
资讯 2024-06-18 阅读:110 评论:0
《财经》记者 吴杨盈荟|文 宋玮|编辑, financial reporter Oh Yeung Ying Man, editor Song /strang ˃ 2018年是区块链应用的落地之年。此前社会笼罩在对区块链的热捧之中,区块链的技...



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《财经》记者 吴杨盈荟|文 宋玮|编辑

, financial reporter Oh Yeung Ying Man, editor Song /strang >


This means that block chain technology has reached its most critical point & mdash; & mdash; either large-scale commercial applications have emerged and are in mature stages of development; or they have fallen into bubble breakout periods, industrial applications have been unsettled, and technological heat has quickly subsided.


BAT, Kyundong, and Internet-friendly major Internet companies are all deployed in the block chain. They are concentrated in late 2015-2016, when the time chain is in “ the technology boom & & rdquao;


After two to three years of technological research and development, the products of the block-chain applications of large companies have produced results that have been a major force in moving the block-chain from 2.0 to 3.0.


But the greater challenge of anchoring the upper-line blocks chain with the physical world in the 3.0-years of the block chain is that of dealing only with the problems that follow the upper chain, while below-line consensus is achieved and the game between stakeholders is not solved by the application of block chain technology.


& & ldquo; understand block chain technology, know how to use block chains, and being able to use a good block chain is three completely different stages.


Internet companies are also trapped in the & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; innovators in the block chain era. As vested interests in the Internet monopoly model, large companies can only use block chain technology to reform problems under existing business systems, so they often choose 2b to provide their customers with block chain technical services, with greater caution in 2c mode.


But another important destabilizing effect of the block chain is precisely to break the existing model of Internet monopoly and to re-establish a consensual circle of interests under the block chain concept.


The notion of a block chain as a reform rather than a revolution & mdash; & mdash is likely to prevent large companies from becoming the ultimate winners of the block chain era.


Start a new era, or fall into bubbles?


Block chain 2.0 remains limited to digital virtual commodities, while block chain 3.0 will enter the industrial block chain era


The emergence and application of any new technology follows a set of curve changes from budding, expansion to bubble bursting, maturation. Global information technology studies & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, showing that block chain technologies are at the peak of near-expanding expectations.


BAT, Kyoutung, Netble Beach Block Chain


In 2018, it was a crucial stage in the commercial application of block chain technology. It was crucial to start a new era or fall into a bubble.


Major technology giants, including BAT, Kyundong, and Web-friendly, have been deployed in the chain of blocks for several years. Alibaba has formed a technical committee on block chains, which now covers a number of business areas, such as ant gold uniforms (financial technology), Skycats (electrics), rookies (logistics), and the total number of technology patents for block chains is ranked first in the world in 2017. The TrustSQL block-chain solution platform has been launched, with partners such as the Government, banks and others, to test water chain applications in multi-area areas such as supply chain finance, ticket taxes, medical care, games, etc. The 100-degree roll-out of block chains, the Baaas Open Platform and & & ldquao; the Superlink & rdquo; and, as a member of the core board, the Hyperdger Super-account scheme.


Most of the time that Internet giants enter the block chain is in late 2015 - early 2016. This point is in the & ldquo of block chain technology; the technology booming period & & rdquo;


& ldquo; ant gold obeys the block chain that started in 2015 and feels that the block chain is the basic technology of society in the future. Our goal was to understand the bottom technology and build the bottom platform system further. & rdquo; and Zhang Hui, the head of the ants gold chain team, told Financial Reporters.


The first block chain application for an ant gold suit was born in an engineer’s bottom-up project attempt. In 2016, a block chain interest group used 48 hours to achieve the POC (concept proof) of the block chain’s public interest tracking application. The concept project quickly expanded into the first block chain application attempt for an ant gold suit & mdash; & mdash; “ the reacquire of sound-impaired children & rdquao; the public good track project. The ants goldsuit, in collaboration with the China Social Assistance Foundation, used the block-chain technology to track the full course of each sum. The project also became the highest public benefit project in the platform at the time, with the result that $198,000 was raised for 10 hearing-impaired children and nearly 50,000 people participated in the donation.


By the end of 2016, the block chain of the ant gold suit was attempted to be project-only and not reflected in the organizational structure. By the end of 2016, the block chain structure was turned into a virtual one, and the ants gold chain team was formally formed.


In February 2017, the former Vice-President of Electricity (NEC) of Japan, Jiang Kuo, joined the ants in gold uniforms, served as Vice-President of ants in gold uniforms and set up a technical laboratory. The block chain team was also integrated into the system of &ldquao, which focuses on cutting-edge technological research; the ants in gold uniforms technical laboratory & rdquao; and


Jingdong set up a block chain laboratory from 2016. Zhang Yi, who was the founder of the team at the time, was one of the pioneers of the block chain application in the Y sector. In 2016, he and a few research and development staff came up with four computers to try to build his first block chain network. Soon the block chain network came out, generating a Hashi value every five minutes. Zhang Yui and his colleagues were very excited first, and then looked at each other: “ the alliance chain was made, but what could it do? How could a puppies, like a block chain game, be of real value? & & rdquao; then they found the real challenge & mdash; & mmdash; it was very easy to put 10 data into the union chain to generate a characteristic value, but what if 1 billion?


In the early stages of the use of the block chain, Psychiatry worked with Jindong to use the block chain as a preposterous source of shampoo water. The Psychic company matched 40 million bottles of shampoo data, and Zhang and the team took 26 days to put all the data in the bottom.


& & ldquo; 0-1 billion are not linear developments, but exponential accelerations. A perfect upgrade of the bottom system of the block chain, a lot of hard work and a lot of work is really impossible to get around, and we can do it one step at a time more than a year. & rdquo; Zhang Yui told Financial Reporters.


Large Internet companies have entered the market since the block chain of 2.0. With two to three years of technological accumulation, their block chain applied research produced fruit in 2018, driving the block chain to the beginning of the 3.0 era.


The period of block chain 1.0 began with the birth of the first generation of encrypted currency & ldquo; Bitcoin & rdquo. From 2009 to 2016, the block chain began to gain attention as the bottom technology of Bitcoin.


Immediately thereafter, from 2016 to 2017, it was Taiwan & ldquo; Smart Contract & rdquo; and, in the 2.0 era of block chains, the technology of block chains was so hot that it entered the desired period of expansion. But there were no truly popular applications for block chains at this stage, except for bitcoins and ICO coins, which were widely distributed on a larger scale.


The year 2018 is considered a crucial year for entering the 3.0 era of the block chain. & mdash; — and block chain applications enter a period of outbreak.


As of January 2018, the donation information for the payment of the treasures in the technical records of the chain of blocks covered $367 million from 21 million users, and the number of donors reached 220 million. The number of members of the ants in the gold garments has also expanded to hundreds. By June 2018, the block chain in the capital took advantage of block-trace technology to record the full chain of raw materials, producers, logistics, consumers, etc.


& & ldquo; block chain 2.0, which adds smart contracts, remains limited to the creation and transfer of digital virtual goods, and it is difficult to support the application of relatively complex industrial scenarios. Block chain 3.0 will enter the industrial block chain age. & rdquo; member of the China Computer Society District Chain Commission in Jia Ning, told the finance journalist.


The challenge from the digital world to the physical world


The chain of blocks solves only problems behind the chain, but reaching a consensus below the line is not a technical solution.


Various industries are now trying to combine block-chain applications. Many industry applications are confusing. Is there a potential pattern to determine which sector-chain applications will take the lead in maturing? In fact, the development of block-chain applications follows a thread from &ldquao; digital assets to the physical world & & rdquao; &.


Block chains apply finance, games, and content to the earliest areas that they begin to mature. These broad areas have a common feature & mdash; & mdash; they are purely linear assets or data and form a complete biosphere.


In order to work together, third-party intermediaries are often required to provide credit endorsements, which are costly, and trust costs will rise in a straight line for each additional partner. The block chain, as an irrevocable distribution book, is technologically completed, and third-party intermediaries are no longer needed. Large companies that choose the 2B model use block-chain technology to build alliances for multiple conglomerates.


Cross-border remittances are a typical application of multiple types of cooperation. In the past, cross-border remittance processes were complex and time-consuming. For example, in the Philippines, when a user sent money from Hong Kong, more than six intermediaries were required: a sender agency, a bank in Hong Kong, multiple middle-lines, a bank in the Philippines, and a collecting agency.


At the end of June 2018, the ants' gold jackets launched a cross-border remittance service based on block-chain technology at the Union Chartered Bank, and AlipayHK, in partnership with G Cash, became the first electronic wallet in the world to use the block-chain throughout the cross-border remittance chain, which is responsible for the liquidation of end-of-day funds and exchange of foreign currency. Cross-border transfers can be 7× mobile phones can be completed 24 hours a day, without operating after 7 p.m., as traditional cross-border transfers.


The traditional invoice flow system is complex, involving the opening, transfer, bonding, and reimbursement of four links. The bulletin was set up in cooperation with the State Revenue Service of Shenzhen City at the end of May 2018.


As block chain technology develops, the range of applications begins to expand from pure line assets to the sub-line physical world & mdash; this is the desired 3.0-year block chain. But the problem also follows.


& & ldquo; The greatest challenge in the use of block chains comes from two sets. One is technology itself, how to achieve a high-performance, high-reliability alliance chain system that can be deployed in cities, across countries, and globally. The other is how to reach a consensus below the line, involving more participants.


Business-level block chains apply an alarming level of data processing, which poses a significant challenge to the technological strength of the platform. Large companies use hierarchical structures to address this problem. The block-chain infrastructure platforms they build are often divided into three layers of architecture — — & ldquao; bottom + platform + application & rdquao;


Zhang has told the financial journalist that the ants gold suit is primarily the bottom of the first block chain development, controlled through the core of autonomous property rights, defining the bottom standard of block chain technology. The second floor is the BAS platform layer of the block chain, which is built together by the ants gold suit and the Alibaba Skycat and the greenbird. The platform layer is a block chain service system that allows enterprises to quickly develop and deploy block chain operations. The third level is the application layer, which combines business, logistics, customs, and users to develop specific block chain applications.


A similar three-storey block chain business structure has been built. The bottom level is the TrustSQL block chain bottom technology platform, which locks in technology “ foundation & & rdquo; platform product service level, which is open to business areas such as digital assets, forensic services, shared books, shared economy. The top level is the application service level, which provides specific block chain applications and industry solutions, including digital paper, institutional clearing, intellectual property protection, etc.


When block chains are applied from online data assets to the offline physical world, the problem becomes more complex. The blocks chain can only be achieved if the online data are stored in an unalterable and distributed manner, but once the physical world connects & mdash; & mdash; whether or not the upper chain is a game between stakeholders and whether the data is authentic or not, these problems are not solved by the application of block chain technology.


Until the technology of the block chain became popular, the commodity traceability industry also existed, but conflicts between several major power platforms have slowed down commodity traceability. Alibaba has done a set of &ldquao, full-star & rdquao, and the system, ultimately, was unable to do so due to the difficulty of implementing the platform’s contradictions.

“电商在区块链之前不是没有尝试过防伪溯源,但是发现有局限性。我的商品不只是在天猫上卖,在京东、1号店都在卖。如果只能在你上面扫码,其他平台一定不同意。最后没办法,我这批货给天猫就只贴这一批。变成商家为了争取营销位置,动力不强。” 在商品溯源领域创业多年的TAC溯源链创始人王鹏飞告诉《财经》记者。

& & ldquo; Electrics didn't try to protect themselves from perjury before the block chain, but they found limitations. My goods were not just sold on Skycats, they were sold in Kyundong, No. 1. The other platforms would not agree if you were the only ones to clean them up. In the end, it was impossible for me to put this on Skycat. It was not strong enough for a businessman to get a position for marketing. & rdqua; Wang Peng, the founder of the TAC retroactive chain, who had been running for many years in the area of commodity traceability, told the finance reporter.


Conflicts between platforms persist even after block chain technology has been applied. So how to address multi-subject cooperation under the block chain and build a system of alliances with equal participation remains a challenge, including the application of block chains in industry areas such as traceability and supply chains.


& & ldquo; block chain technology plays an important role in helping to build relatively equal collaborations and how multiple links are coordinated, where communication is actually needed. & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; ; ; ; & ; ; ; ; & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & ; ; ; & & & & & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; & & & & & &? &?? & & & & & & & &


Prudent 2C model, with the plight of the innovators


Projects based on block chain concepts and face-to-face users will often undermine existing Internet business models


Two Bs or two Cs are the primary business model choices each company faces when entering the block chain. Most technology giants are now often cautious about applying innovation to the block chain.


The network was easily connected in early February 2018 to the block chain product & ldquo; Net Easy Planet & rdquo; this is a product that looks like a game-making product. Users do different tasks each day in their & ldquo; Planet & rdquo; they harvest the value of the Force. The more the primary value, the faster the black drill.


& & & & & & & & & &quao; & Inner Surveys, a viral spread of millions of DAUs was triggered in large communities in the first month. This effect didn't even come to mind by the founding team itself. & & & & & ; at the time, just a few invitation codes were dropped within the group and colleagues were invited to forward them. Five caps were set to keep the numbers under control.


There were differences of opinion among the products and technology teams on the planet before they went online. Product teams were cautious about internal measurements, but the technologists were generally optimistic. The idea was to test user feedback on the MVP (minimum viable product) on the line. If there was nothing going on, the team turned around. If it worked well, it continued to do so. Unforeseen internal measurements added a lot of confidence to the team. & ldquo; the magic of the block chain is still great.


The essence of the Internet-friendly planet is not a block-chain game, but a platform for the ecological value of block-chain data. In the current Internet ecology, data is monopolized by large Internet companies. Data are nominally user-friendly, but not user-friendly, but actually only Internet-based companies.


Block chains break the data monopoly of Internet companies. In the block chain age, the data belong to the users themselves. In a decentralised block chain data ecology, the data of the users can be collected and exported to any block chain at any time. At the same time, users can freely use their own data and profit from their own data.


Networking Planet is trying to bring more businesses into the chain of business and data. The ownership of the data rests with the individual user, the company buys the data from the user, and provides a variety of services for the user to consume, working together to create a block-chain data biosphere.


Model 2C products, such as Net Easy Planet, designed entirely on the basis of block chain concepts, are among the minority in Internet companies. Large companies tend to view block chains as a means of improving existing operations. They attempt to embed block chain technology into an already existing business system and to solve only one or some of the problems in the existing system.


In April 2018, it was announced that the online game " Catch the Demon Together ". Although the campaign was “ the block chain game & rdquao; the game was played mainly through AR technology, using mobile phone cameras to capture the ARC monster in the user environment. The block chain was used only as a virtual asset management in the game, to protect the user's virtual digital assets, and to solve the problem of virtual prop excesses in the traditional game.


A number of large companies have adopted the 2B2C model, starting with block-chain technical services enterprises and organizations, and facing consumers with business services. The ants gold uniforms and the Yu An government, in collaboration, have run the first block-chain application rental platform in February 2018 in Yu An, to address the problem of false sources of housing and the confusion in the rental market. The platform consists of three sub-platforms, including a rental rental management platform, a integrity crediting system, and a block-chain unified platform.


& ldquo; we can use block chains like the Internet. The infrastructure of the Internet is taken care of by large companies, and there is no limit to the infrastructure web, mobile Internet innovation. As far as block chains are concerned, we are positioned as large technology companies in infrastructure, with various start-up companies doing innovation.

哈佛商学院教授Clayton Christensen在《创新者的窘境》一书中指出:“成熟企业无法应对颠覆式技术创新,不是因为新技术太复杂,而是因为他们将更多资源用于维护和争夺当前实现盈利的大量主流业务。”

According to Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen, in The Innovator's Face: & ldquao; mature firms cannot cope with subversive technological innovation, not because new technologies are too complicated, but because they spend more resources on maintaining and competing for the large number of mainstream businesses that are now profitable. & & rdquao;


The creation and rapid development of block chains has forced large Internet companies to face this dilemma. & & ldquo; BAT has a large-scale application scene, and the weakness is that traditional Internet monopolies are the most profitable.


Is the block chain reform or revolution? This is the biggest disagreement between large companies and start-ups in the face of the block chain, which at the same time will determine their future.




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