
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:98 评论:0
GameFi在2021年获得极大发展,代表性事件为Axie Infinity在全世界尤其是东南亚掀起的打金浪潮、Facebook改名为Meta宣布进军元宇宙领域等。进入2022年后,GameFi虽然受到以比特币为代表的加密货币市值整体下跌...



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GameFi在2021年获得极大发展,代表性事件为Axie Infinity在全世界尤其是东南亚掀起的打金浪潮、Facebook改名为Meta宣布进军元宇宙领域等。进入2022年后,GameFi虽然受到以比特币为代表的加密货币市值整体下跌的负面影响,但仍在2022年上半年迸发出巨大的潜力,涌现出了以StepN为代表的Move to Earn项目,引起广泛关注。当然,年轻的GameFi赛道还没有足够的力量逆势而动,随着曾经最大的算法稳定币协议Terra开启死亡螺旋,比特币在2022年5月份跌破了2021年5月-7月形成的强支撑,彻底覆灭了牛市回归的希望,包括GameFi在内的Web3行业也迎来了自己的灰暗时刻。

In the first half of 2022, GameFi gained significant development, with representative events causing widespread concern about the gold boom that Axie Infinity had unleashed around the world, particularly in South-East Asia, and Facebook, known as Meta, which announced its entry into the military sphere. After entering 2022, while being negatively affected by the overall decline in the market value of the encoded currency represented by Bitcoin, GameFi gave rise to great potential for the Move to Earn project, represented by StepN. Of course, the young GameFi track did not have enough power to turn back.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)比特币价格走势图-周K 数据源:Trading View


An in-depth examination of GameFi, an emerging track, will be carried out by the team of Gossip Girl's team and will be divided into two parts of the data section and the project section, combining market data, data on the chain and project-specific analysis to try to describe for readers the development of the 2022 GameFi track, its comparison with 2021 and possible future trends. In addition, most of the graphs used in the present report have been set up on Footprint.


In the data section, the overall trends and trends in the GameFi market in 2022 were analysed at the macro level from the market performance of GameFi, finance analysis, fundamental performance, and developments in different public chains.

在项目篇中,我们将按照游戏类型分类,系统性梳理2022年推特粉丝数在50k以上的热门GameFi项目。从Axie Infinity的横空出世,到StepN的几近出圈,GameFi赛道作为与Web2最为贴近的参与模式,一方面拥有解决传统游戏普遍痛点的潜力,另一方面也有吸引Web2用户演化的可能,也让人们看到Web3领域未来蓬勃的生机。

In the project, we will systematically comb the 2022 popular GameFi project, classified according to the type of game. From the emptiness of Axie Infinity to the nearness of StepN, the GameFi track, as the closest model to Web2 participation, has the potential to address the general pains of traditional games, on the one hand, and to attract Web2 users to evolve, on the other, and to see the future of the Web3 field.


Prophecies: The project report will be launched after spring 2023, and please follow Uncle Xi's tweets.


  1. 2022全年,GameFi赛道虽有高光时刻但大部分时间跑输大盘与比特币。
  2. 2022年GameFi赛道融资额同比2021年大幅增长,但下半年部分投资机构的市场态度由积极转为观望。
  3. 游戏数量、链上交易数、活跃用户数或持续下跌或不温不火,GameFi熊市何时结束仍没有明显征兆。
  4. GameFi项目活跃数与活跃用户数在进入9月之后日渐平稳,市场或许已进入底部区间。
  5. 公链部分,BNB Chain、Polygon领跑传统公链,而专注游戏领域的WAX、Hive“闷声发财”。




GameFi market value versus total encoded currency market value

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)GameFi代币市值与加密货币总市值对比 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年加密货币市值/GameFi代币市值比值变化 数据源:Footprint

纵观2022全年,GameFi代币市值保持与加密货币总市值同进同退的趋势。其中,除3–4月份由StepN引发了“Play to Earn”浪潮使GameFi跑赢大盘外,大多数时间该赛道的跌幅都大于加密货币平均值而涨幅却小于平均值。参照加密货币市值/GameFi代币市值比值变化,1月1日,加密货币总市值是GameFi代币的117倍,而截止12月31日,该数字已变为195倍,GameFi赛道代币跑输大盘约66.6个百分点。

In addition to the “Play to Earth” wave triggered by StepN in March-April, where GameFi won, the track fell more than the average of the encrypted currency at most of the time, but by less than the average. By reference to the change in the market value of the encrypted currency/GameFi, the total market value of the encrypted currency was 117 times that of GameFi on 1 January, and as of 31 December, the figure had increased to 195 times, with GameFi playing about 66.6 percentage points.


GameFi market value compared to BTC market value

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年BTC市值与GameFi代币市值对比 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年BTC市值/GameFi代币市值比值变化 数据源:Footprint


Because of market value bubbles, booms, drops, etc. in the crypto-currency sector, BTC’s market value and price index may be more likely to play a larger role than the market value of the market as a whole. Compared to the change in the value of the market value of GameFi and BTC in 2022 (data source: Footprint), the market value of Bitcoin on that day was approximately 43 times the value of the value of the GateFi token until December 31, when the gap became 75 times, and GameFi ran 74.4 percentage points of the Bitcoin.


In summary, from the point of view of the market value of the tokens, the GameFi track lacks visibility for most of the time, except for a small amount of time between late March and mid-May this year to win the big plate and Bitcoin.


GameFi's market value changes during the year

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年BTC市值与GameFi代币市值变化 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)BTC价格走势图-周K 数据源:Trading View


It is worth mentioning that GameFi experienced a significant increase in March-April and was particularly visible in the market situation in April, as reflected in GameFi, the BTC market value map and the BTC map, which showed that Bitcoin had maintained a downward trend throughout April, while GameFi’s market value had not rebounded. It was assumed that the phenomenon had been associated with a fall in StepN’s price, as reflected in the GMT price map, and that, after April’s GMT’s governance currency had gone up on a 2.5-U basis, the price had risen up to 4.17 U, in sharp contrast to the weaker performance of the same period.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)GMT价格走势图-周K 数据源:Trading ViewGameFi市值同比变化
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2021年与2022年GameFi代币市值对比 数据源:Footprint

对比 2021年与2022年GameFi的市值变化,其呈现明显的”M“顶走势?—?— 凭借Axie的打金热潮在2021年底达到历史最佳水平后跟随大盘下跌,随后由StepN带领赛道发起冲刺,但新高点仍不破前高,随后再没有走出独立行情。截止12月31日,GameFi当前市值已低于2021年8月的水平。

Compared to the 2021 and 2022 GameFi market value changes, there is a clear “M’s’ top trend?” – followed by the fall of the big plate at the end of 2021 with the Axie’s golden boom, followed by the StepN-led racetrack, but the new heights remained high and did not move out of independence. As of 31 December, GameFi’s current market value was below its August 2021 level.



finance category 2021/2022

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2021年加密领域融资金额及分布 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年加密领域融资金额及分布 数据源:Footprint


In 2022, the annual financing of the encryption industry was about $55,660 million, or more than 118% more than the previous year, with chain-by-link financing remaining the largest source of financing in the encryption industry, albeit slightly lower than in 2021. Compared to the GameFi track, which accounts for around 9.5% of the financing of the encryption market (excluding Metaverse), its current value of money is only about 0.5% of the total market, which is highly incompatible with the investor’s recognition of the GameFi track prospects, and there is still much room for development in the future.


GameFi 2022 year-round financing

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年GameFi领域融资额变化 数据源:Footprint

拆解融资数据,2022年全年GameFi领域融资超过54亿美元,但其中接近一半是在4月份完成的,这可能与StepN引发的链游热有关。随着GMT市值的下跌,GameFi领域的融资也在4月份达到巅峰后迅速下降,虽在7月与8月迎来小幅反弹,但又开始逐步下跌模式。尤其在步入11月后,11月与12月的融资额分别只有5900万美元与2330万美元,融资总额不到10月份的一半。但这段时间内并非没有利好,全球最大的加密货币交易所币安于11月24日开启了新的IEO项目?—?— Hooked Protocol,这是一个Web3游戏化社交学习平台,属于“X to Earn”赛道,本次IEO的时间持续至12月1日。这也是币安时隔9个月再次开启IEO,而上个IEO的项目则是著名的百倍项目StepN。币安亲自下场的利好不可谓不大,但11月与12月的融资额仍没有起色,可见过去数月糟糕的市场极大地影响了投资机构的信心。

With the decline in the market value of the GMT, funding in the area of GameFi fell rapidly after April, and, although a small rebound occurred in July and August, began to decline. In November and December, respectively, only $59 million and $23.3 million, respectively, totalling less than half of October. But this time, the world’s largest cryptographic currency exchange opened a new IEO project on November 24? – Hooked Protocol, a Web3 game social learning platform belonging to the “X-Earn” track.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年GameFi领域融资超过500万美元的事件汇总 数据源:MyMetaData

Large Report on GameFi 2022Aggregated Events in the GameFi Area in 2022: MyMetaData

大额投资或许更能反映大型投资机构对市场的信心。不完全统计,2022年全年GameFi领域融资超过500万美元的事件一共51起,其中一半以上(33/51)发生在上半年。虽然GameFi的市值与每月融资额在4月份冲顶之后迅速下降,但大型投资机构的投资信心似乎并未受到影响,5、6、7月的大型融资事件仍层出不穷。大型融资事件与融资额的大幅减少是在进入8月之后,侧面反映了大型投资机构态度的转变?—?— 由积极投资逐渐转为观望。

Large investments may better reflect the confidence of large investment institutions in markets. Not entirely, 51 of the more than $5 million financing in the area of GameFi in 2022, more than half of which (33/51) occurred in the first half of the year.


2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年GameFi协议数量变化(已去重) 数据源:Footprint


In January-September 2022, the number of GameFi games continued to grow steadily, and since September, the numbers have stabilized, with near stagnation. This may be linked to a sharp decline in funding in the area of GameFi after August, a slowdown in the flow of new funds that slows the growth of new games, coupled with the continued suspension of the GameFi game, which has led to a stagnation in the growth of the number of games.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Q1GameFi协议数量及分布 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Q2GameFi协议数量及分布 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Q3GameFi协议数量及分布 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Q4GameFi协议数量及分布 数据源:Footprint

特殊说明:Q1、Q2、Q3、Q4游戏数量数据未进行去重处理,所以Q3、Q4数据会比2022年GameFi游戏数量变化(去重)高。原因是部分游戏在多链部署,比如The Sandbox 在Ethereum与Polygon上均存在,如果去重会导致以链为维度的数据失真,因此未去重。

Special Note: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 games have not been reprocessed, so the Q3 and Q4 data are higher than the 2022 GameFi game number (deweight). The reason is that some games are deployed in multiple chains, such as The Sandbox, on Etheeum and Polygon, and if weighting leads to chain-dimensional data distortion, it is not.

拆分GameFi游戏数量数据,GameFi游戏的格局逐渐发生变化。在第一季度起始,BNB Chain和Ethereum不分伯仲;不过在此之后BNB Chain后来者居上,并逐渐与其他公链拉开差距,但现在断言BNB Chain将成为首选游戏公链或许还为时尚早。

Disaggregates the number of GameFi games and the patterns of GameFi are changing over time. At the start of the first quarter, BNB Chain and Etheeum will be different; after that, however, BNB Chain will come to power and gradually close the gap with other public chains, but it may be too early to assert that BNB Chain will be the preferred public chain for the game.

此外,2022年Q1至Q2迎来了一波游戏增长的井喷期,或许是因为Q2以“Move to Earn”为主要模式的StepN将GameFi推至本轮牛市的最高峰,刺激了大批为赶东风而着急释出游戏的项目方。直接的后果是,由于充斥着单一游戏模式和毫无新意的规划,GameFi赛道在加密市场迅速走熊后受到的影响更甚,跌幅更大。在大批无法满足获利预期的玩家退场后,很多游戏被迫停止运营,整个新兴赛道开始趋于冷静。因此在Q4阶段,链上的总体增幅并不乐观。

Moreover, a wave of game growth in Q1 to Q2 occurred in 2022, perhaps because Q2 StepN, whose main model is “Move to Earn,” pushed GameFi to the peak of the city, stimulating a large number of projects to rush out of the game. As a direct consequence, the GameFi track was more and more affected after the rapid departure of an encrypted market, with a single game model and no new planning. After the fall of a large number of players unable to meet their expectations, many games were forced to stop and the entire emerging race began to cool down.


Market malaise will undoubtedly put pressure on the game team, and, after all, it will be more prudent to make a decision to post a game in Bear City. It needs to be reiterated that game development usually takes years, and that less upstream financing prospects may put at risk projects that fail to raise enough money in cattle.


2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年GameFi协议链上日交易额 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年GameFi协议链上月交易额 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年GameFi代币市值变化与2022年GameFi领域融资额变化 数据源:Footprint


Special note: Due to the complexity of the data on the chain, the fact that some of the agreed smart contracts are not fully captured by data sources, and the fact that some of the agreed NFTs are traded on third-party secondary platforms and therefore are not counted, the data used in this paper on the volume/volume of transactions on the chain are not fully accounted for and are used only to analyse general trends.


When trading on the chain is active, the market value and financing of GameFi is also often high. As can be seen, in April, August and October 2022, the value of the GameFi chain was suddenly released on a daily basis, corresponding to a small rebound in the market value of the GameFi during the three months; the financing started to rise after it hit the bottom in June and reached its highest level in the second half of August.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)10月份TOP链游用户数变化情况 数据源:Delphi Digital

在GameFi协议2022年每日链上交易量中,10月份的一次高点颇为引人注目,其巨大的交易量与先后数月形成鲜明对比。细究原因,可能与Planet IX和Trickshot Blitz(TB)有关。

Of the daily trading volume on the GameFi chain in 2022, a high point in October contrasts sharply with the successive months. The reasons for the scrutiny may be linked to Planet IX and Trickshot Blitz (TB).

Planet IX是一个游戏化的 DeFi 协议,主要机制是让玩家收集名为 PIX的土地,这些土地可以组合和质押以获得 IXT 代币奖励,质押功能于今年10月上线。

Planet IX is a game-based DeFi agreement whose main mechanism is to allow players to collect land known as PIX, which can be combined and pledged to obtain an IXT token incentive, and the pledge function was launched in October this year.

TB是一个可免费玩的手游,玩家之间彼此进行台球对战。它的特点是玩家可以获得 RLY 代币的奖励,且这些代币可以立即兑换成法定货币。TB在10月份更新了奖励机制,10月6日至15日其给与老用户的拉新代币奖励翻了一番,同时降低了用户的提款费用,增加了单次最大提款数量。

The TB is a free-of-charge hand-by-hand tour in which players fight with each other. It is characterized by the fact that players can get incentives for RLY and that they can immediately convert into legal currencies. The TB updated its incentive mechanism in October, doubling its tender incentives to older users from 6 to 15 October, while reducing user fees and increasing the maximum number of single withdrawals.


In fact, the two games are still not at the forefront of the GameFi field, but it is also a reflection of the emerging landscape of GameFi, where data growth across the track can be triggered only by improved economic models or small games with new functions on the line. The track's project ranking is far from solid and the new game still has opportunities.



Change in the number of active GameFi users on the chain

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年GameFi协议日活跃用户数变化 数据源:Footprint


The number of active users in the GameFi protocol chain stabilized at 1.2 to 1.4 million between January and mid-May 2022, and the data did not follow the fall in the market value of the encrypted currency and the GameFi in May, but did not begin to decline significantly until late May and June. This may be related to Stepn’s official announcement on 27 May that China’s mainland accounts had been cleared, followed by rumours that some members of StepN’s team had been arrested, negative news that StepN’s currency and NFT prices had fallen again, and gold users had withdrawn.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Solana链StepN月活跃用户数变化 数据源:Dune
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年BNB Chain StepN月活跃用户数变化 数据源:Footprint

曾经盛极一时的StepN的Solona链上月活用户从巅峰时的70多万逐步降到现在的4万左右,BNB Chain月活则降至1.4万左右,一众蓄势待发的“Play to Earn”项目纷纷丧失热度。值得关注的是,自8月份之后,虽然GameFi代币市值不断走低,但日活跃用户始终维持在80万-100万之间,某种程度上讲,该数字可能是当前阶段GameFi刨除了打金属性之外的“真实用户数”最大值。

It is a matter of concern that since August, while the market value of GameFi’s tokens has been declining, the number of active daily users has remained between 800,000 and 1 million, which may be the largest number of “real users” in the current phase, except for metal.


Changes in the number of new users on the chain

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年GameFi协议每月新用户数 数据源:Footprint

相比其它维度指标的低迷,2022年GameFi协议的每月新用户增长量表现良好,没有出现年初数据量很大而年底很少的情况。虽然6、7、8三个月的数据较为惨淡,但9月份的数据出现积极增长,新增用户数达到99.5万,一扫之前数月的阴霾。在这段时间内,多个游戏项目有了较大的动作,例如,基于Solana开发的3D女性向装扮类NFT游戏 Power of Women 登顶 Google Play 美国地区游戏总榜首;The Sandbox 推出仅对 Polygon 网络上土地所有者开放的专属 SAND 质押计划等。

Compared to other dimensions, the monthly growth of new users of the GameFi agreement in 2022 was good, with no significant data at the beginning of the year and few at the end of the year. Although the data for the six, seven, and eight months were bleak, there was a positive increase in September, when the number of new users reached 995,000, the shadow of the previous months. During this period, a number of games took place, for example, 3D women, developed on the basis of Solana, were presented with the NFT game Power of Women to the top of Google Play, the head of the regional game in the United States; The Sandbox introduced the exclusive SAND pledge scheme, which is open only to land owners on the Polygon network.

此外,从基于 UAW(独立活跃钱包数,可代表非重复的活跃用户数量) 数量的前六大游戏协议来看,Solana 是该组中唯一一个使用量比上一季度有所增加的区块链,从第二季度到第三季度的峰值达到了 269%(44K dUAW)

In addition, according to the top six game protocols based on the number of UAW (independent active wallets, which represent the number of non-repeated active users), Solana was the only block chain in the group that had increased its usage over the previous quarter, peaking at 269 per cent (44K dUAW) from the second quarter to the third quarter.


All-word summary report (data section) for GameFi 2022

第三季度TOP6游戏公链独立活跃钱包数 数据源:Dappraddar


2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)主要游戏公链GameFi协议数量变化(未去重) 数据源:Footprint

注释说明:主要游戏公链GameFi协议数量数据未进行去重处理,所以数据会比2022年GameFi游戏数量变化(去重)高。原因是部分游戏在多链部署,比如The Sandbox 在Ethereum与Polygon上均存在,如果去重会导致以链为维度的数据失真,因此未去重。

Comment: The number data of the GameFi protocol in the main game chain is not reprocessed, so the data is higher than the number of GameFi games in 2022. The reason is that part of the game is deployed in multiple chains, such as The Sandbox on Etheeum and Polygon, and if the weighting leads to chain-dimensional data distortion, it is not.

关注TOP游戏公链链上协议情况,链上交易量大、强大的生态支持、长期生态繁荣度,让Ethereum、Polygon和BNB Chain稳居游戏生态领导地位。BNB Chain拥有747款区块链游戏,较年初增长约47.04%。Polygon拥有305款区块链游戏,较年初增长约74.28%。目前Ethereum上有599款游戏,较年初增长约10.3%。值得一提的是,Ethereum链上近77% 的游戏是在 2021 年之前推出的,显然,Ethereum在Gamefi赛道起步早,但眼下已然不是游戏方部署的首选公链了。

Attention is drawn to the agreement on the ToP public chain, which has a high volume of transactions, strong ecological support, and long-term ecological prosperity, allowing Etherum, Polygon and BNB Chain to secure the ecological leadership of the game. BNB Chain has 747 block chains, an increase of about 47.04% compared to the beginning of the year. Polygon has 305 block chains, an increase of about 74.28% compared to the beginning of the year. There are currently 599 games on Etherum, an increase of about 10.3% compared to the beginning of the year.



2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年主要游戏公链GameFi活跃协议数量变化 数据源:Footprint


The number of active agreements is differentiated by the standard number of active users greater than 100 per day, and changes in the number of active agreements in the primary game chain, compared with the previously cited GameFi data chart, show that while the total number of active agreements has been increasing, the number of active agreements has been declining and is clearly affected by market downturns.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)BNB Chain活跃协议数据 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)Polygon活跃协议数据 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)Ethereum活跃协议数据 数据源:Footprint

BNB Chain在上半年度长期占据“最多活跃协议”的宝座,但进入下半年后滑坡明显,进入9月后,活跃协议一度降低到14个,最低迷时期同比高峰期降幅达到79.10%。1–2月的巅峰期可见BNB Chain抓住行业风口的能力,但遇熊后项目扛风险能力有待提升。

BNB Chain held the seat of the “Most Active Agreement” for a long period of time in the first half of the year, but after the second half of the year, the landslide became apparent, and after September, the number of active agreements was reduced to 14, with the lowest peak year falling by 79.10 per cent. The peak of January-February can be seen in the ability of BNB Chain to capture the industry, but the ability of the post-battle project to take risks has yet to be improved.


In contrast, Polygon’s number of active agreements fluctuated relatively steadily, with a low period occurring in January-February of the beginning of the year. In April-May, the number of active projects rose steadily, and Polygon was generally more stable and stable in the layout of the game.

而Ethereum作为老游戏公链,进入2022年后表现相对暗淡。游戏项目方出逃Ethereum加之游戏还未走出运营死亡周期,一逃一亡,让Ethereum8月以后的活跃协议长期定格在1(Gala Games)上。除了3月有较多协议活跃,但游戏基数和BNB Chain、Polygon相比已经相去甚远。

As an old game chain, Etheeum behaves rather dim after 2022. The game side runs out of Etheeum and the game is not out of the operating life cycle, leaving Etheum's active post-August agreement standing on 1 (Gala Games). Except for March, where more protocols are active, the base of the game is far from BNB Chain and Polygon.


2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)主要游戏公链GameFi项目新增数 数据源:Footprint

具体到各个公链,2022年BNB Chain以及Polygon在游戏赛道布局的强度来看呈现分庭抗礼的态势,但9月以后Polygon的脚步就极大放缓,相反BNB Chain则在Polygon蛰伏的10月推出了8款新游戏。背靠Binance的支持,BNB Chain上的游戏仍会有长足的发展势头。而2022年前期,作为游戏公链领头羊的WAX也有相当亮眼的表现,1–8月新增游戏数量排至公链Top3,9月则来到第二。虽然到了2022年Q4,月均新增游戏数量低于2个。概言之,游戏开发者还是更喜欢Polygon、BNB Chain以及WAX。

Specifically, in the public chain, BNB Chain and Polygon showed a recalcitrant attitude in 2022 at the strength of the game track layout, but after September Polygon slowed down considerably, instead BNB Chain launched eight new games in October at Polygon. Back from Binance, the BNB Chain game is still gaining momentum. In 2022, WAX, the head of the game chain, showed a remarkable performance, with the number of new games in January-August lined up to Top3 and the second in September. Although by Q4 in 2022, the number of new games in each month was less than two. In summary, game developers prefer Polygon, BNB Chain, and WAX.


A special month may come from November, when new projects are highlighted on the Etheum chain, which, after all, is the most ecologically comprehensive public chain, which may still be the main reason why the game projects are favoured.


GameFi User Data Note for Main Game Public Chain: The GameFi Users in the Main Game Public Chain rank the top five.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)TOP5 GameFi公链日活用户数变化 数据源:Footprint

用户数是整个 GameFi 生态健康运行的基石。和大众观感相悖,GameFi用户数并不集中在传统强势公链之上。

The number of users is the cornerstone of the whole GameFi eco-health operation. Contrary to popular perception, the number of GameFi users is not concentrated on traditional powerful public chains.

WAX在6月迎来了用户数的巅峰59.8万,却在8月和11月迎来了两个谷底,最低谷时拥有20.4万用户,较之6月最高下降约65.8%。Hive 链上的龙头游戏 Splinterlands 的活跃用户急剧下降,因此该链用户数量在 6 月初经历了从 34 万到 14 万的大幅下降。

WAX, which reached its peak of 598,000 users in June, reached the bottom of two valleys in August and November, with 204,000 users at the bottom, down from about 65.8 per cent in June, and experienced a sharp decline in the number of active users of the Splinterlands from 340,000 to 140,000 in early June.

Polygon和BNB Chain也在3–4月迎来过一波用户量巅峰,可惜持续时间不长,不过强势的公链生态也能够让用户数稳定在10–20万的区间中。

Polygon and BNB Chain have also experienced a wave of user peaks in March-April, but unfortunately not for long, but a strong public-chain ecology can stabilize the number of users in a zone of between 10.2 million.


重点游戏公链传统公链部分注:本报告所称呼的传统公链是指BNB Chain、Solana、Polygon等知名度相对较高、链上生态多方位(DeFi、GameFi、NFT、跨链等)发展的公链。

Note from the Traditional Public Chains of the Focused Game: The traditional Public Chains referred to in this report are those that are relatively high-profile, ecologically diverse (DeFi, GameFi, NFT, cross-link) developments such as BNB Chain, Solana, Polygon, etc.


2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Polygon 链GameFi协议数量 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Polygon 链日活用户数与Gamefi日活用户数 数据源:Footprint


By December 2022, Polygon had 305 block-chain games, an increase of about 74.28 per cent from the beginning of the year. In addition, for the last three months, the number of active month-to-month users associated with the Polygon game has exceeded 65 per cent of the number of users in the chain, and more mature ecological prosperity can be seen on Polygon.


The excellent GameFi performance on Polygon has benefited from:

  • 先发优势,能够快速且稳定地承接以太坊生态外溢的项目。
  • 使用高吞吐量区块链,根据其开发文档描述,Polygon可实现大约 2 秒的快速区块确认率,同时保持高度的去中心化,稳定的生态更利于项目在此部署和升级。
  • 团队生态探索:Polygon开发团队去年成立了 Polygon Studios 孵化 GameFi 协议,合作伙伴包括 Animoca Brands、The Sandbox、Decentraland等。
  • Web2顶级项目依托:承接传统游戏向区块链游戏转型,决策的选择或许会给Polygon带来更加庞大的用户群体。
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Polygon链 Top GameFi协议及交易量分布 数据源:Footprint

Polygon链上的GameFi游戏交易占比分布,2022年度The SandBox稳居榜首,图表清晰显示The Sandbox出现三个用户峰值波动,分别在2月、6月以及11月:

The GameFi transaction distribution on the Polygon chain, with The SandBox at the top of the list in 2022, clearly shows three user peak fluctuations in The Sandbox in February, June and November, respectively:

2月12日的高点受到The Sandbox在 Polygon 上引入 SAND 质押的消息刺激,其宣布前四周起向质押参与者发放每周 500,000 mSAND 奖励。

The high point of 12 February was inspired by the news that The Sandbox had introduced the SAND pledge on Polygon, which awarded 500,000 mSANDs a week to the participants of the pledge four weeks before its announcement.

6月1日则可能是由于500 万个 mSAND 将分发给 Polygon的 LAND 所有者的消息影响。到了年末The Sandbox开启了新一期土地销售,11月24日和12月1日的两波售卖均吸引用户的涌入。

By the end of the year, The Sandbox opened a new land sale, and the two waves of 24 November and 1 December attracted users.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Polygon Chain The Sandbox 活跃用户数变化 数据源:Footprint

BNB Chain

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年BNB Chain GameFi数量 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年BNB Chain链上日活跃用户与Gamefi用户对比 数据源:Footprint

BNB Chain截止2022年12月拥有747款区块链游戏,较年初增长约47.04%。6–7月,游戏相关的日活跃用户占BNB Chain总活跃用户的比例下降至25%以下,而该比例在年初为 33.21%。但BNB Chain在GameFi的布局上拥有三大优势,未来趋势仍然乐观:

BNB Chain had 747 block chain games by December 2022, an increase of about 47.04% from the beginning of the year. In June-July, the number of active daily users associated with the game fell to less than 25% of the total active users of BNB Chain, compared to 33.21% at the beginning of the year. But BNB Chain has three major advantages on the layout of GameFi, and the future trend remains optimistic:


According to the original design of the White Paper, “low gas fees and high transaction speed” are being implemented.

BNB Chain生态雄厚的资金资源。2022年10月Binance Labs推出的MVB 加速器计划帮助创新项目在BNB Chain上扩展,12月宣布与一站式Web3游戏平台GameFi.org建立合作伙伴关系。

The MVB accelerator program, launched by Binance Labs in October 2022, helped to expand the innovation project on BNB Chain and announced a partnership with the one-stop Web3 game platform GameFi.org in December.

Binance 强大的流动性和自带的Web3.0庞大用户群,适配年初爆火的Move to Earn游戏。因此BNB Chain成功让 StepN 团队将这个当时最火热的协议部署到其链上。

Binance's powerful mobile and self-carried Web3.0 large user group, adapted to the Move to Earn game, which exploded early in the year. So BNB Chain succeeded in getting the StepN team to deploy the hottest protocol on its chain.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年BNB Chain Top GameFi协议及交易量分布 数据源:Footprint

BNB Chain游戏生态呈现多元的发展格局,各个Top项目之间竞争激烈,未来BNB Chain龙头游戏的归属未定。占据一定优势的项目MOBOX:NFT Farmer从2021年9月份开始发力,22年5年时UAW仍然能触及90k。与此同时,Bomb Crypto、MetaverseMiner紧随其后,分列二三位。

The BNB Chain game has a diverse development landscape, with intense competition among various Top projects, and the future BNB Chain tap game has not been assigned. The dominant project MOBOX: NFT Farmer has been active since September 2021, and UAW has been able to reach 90 k in May of 22nd year. Meanwhile, Bomb Crypto, Metaverseminer, followed by two or three.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年MOBOX:NFT Farmer每日活跃用户数变化 数据源:Footprint游戏公链部分注:本报告所称呼的游戏公链是指Hive、WAX等链上生态以GameFi为主的公链。


2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Hive链上GameFi数量 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Hive链 GameFi协议日活跃用户数 数据源:Footprint

Hive链截止2022年12月拥有12款区块链游戏,数量无增长。从日活跃用户来看,在2022年上半年前Hive链日均都能保持在35万以上,而在6月2日以后出现了大幅缩水,日均跌破15万,单日跌幅达到49.10%。不过,此后日活用户保持稳定的态势。据其白皮书描述,Hive 链特点也是显而易见的“快、稳、省”:

By December 2022, the Hive chain had 12 block-chain games, with no growth. From the active users of the day, the Hive chain was maintained at more than 350,000 days before the first half of 2022, while after June 2 there was a sharp contraction, with an average daily decline of 150,000 and a single-day decline of 49.10 per cent. However, the living user has remained stable since then. According to its White Paper, the Hive chain is also clearly “fast, steady, and cost-effective”:

  • 高效性:该链旨在提供一个强大的企业级区块链解决方案,并选择了基于GSC公链,开发完备的Hive Protocol和Hive APP。
  • 高度扩展性:侧链扩展方案和多重签名等机制,在进一步提升公链安全性的同时,满足生态内Dapp产品的网络需求,降低生态门槛,提升用户体验。
  • 零gas费用:每天为每个用户提供20笔免费转账的权益,若用户有更频繁的转账需求,也可通过冻结GSC来获得更多的免费转账次数,即便是通过燃烧GSC来完成转账,每笔仅需燃烧0.002 GSC,相对于BTC和以太坊,转账成本几乎为0。
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年 HIVE链 GameFi协议交易量分布 数据源:Footprint


It's been a long time since Splinterlands was the only UAW that held up the whole public chain, sitting on the head of the Hive chain.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年GameFi协议平均日活跃用户数 数据源:Footprint

注:此图的数据与2022年GameFi协议日活跃用户数变化数据不匹配,差值在于去掉了Neopets Meta、Farmers World两个协议,这两个协议因种种问题被Dappradar下架,故在此不计算。

Note: The data in this chart do not match the change in the number of active users at the date of the 2022 GameFi agreement, the difference being that the Neopets Meta and Farmers World agreements, which had been set aside by Dappradar due to various problems, are not counted here.


Splinterlands is also considered to be an “undervalued” project and, as a multi-person digitally collected trading card game, has had a complete round of cattle bears since its listing in 2018, and even in the Bear City, the average number of daily active users can still be ranked in Top1. On January 17, the number of games traded reached a peak of 417,000, with the number of daily active users lagging behind in March, when the UAW reached 434,000.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)Splinterlands 历史数据 数据来源:DappRadarHarmony
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Harmony链上GameFi数量 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Harmony链 GameFi协议日活跃用户数 数据源:Footprint


Harmony had 26 block-chain games by December 2022, an increase of about 160% from the beginning of the year. According to the active users of the GameFi agreement, Harmony’s daily life stability fluctuated significantly from January to April, with a single-day drop of almost 43.75%, but remained in a relatively high volume.


According to the official White Paper, Harmony's technology supports:

  • 状态分片技术。实现每个分片的独立性,提高交易处理速度以及整个网络的可扩展性。
  • 互操作性。借助RaptorQ fountain code,Harmony 可以使用自适应信息分散算法在分片内或跨网络快速传播块。Harmony 还采用 Kademlia 路由来实现跨分片交易,该交易随分片数量呈对数增长。
  • 对外合作。通过 Gitcoin 黑客松和以太坊活动研讨扩大影响力。
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Harmony链GameFi协议交易量分布 数据源:Footprint

目前Harmony生态以DeFi应用为主,GameFi布局中以DeFi挖矿类游戏 DeFi Kingdoms最出圈。其UAW的高峰值出现在3月底,达到5.1w。12月8日,该游戏官宣上线韩国互联网巨头Kakao旗下公链Klaytn主网,并将通过 Klaytn 原生 DEX 铸造新的实用代币 JADE,用于游戏内相关功能,因此链上交易笔数又迎来一波高峰,达到45.71万。

Harmony Ecology is currently dominated by DeFi applications, with the DeFi mining game DeFi Kingdoms in the GameFi layout, where the UAW peaks at 5.1w at the end of March. On December 8, the game officer announced that the Korean Internet giant Kakao was the klaytn main network, and that a new practical token JADE would be created through Klaytn, the original DEX, for use in the game itself, and the number of transactional pens in the chain would reach a further peak of 45.7 million.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)DeFi Kingdoms 历史数据 数据源:DappRadar


Ronin是 Sky Mavis 团队为Axie开发的以太坊专属侧链,于 2021 年 5 月正式上线。在2021年11月的高峰期,Ronin处理的交易量比以太坊处理的交易量高出560%,出块时间约为3秒。

Ronin, an Etherm's exclusive side chain developed by Sky Mavis for Axie, was officially launched in May 2021. At its peak in November 2021, Ronin processed transactions 560% higher than those handled by Ether, with a break of about three seconds.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)Ronin性能信息 数据源:The Ronin BlockExplorer
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)Ronin 与以太坊的交易数量 数据源:nansen report

gas费用低廉。根据最新gas调整,为打击垃圾邮件并增强安全性,每笔交易最低 gas 费将提高到 20 Gwei,但gas费依旧不会造成用户负担。

Gas costs are low. In order to combat spam and increase security, the minimum gas fee per transaction will be raised to 20 Gwei, but the cost will remain unaffordable for users.

在快捷方面,Ronin选择使用PoSA 共识模型,网络相对中心化,但少量的验证节点能够推动交易快速推进。根据Ronin区块链浏览器显示,现在Ronin节点的验证数为18个。

On the quick side, Ronin chooses to use the PoSA Consensus model, which is relatively centralized in the network, but a small number of validation nodes can drive transactions fast. According to the Ronin block chain browser, the number of Ronin nodes is now 18.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)Ronin节点验证者 数据源:The Ronin BlockExplorer
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Ronin链GameFi协议交易量分布 数据源:Footprint

从100%的市场占比来看,Ronin链的存在可谓是“为Axie而生”。而Axie的历史数据也证明,为了一款游戏而单独搭建一条链的行为是值得的?—?— 在2021年7月第二周,该Dapp所产生的收入一度超过比特币和以太坊的协议收入总和。而截止2022年12月31日,Axie Infinity的收入总和位列所有Dapp的协议收入第一。

In terms of a 100% market share, the existence of the Ronin chain can be described as “born for Axie.” And Axie’s historical data also prove that it is worth building a single chain for a game? – In the second week of July 2021, the Dapp generated more income than the sum of the agreements between Bitcoin and Ether.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2021年7月第二周Dapp和公链协议收入排名 图表来源:token terminal
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)Dapp协议收入总和排名 图表来源:token terminal

Axie Infinity日活跃用户数最高峰40.3w,出现在3月26日,当日Ronin宣布一系列更新以增加 RON 的实用性,并确保 Ronin 能够持续扩展交易,提振用户信心。不过到2022年12月,日活跃人数最低降至6504人,较最高点下降98.38%。

On March 26, when Ronin announced a series of updates to increase the relevance of RON and ensure that Ronin was able to continuously expand the trade and boost user confidence. By December 2022, however, the number of active people fell to a minimum of 6504, a decline of 98.38 per cent over the peak.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年Axie Infinity日活跃用户数变化 数据源:Footprint


The development of a side chain to serve a single game clearly enhances the experience of the game and the potential for future game development. As the side chain is designed for a particular game, deploying other games may break the ecological balance of the original chain. In other words, being proud and losing everything.


2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年WAX链上GameFi数量 数据源:Footprint
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年WAX链 GameFi协议日活跃用户数 数据源:Footprint

截止2022年12月,WAX拥有134款区块链游戏,较年初增长约152%。WAX 上的活跃用户和交易数量巨大,日活用户仅次于BNB Chain,高于Polygon。作为今年表现优异的老牌公链,WAX自称是游戏和NFT的第一元宇宙区块链,为品牌提供 NFT 所需的一切。据白皮书描述,其优势在于:

As of December 2022, WAX had a 134 block chain game, an increase of about 152% from the beginning of the year. WAX has a huge number of active users and transactions, after BNB Chain, which is higher than Polygon. As this year’s high-performing public chain, WAX claims to be the first dollar grid of the game and NFT, providing the brand with what it needs. The advantages described in the White Paper are:

  • 在网络性能上,WAX 的最高吞吐量可达 2788 TPS 以上,超过 Visa 处理的平均每秒交易近 2 倍,优异的性能足够支持游戏所需的高吞吐量。 WAX需要用户质押代币才可以获得足够的CPU或RAM,理论上参与质押的用户不支付任何gas费用。
  • 在基础资源上,WAX脱胎于全球最大的数字市场运营商以及全球最大的Steam虚拟物品交易市场OPSkins。对NFT和道具的一贯投入,既保证游戏体验和获利性,也达到最终完善游戏生态环境的目的。
  • 在经济模型上,其核心要素是同以太坊的区块链跨链交互设计,丰富链上生态的同时,促进与以太坊的价值循环。
2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年WAX链Top GameFi协议及交易量分布 数据源:Footprint

从市场份额来看,作为当之无愧的WAX领头羊,Alien Worlds占比80.78%,Dawn of Victory排名第二,占据6.605%。

In terms of market share, as the well-deserved head of WAX, Alien Worlds accounted for 80.78 per cent, and Dawn of Victoria ranked second, accounting for 6.605 per cent.

主要关注Alien Worlds,作为一个融合了DeFi + NFT + DAO + 元宇宙概念的太空探索游戏,虽然在八月中旬以及九月中旬出现了明显的谷底,但是总体都在较高的体量。尤其是UAW,除8月10日出现用户量暴跌至6万,最高用户量在11月10日达到30.4万,在熊市中依然亮眼,此后的UAW也依然维持在20万以上。

The main focus is on Alien Worlds, as a space exploration game that integrates the deFi + NFT + DAO + meta-cosm concept, and although there is a clear valley bottom in mid-August and mid-September, it is generally in a relatively high volume. In particular, UAW, apart from its violent fall to 60,000 users on August 10, has reached a maximum of 304,000 users on November 10 and is still visible in Bear City, and UAW has remained at over 200,000 since then.

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)Alien Worlds 历史数据 数据源:DappRadar

复盘不同公链GameFi的发展。2021年前,Ethereum仍在GameFi赛道占据核心地位,其GameFi协议数量在2020年末与2021年末分别占到总量的67.55%(460/681)与37.45%(543/1450)。或许由于Ethereum的TPS过低、Gas费过高等问题不符合游戏这一赛道对低费用、高速率的要求,因此众多GameFi协议纷纷选择在BNB Chain、Polygon、Solana、Avalanche等新公链运行。在数据层面,Ethereum可被视为已退出游戏公链第一梯队的竞争。而在传统公链的维度,BNB Chain与Polygon竞争激烈,BNB Chain的GameFi协议数量最多而Polygon在本轮熊市中的GameFi活跃协议数量一直稳定在较高水平,二者还未能决出胜负。

Perhaps because Etheeum’s TPS is too low, Gas fees are too high to match the low cost and speed of the game. Before 2021, Etheeum was still at the centre of the GameFi track, with the number of its GameFi agreements running at 67.55% (460/681) and 37.45% (543/1450) of the total in late 2020 and late 2021 respectively. At the data level, Etheeum could be considered to have withdrawn from competition in the first tranche of the public chain.

在游戏公链的维度,Hive、Harmony、Ronin、WAX优势明显,其中WAX与Hive在用户量层面遥遥领先,而Harmony与Ronin在交易额层面占据优势,哪怕是与传统公链对比,这四条链的数据表现也不落下风,这或许揭示了GameFi乃至Web3领域的未来发展方向?—?— 不同细分赛道会依据不同特点在合适的链发展壮大,单链试图在全方位获得领先地位的日子一去不复返。当然,这并不意味着目前链与链之间相对隔绝的状态是值得宣扬的,我们也注意到越来越多的GameFi协议选择部署在多条链上。据Coinmarketcap与Footprint的统计,截止2022年7月,部署在2条链与3条链的GameFi协议数量相较2021全年增长62.5%与40%,增长速度非常可观。此外,跨链需求的增长也带来了Web3行业新的问题?—?— 跨链桥的安全,该问题将在项目篇中阐述。

Of course, this does not mean that the relative isolation of Harmony and Ronin at the trading level, even when compared to traditional public chains, does not mean that the data performance of these four chains does not drop, which may reveal the way forward in the area of GameFi and the Web3? – Different segments of the track will grow in size depending on the characteristics of the right chain, and the number of single-chain agreements that try to take a lead on the whole chain has grown by 62.5% and 40% throughout 2021, and we also note the increasing number of GameFi agreements that have opted to be deployed in multiple chains. According to Coinmarketcap and Fotprint statistics, as of July 2022, the number of single-chain agreements that have been deployed in two chains and three chains has grown by 62.5% and 40% throughout the year.

TOP 5 GameFi Token

2022年度GameFi赛道万字总结报告(数据篇)2022年 TOP 5 GameFi Token市值变化 数据源:Footprint

按照市值排列,2022年GameFi代币TOP5在Axie($AXS)、Sandbox($SAND)、游戏公会Merit Circle($MC)、StepN($GMT)以及ApeCoin($APE)中产生。

In terms of market value, the 2022 GameFi token TOP5 was generated in Axie ($AXS), Sandbox ($SAND), Merit Circle ($MC), StepN ($GMT) and ApeCoin ($APE).

第一季度,Axie Infinity以及 Sandbox仍以业内霸主之姿雄踞前二,即便略有波动:

In the first quarter, Axie Infinity and Sandbox remained at the top two, albeit slightly volatile:

在一月时Sandbox的Token市值同比缩水49.5%,Axie Infinity则出现44.06%的跳水;在小幅上涨后,两者又同步迎来断崖式下跌,其中Sandbox2–3月的降幅再次到达了39.04%。Sandbox在2月完成首轮LAND发售,达到巅峰的50.2亿美元后再无突破。而Axie的市值辉煌时刻出现在4月1日的68.07亿美元,但由于Ronin被盗高达6亿美元的黑客事件,Axie随后迎来了自己的至暗时刻。

Sandbox’s Token market value fell by 49.5 per cent in January, and Axie Infinity experienced 44.06 per cent jumps; after a small rise, the two fell in parallel, with Sandbox falling again by 39.04 per cent between February and March. Sandbox reached its first round of sales in February, reaching a peak of $5.02 billion, while Axie’s market value boom came at $6.807 billion on 1 April, but as Ronin was stolen from a hacker of up to $600 million, Axie subsequently reached her own dark hour.


In the second quarter, ApeCoin and $GMT launched an amazing journey:

ApeCoin市值峰值68.13亿,且无出其右,同比首日市值高6.2倍。$GMT市值峰值23亿美元同样一时风头无量,与最低市值相比涨至22.8倍。进入5月,除$MC外的其它Token都迎来了低谷,足见GameFi Token受市场风向影响之大。ApeCoin的良好局势戛然而止,市值跌破17亿美元,缩水约76.1%。

The market value of ApeCoin peaked at $6,813 million, which is 6.2 times higher than the market value of the first day. The market value of $2.3 billion peaked at the same price of $2.3 billion, which was 22.8 times higher than the lowest market value. Token, with the exception of the market MC, reached a low point in May.


In the third to fourth quarters, ApeCoin has been in the forefront for a long time, with a marginal advantage of $GMT:

第三、第四季度,大部分GameFi Token均进入沉寂期,但$APE的市值却有了相对明显的提高。原因可能是其在12月5日上线的质押系统,带来了新的市场热点。与之相比,$GMT的市值在12月末跌破1.5亿美元,和$MC间的差距愈发减小。

In the third and fourth quarters, most GameFi Token entered a silt period, but the market value of $APE increased relatively significantly. This may be due to the new market hotspots created by its pledge system, which came online on December 5.



In view of the overall market value trend, apart from $6 billion in $AXS and $APE, the development cycle of Token, although different, is well behind the two, suggests that top-level games also need to be created. At the same time, looking deeply at the Token cycle, $MT, $APE, which was released in 2022, can be added to the top five in a relatively short period of time, suggesting that the GameFi ladder has not been consolidated, leaving much room for new games.

最后,探究Token的类别归属。在TOP 5 GameFi代币中,Sandbox、ApeCoin更偏向元宇宙的概念;Merit Circle是游戏公会;$GMT更偏向为“Move to Earn”的概念,与“Play to Earn”还有些区别;只有$AXS属于狭义上的GameFi。可以说,GameFi格局呈现出多样化的发展态势。

Finally, token’s category of attribution. In TOP 5 GameFi, Sandbox, ApeCoin, the concept of meta-cosm; Merit Circle, the game fair; $GMT, the concept of “Move to Earn”, which is somewhat different from “Play to Earn”; only $AXS is in the narrow sense of GameFi.


“Looking for an exit in the dark” is both a summary of the 2022 GameFi track and will be the theme of the 2023 GameFi track.


In 2022, the GameFi track’s overall performance can be summarized as high and low. In addition to winning the game last April, GameFi’s market value remained essentially the same as that of the crypto-currency market, and its decline was even greater, with the current market value of GameFi falling below its August 21 level; since April, the GameFi sector has experienced a sharp drop in financing and two decapitations in September and November, and the market in 2023 is likely to experience a painful period.


But there are also opportunities behind the cruel reality.


The GameFi track continued to be the largest recipient of finance in the encryption industry in 2022, with financing increasing nearly twice as much as in the same year. The second half of the year’s financing does not mean that the flow of funds to the market is slow, nor does it represent the depletion of market liquidity. Moreover, the number of active members of the GameFi project in the main game chain, and the number of active members of the GameFi, have stabilized since they entered September and have not fluctuated significantly as a result of the fall in market value, perhaps also revealing the number of real and real users of the GameFi after the bubble burst, and the market may be at its end.


At present, multi-chain deployment on the chain has become a trend, or more excellent agreements have been moved to the game chain. While the public chain is the engine for the transformation of the Grail and the Cow Bear in the area of the block chain, some of the specialized games have sunk for many years or will become the engine of the GameFi race after the next round of cattle.


To sum up, who can open a new round of innovation and growth for a depressed market in the first half of GameFi’s brutal development? Many project players with a wealth of project experience and powerful IPs are ravaging.


Data Chart Class

鉴叔的 Footprint GameFi面板https://www.footprint.network/@jianshu/11

Footprint GameFi panel https://www.footprint.network/@jianshu/11


Wax blokshttps://wax.bloks.io/live

The Ronin Block Explorerhttps://explorer.roninchain.com/validators



Trading Veiwhttps://cn.tradingview.com/

Footprint X Coinmarketcaphttps://www.footprint.network/@DamonSalvatore/GameFi-in-Bull-Bear-Market?date=2022-01-01~2022-07-31


article reporting class


Detailed description of the value, status and trends of the meta-cosm public chain through the 15-bit intercosm chain https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yft1ZiEQWf_1_72iJyGQyg

DappRadar x BGA Games Report?—?Q3 2022https://dappradar.com/blog/dappradar-x-bga-games-report-q3-2022

The Blockchain Gaming Ecosystem on Various Public Chainshttps://medium.com/@ABGAasia/the-blockchain-gaming-ecosystem-on-various-public-chains-a7028b723df

Dlephi digital: October Gaming Insightshttps://members.delphidigital.io/reports/october-gaming-insights#state-of-the-market

GameFi 已死??—?— 细数链游七宗罪https://mirror.xyz/wheart.eth/66GkoR9fbbq6DzGgtxSIBK6qgCCpnW0QCmUGZmb5fnc

GameFi is dead? — Seven counts of crimes at https://mirror.xyz/wheart.eth/66GkoR9fbbq6DzGgtxSIBK6qgCCpnW0QCmUZmb5fc


The future year of the game https://members.delphidigital.io/reports/the-year-ahead-for-gaming

CoinMarketCap and Footprint Analytics: 2022 GameFi Industry Reporthttps://www.footprint.network/article/2022-gamefi-industry-report-fp-Zf2pa3La

HashKey Capital:GameFi进入冷静期,下一个主旋律是什么?https://www.chaincatcher.com/article/2069805

HashKey Capital: GameFi entering a cooling period. What's the next melody? https://www.chaincatcher.com/article2069805


YGG and its opponents: a comparative study of the eight Gold Clubs and their investment theories https://www.chaincatcher.com/article/2071628

GameFi 2.0 最有可能在哪条公链上发生?https://www.chaincatcher.com/article/2081181

SameFi 2.0. Which public chain is most likely to happen? https://www.chaincatcher.com/article/2081818181

梳理 Web3 Games 背后的资本和人才流向https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzUzNjk5MzI5Nw==&mid=2247491755&idx=1&sn=ce107b8145b4e10d7987a575246584a6&chksm=faef6bd5cd98e2c3e26f41710a8a213e8fe4676895ef4f14a8c30584fee41c1ef439296eae7d#rd

The flow of capital and talent behind Web3 Games to https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?biz=MzuzNjk5Mzi5Nw=&mid=2247491755&idx=1&sn=ce107b8145b4e10d7987a57526584a6&chksm=faef6bd5cd98e2c2c26f41710a8a2113e8fe466895ef4f4f14a8c30584fee41c1ef439296ea7d#rd

戳破原罪泡沫,GameFi 的未来有哪些可能?https://foresightnews.pro/article/detail/13567

What is the future of GameFi? https://foresightnews.pro/article/detail/13567

GameFi 赛道五大热门链游分析:谁会是下一个 Axie?https://foresightnews.pro/article/detail/1759

GameFi five hot link analysis: Who's next at Axie?https://foresightnews.pro/article/detail/1759

从2017到2022?—?— 分叉公链WAX的成长之路https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iBV-ph2h51UEXtPnPF62Tg

From 2017 to 2022?—The growth path of the fork chain WAX https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iBV-ph2h51UEXtPnPF62Tg

Vader Reasearch:Web3 游戏发展趋势的 5 个预测https://defivader.medium.com/5-theses-on-web3-gaming-b0ea86b8f613

Vader Reasearch: 5 predictions of game trends in Web3 https://defivader.medium.com/5-theses-on-web3-game-b0ea86b8f613

Ronin: The engine powering Axie Infinity’s growthhttps://www.nansen.ai/research/ronin-the-engine-powering-axie-infinitys-growth


Official Documents Category

Introduction to Polygon PoShttps://wiki.polygon.technology/docs/develop/getting-started/

BNB Chain White Paperhttps://github.com/bnb-chain/whitepaper/blob/master/WHITEPAPER.md

Whitepaper for HIVE protocolhttps://github.com/gscsocial/hive-whitepaper/blob/master/hive-whitepaper-zh.md

Harmony Official Websitehttps://www.harmony.one/

Technical Whitepaper?—?Harmony Onehttps://harmony.one/whitepaper.

Wax Official Websitehttps://www.wax.io/

WAX Protocol White Paperhttps://github.com/worldwide-asset-exchange/whitepaper#wax-core-performance-metrics


News and Information >

BNB Chain 与 Web3 游戏平台 GameFi.org 达成合作,将支持 GameFi 应用上链https://www.binance.com/zh-CN/news/top/7340333

BNB Chain, in collaboration with the Web3 game platform GameFi.org, will support the GameFi application upper chain https://www.binance.com/zh-CN/news/top/7333

Introducing SAND staking on Polygonhttps://medium.com/sandbox-game/introducing-sand-staking-on-polygon-462a671e8a9d

LAND Owners, Claim your mSANDhttps://medium.com/sandbox-game/land-owners-claim-your-msand-e1e7f1418fe7

The Sandbox opens new virtual neighborhoods with three LAND saleshttps://medium.com/sandbox-game/the-sandbox-opens-new-virtual-neighborhoods-themed-around-14-major-brand-partners-with-two-land-4174ef86cff0

Web3游戏 Power of Women 登顶 Google Play 美国地区免费游戏总榜首https://m.techflowpost.com/express/4455

Web3 Power of Women Top Google Play tops the free American area game https://m.techflypost.com/ extress/4455

DeFi Kingdoms’ Serendale realm goes live on Klaytnhttps://www.theblock.co/post/193571/defi-kingdoms-serendale-realm-goes-live-on-klaytn

The Sandbox为土地所有者推出专属SAND质押计划https://www.panewslab.com/zh/sqarticledetails/7wfo66sz.html

The Sandbox has launched an exclusive SAND pledge scheme for landowners https://www.panewslab.com/zh/sqarticledetails/7wfo66sz.html

Axie Infinity侧链Ronin于3月26日宣布将发布多项更新https://mobile.twitter.com/Ronin_Network/status/1507422485544808448

Axie Infinity Side Chain Ronin announced on 26 March that several updates would be published at https://mobile.twitter.com/Ronin_Network/status/150742485544844848




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