
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:54 评论:0



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The world's first Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival was organized by the Beijing Association of Theatreists and the Beijing Youth Theatre Workers Association and the Beijing Next World Cultural Media Ltd., with the support of the Beijing City Union of Arts and Arts, Menjing Xinghui as Director-General of the Theatre Festival, Yong-ja as Director-General, Chen Yan as Director-General of Planning, Sun Xiaoxing, Chen Chen Jing, Wang Jing, Zhang Wu, Sebastian #183, and Caesar as a stand-alone exhibitor, with 798 as the “Chief Partner in Arts Life” for the Theatre Festival.

全球首屆元宇宙戲劇節:虛實交互世界 4月15日開幕


On April 15th, the opening of the world's first Won Cosmos Festival was opened.


On the night of April 15th, more than 300 guests, curious about the world and the future, gathered in Beijing to witness the opening of the first Sphinx Dollar Cosmos Festival. A 23-day confluence of reality with the virtual world was also officially opened.

  首屆斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節特邀作品之一,由藝術家、音樂人、軸廠(OXYZ3)創始人陳陳陳監製的作品《超現劇場(The Surrealist Theatre)》也于活動現場特別發佈。

One of the first invited works of the Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival was the special launch of The Surrealist Theatre by Chen Chen, an artist, musician, and founder of OXYZ3.


The opening ceremony began at 10 p.m.: “Good evening, guests, viewers, media friends and global dramatists. I am an AI Human Watcher from China, Herror.” With the opening remarks of the AI Human Watcher MerRor — a virtual image shaped by AIGC and TTS technologies — the forward-looking technology should be advanced to blur the boundaries of fiction and reality.

  致辭結束,一份由清華大學美術學院教授、博導、知名新媒體藝術家、視覺導演、策展人王之綱老師設計、長達2分鐘時長的多媒體影像作品《域·閾The maze》將現場觀眾瞬間引入想像的世界。該作品以數字化形態和先鋒藝術表達,探討空間場域與個體閾值的抽象表達及辯證關係,傳遞出對於人、科技與藝術的永恒思考。元宇宙空間、現實空間、虛擬空間、劇場空間......科技革命下,當空間形式被不斷切割、重組、延伸、拓展,聚合其中的我們,作為個體態的閾值也由此被牽引和重構,在恰如迷宮般的未來場域中,探索屬於生命的極限。戲劇舞臺的多重樣態,元宇宙世界的未知與可能,讓斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節充滿了不被定義的無限可能。因而創作者們嘗試以即興創作的方法,讓最原始的思維和感知充分碰撞,在想像與科技的交融中,以先鋒影像藝術表達推開“元宇宙+戲劇”的未來之門。

The speech ended with a two-minute multi-media image by Professors of the University of Qinghua's School of American Arts, mentors, renowned new media artists, visual directors, Master Wang's teacher, Doss & #183; The maze, bringing the viewers of the scene into the world as a matter of imagination. The work, in its digitized and pioneering art, explores the abstract and dialectic relationship between spaces and individual values, and disseminates the permanent thinking of people, technology and art. The multiplicity of scenes in theatres, the unknown and likely nature of the universe in the context of the technological revolution, allows us, as a body value, to be drawn and recreated, and explores, in just the far future, the ultimate limits of life.


The 798 CUBE boxhouse at night has been pre-dressed as a immersion scene, with many guests of the press and theatre art friends waiting for an unknown sensory storm, and on this spring-drinking night, the walls of the boxyard cast some mysterious verses, such as the words of welcome to all guests by the owners of the banquet:


Only three people heard what we said.


You, me, him.


And the sky fell upon us, and treasured you in my dreams.


That's a rose in my heart.


Go across the universe.


Don't you get lost when you go through time?


At this moment, this amazing event has just entered people's ears.


Thunder takes time. Starlight takes time.


But we've already seen it.


Sphinx dollars cosmopolitan drama is ready to go.


Friends who have come here.


That's how the Sphinx Won Cosmos Festival started.


There's something for everyone on the table.


Please use it whenever you like.


In this space, in this time,


Walking, dancing, setting up, bragging, having some good wine, eating some good food.


Sphinx dollar cosmonautial festival,


Here we go!


Opening Show Faust's Cosmos premiere


The story of Faust, which began as a virtual reality, began in a three-dimensional stereo, and ended on a two-dimensional level. With fear and passion for Faust’s new play, it was “plus” for technology and “new” for dramas. The Devil’s call for a gambling board for all, and technology for a 15-minute viewer’s idea of “Soul-for-Soul” universe, has moved the story of Faust from the virtual reality to the virtual reality, to the virtual reality, to the virtual creation of the “sub-Cultural Culture” family, to provide a virtual person, digital support for Faust’s work, to “newize” the drama.

全球首屆元宇宙戲劇節:虛實交互世界 4月15日開幕


the first five bright spots of the Sphinx Dollar Cosmos Festival


Directed by a great show: Artists gathered hundreds of giants and new powers from foreign and domestic theatres, bringing together 65 dramas and eight panels to be seen by the audience.


The region has a wide geographical coverage: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Anaya, New York, Paris, Berlin and many other cities around the world have started to create new systems for the global theatre community.


New places: In addition to regular theatre theatres, the festival will explore its various forms and possibilities, including art galleries, malls, communities, etc., and will also be on-line on an Internet platform to create a continuing meta-cosm “panic entertainment” and distribution community.


The number of technology companies: 17 state-of-the-art technology companies, both within and outside the country, will put wings in their wings to protect the imagination of the Woncoscopic Theatre.


Non-human participation wonders: Virtual people, AI, vegetative plants will also be the main actors in the play.

全球首屆元宇宙戲劇節:虛實交互世界 4月15日開幕


Eight pieces of art, 65 pieces of cosmic drama, multi-dimensional.


The Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival is divided into eight major pieces: the national show, the international theatre, the art interactive drama, the immersion theatre, the online theatre, the cross-border union, the summit forum coalition, and the collection worm hole series.


The first Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival brings imagination and technology together, breaks borders, and seeks to expand people's understanding of the future of theatre and drama. Creates a younger, more fun, more creative theatre art scene in the form of diverse, interactive, future-senseed art.


Technology and art co-founder, Sphinx Dollar Cosmos Festival goes beyond "theatrical"

  從提出“元宇宙戲劇節”的想法開始,幾位發起人都有一個共同的願景,要為全球藝術愛好者們打造元宇宙專屬的沉浸式、虛擬與現實的雙重體驗。為此,集結了一眾國內科技領域具有遠見卓識的先行者,在技術、硬體、場域及內容上達成深度並具有創造性的合作。17家國內外頂尖科技公司將為元宇宙戲劇節的想像插上翅膀,保駕護航。戲劇節聯合世界五大戲劇節共同發聲,打破疆域界限,時間限制,戲劇藝術的新里程碑的現世。戲劇論壇將與國內科技界翹楚、媒體一起實現跨領域、跨地域的討論,提出現有問題的解答可能性,找出對未來的提問方向。在蟲洞單元,我們將由和戲劇相關的NFT藏品、元宇宙市集,交換式拍賣,線上線下孿生、虛擬實體共存。同時,聯動全球首所元宇宙藝術學院Meta Art Academy (由知名院校中國美術學院主導創建)開啟元宇宙藝術教育及學術討論。斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節也將秉承更加開放的態度,將戲劇節中所有探討出來的新藝術概念、創作出來的新藝術模組開放給所有參與的人,在未來也持續的共同創作、共同演繹。

Starting with the idea of the “Scope Festival”, 17 top technology companies within and outside the country will have a common vision to build wings for the contours of the Meso-Coscene Festival and to preserve it. The show will unite the five plays of the world, breaking their boundaries, time limits, the new landmarks of the theatre art. The theatre forum will share the knowledge of the nation’s technology, the media, cross-regional discussions, and present an answer to the problems that exist, and will find a way to look into the future.


Simultaneous Partnership in Life with Next Generation Cultural Support Art and Technology Imagination


As a technology company dedicated to virtual life, the next world culture, as a partner in the creation of the world’s first Sphinx drama and virtual life partnerships, has rarely brought together the country’s top technological resources, bringing together a number of industry-based and new technology companies into a drama festival and deeply involved in the production of the drama. As an important and innovative exploration of content and imagination, the next generation of famous virtuals such as Ling, South Ninxia, ASK, and other stars such as Dili Kempa, Jiansman, the second generation culture has been able to tap into the content of the new form and develop the geocosm system with a digital identity at its core, and this joint Sphinks show has been used to create an important and innovative exploration of content that will build a more open and integrated version of the fictional image IP.


The meta-cosmos is the body of the next generation of art forms


After the end of the show, viewers can spend the first time trying to create a new model of virtual cosmopolitan and virtual cosmopolitan production and IP marketing. People can get a lightly immersion through VR or app before they come to the theatre, so that more people can be interested in going down to the theatre. After the end of the show, viewers can come together to discuss the play in the semi-cosm, to create a private flow of the meta-cosm. Chat and fun in the meta-cosm, full physical and psychological viewing in the theatre, to get the best viewing experience. People in the meta-cosm have come together quickly, to spread a lot, to cover their faces, so that the actual drama can be better IPized, as well as in other art forms. Using real meta-cosm VR techniques, to bring the scene into play, to help the scene into reality.

  META CAALAB|“酒神劇場"驚艷呈現

META CAALAB > "The Wine Theater &quat; Surprise

  全球首屆元宇宙戲劇節斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節邀請劉昊威帶領的CAA建築事務所設計了一個漂浮在元宇宙世界的戲劇之城一“酒神劇場”。META CAALAB|元宇宙規劃局聯合百度技術團隊完成了“酒神劇場”的開發與建設,該建築目前已坐落在由百度開發的國內首個元宇宙平臺希壤元宇宙。

The world’s first dollar space drama festival, the Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival, invited the leading CAA architectural firm to design a “Drama of Liquor” in the city floating in the world of Woncos. The META CAALAB cosmopolitan cosmopolitan team completed the development and construction of the “Drama of Liquor”, which is now located in the country’s first-ever space, the Pythrome.


The 798 Auxiliary Space Theatre Festival, a leading art-life strategy partner, introduced virtual beauty into reality.


The Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival has entered into a strategic partnership with Beijing 798 Cultural Science and Technology Limited. This theatre festival is invited as a leading art-life strategic partner for the drama, and the 798 art district will also be featured as the main venue for the festival. The 798 art district is a confluence of lovers of global cultural art, with a strong group value, a connection with 798, as it is a centre for the development of cultural art and is well-placed in the diversity of cultural art.

  與“斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節”的深入合作,也是798探索科技與藝術融合發展的又一次全新嘗試。“斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節”希望借此機會,將戲劇節“元宇宙”的概念,結合iCUBE Museum所探討的虛擬、現實空間關係的議題不斷延伸和擴展,在充滿戲劇化的視覺實驗中,展現衝突、反差共存的關係。798CUBE執行館長李東妊對當天媒體表達:“798CUBE的宗旨是致力於科技與藝術的發展融合,我們希望不斷引入跨界合作,促進新興科技與前沿藝術的碰撞交流。所以對於這次斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節的合作,我們充滿了期待。”

Deep collaboration with the Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival is another new attempt to explore the integration of technology and art. The Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival hopes to provide an opportunity to combine the concept of the drama festival, the “MegaCosmos” and the virtual, real-time and spatial relationships promoted by iCUBE Musium, and to show the relationship between conflict and discord in a dramatic visual experiment. Li Dong-gi, the CEO of the 798 CUBE, said to the media on that day: “The purpose of the 798 CUBE is to integrate science and art, and we hope to continue to introduce cross-border cooperation and to promote a clash between new technologies and cutting-edge art.


"The concept of the Won-Cosm is really happening and developing, whether you like it or not. All we have to do is let the art show and the playbooks of our present explore the world of virtual integration, where the Won-Cosm will go in the future unknown, but we must be involved in the creation and imagination."


SphinxSPHINX > - Ancient Greek represents “living imagination”


The ancient Greek Sphinx has opened the doors of understanding the nature of humanity with a riddle, and now we have opened the course of exploring the end and the progress of mankind with the “Major Cosmic Theatre Festival.” The meta-cosmos is the modern Sphinx, a world full of unknown, future, invisible.




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