Since the collapse of the Mt. Gox exchange, creditors have been waiting long enough for 10 years.
On 24 June, trustee Mt. Gox announced that it would begin the process of reimbursement of Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin cash (BCH) in early July 2024. The data show that, as at 24 June, trustee Mt. Gox held about 140,000 pieces worth about $9.26 billion.
巨额的BTC 赔付计划,早已成为高悬于加密市场的“达摩克斯之剑”。中央财经大学副教授刘春生向《华夏时报》记者表示,由于Mt.Gox受托人持有大量的比特币和比特币现金,其偿还工作将可能导致市场上大量的代币被抛售,从而给市场带来抛压。这种抛压可能会导致比特币和其他相关代币的价格下跌。
The huge BTC payment scheme has long become the “Damoc sword” of the encryption market. Liu Chunsheng, an associate professor at the Central University of Finance and Finance, has stated to the Washington Times that, as the trustee of Mt. Gox holds large amounts of bitcoins and bitcoins in cash, its repayment would lead to the sale of large quantities of coins in the market, which could lead to a drop in the price of bitcoins and other related tokens.
Liu Chunsheng pointed out that the thunderstorms on exchanges like Mt. Gox have led investors to question the security of an encrypted currency exchange, while exposing the risks of an encrypted currency market. These events have warned investors of the need to understand and comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and to choose a well-reputed and well-regulated exchange for trading.
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According to the bulletin, the trustee is ready to initiate payment procedures with the encrypted currency exchange, as required by the rehabilitation plan. The trustee states that the confirmation and exchange of the required information with the relevant exchange has been completed to ensure the security and compliance of the repayments.
Under the repayment plan, Mt. Gox was required to distribute 142,000 BTCs, 143,000 BCHs and 69 billion yen to creditors.
Mt.Gox(门头沟)曾是世界上最大的比特币交易所,总部位于日本东京,2010年由Jed McCaleb创立,2011年被法国开发商Mark Karpeles收购,成为一家专注于比特币的交易平台。2013年,比特币价格从13美元飙升至1100美元,Mt.Gox也快速发展成为全球第一的比特币交易平台,巅峰时期,其占据了比特币交易市场份额的70%。
Mt. Gox, the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, was founded in Tokyo, Japan, in 2010 by Jed McCaleb, and acquired in 2011 by the French developer Mark Karpeles as a trading platform focused on Bitcoin. In 2013, Bitcoin prices jumped from $13 to $1,100, and Mt. Gox rapidly developed into the world’s first Bitcoin trading platform, peaking at 70% of the Bitcoin market share.
On 7 February 2014, Mt. Gox suddenly announced the suspension of all bitcoin withdrawals on the grounds that the currency process needed to be sorted out, so users did not get much attention. But just 17 days later, Mt. Gox not only suspended all transactions, but even the website could not be opened.
Subsequently, an internal company document revealed that hackers attacked Mt. Gox, stole 744,000 bitcoins from Mt. Gox clients, and another 100,000 bitcoins owned by the company, and stole 850,000 bitcoins, at that time worth about $450 million. It was shocking that Mt. Gox had lost up to 80,000 bitcoins more than once, as early as 2011.
As a result of the incident, the encryption market was in a crisis of trust, and the price of Bitcoin fell directly by two-thirds. Mt.Gox applied for bankruptcy protection in 2018 and initiated rehabilitation proceedings to compensate the affected creditors.
值得注意的是,直到现在,市场仍然不知道Mt.Gox事件的原委。时任Mt.Gox CEO的Karpeles在2015年初被控进行欺诈和挪用公款,其入狱前曾主动承认称,找到了20万枚失踪的比特币,并将其存放在冷钱包中,但后续追踪钱包时却发现,比特币经过了一系列操作后被平均分配到100个人的钱包中。
It is worth noting that, until now, the market was still unaware of the circumstances surrounding the Mt. Gox incident. Karpeles, then Mt. Gox CEO, was accused of fraud and misappropriation of public funds in early 2015, when he voluntarily admitted before entering prison that he had found 200,000 missing bitcoins and stored them in cold wallets, but after tracking the wallets, it was discovered that bitcoins were distributed equally to 100 people after a series of operations.
直到2019年,Mt.Gox共寻回了14.1万枚比特币,这笔巨款被法院裁定交付给信托保管,信托管理人为小林信明 (Nobuaki Kobayashi),并协调债权人分配时间。
Until 2019, Mt. Gox recovered a total of 141,000 bitcoins, which were awarded by the court to the trustee, Nobuaki Kobayashi, and coordinated the allocation of time by creditors.
2022 年,Mt.Gox宣布比特币偿还程序被法院受理。2023年9月,Mt.Gox将原定于2023年10月31日的基础还款、提前一次性还款和中期还款的截止日期,延长至2024年10月31日。根据2023年末Mt.Gox发布的还款公示,Mt.Gox面向债权人提供了基础偿还和比例偿还两种偿付方案。
In 2022, Mt. Gox declared the Bitcoin repayment proceedings admissible before the Court. In September 2023, Mt. Gox extended until 31 October 2024 the deadline for payment of the base, advance one-time and interim repayments, which was originally scheduled for 31 October 2023. According to a repayment notice issued by Mt. Gox in late 2023, Mt. Gox provided creditors with two payment options: basic repayment and proportional repayment.
In December 2023, several of Ghana's creditors, including the founder of the Japanese head exchange BitFlyer, Yuzo, indicated in social media that they had received partial compensation in the form of yen, which did not involve compensation in currencies such as BTC. In January 2024, a Polish creditor also stated that it had received repayment, stating that 80 per cent of its claim had been returned through 加密货币研究机构K33 Research提醒加密用户,虽然债权人不太可能集体出售被偿还的比特币,偿还也不必然等同于卖压,债权人可能会选择继续持有,但这可能将是短期内让市场感到不安的重要因素。 K33 Research, Encrypted Currency Research, reminds encryption users that, while it is unlikely that creditors will sell the repaid bitcoins collectively and that repayments will not necessarily be equivalent to sales pressure, creditors may choose to continue holding them, but this may be an important factor for the market to be troubled in the short term. “Mt. Gox赔付肯定会给市场带来一定的抛售压力,但理论上不会对比特币价格产生剧烈影响。”欧科云链研究院高级研究员蒋照生向《华夏时报》记者表示,据OKLink数据,从比特币UTXO年龄分布情况来看,目前持有比特币时间超过1年的比例已接近70%,这意味着大部分投资者对比特币的长期价值和潜力持有信心,即便市场遭遇波动或低迷,也不太可能因为恐慌而急于抛售,这也构成了比特币市场最坚实的价格支撑。同时,并非所有的Mt.Gox债权人会在收到赔付后立刻出售比特币,所以抛压可能也没有想象中那么大。
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