Bitcoin's crazy again!
According to the year-round trend analysis of the domestic Bitcoin trading site OKCoin, the lowest price was around $2,300 in January 2016. By 3 p.m. on 23 December, the highest price was $6,458 and the higher price was over $4,000, with an increase of 181 per cent between sectors, which was three years higher than the price of Bitcoin.
Moreover, according to the Bitcoin website of the Bitcoin Industry Watch, Bitcoin’s global transactions in November amounted to 174.71 million bitcoins, which, in line, amounted to about $8.003 billion, a record high. It is interesting to note that the total number of bitcoins in the world today is about 16 million.
What happened to Bitcoin?
According to the United States Newsweek, the price of Bitcoin had already reached $829 on 21 December, while the previous price of Bitcoin had exceeded $800 in February 2014.
After a period of darkness, why did Bitcoin rise again?
这一波行情开始于今年6月英国公投退欧,在公投之前的6月1日到18日,由于投资者预感到传统金融市场的波动,比特币价格上涨近50%,被炒到了780美元。在这个时间段,比特币被一些投资者当做较为稳定的避险资产,而硅谷的风投人士Ashvin Bachireddy将比特币称为“数字黄金”。而在特朗普当选之后,比特币行情再现。
This wave began in June of this year, when the British referendum retreated from Europe, and between 1 and 18 June, after investors precipitously felt the volatility of traditional financial markets, the price of Bitcoin rose by almost 50%, and was fired at $780. During this time, Bitcoin was treated by some investors as a more stable risk-free asset, while Silicon Valley’s wind pitcher, Ashvin Bachireddy, referred to Bitcoin as “digital gold.” After Trump’s election, Bitcoin reappeared.
Last July, the news reported that, according to Bitcoin’s design rules, the number of bitcoins that Bitcoin miners could dig down from 25 bitcoins per 10 minutes to 12.5 by the end of the four-year period. By the end of the year, three rounds of Bitcoins had risen since May, and by the end of June, Bitcoin prices had risen sharply, from $3480 to a peak of $5185.
The term “mining” refers to the fact that Bitcoin, although not issued by the central bank, can be created by doing difficult tasks online, a process known as mining, which essentially solves a complex mathematical problem with a super-calculatory computer to ensure consistency in the Bitcoin network distributional accounting system. The Bitcoin network will then generate a certain amount of bitcoin as a reward for those who receive answers.
At the beginning of the design, in 2009, Bennett, the father of Bitcoins, simulated the characteristics of gold and set the total number of bitcoins as constant, non-combinable, and less and less exploitable. The rules set out that the number of bitcoins in circulation is growing at a decreasing rate, with a maximum of 21 million and a certain amount of coins released by the Bitcoin network every 10 minutes, are expected to reach its limit in 2140. According to the design of the mediumbone, production will probably be reduced by half every four years, starting with 7,000 bitcoins per day, and in four years it will be 3,500, which will now be reduced to 1750.
Liu Zejing, a securities analyst, wrote that in the last two months Bitcoin was once again strong and that global turnover and domestic prices were both innovative and could be described as a further round of the “cow market” after the middle of the year. The two main reasons for the article are: first, that the risk of risk avoidance has led to an influx of funds into the Bitcoin investment market as the risk of exchange rate fluctuations in the renminbi and economic fluctuations in some parts of the country increased; and second, that the concepts of Bitcoin and its bottom technological block chain have been increasingly understood and appreciated, recognizing their safety and investment value. Liu Zejing argued that the choice of Bitcoin to hedge money is precisely a side-by-side reflection of the Bitcoin and block chain.
According to the latest statistics released by PricewaterhouseCoopers, in the first nine months of 2016, some $1.4 billion in investments were made by start-ups in global block chains. Total financing in the block chain area was estimated to be $474 million in 2015.
Liu Zejing said that the boom was expected to boost further prosperity in the industrial chain: the Bitcoin industrial chain included distribution (miners, ponds), trading (exchanges), storage (bitcoin wallets), applications (transfer payments, e-commerce, etc.). Bitcoin’s investment enthusiasm led to a boom in the industrial chain, leading to a better capital environment for companies in the bitcoin and block chain areas.
From the point of view of the Bitcoin exchange, this round of booms is also dominated by a sense of risk avoidance. An analysis of the price increases in bitcoin by the OKCoin network suggests that investors have a heightened sense of risk avoidance and that, given the limited investment channels available to Chinese investors, it is a major challenge to find ways to safeguard their assets.
In addition to Chinese factors, the foreign market’s demand for bitcoin has also started to rise, with the OkCoin network saying that, since June of this year, the turmoil in the Venezuelan economy has led a large number of entrepreneurs to turn to bitcoin for mining, and that the country’s bitcoin has risen to nearly $1,000. Moreover, countries such as Japan and South Korea have allowed bitcoin to be used as a means of payment, purchasing utilities and living goods, etc., thus facilitating Bitcoin’s access.
Despite the hotness of the “frozen coins”, there is no lack of sound in the market.
比特币核心开发者之一Mike Hearn今年年初发表文章称比特币实验失败了,因为遭到了中国炒币者的控制,他宣布退出比特币项目,卖掉所有的币。Mike Hearn说,他很早就告诫其他人,比特币只是一个实验,和所有实验一样,都可能会失败,如果不能承担损失不要去投资。比特币的基础已经破坏,不管短期的价格如何变化,它的长期趋势将是下滑。
Mike Hearn, one of Bitcoin’s core developers, published an article early this year calling the Bitcoin experiment a failure because he was under the control of Chinese bankers who announced his withdrawal from the Bitcoin project and sold all the coins. Mike Hearn said that he had warned others long ago that Bitcoin was just an experiment, and that, like all experiments, it could fail and not invest if losses were not borne. Bitcoin’s base was destroyed, and its long-term trend would decline, regardless of short-term price changes.
It is worth noting that Bitcoin was born in the United States, but has a large volume of transactions in China. The exact magnitude of Bitcoin’s transactions in China has been controversial, with a Chinese Bitcoin exchange reporting news that China’s Bitcoin platform is free of transaction fees, resulting in a global share of transactions of over 80%.
由于大量炒家介入,比特币发生过多次价格暴涨暴跌。自2009年诞生以来,比特币曾经有过大爆炸式的增长,涨幅高达20000倍。但在2013年12月5日,央行发布《关于防范比特币风险的通知》,明确表示比特币不是真正意义的货币之后,比特币价格遭到腰斩。后来,2014年2月25日,世界上最早的比特币交易平台,日本的Mt. Gox网站遭遇85万个比特币被盗事件给热火朝天的全球比特币交易一记“当头棒喝”,此后价格一路下滑,最低谷下挫到每个比特币933元人民币。
But, on 5 December 2013, the Central Bank issued a Notice on Protection against Bitcoin’s Risk, making it clear that bitcoin was not a real currency, and that bitcoin prices were cut off. Later, on 25 February 2014, the world’s oldest Bitcoin trading platform, the Japanese web site Mt. Gox, was hit by 850,000 Bitcoin thefts, giving hot-fire global bitcoin transactions a “right-hand drink” – a price that fell all the way down to the bottom of every bitcoin’s 933 yuan.
In August, the Bitfinex Exchange in Hong Kong announced that the platform had been stolen and that the price of Bitcoin had fallen by 20% that day. In November, Bloomberg reported that unnamed sources had revealed that regulatory agencies such as the People’s Bank of China were working on measures to limit the exchange of the renminbi into United States dollars through Bitcoin transactions and the transfer of funds abroad, and that, as a result, the price of Bitcoin had already risen to over 5,000 yuan on 3 November, a drop of 10 per cent.
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