
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:86 评论:0



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And & & & rdquo; bitcoin & rdquo; it's a digital currency. And & & & rdquo; block chain & rdquo; it's a bitcoin accounting system. You can imagine the block chain as an account book that records all the bitcoin transactions around the globe. So what's the difference between the block chain and the traditional bank account? This relates to the essence of the block chain: the block chain is a distributed database that is decentralised. I will explain the three key words one by one.




It's called “ database & & rdquao; it's a set of tables on a computer that can store a lot of structured information (like Excel, but much more complicated than Excel). For example, we go to bank deposits, withdrawals, remittances, all of which are uploaded into a bank's database.




This database can be stored on a supercomputer of the bank, or on a number of computers. For example, the industry may have a server in each of the regions of North, China, East and South China, where information on transactions is sent to the region’s servers, with each server connected through the bank’s internal network. This is called & ldquao; distributed databases & rdquao;



Traditional servers, whether distributed or not, have &ldquao; administrator & rdquao; that is, there is a bank inside & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; you can view all transaction information and you can add and modify it at will. This is called & & ldquao; centralization & rdquao;


The block chain, on the other hand, is & ldquo; decentralised & & rdquao; that is, there are no administrators in the block chain database, and everyone is equal and has the right to see and add information. Decentralization is the essence of the block chain.


Now that everyone has the right to add information to the block chain, this & & & & rdquao; don't you think it's a mess? To figure this out, we need to know what & & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & ;


What is “ blocks & & rdquo; & & & rdquo; chains & & rdquo; & & & & & rdquo; blocks & & rdquo; are the basic components of the chain of blocks. Blocks are a data block. In analogy, blocks are equivalent to a page on the account book, which records multiple transaction information. And then they are spread over the entire Internet & & & & rdquao; a chain that can form a complete & & & & rdquao; account book & & & rdquao; then, & & & & & & rdquao; how & & & & &.



Hashi and anti-fouling:


In addition to the Bitcoin transaction information, the blocks contain some of the characteristics of the block itself. They can be compared to &ldquao; page number & & rdquao; except this & & & rdquao; more complex. & & & & rdquao; page number & & rdquao; the most important of these are & & & & rdquao; the Hashi value & & rdquao; it is the key to understanding the reliability of the block chain.


So-called “ Hashi & rdquo; understandably a & & & & rdquo; & fingerprint; & & & rdquo;. We sign contracts sometimes with handprints, and then we can prove that the contract was signed by ourselves by comparing our fingerprints with the fingerprints on the contract. Similarly, we download a software online, some sites will give Hashi values for the package (which may be called CRC or SHA). After downloading the package, we simply need to use a special tool to calculate the SHA value and compare it with the SHA values given by the official online, to know whether the downloads were 100 per cent consistent with the website and whether the downloads were made.


Different data, the calculated Hashi values are generally different. If the known Hashi value of data A is H, it is extremely difficult to falsify another data B, making it H-value. That is, the Hashi value is immutable and plays the role of &ldquao; fingerprints & rdquao;


One block contains two HS: & ldquo; the previous HS & & rdquo; and & & & rdquo; this HS & & rdquo; since each block contains the HS of the previous block, all blocks are chained in sequence (logically). & ldquo; the previous HS & & rdquo; & ldquo; the page code & & rdquo; the effect & mdash; & mdash; and the sorting of pages.


blocks are connected to the block chain


If the transaction information on a block is tampered with maliciously, &ldquao; the Hashi & rdquao of this block; changes. Since the next block in the block chain contains & ldquao; the Hashi & rdquao of the previous block; and, in order for the next block to remain connected to the next block, the next block needs to be modified. This leads to the next and the next... blocks must also be modified.


A block has been tampered with, and all the blocks in the back have to be modified.


Because of some of the mechanisms of the block chain itself (which we do not discuss here) it is extremely difficult to calculate the Hashi value of a block, and it is more difficult to change the Hashi value of multiple blocks. In this way, it is almost impossible to tamper with the transactional information in the block chain. This ensures the reliability of the block chain.


Mining: how to write information to the block chain


Mining: the way the information is written into the block chain & ldquo; mining & rdquo; the process of calculating the Hashi value of a potential block and formally adding it to the whole block chain. When a block is added to the block chain, the transaction information it contains becomes a fact. The mining process takes a lot of time and resources because of some of the considerations of Bitcoin designers. As already mentioned, calculating the Hashi value of the block is extremely difficult. How difficult is it?


The miners are known as “ miners & & rdquo; anyone on the Internet can join the Bitcoin network and become miners. Since mining consumes a great deal of time and resources, why do mining unions volunteer to join? This is because the Bitcoin agreement provides that mining unions that dig new blocks are rewarded by bitcoin. This is the engine for mining by miners; and because mining workers continue to dig, the bitcoin trade is confirmed, and the bitcoin trade is conducted properly. At the same time, it is the only way to increase the amount of bitcoins.


How do you avoid the main chain?


If two miners dig up the next block of a block at the same time, who is entitled to join the chain? If you can join the chain of blocks and the chain of blocks produces a fork, how can you guarantee the chain of blocks & ldquao; unique & rdquao?


The block chain agreement provides that if an additional block on a fork reaches six, it becomes & ldquo; orthodox & & rdquo; and at the same time, other blocks that do not reach the fork of six will unfortunately be eliminated, and the transaction information on those blocks will not be accepted. This avoids the fork in the block chain. Since a block is dug out, six new blocks will have to be followed in the back, and an average of 10 minutes will be dug into a new block, so that a transaction will take at least an hour to be confirmed (written into the block chain).


Miner B: I don't know what I'm talking about.


What's the process of dealing with bitcoin?


The transaction is nothing more than a message: “ buyer $1, seller + $1. & & rdquo; here is some knowledge of asymmetric codes, which are not unique to bitcoin and are not discussed.) When you initiate a bitcoin transaction, the transaction information is gradually sent from your device to the entire bitcoin network.


In order to reward mining, many miners collect information about your trade and dig new blocks. If a miner digs up a new block, he writes about your trade. After that, he has to dig up six new blocks to ensure that the whole chain of the blocks uses the block.


So, while many miners compete to write your deal, only one of them succeeds in doing so. That guarantees that your money will not be withheld twice in the same transaction.


Once a new block is formally added to the block chain, the block will be synchronized to the machinery of all miners, and the new block will follow only behind the block. The mining union that dug into the block will receive some bitcoin as an incentive, which is also the process of issuing new bitcoin.


A little bit more: the block chain is the only reliable account book for bitcoin transactions, and the block chain is an uncentreded distributed database. It has no administrator, and all users in the network can write new blocks to the block chain on an equal basis.


Blocks are based on “ the Hashi value of the previous block & & rdquao; and the difficulty of connecting to a chain to calculate the Hashi value makes it impossible to tamper with the blocks and blocks chain and ensures the reliability of the blocks and blocks chain.


The addition of six blocks behind a block in order for it to be formally added to the block chain does not create a fork in the block chain and guarantees the uniqueness of the block chain, but at the same time it also leads to a transaction in bitcoin that takes at least one hour to confirm and is not instantaneous.


The mining incentive is the only distribution mechanism for Bitcoin and the incentive for miners to dig. Well, by summarizing the above, do you have any insight into the various aspects of virtual currency? It is hoped that this article will answer your doubts and give you a better understanding of your currency, and that it will lead to a deeper understanding of virtual currency. It is hoped that you will learn a lot, and that your wallet will become more and more expensive, and that you will do so with a careful and objective analysis of all the factors involved, and that you will consider whether or not to choose a currency. It is hoped that this article will help you. If you need anything else, you will continue to pay more attention to our articles.




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