
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:52 评论:0
FinTech前哨FinTech outpost.区块链 大数据Block Chain Big Data人工智能 VR/ARArtificial intelligence VR/AR挖矿简介Overview of mining挖矿这个词源于...



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区块链 大数据

Block Chain Big Data

人工智能 VR/AR

Artificial intelligence VR/AR


Overview of mining


The term mining is derived from the analogy between encoded money and gold. Gold or precious metals are rare, and electronic tokens are the only way to increase the volume. The same is true of Ether, where mining is the only method of distribution.


Digging in taser = Protected Network = Authentication


What's mining?


In Taipan, as in all block chain technologies, use an incentive-driven security model. Consensus is based on the selection of blocks that have the highest overall difficulty. Miners create blocks, and others test their effectiveness. Blocks are only effective if they contain a particular difficulty of workload, and there are other eligibility conditions.

以太坊区块链在很多方面与比特币区块链类似,但也有些不同。在区块链架构方面,以太坊和比特币之间最主要的的区别是,不像比特币,以太坊区块不仅包含交易列表也包含最近状态(merkle patricia特里结构的根散表编码在状态中更精确)除此之外,另外两个值,区块数和难度,也储存在区块中。

In many ways, the ETA block chain is similar to that of the Bitcoin block, but it is also somewhat different. The most important difference in the structure of the ETA block is that, unlike Bitcoin, it contains not only the list of transactions but also the most recent state (the root table code of the Merkle PatriciaTrie structure is more accurate in its state), the other two values, the number of blocks and the difficulty are stored in the blocks.


The workload proof algorithm used is called Ethash (an improved version of the Dagger-Hashimoto algorithm), which includes finding random number input to the algorithm so that the result is lower than a given difficulty threshold. The significance of the workload proof algorithm is that there is no better strategy to find such a random number than listing possibilities, and the solution can be verified cheaply. Given that the output is evenly distributed (as a result of the scattered table function), we can ensure that, on average, the time required to find such a random number depends on the difficulty threshold.

正如协议中所描述的,难度动态调整的方式是每15秒整个网络会产生一个区块。我们说网络用15秒区块时间生产一个区块链。这个“心跳”基本上主要强调系统状态同步,保证不可能维持一个分叉(允许double spend)或被恶意分子重写历史,除非攻击者有半数以上的网络挖矿能力(即所谓的51%攻击)。

As described in the protocol, the difficulty dynamic adjustment is that the entire network produces a block every 15 seconds. We say that the network uses 15 seconds to produce a block chain. This “heart beat” essentially emphasizes system synchronization and guarantees that it will not be possible to maintain a fork (to allow a double spend) or to be rewritten by malicious elements unless the attacker has more than half of the network's mining capacity (so-called 51 per cent attack).


Any node involved in the network may be a miner, with expected mining proceeds versus their (relative) mining capacity or a positive ratio, such as the random number of attempts per second, standardized by the total spread scale of the network.


The Ethash workload has proved to be ingrained, enabling it to resist ASIC. The internal solvency is achieved by workload proof algorithms, which require the selection of a subset of fixed resources based on random numbers and block captions. This resource (numbers of billions of bytes of data) is called DAG. The 125-hour window is completely different for every 3,000 blocks. The 125-hour window is called epoch (approximately 5.2 days). Since DAG is only determined by block height, it can be generated in advance, and if it is not generated in advance, the client needs to wait until the final stage of the process.


In exceptional cases, when nodes are created from scratch, mining starts only when the DAG is created for the existing epoch.


Incentives for mining


The successful workload of the winning blocks attests to the fact that the mining unions received:


The "winner" block's static block prize, including 5.0 (5) in talisman

区块内支出的gas成本 — 一定数量的以太币,取决于当前gas价格

The cost of gas spent in the block – a certain amount in TT depending on current gas prices


An extra reward for an uncle's piece, in the form of an extra one-and-a-half per uncle's block.


The cost incurred is attributed to the miners’ account as part of the consensus agreement. This will make the data block prize short over time.


An uncle's block is a stable block, for example, and a parent block containing a previous block (up to six blocks). Effective an uncle's block may be affected by incentives for mining by medium- and network lags (known as the GHOST agreement).


Uncle ELI5 on Reddit


Explaining uncle's sub-forum.


The success of mining depends on the difficulty of the blocks. Blocks are dynamically adjusted for each block to specify network hash capacity to create 12 seconds of block time. The chances of finding blocks are therefore derived from the hash ratio associated with the difficulty.

Ethash DAG


Ethash uses DAG (with non-circle maps) for workload proof algorithms, generated for each epoch, for example, every 3,000 blocks (125 hours, approximately 5.2 days). DAG takes a long time to generate. If the client simply generates it as needed, each epoch transition will take a long time to find the first block in the new epoch. However, DAG depends only on the number of blocks, so it can be calculated in advance to avoid excessive waiting times for each epoch. Geth and Ethminer perform the automatic DAG generation, maintaining two DAGs at each time to allow the epoch transition. The automatic DAG generation will be opened and shut when the mine is operated from the control table. If the geth-mine option starts, it will be opened by default.


Generate DAG for any epoch:

实例geth makedag 360000 ~/.ethash.。请注意ethash为DAG使用~/.ethash (Mac/Linux) 或~/AppData/Ethash (Windows),这样它可以在不同的客户端实现以及多个运行实例中分享。

Example: eth makedag 360,000 ~/.ethash. Please note that ethash is used for DAG ~/.ethash (Mac/Linux) or ~/AppData/Ethash (Windows) so that it can be shared among different clients and in multiple examples of operations.




Our algorithm, Ethash (formerly known as Dagger-Hashimoto), is based on a large, instantaneous, randomly generated information group that forms the DAG (Dagger-part) and attempts to resolve a particular constraint, partly by hash of block headings.


It is designed to be used for rapid validation in a slow CPU environment, but provides a significant acceleration in mining when large amounts of high bandwidth are provided. A large amount of storage needs means that large-scale miners receive relatively few ultralineal benefits. A high bandwidth demand means that little benefit is given in each individual unit from stacking many excess processing units, sharing equally stored accelerations (translation: reducing the role of a miner by preventing a dedicated chip from sharing memory).


The benefits of not having nodes to validate thus hinder centralization is important in mining.

外部挖矿应用和以太坊工作规定和报送的后台程序之间的交流通过JSON-RPC API发生。提供两个RPC功能;eth_getWork和eth_submitWork。

Two RPC functions are provided; eth_getWork and eth_submitWork.

这些被正式记录在JSON-RPC API维基百科文章的矿工条目下。

These are officially recorded under the entry for miners in the JSON-RPC API Wikipedia article.


In order to dig, you need a fully synchronized Ether client capable of mining and at least one Ether account. This account is used to send mining incentives, often referred to as the monetary base or the Ether base. Look at the "Creating Account" chapter of this description and learn how to create an account.


warns that will not be able to dig on the main chain without ensuring that the block chain and the main chain are fully synchronized before mining begins.


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