
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:93 评论:0
5G、AI、Big Data、VR 凭借众多高科技名词的包装和噱头 他们在数月间为8.4万名会员 挖下一个网络传销陷阱 …… 打着“提供虚拟货币‘挖矿’、无需矿机即可炒币升值获利”的幌子,以数字货币为交易媒介,通过自设的App和虚拟货币交...



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5G、AI、Big Data、VR






Under the pretext of “providing virtual currency `mining' without a mine machine to profit from the appreciation of the currency”, the digital currency was used as a medium for trading, and web-based distribution through the self-established App and Virtual Currency Exchange attracted more than 84,000 members in less than four months, involving more than 20 provinces and cities, including Jiangsu, Shandong and Chongqing, for a sum of more than $1.4 billion.


Recently, following a public indictment filed by the Yunzhou District Prosecutor's Office in Jiangsu town, the court sentenced the defendant's unit, Shenzhen, to a fine for organizing and leading the distribution activities, and sentenced the 16 defendants, Li Xiao, to a term of imprisonment ranging from six to two years, each with a fine, the proceeds of the crime, the proceeds and fruits thereof, and the instruments of the crime, in accordance with the law, to be confiscated and handed over to the State Treasury.





Mao’s home is located in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, and is a compatriot with fever. In July 2020, Mao was dragged into a mysterious investment complex by the umbrella of a friend of ours, where a new investment project called “The Twin Testament” is about to be launched.

这款号称结合了5G、AI、Big Data、VR等技术的新项目不但听起来高大上,“钱景”也很诱人,宣称“只涨不停,永不关网”——只要以50个泰达币(一款与美元挂钩的虚拟货币,1个泰达币可兑换1美元)购买100个“双子新约”母币就能成为会员,再购买10个母币就有资格发展下线。入会会员既享有炒币升值产生的静态收益,也享有发展下线产生的动态收益,这些收益均以“双子新约”子币形式呈现。这些母币、子币不但都能持续升值,还可以在一个名为“大G交易所”的虚拟货币交易所里交易、变现。

A new project that combines technologies such as 5G, AI, Big Data, VR, and so forth, the “money view” is attractive, declaring that it “can only grow and never close” – as long as it buys 100 “double new contracts” in 50 tadas (a virtual currency peg to the dollar, a tadar currency to the dollar) to become members, and that buys 10 more. Memberships enjoy both static gains from currency appreciation and dynamic gains from the bottom line, which are presented in the form of “double new contracts” currencies. Not only can they all continue to appreciate, but they can also be traded and realized in a virtual currency exchange called the Great G Exchange.


Mao is very moved by the group's presentation.


In August 2020, parachute did bring Mao the good news of a “new double pact” to the line. Under umbrella guidance, Mao quickly downloaded the “new double pact” App and registered to activate the account. On that day, Mao bought more than 6,000 “new double pacts” of Thai currency at an estimated RMB 27,000 per hour and recommended some of the currency’s best friends as the bottom line.


As a result, not only did he add nearly $700,000 to the investment, but he also continued to introduce eight close friends in the ring to be rich together. Who knew that the good news was not long, Mao’s currency, which had been put into the “double New Testament” platform, could not be traded and cashed through the Great G Exchange.


On November 16, 2020, the public security organs received reports of a suspected sale of the “new contract” platform and opened an investigation on the same day.




As investigative activity continues, criminal groups, led by Li Hiao, are gradually emerging.


Li, a 38-year-old “Board” with only a high school diploma, has been exposed to virtual currency since 2013. Yang, who has designed a digital money distribution project abroad, is the “man in the army” of the whole group.


In April 2020, Li-Xiao learned from his friends about a network distribution project abroad and smelled business opportunities from it.


From May to early August 2020, Mr. Li, who was the architect of the project, designed a project plan for the “New Testament of Twins” by Mr. Yang, who then joined Liu and Mr. Yin, and engaged Zhang and Mr. Wang to form two professional and technical groups. He developed a version of “New Testament of Twos” at App1.0 on behalf of a company in Shenzhen, and a version of 2.0 was developed by the team members in Wang. To attract members and control the price of the mother and son, Mr. Li also tailored the Great G Exchange for the “New Testament of Two” platform.


When everything was ready, Li and others started a “crowd money game”: from August 2020, when App came online, to December 2020, the “New Tests for Two” platform rapidly developed with more than 84,000 members, with 316 layers of hierarchical relationships and a cumulative intake of more than 223 million tadars, involving a total of more than 1.4 billion yuan.

虽然该平台盗用了区块链、数字货币等概念并披上了5G、AI、Big Data、VR等高科技外衣,但其并没有任何实体经营活动,全靠不断发展下线维系运转。一旦没有足够多的下线源源不断地投入资金,该平台就会因承受不了越来越大的兑付压力而崩盘。这款迷倒无数会员的“炒币神器”,实质上仍是击鼓传花的“庞氏骗局”。

Although the platform has stolen blocks, digital money, etc., and is wearing high-tech coats such as 5G, AI, Big Data, and VR, it does not have any physical activity, and it operates on an ever-widening bottom line. Once there is not enough bottom line input, the platform will collapse because of the growing pressure to pay.




The case was listed by the Ministry of Public Security as a registered case because of the seriousness and complexity of the case. The Yunzhou District Public Prosecutor's Office promptly set up a crime unit at the invitation of the public security authorities to intervene in advance and direct investigations. At the beginning of the investigation, more than 20 persons were arrested, and the number of anonymous members was as high as 84,000.


In order to ensure that the evidence is taken in accordance with the requirements of the alleged offence, the Prosecution Service held five meetings with investigators and made 18 targeted recommendations, all of which were accepted.


In May 2021, the case was referred for prosecution. On the basis of the nearly 140,000-word review report, the host prosecutor drew up dozens of charts focusing on the structure of the network distribution group and the flow of funds involved, clarifying more precisely the status of each suspect and the amount involved. In addition, the host prosecutor worked with lawyers and family members to explain the case, prompting not only all 16 Lee and others to confess their guilt, but also urged 13 others to withdraw their funds from the law.



In June 2021, the Yanzhou District Attorney's Office prosecuted the court on charges of organizing and leading the distribution of 16 individuals, including Shenzhen and Li and Yang, and made all of its recommendations for determining the sentence. From 27 to 28 September 2021, the court heard the case on two occasions and 16 individuals, Shenzhen and Li, voluntarily pleaded guilty.


Source: CVP of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.




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