
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:66 评论:0
每经记者 潘婷    每经编辑 廖丹 何小桃 易启江    ...



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每经记者 潘婷    每经编辑 廖丹 何小桃 易启江    



620 > ? 202/09/30 /span >




The stronger the mouth of movement > >. On 24 September, as soon as the horn of the “mining” of the virtual currency was blown, the “evacuation” became the truest picture of this industry, which has stroved on the edge of the law.


On the afternoon of 26 September, the China Dollar Global Station issued an announcement stating that, in response to regulatory requirements, the registration of new users in mainland China was suspended on 24 September 2021.


It's just the tip of an iceberg where the currency is retreating. Domesticly, virtual currency trading platforms such as BIONE, BHEX, etc., have announced that they will shut down services gradually; foreign countries, South Korea, the United States, etc., are also fighting to reshuffle the encrypted currency market.




A senior man with a long-standing interest in the virtual currency industry said to the journalist: . . > The new regulation once again states a regulatory attitude, clarifies the undefined “grey zone” in the market for some time now, and eliminates the illusions of the monetizers


In this tidal retreat, individual platforms intend to stir up a glimmer of “reverse” water. Journalists note that, in part of the cyberspace, a virtual currency trading platform that can be used properly in the country is on the move and can be used as a conduit. Over time, the industry is in a state of disarray... .





The currency circle was “Geographically moved”, and the “shocks” were two circulars issued by the regulatory authorities on 24 September - “Notifications on the management of virtual currency “mining” activities” and “Notifications on the further prevention and disposal of risks associated with virtual currency transactions”.


The circular on the management of virtual currency “mining” activities issued by the National Development Reform Commission, among others, states that it is strictly prohibited to carry out virtual currency “mining” activities in the name of data centres. intensified surveillance of virtual currency “mining” activities, making clear the distinction between “mining” and industrial boundaries such as block chains, big data, cloud computing, leading related high-technology industries with low resource consumption and high value added to business development, using data centres to carry out virtual currency “mining” activities, and prohibiting the promotion and expansion of virtual currency “mining” projects in the name of the development of the digital economy, strategic emerging industries, etc. .


refers to virtual currency “mining” activities as phase-out industries. also states that ceases all fiscal support for the virtual currency “mining” project and that stock items for which local governments have granted preferential policies such as taxes, rents, utilities etc. are suspended and cancelled for a period of time. applies to the virtual currency “mining” project and its parks and does not allow local governments to grant fiscal subsidies and tax concessions.


At the same time, ceases to provide financial services for the virtual currency “mining” project. Financial services and various forms of credit support for the virtual currency “mining” enterprises and projects are prohibited, directly or indirectly, by financial institutions and non-bank payment agencies, and measures are taken to recover the loans granted.


On the same day, ten departments, including central banks, issued a circular on further prevention and management of the risks associated with virtual currency transactions. circulars made it clear that virtual currency-related operations were illegal financial activities. Virtual currency exchange, buying and selling virtual currency as a central counterpart, providing information intermediaries and pricing services for virtual currency transactions, currency issuance financing and virtual money derivatives transactions are all illegal financial activities and are strictly prohibited and prohibited by law. /strong>


The circular also made it clear that virtual currency does not have legal status equivalent to that of legal tender; that the services provided by the offshore virtual currency exchange to residents in the country via the Internet are also illegal financial activities; and that there is a legal risk of participation in virtual money investment transactions , and that any legal person, illegal organization or natural person investing in virtual currency and related derivatives, contrary to public order, is liable to the detriment of the relevant civil legal acts and the resulting loss is borne by it.


was affected by the sharp fluctuations in prices in several currencies, such as BTC, ETH, DOGE, on 24 September, with prices falling by more than 7% in an hour and BTC by almost 3% in an hour. It is worth mentioning that prices in virtual currencies have recently fallen by a cliff, and BTC by about 13% in a month.





direct identification of USDT as a virtual currency not protected by our laws;


ii. The provision of “pricing services” for virtual currency is also illegal and will be banned in the future;


iii. Virtual currency transaction “information broker” mode, dead and dead, no longer grey, is illegal;


> ; persons within an offshore exchange cannot escape legal responsibility;


V. Contracts relating to virtual currency investment transactions are invalid on the grounds that they are against public order;


VI. The concept of encrypted assets will become a “sensitive vocabulary” and will be highlighted in the current system of regulation;


vii. Focused crime, changed gradually to offences of illicit business and fraud by previous organizations, leading distribution activities, etc. .


senior figures in the virtual currency industry have indicated to journalists that virtual currency booms and massive disruptions to the financial order have taken place. This time, drawing on lessons such as the long cycle of risk fermentation in the mesh sector, the regulatory authority should intervene in a timely manner to regulate it. , the logical starting point of this rotational regime, is the strong financial attributes of virtual currency, i.e., the rejection of virtual currency as a financial product (currency, securities, bulk commodities, CDS, etc.). .


In fact, the rehabilitation of virtual currency and mining projects has already begun, and the impact on virtual currency mining and trading is increasing.


On 21 May, the fifty-first meeting of the Council of State's Committee on Development of Financial Stability was held. , among other things, offered to combat financial risks, to combat the mining and trading of Bitcoin and to prevent individual risks from being transmitted to the social sphere.


Before , the Internet Finance Association of China, the Chinese Banking Association and the China Payments Settlement Association jointly made a joint statement by issuing a bulletin on protection against the risks of virtual currency transactions . In addition, inner Mongolia and Qinghai, among others, cleared up virtual currency mining operations.


According to the above-mentioned seniors, anti-money-laundering is the focus of this year and the expectations of the international community. The anonymity of virtual money makes it the preferred option for illicit transactions, and in many kidnapping cases the ransom demanded by the kidnappers is Bitcoin. For illegal transactions to be spent, the virtual currency needs to be exchanged for media and information intermediaries. This re-regulation may be linked to the virtual currency becoming an important tool for money-laundering.





Under the strong supervision of , the trading platform exits, wallets flees, contracts explodes... a series of chain reactions in the virtual currency industry are on the way.


On the afternoon of 26 September, the China Dollar Global Station issued an announcement stating that in response to regulatory requirements , the registration of new users in mainland China was suspended on 24 September 2021. , which certified the identity as a stock user in mainland China, is scheduled to complete an orderly clean-up before 24:00 on 31 December 2021, with security of the user's assets and specific withdrawal rules will be communicated to users by means of announcements, mail, station in-mails and text messages.



As one of the main virtual currency trading platforms,


Other platforms have responded before the > > 25 September, the trading platform BHEX (Money Signing) issued the Bulletin on Permanent Closure of Platform Services and Retrieval Processes, stating that, in response to regulatory requirements across the globe and in line with the operating requirements of local encrypted currency laws and regulations, the on 16 October 2021. platform was closed, and users were unable to use the website and all transaction functions at the APP end.


On 24 September, the trading platform BiONE announced a permanent shutdown on 29 September 2021 at 2400 hours . Users are invited to bring their currency holdings to other exchanges or wallets by 29 September 2021.


Earlier this year, the Chinese Internet Finance Association, the Chinese Banking Association and the China Payments Settlement Association jointly issued a bulletin on preventing the risk of virtual currency transactions from becoming a risk-free operation, and, following the fight against virtual currency transactions, the currency stopped mobile phone registration in mainland China.


wallet TokenPocket issued an announcement stating that will maintain the basic services function of wallets (transfers, receipts, DApp browsers, etc.) for local users who meet the relevant regulatory rules and will actively cooperate with the relevant departments to identify and monitor the content of illegal third party platforms.


>, affected by the suspension of services from the virtual money giant trading platform, virtual currency market panic spreads and funds run out successively. coin data show that, as at 2130 hours on 28 September, there were 527,000 offshore users in the last 24 hours, with a maximum single explosion bill valued at $5.8 million, or approximately $37.5 million. > $184 million, or approximately RMB 1.19 billion, in 24 hours.






> new regulations have once again demonstrated a regulatory attitude, clarifying an undefined `grey zone' in the market for some time in the past and eliminating the illusions of the money-sellers . > a senior person with a long-standing interest in the virtual money industry, as he said.


while the giants were busy retreating, there were little platforms moving.


Journalists noted that, in some cyberspace, there have been a number of recent information platforms that can be used regularly in the country, and they are taking advantage of the opportunity to “draw” through.


"A net is ranked 15 and clearly not out of the domestic market, bro." In this room, Virtual Currency Exchanger Liu is busy posting online, trying to “capture” investors left behind by the big platform.


The quote was deleted not for too long, but the reporters noticed that soon after it was deleted, the other article was quickly “filled”, with a slightly more euphemistic smell.


Soon after an investor left a message, Liu sent him a social networking contact, “invited” the journalist to go somewhere else to talk. After adding as a friend, the journalist noticed that Liu's best friend's circle openly preached a high rate of return on virtual currency transactions.


"You can't run away?"


. "Didn't you hear about the A Net? The world's top 15 exchanges."

小刘一再保证“不会跑路,放心吧” 。但记者注意到,他口中全球前15的A网交易所,当前合约持仓为27.31亿元,而排名第一的币安网为518.11亿元。



is more than just a "net-throwing" catcher, and in order to compete with customers who are pulling out of a trading platform, the exchange opens up a "spill-money" model. Registering is a USDT, an experiential payment. A lot of social software, group chats and forums are full of this kind of propaganda, some with an action picture and a two-dimensional code.


At the same time, the poacher looks at the exchange, and one of the social software's self-proclaimed "seller" is on fire.


, a leading global recruit for futures from the virtual money platform. The recruiter says that global agents, channels, channels of power, and teams of agents can negotiate and cooperate privately at any time. Exchanges can also be set up at a cost ranging from 40,000 to 70,000, with the possibility of changing languages and helping to support the development of global customers.




So, is it normal for a relatively small virtual currency exchange to operate in the country? How can we further regulate it? What should investors do?


: to the press



In terms of current policy and regulatory attitudes, the . The Circular on Further Prevention and Handling of the Risks of Virtual Currency Transactions not only classifies a large number of virtual currency-related operations as illegal financial activities, such as virtual money derivatives, exchange between virtual currencies, etc., but also specifies that foreign virtual currency exchanges provide services to residents in the country via the Internet.


The continuation of the



As to how to further regulate, states that, on the one hand, citizens and interested enterprises need to cooperate actively with regulatory bodies in order to comply with relevant laws, regulations and policies, and, on the other hand, regulatory authorities need to correct violations so that they can further regulate the market environment in accordance with the law and the relevant regulatory policies. In the present situation, investors should be careful to invest and have a better understanding of pre-investment projects in order to prevent their own losses as a result of being suspected of committing offences.





is not just a domestic, but the virtual currency regulatory storm has slashed across the globe.



In August last year, the Republic of Korea warned that the number of fraudulent companies investing in counterfeit virtual currency was increasing, with 186 suspects investigated by prosecution agencies and the police in 2019, an increase of 33.8 per cent over 139 in 2018, with 92 fraudulent companies based on virtual currency investments, an increase of 109.1 per cent over 48 a year earlier.


In March of this year, under laws such as reporting and utilization of specific financial transaction information, an encrypted currency exchange is required to submit its registration by 24 September and to meet the requirements of authentication and the real name of a bank account, unless it is prohibited to operate in Korea.


also means that unregistered exchanges must close their services after September 24th, and that registered exchanges that fail to establish a cooperative relationship with banks are similarly prohibited from trading Korean won. According to official data, about 35 of the more than 60 exchanges in Korea currently do not have the certification required to register with a financial regulatory unit, and 28 have security certificates, but do not have cooperation with banks.


To date, only four virtual currency exchanges have been registered and have received banking cooperation to use Korean Won for settlement purposes.


Prior to , the United States Treasury Department also blacklisted Suex, an encrypted currency exchange, as the first virtual currency exchange to be sanctioned by the United States.


In the last month, the world's largest encrypted currency exchange currency was banned from providing certain encrypted currency investment products in the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan.


In addition, the United States is expanding its investigations into currency security, and it is known that the United States is investigating whether currency security or its employees are profiting from the use of customer transaction information. In a statement, the spokesman stated that the company had a “zero tolerance” policy for insider transactions and established “strict ethics” to prevent any misconduct that might harm its customers or the encryption industry.

记者| 潘婷

journalist Pantin >/span >

编辑| 廖丹 何小桃 王嘉琦 易启江

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