
资讯 2024-07-08 阅读:87 评论:0



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The year 2018 was a turning point in the development of the sector of the block chain, where the chain of blocks went up to the altar and down to the altar in one year. The chain of blocks led to greater confidence in the development of the industry among practitioners who were engaged in technology and business applications. Looking back at the decade of 2018, we screened 10 events that we considered to be landmark for the development of the industry, hoping that they could inspire practitioners and researchers.



Zero Knowledge Evidence Technology Selected


MIT 2018 "Ten Breakthrough Technologies"

  入选名称为:完美的在线隐私(Perfect Online Privacy),即新兴加密协议-零知识证明(Zero Knowledge Proof)技术。该技术支持在不透露非必要信息的前提下完成交易验证,从而避免隐私泄漏或身份被盗的风险。

The selected name is: Perfect Online Privacy, a new encryption protocol - Zero Knowledge Proof technology. The technical support completes the transaction certification without disclosing non-necessary information, thus avoiding the risk of privacy leaking or identity theft.

  图1 零知识证明示意图

Figure 1 A map showing zero knowledge


  图片来源:Argon Group,Medium

Photo by Argon Group, Medium


Review: Zero Knowledge has proven to be a derivative of block chains, and Morgan Chase has added zero-knowledge-based encryption technology to its block-based payment system. This selection shows, on the one hand, the increasing importance of block chains in the overall economy and social system, and, on the other hand, the fact that discussions on block-chain technologies have moved away from the initial period of fanaticism in the issuance of simple encrypted currency and emerging business models, leading to a critical technological phase that places greater emphasis on the sustainable development of block-chain technologies.



An electronic invoice for the block chain was issued in Shenzhen


Government administration opens the era of block chains


In August 2018, the block chain electronic invoice was issued at the Shenzhen National Rotation Restaurant, with technical support. During the same period, the parking lot of the Poan District Sports Centre, the Camino Motor Trading Co. Ltd. (Pansan Mob Building) and the Image Intense Coffee Shop were among the first pilot businesses to support the electronic invoice of the block chain.

  图2 深圳首张区块链电子发票

Figure 2 Shenzhen's first block chain electronic invoice



Photo source: Tsing, Intelligence Tax Innovation Laboratory


Review: traders can obtain invoices on the block chain, issue, check and record, consumers can store, transfer, and reimburse on the chain, while tax regulators can achieve full process transparency. While the electronic invoice of the chain of blocks has been promoted by several media as the “first country” in the country, the “tax chain” of the electronic invoice block platform in June has actually been on line in Guangzhou, and the “uplink” invoice has been kept low by Guangzhou Gas Group Limited. In 2018, the chain of blocks made breakthrough progress in many areas of government auditing, digital identity, data sharing, public regulation, electronic paper, electronic record-keeping, export control, etc., and public services.



, based on block chain technology


Cross-border remittance services, re-emphasizing the “coinless block chain”


On June 25, 2018, an ant gold dress announced that the world’s first block-based electronic wallet money transfer service was online in Hong Kong. On the spot, Grace, a Filipino working for 22 years in Hong Kong, used the new functionality of ant gold jacket to complete the transfer in only three seconds, which would have taken 10 minutes to a few days before.

  图3 蚂蚁金服区块链跨境汇款服务发布会现场

Figure 3 . < >. < < >. < >. > < > >.



Image from Daily Block Chain


Review: Circle is an efficiency bottle that is built through Bitcoin, and Ripple uses smart contracts, but only small-scale use at the end of B. In addition to cross-border remittances, which are directed at end-C users, are structured as a union chain, use block chains across the entire chain of cross-border remittances, use end-of-the-day liquidations and foreign exchange swaps by slag banks, and the Philippines' electronic wallet GCash users can consume immediately upon arrival. In 2018, in addition to cross-border operations, commercial bank-led financial institutions made very useful explorations in many areas, such as letters of credit, Forfetin, cash orders, special funds issuance, and asset securitization.



Science and Technology giants launched the BaaS platform


Breakout Block Chain Enterprise Level Service

  2017与2018两年时间,包括BATJ、华为等国内科技公司以及微软、亚马逊、IBM、甲骨文、SAP等国际科技公司在内近20家科技巨头完成BaaS(Blockchain as a Service)布局,旨在帮助金融、保险、零售、医疗、公益等各行业的企业快速接入区块链服务。

During the two-year period from 2017 to 2018, nearly 20 technology giants, including national technology companies such as BATJ, Huayung, and international technology companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, Oracle and SAP, completed the layout of the Baas (Blockchain as a Service) with the aim of helping businesses in the financial, insurance, retail, medical and public goods sectors to quickly access the chain of services.

  图4 百度BaaS官网

Figure 4 100-degree BaaS Network



Source: 100-degree BaaS official network


Review: In addition to winning the current market share, the larger game of business-level services lies in a competition for future block-chain standards, which, like today’s operating system market, may eventually lead to monopolization. During the deer-by-deer era, Key Technologies such as BaaS' deep-deep distribution books, trading consensus, data manipulation, etc., have strengthened critical competencies such as authority management, security control, privacy protection, supervision, etc., and, thanks to their excellent performance in market applications, product landings, ecological support, and security and additional services, BataS has maintained a leading position in the Chinese segment chain market.



from white wine, agricultural products to diamond rings, vaccines



In March 2018, the ant gold suit indicated that it would provide a block-chained orthopaedic back-up service to the huts. In the same month, Kitano indicated that the first block-chain certifications for rice had been pre-sold in the merchant city of Gyeongdong.


map 5 UV Retrospective Platform web page



Image from the official network of the Purple Cloud Retrospective Platform


Review: The two main bottlenecks in the use of the block chain in the field of traceability are the matching of the source and line lineline, respectively. If these two problems are not effectively addressed, the application of the block chain in the field of traceability is almost false. These bottlenecks can be solved only through the integrated use of existing and emerging technologies such as the Internet, AI, and the ability of the block chain to prevent tampering at the electronic records flow chain.




opens vast imagination for block chains and cars

  2018上半年,宝马,福特,通用和雷诺四大汽车制造商宣布加入移动开放区块链计划(Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative,MOBI),专注于探索区块链技术在汽车和移动领域的应用潜力。7月,法拉第未来宣布加入MOBI。

In the first half of 2018, BMW, Ford, General and Renault four car manufacturers announced their participation in the Mobile Open Zone Chain (Mobility Open Blockchain Infrastructure, MOBI), focusing on exploring the potential applications of block chain technology in the area of motor vehicles and mobility. In July, Faraday announced his future accession to MOBI.


Figure 6 Block Chain Integrated Application Outlook Ratings in Automobile Disparities



Data source: HAPI. The evaluation indicators include nine dimensions of the number of project participants, the degree of project upgradation, and the structural nature of the project data, with evaluation experts drawn from experts in the area of motors within the Institute and external experts such as North Gas, First Gas, Upper Gas, etc.


Review: The exploration of the use of the car block chain will go far beyond the creation of alliances. In 2018, GoFun, a pilot group-owned car platform, announced that multi-point trust in user data, vehicle data, car data, etc. would be achieved through block chains and integrated into block chain technology in version 4.0 of GoFun's trip. By studying experts inside and outside the Institute of Industry and collating current cases, the Porsche announced that it would make car data safer, increase the time required to open doors by six times, and plan to continue to explore the use of the block chain in the future in the areas of charging power, parking auto auto auto-pilot.



Big Pre-IPO Round Financing for Bit Continent


In July 2018, the Pre-IPO round of $1 billion financing was completed in Bitland, valued at $15 billion. Investors included tweets, silver and silver, and Chinese gold capital. Meanwhile, Bitcontinent officially launched the Hong Kong IPO program in September 2018, when shares were disclosed in Hong Kong.


Figure 7 Bit continental business model


  图片来源: 比特大陆招股说明书

Photo source: Bitcontinental Exchange Note


Comment: This financing and IPO in the



Bitcoin prices plummeted


In a month from 14 November to 14 December 2018, the price of Bitcoin fell 50% against the United States dollar and 81% higher than at the beginning of the year. The sharp fall of Bitcoin also triggered a sharp worldwide sale of almost every type of encrypted currency.

  图8 比特币兑美元价格曲线(2018.08-2019.01)

Figure 8 Bitcoin price curve to United States dollar (2018.08-2019.01)



Image by TradingView.


Comment: The collective breakdown of the encrypt currency, reflecting the immaturity and high risk of the encrypt currency system, and the cooling down of the encrypt currency, which also provides regulators with more time to develop rational and fair regulations and laws, is a global problem. At the same time, the cooling down of the encrypt currency is also conducive to the development of block-chain industries and to the integration of block chains with other industries.



the first sandy block chain industrial park landed


On August 26, 2018, Shayaka District and Changsha County hosted the “Links” upsands, leading the way to the future — a signing ceremony for the Qingsha Blocks Summit Forum and the Xingsa Block Chain Industrial Park project, in which 10 block-link companies were officially admitted to the Qing Sha Block Chain Industrial Park. In the meantime, the Policy on Supporting the Development of Blocks Chains (A trial) was introduced, giving strong support to the sector-chain industry in terms of education, platforms, innovation, finance, and talent.

  图9 星沙区块链产业园项目签约仪式

Figure 9 Signing ceremony for the Starsand Block Chain Industrial Park Project


  图片来源:FinTech News

Image by FinTech News


Review: In the context of the country's emphasis on block chain technology, local governments have stepped up their support for block chain development and actively encouraged and explored the application of block chain technology. Currently, over 20 provinces or regions, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Guizhou, and others, have issued block chain policies and guidance, and several provinces have included block chains in their strategic development plans for the province's 13th Five-Year Development Plan, and have implemented sector chain industry layouts. According to public information, there are currently 18 sector chain industrial parks in 10 provinces, including Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Hubei.



Zhejiang University's first block chain course


In the autumn of 2018, Zhejiang University set up a course called Block Chains and Digital Assets for some senior undergraduate and graduate students.

  图10 浙江大学编写的《区块链技术进阶与实战》

See Zhejiang University, “Technology Advances in Block Chains and Practical Battles”



Image by Turing Community


Review: The growing maturity of block-chain technology and industrial application in exacerbates the shortage of talent in block-chains and the urgency of talent development. The White Paper on the current situation of talent in block-chains in China 2018, published in June last year by the hook-up network, shows that the supply and demand of fast-chained personnel in professional areas is only 0.15:1. The huge gap between talent and the rapidly developing industry has led many higher education institutions to develop block-chain teaching materials and to start introducing sector-chain courses at the present stage.


Source: Happily Industrial Research Institute of Huaxia.




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