容悦霏:比特币投资技巧之根据K线小时图来判定行情 K线小时图,是指时间单位以60分钟,即1小时的K线走势图,K线小时图是日内短线操作中最常用的技术分析时段盘面,那么我们应...

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:91 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 容悦霏,(https://xueqiu.com/2533164798/156559629)    K线小时图,是指时间单位以60分钟,即1小时的K线走势图,K线小时图是日内短...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 容悦霏,(https://xueqiu.com/2533164798/156559629)


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; kline hour maps, which refer to a 60-minute time unit, i.e. a one-hour K-line map, which is the most commonly used technically analysed timepan in short-line operations in the day. So how do we judge current behavior based on K-hours? and what are the K-hour maps of post-market trends?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; i.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1 & K line hour maps reflect a change in the pattern of the K line per hour, reflecting the change in the K line during the same plate, and can determine the specific support and resistance points. Depending on the change in the K line combination, the movement can be judged to be one-sided, unilateral decline, staggered, or a small shock.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2; 2; the shorter the unit of time, the more obvious the unilateral character of the Kline, and the worse the inertial effect, the so-called unilateral character, which means that the K-line is more likely to consist of a naked head or a bare foot vagina or an open line, the latter K-line shape is roughly similar to the previous one. In the K-hour map, we can take advantage of the unilateral character of the K-line, trading in a short period of time by mastering the direction of the multiple air transport that is essentially guided by the K-line.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3 and K-hour maps show the specific change in currency prices, so that it can be determined that the currency within the on-board period runs the channel, with the corresponding passage above the currency price being the resistance position within the time period and the support position below it is the support position within the time period. This makes it possible to determine the corresponding resistance to the top and down of the K-line.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ii. Post-market trends based on K-hour charts


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1, K line hour drawings are judged to be likely to increase or fall in the post-market value based on the distance between each support or resistance point, e.g., the distance between each support position is large, so that the possibility of going down unilaterally in the post-market can be judged.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2, based on the method of post-market judgement of the K-line combination, the K-line is largely dominated by the form of the cross star and the length of the film line, reflecting the intensity of multi-air warfare, the determination of the upper side of the inter-zone shock and of the point of the currency-priced operating corridor below, with a trend line drawn from above and below, respectively, where the lower-trend-line entry point is more than at the lower end of the field and the upper-trend-line entry field is high, and if the post-market continues to be a lateral shock between the zone, it is possible to capture the two-way profit.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3 and K line hour maps show that the larger the K-line entity is, the greater the unilateral situation; the shorter the K-line entity is, the greater the likelihood of a reversal of the market, the larger the frontline entity of the first K-line, the higher the price is, and the longer the sun line becomes, so we can judge that within the new hour, the K-line will form a vaginal line, and depending on the length of the vaginal entity, the first of which is an empty list of bid positions for the first line, and the first of which is an empty list will be set up with an excess target.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; as noted above, K-line hour maps refer to K-line trends in hours, which reflect changes in the pattern of K-lines in the same and different over-the-clock periods within the day, and use K-hours to judge unilateral movements or inter-district adjustments. K-hour maps clearly reflect stronger unilateral moves in the disk, with a clear point distance from which key support and resistance can be judged when short, and can be used to determine a transaction strategy using the direction of the point-by-point gestures, depending on the change in the length of the K-line in the entity.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Man/Message




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