
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:80 评论:0



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The main reason for the collapse is that the Fed is entering the interest-added cycle, and that virtual currency is a risk asset in its own right. Under the powerful dollar, currency liquidity is inadequate, and virtual currency collapses occur, and it is not surprising that the joint director, researcher, and forestry of the Center for Digital Economy and Financial Innovation at Zhejiang University’s United Business School.


“The short-term reason, however, is market news, as the FTT virtual currency under the FTX exchange has plunged, which could replicate the earlier collapse of Luna, triggering a chain reaction, including the collapse of the associated funds.” Distinguished and Lin.


Just on November 8, the founder of the currency, Zhao Chang Peng, sent a message to the social media, and the world-renowned encrypted currency exchange, FTX, came to her for help as a result of a “severe liquidity contraction” that led to the signing of a non-binding buy-in letter of intent with him. Prior to confirmation of the acquisition, the currency needed to complete a full due diligence exercise in the next few days.


That is, the virtual currency market fell after the two virtual currency exchanges had entered into a purchase agreement.


It is worth mentioning that the price of the virtual currency fell sharply this time, and a lot of money was caught by surprise. The price of the currency fell, and the currency convalescence was on the rise. According to the non-nominal data of the currency circulation website, at 1100 hours on 9 November, there had been 1656002 people in the last 24 hours, with the explosion amounting to RMB 3,541 million.


In this regard, the ABS evaluation states that “the current domestic virtual currency transactions are not compliant, so it is pre-empted that our country has cut off the correlation with the virtual currency in time to prevent the impact of virtual currency price fluctuations on our economy. Many of the users of the blast are bypassing regulations to insist on trading virtual currency on overseas exchanges, for which individuals suggest an early exit from virtual currency transactions, which, after all, have no credit guarantee, regardless of whether it is excessive or empty, will ultimately run the risk of loss because the exchange is likely to collapse directly”.


However, despite the loss, there are a number of new users pouring into the currency through various grey channels. In the view of many in the industry, the public also needs to construct its own level of awareness, in addition to preventing institutional irregularities, and not easily lured by the so-called high profits. It is important to be a good consumer education /a>, especially for older and middle-aged people, to take a proper look at “virtual currency” and to listen to exaggerated propaganda.


On the other hand, he predicts that domestic regulation will continue to increase further, mainly through the banning of domestic virtual currency transactions and C2C transactions, while some of the VPN transfers to foreign virtual currency transactions may be difficult to regulate, and that such participants will be advised not to stick to virtual currency.




With the Chinese brand name, Ok has adapted its corporate vision and mission accordingly. After that, Oiok will build the world's leading digital asset service platform with “respect for personal values” as its mission, so that more people can understand and accept digital assets and blocks chain technology k to secure bridges around the world.




Digital asset trading platforms, built by the strength of former team members of Internet and financial companies such as ant gold uniforms, widely issued securities, currently account for less than 1.3 per cent of the world's market share of digital money trading platforms.

其创始团队在 2011 年就开始研究区块链技术,实现了交易平台的技术架构,在 2017 年团队正式进入数字资产交易服务平台领域。目前总部设在美国。

Its founding team began researching block chain technology in 2011, realizing the technical architecture of the trading platform, officially entering the digital asset trading service platform in 2017. It is now based in the United States.


Currency support: Digital currency supports 71 digital currencies such as BTC, ETH and 161 pairing markets.


Processing rate: transaction fee 0.1 per cent


Advantages: Multiple currencies, lower fees, ease of registration and security,


Weaknesses: The volume of transactions is small and does not support French currency, and the market share is relatively small compared to the current number of users.


3. Multinet


It is a global leading digital financial services platform that provides a secure, intelligent, and equitable digital asset investment environment for global users through one-stop digital investment services, diversified asset allocation tools, and innovative investments that take into account all-round mobility. A core team of encrypted asset firms, such as the traditional financial securities industry, top Internet companies such as Microsoft, has a wealth of experience in traditional financial transactions, top-level encryption asset platform research and development, and global market operations.



Working to make investment easier, faster and more secure. These three things are what we seek in the course of a transaction. Security is always the first, however risky the investment may be, and the DFT is also working on a more secure and efficient trading platform, with a brief page design, a rich content, a clear structure, and a lot of our experience.




It is a high-performance block chain company that supports a two-dimensional payment solution, Pay, allowing users to use their cell phones anywhere for encrypted payments or payments. The chain store really fulfils the vision of block chain technology, allowing people to regain control over their money, data and identity.


It is the medium for cross-assets transactions on Chain. It supports the settlement of cross-asset intermediary currencies.


6. Coin holding net


The ETF is a transaction-type product (e.g., three times) that achieves the target of tracking the daily return on assets, subject to a given asset (e.g. BTC). Unlike a leveraged transaction or contract, the user does not have to pay a bond or an encumbered asset, and there is no risk of explosion.


7 trillion exchange

这是家老牌交易所,发行时间在2012年10月,目前全球综合排名在第7位,实力还是不错的,在该平台上目前有128个项目活跃,平台资产:30.09亿,24小时的成交额:26.68亿,交易方式支持 现货,期货和法币三种,交易方式基本都能满足客户需求,注册也简单,但平台页面布局不符合国内用户的使用习惯,需要借助翻墙软件才能进去。同时 4年前的被盗事件对该平台的信任度有很大的影响。看项目方的喜欢吧,选择合适自己的交易所才是真的互赢。

This is a well-established exchange, issued in October 2012, and currently ranked seventh in the global portfolio, with 128 projects active on the platform, with platform assets: $3.09 billion, round-the-clock turnover: 2,668 billion, supported by trade methods, cash, futures and French coins, which basically meet customer needs and are easily registered, but the platform page layout does not correspond to the usage habits of domestic users and requires wall-turning software. At the same time, thefts four years ago have had a significant impact on the platform’s level of trust.




The block chain digital asset trading platform, the most convenient exchange for money, is trusted to be compliant, secure, credible, stable and sensitive. There are more than 100 safety and wind control measures, 100,000 coupling efficiencies per second, quick C2C service, short-time, and five-star trading experiences.


9. Peaks


Super-defence SSL links, offline bitcoin wallet technology, i.e. time block chain asset access, multi-currency address sharing technology, multiple security clearance protection, and lower block chain asset transaction costs and extraction costs.



Members of the Exchange team come from investors and researchers in the early digital money field and have extensive research and development and operational experience in the digital currency field. The Exchange has developed strategic collaboration with a number of high-quality head communities on the market, which will work together with the collaborating communities at Ecology, consensus-building, user growth, etc. At the same time, the Exchange has worked strategically with hundreds of high-quality media across the globe to provide strong outreach and market brand-building support to the Exchange through community media matrices.



If you have questions, send an e-mail to: bangqikecontract@gmail.com




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