不到一周跌40% 比特幣從網絡走進現實道阻且長

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:73 评论:0
  比特幣從網絡走進現實道阻且長bitcoins from the internet into reality and long   從2017年年初的1000多美元起步,比特幣去年價格最高時至2萬美元,但在2017年...



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bitcoins from the internet into reality and long


Starting with more than $1,000 at the beginning of 2017, Bitcoins had the highest price of $20,000 last year, but fell 40% in less than a week after coming to the Chicago Commodity Exchange on December 18, 2017. Driven as exciting as it is, yet still amazing, Bitcoins is a bright star in the investment field over the past year.


On June 21, 2014, in Los Angeles, the United States of America, for the first time in southern California, used two bits of automatic teller machines.


After a series of adjustments under the influence of domestic policy in September, Bitcoins re-emerged with a large number of digitized coins, and in the end of the year nearly irreconcilably renewed the highest price in history. But it should not be overlooked that its followers hold the good expectations of a “one dollar, one house” by borrowing, leveraging, or even selling, and pursuing the so-called “cow market” – the risk of investment accelerated. As Wall Street’s investment facility gradually entered the field, the world in 2018 was not free of a blood storm.


bitcoins play "Anger Lives"


Tulip bubbles, Ponzi scams, numbers of meaningless electric charges... Whatever the outside world will judge, the bitcoin rose nearly 20 times in 2017, allowing those who fail to see it to be “faced” repeatedly.


On December 17, 2017, Bitcoins generally hit 20,000 dollars in the country’s digital currency trading platforms, creating an all-time high. By the end of October, Bitcoins had just climbed 6,000 dollars, which seemed to be a near-high price.


"You're going to think it's on the ceiling every time, but the next day you're going to overturn it with the highest price." Bitcoin infusion tells reporters. He says the bitcoin is going to cross the integer threshold faster and faster. According to the data, bitcoins went through 1789 days from zero to $1,000, two days from $9,000 to $10,000, and three minutes from $18,000 to $19,000.


In December 11, 2017, when he led the Chicago Stock Exchange, he went up, several times triggered a break-up, and the official network was blocked for a while – on the first day of the deal – Bitcoin’s livin’ waltz dance was fascinating. Despite the collapse of the online Chicago Commodity Exchange within a week, investors had been baptized through several “currency catastrophes” and calmed down, and bitcoins were getting warmer.


Coinbase, one of the international digital currency exchanges, had more than 10 million users in early September 2017, while it had increased by more than 2 million in the last two months. Its account count has surpassed the creditworthiness of traditional regulators, which means that Bitcoins are increasingly being mainstreamed.


Today, the total global market value of the Bitcoins is as high as $300 billion, surpassing old companies such as Disney, General Electric, and hardly any listed company in A shares.


Multiple Pushers hidden behind Madness


On September 4, 2017, the People’s Bank of China and seven other ministries issued a joint communiqué on the risks of capitalizing on the currency, which was once a big drop in the currency of Pygmy, with a lot of bountiful coins being cut off twice. Three months later, why is it crazy again?


On the one hand, Wall Street offers investors the hope that bitcoins will move into the mainstream. According to the Fire Currency Chain Institute, the expected arrival of bitcoins on Wall Street was an important reason for the previous price hike.


In the aftermath, the New Deal House, and Nasdak, have planned online bitcoin-related transactions. Experts have analysed that the further legalization of bitcoins in international transactions is the biggest cause of large numbers of investors entering the market. “More people realize that the circle is making money, regardless of how much the exchange, the information platform, and the off-the-shelf transactions are multiplying.”


On the other hand, the speed with which the appliance has landed has solved the biggest dilemma faced by the bitcoins since their birth. The appliance is the foundation of the bitcoins’ existence.


U.S. gold traders accept bitcoins for payment, and Japan’s largest second-hand car syndicates cooperate with the exchange to accept bitcoins for payment... The same digit coins, in Ether, have recently been used in a virtual cat-raising game, which has enabled investors to see the solid pace at which digits should be used. In industry’s view, if the year 2017 is the year of digital currency explosion, it is likely that the year 2018 will be the year of digital currency’s massive fall.


In addition, geopolitical tensions have led to the promotion of bitcoins as a hedge against gold. Previously, Zimbabwe’s governing power moved, with local bitcoins costing more than 50% more than the global average.


Investors seem to find it easier and easier to change than gold and silver to carry it through the exchange and cold, hot wallets, calling it “hard currency”.


Risks will still need to be “deleveraging” for investment at any given time


Is there a “calculus” in the rise in bitcoins? There are market researchers who claim that bitcoins will rise to $20,000 in 2018. Harvard scholars predict that $100,000 may not be a dream.


In fact, Bitcoins are not an absolute safe haven for assets, and their prices are influenced by many factors, with blind sales of houses, loans, and leveraged and fired coins likely to fall into the abyss.


The Bitcoin, because of its direct challenge to the French coin and its illegal “dark” applications, is not always seen by governments, and is on the illegal and legal edge. Any major policy decision from mining, trading, or trading countries will almost always lead to a precipitous fall or surge.


Recently, South Korea’s policy of investing in digital currency was adjusted to give Bitcoins a “fallfall” scenario. At present, the circle is concerned about our country’s continuing policy on bitcoin and off-site transactions. Once the rumoured boots are on the ground, bitcoins will again be hit hard.


The digital currency is not poor, it also challenges the status of a bitcoin leader. These years, the Bitcoin has not been a lonely journey, and the Bitcoin, the Etheric, the Bitcoat, and the World Bank have been born of thousands of coins, and the mountain coin has become a new leader for making money. A currency called IOTA has risen by more than 50,000 times over two years, and is insanely insane. In addition to these new generation numeric currencies, the “sons” of the Bitcoins have also been on the air to challenge the throne of the Bitcoin.


Moreover, investors in institutions like Wall Street have entered the market, either empty or frequent. The mainstream view is that the investment agency's entry will gradually change the investment profile of the bulk of private investors in bitcoins, and that bitcoins may be “subtracted” and their prices will become less volatile. But, according to recent experience, bitcoins are still as volatile as cars. “This may be the biggest opportunity ever, perhaps making history.”


Even more crucially, the price boom has been sunk in the name of bitcoins: currency circles are accustomed to using stock market tactics to harvest “cooked vegetables”, blackmailing the virus after a wave, running exchanges from time to time provoking investors' nerves, hackers have even started to hijack digital money platforms to demand bitcoins... Seeing the future of bitcoins as “digit gold”, first of all, there is a need for clarity, stronger supervision, and a rule-based operation, both to safeguard investors' interests and, more importantly, to compete for a grand future for bitcoins.




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