. Wu was introducing innovative theories such as "the molecular economy" and "from the eye economy to the eye economy" .
Businesses used to be gold-grabbing among their denominators, with very few becoming your final customer and the molecular economy being snipers and more precise.
以这个视角来理解「 新社群」 ——新商业正从分母式大流量模式转向分子式内圈经济的精准连接模式——细致,隐秘,高效,动态,热爱,还有意义。
From this perspective, the new community of — the new business is moving from a matrix of large flows to a precise connection model of the molecular inner-circle economy — elaborate, secret, efficient, dynamic, loving and meaningful.
The New Community is the DNA of the new business, the driving mechanism of the circle of interest, the essence of which is synonyms of ecology!
In this shift, micro-entry, once established, saturated supplies, natural blood-building, free growth and sustainability, may be able to rivet into new and uncertain future businesses.
On the other hand, the epidemic will continue, so that individuals will feel even more of their weakness and smallness, their precariousness and growing anxiety, and brand names and new communities can be another opportunity to start with caring and growing.
borrows a phrase, "New Communities" -- between new business and new life.
There's a philosophical thought: "in order for the infinite game to continue, it is necessary to involve as many people as possible in the game. >
The other sentence is easier to understand: "The only purpose of any business is to create a customer. > > Peter Truck, Management Practice
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Drook went beyond that time, and James Cas went beyond that time.
And then back to the cover of Brand Turn: -- "The brand is no longer created by the company, but by the user."
当你认可这三句话,传统品牌的意义和价值即被推翻,品牌和商业组织变成了「如何为那些推动你成功的用户赋能」 ,那么「新社群」的价值和未来地位毋庸置疑:
The value and future status of the "new community" is beyond question when you accept these three words, when the meaning and value of traditional brands are removed, and when brands and business organizations become "how to empower those who drive you to succeed" :
At the end of the day, brand names are no longer companies, but users who gain meaning from brands and communities.
There's only one infinite game in the world -- the game of a new community.
2021年5月,NFT项目 “淡定熊”Okay Bears交易额破亿。
In May 2021, the NFT project “Silent Bear” Okay Bears broke a billion-dollar deal.
“淡定熊” Okay Bear 是一个基于 Solana 区块链的 PFP NFT 藏品系列,由10,000只不同的熊组成,用户持有后可以有进入公园的独家权限,在那里持有者们可以一起建立一个理想中的社区。
Okay Bear is a PFP NFT collection series based on the Solana block chain, consisting of 10,000 different bears, with users having exclusive access to the park, where the holders can together build the desired community.
本质上 Okay Bears 还是一个「高质量猴子仿盘」。
Essentially, okay Bears is also a high-quality monkey imitation disk.
这些不重要,重要的是Okay Bears对项目的定义。
These are not important, and what is important is the definition of the project by Okay Bears.
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「在一个由赢家和输家、英雄和恶棍、艺术家和建设者组成的极端化世界中,中间地带早已荒芜人烟。但这片土地上有一个“公园”,在这里,你完全可以做一个平淡的人,放心地做任何事情」。——Okay Bears
"In an extreme world of winners and losers, heroes and villains, artists and builders, the middle zone is already desolate. But there is a park on this land where you can be a flat man and do whatever you want."
Okay Bear期望通过有意义的会员专享商品投放、户外活动、独家现场活动以及与独立企业和世界知名品牌的合作,创建了一个以社区为中心、全球公认的品牌,构建一个将超越互联网进入现实世界的良性社区。
OkayBear expects to create a community-centred, globally recognized brand, a virtuous community that will move beyond the Internet into the real world, through meaningful membership dedicated to commodity delivery, outdoor activities, exclusive field activities and collaboration with independent businesses and world-renowned brands.
The core values of NFT are `transparency', `dissimilarization' and `decentralization', which are advanced and inclusive, with unlimited possibilities for brands and communities alike.
1) NFT and customizing participation
The binding of the NFT mechanism will activate the dynamic circle with the most transparent and fair incentive, with unique NFT medals, many more transparent, safe, efficient and precise embedding of meaningful action, giving every player in it much greater attention and pride.
2) NFT extension for co-generation
Illustrative forms of NFT co-creation make it easier not only for members of the community to express themselves more easily, but also to engage proactively; transparent revenue-sharing mechanisms make “brand partners” no longer a slogan.
3) NFT Imagines the branding community
You will find that brand assets are unique in themselves, and that NFTs built around brand assets will have much more aspirational scarcity and uniqueness. Proselyts inspire believers, missionaries attract users, and brand assets NFT is an unparalleled experience.
4) NFT has given rise to a new form of organization: DAO, decentralised Autonomous Organization
DAO — an organization whose statutes, objectives and tasks are determined by the members of the community — revolves around a mission in which a group of people decide to reconcile binding values and rights around a purpose and resources — the governance and operation of DAO is written in smart contracts and executed on the block chain, meaning that every transaction can be seen by all.
Although DAO organizations are not universally applicable, there are many values in community building and membership empowerment.
这一切就如Okay Bears的宣言——「这是一种文化转变:由普通人建立的非凡品牌」。
"It's a cultural transformation: an extraordinary brand created by ordinary people."
To sum up, in every imagination, no direction, no future, no “new community” is possible and no longer a form of marketing.
The “new community” is supposed to be a strategic issue, an integral part of every brand, a source of motivation for brand innovation and a force for us to overcome all uncertain futures in the future.
repeat, "Don't ask "How big is the market?" Ask, "Who are you fighting with".
Author: Brand Apes
Source: Brand Apes (ID:brand-youan)
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