
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:60 评论:0
区块链技术是利用块链式数据结构来验证与存储数据、利用分布式节点共识算法来生成和更新数据、利用密码学的方式保证数据传输和访问的安全、利用由自动化脚本代码组成的智能合约来编程和操作数据的一种全新的分布式基础架构与计算方式 。其应用场景与发展前...



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区块链技术是利用块链式数据结构来验证与存储数据、利用分布式节点共识算法来生成和更新数据、利用密码学的方式保证数据传输和访问的安全、利用由自动化脚本代码组成的智能合约来编程和操作数据的一种全新的分布式基础架构与计算方式 。其应用场景与发展前景,对实体产业与互联网技术的进步,将产生重大的积极意义。

Block chain technology is an entirely new distributed base structure and calculation of data using block chain data structures to validate and store data, use distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, use cryptography to secure data transmission and access, and use smart contracts made up of automated script codes to program and operate data. Its application landscape and development prospects will have significant positive implications for the advancement of real industry and Internet technology.


1. Banking


In essence, banks are a safe repository and a clearing house for value, and the chain of blocks can be equally effective as a digital, secure, and tamper-proof general ledger. In fact, Swiss banks UBS and the Bank of Barclays in the United Kingdom have started to experiment, hoping to use it as a way of accelerating back-office system functionality and clearing capacity.

R3CEV公司,这个金融联合体已经有了50家公司,他们正在为金融行业开发定制化的区块链。Thought Machine集团已经开发了名为Vault OS的基于私链技术以及加密总账账簿的银行系统,无论开业多久或规模大小的银行都可适应这套安全的点对点金融系统。

R3CEV, a financial consortium that already has 50 companies, is developing customized block chains for the financial sector. The Thought Machine Group has developed a banking system called Vault OS, based on private chain technology and encrypted master accounts, which banks can adapt to a secure point-to-point financial system, regardless of how long they operate.


2. Payments and cash transactions


The World Economic Forum claims that decentralised payment techniques, similar to Bitcoin, can change “ business architecture & & rdquo; and that today’s architecture has been in place for over 100 years. Block chains, which may bypass these heavy systems, create a more direct payment flow that can be paid internally or across national borders, without the need for intermediaries, at almost instantaneous rates. It is an start-up company that is using block chain technology to service global bitcoins and cash transactions based on block chain technology.


3. Stock trading


Over the years, many companies have worked to make the process of buying, selling, and trading shares easier. Emerging block chain starters believe that block chain technology can make the process safer and more automated, and more efficient than any previous solution. Overstock’s subsidiary, TØ.com, wants to use block chain technology to network stock trading.


4. Supply chain finance


Supply chain-based finance and trade finance are typically based on distributed networks to transform existing large-scale collaborative processes. Block chains can mitigate information asymmetries and are well suited to supply chain finance development.


5. Programming finance


A financial asset transaction is a contract between the parties concerned based on certain trading rules. Programming finance means that the code fully expresses the logic of these business contracts.


6. Cross-border inter-bank liquidation


The inter-bank clearing market is another particularly suitable setting for the block chain. Similar to mutual insurance, there is an equal relationship between the banks involved in the clearing system, although, contrary to mutual insurance, bank liquidation has great market value, but it is difficult to achieve it.


Each bank will have its own clearing system, and when paying and transferring, the user will make a transaction between the banks, recorded by two banks, which raises the issue of inter-bank reconciliation and settlement. According to McKinsey, block-chain technology can reduce the cost of cross-border transactions from $26 to $15.


Academic research


Holbertson, a California-based school offering training courses in software technology, announced that it would use block-chain technology to certify certificates of qualifications. This will ensure that students claim that courses passed at Holbertson are actually certified.



选举需要对选民身份认证、安全的保存记录以追踪选票,以及能够信赖的计数器来决定谁是胜选者。区块链可以为投票过程,选票跟踪和统计选票而服务,以至于不会存在选民欺诈、记录丢失或者不公平的行为。基于在区块链上的投票交易,选民会同意的最终计数,因为他们可以计算自己的票,因为区块链的审计线索,可以确认没有票被修改或删除,并没有不正当投票。Follow My Vote是一家被Kickstarter众筹资助的企业,它决心建设一套端到端可验证的在线投票系统。

Elections require voter identification, secure record-keeping to track votes, and a reliable numerator to determine who is the winner. Block chains can serve the voting process, ballot tracking and counting of votes so that there is no voter fraud, loss of records, or unfairness. On the basis of voting transactions on block chains, voters will agree to the final count, as they can count their votes, because the section chain audit trail can confirm that no vote has been modified or deleted and that no vote has been cast.


9. Automobile industry

去年宣布合伙使用区块链建立一个概念证明来简化汽车租赁过程,并把它建成一个“点击,签约,和驾驶”的过程。未来的客户选择他们想要租赁的汽车,进入区块链的公共总账;然后,坐在驾驶座上,客户签订租赁协议和保险政策,而区块链则是同步更新信息。 这不是一个想象,对于汽车销售和汽车登记来说,这种类型的过程也可能会发展为现实。

Last year, the partnership block chain was announced as a conceptual proof to simplify the car rental process and to make it a & ldquo; click, sign, and drive & & & & ; process. Future customers choose the cars they want to rent, enter the public masters of the block chain; then, sit in the driver’s seat, and the client signs the lease agreement and the insurance policy, while the block chain updates the information.


10. Material networking


IBM and Samsung have been working on the idea of using block-chain technology to form a centralised network of devices. According to CoinDesk, ADEPT, as an anonymous decentralized point remote sensing technology, block-chains can be a public book of large amounts of equipment that will no longer require a centralized route between them.

在没有了中央控制系统来验证之后,设备将能够在它们之间互相匿名传输,并管理软件的更新、错误,或者进行能源管理。 其它公司也希望在物联网平台中整合区块链技术。例如,Filament公司正在使用区块链来建设一种去中心化网络,希望传感器可以互相传输。该公司已获得了A轮500万美元的投资,Verizon投资公司和三星投资公司都参与了本次投资。

Without a central control system for validation, the equipment will be able to transmit anonymously between them, and manage software updates, errors, or energy management. Other companies also want to integrate block chain technology into the physical networking platform.


11. Projections

整个研究、分析、咨询预测行业将被区块链所震撼。在线众筹平台Augur希望投资在去中心化的预测市场。这家公司宣称它将提供一种服务,它就像一种普通的赌博交易场所。这整个过程将去中心化,并将不仅提供场所让用户对体育和股票进行下注,还可投注在其他方面,例如选举和自然灾害。 ”这个主意将超越体育彩票,而创建一个“预测市场”。

The entire research, analysis, and consulting forecasting industry will be shaken by the chain of blocks. The online public fund-raising platform Augur wants to invest in a decentralised forecast market. The company claims that it will provide a service that is like a common casino. The whole process will be decentralised and will provide a place not only for users to put a bet on sports and stocks, but also on other aspects, such as elections and natural disasters. & rdquo; this idea will go beyond sports lottery to create & & & & & & & & & ; predict markets & & & rdquao;


12. Online music


Many music artists switch to block-chain technology in order to share online music more equitably. According to Biilbord, the three companies are going to set up more direct payment channels for artists to address payment problems and certification through automated smart contracts.


The PeerTracks system is still being developed to provide a music flow platform that allows users to listen to music online and pay artists directly without intermediaries using block chain technology. The platform also wants to create more direct incentives between artists and clients. In addition to streaming media, Ujo will be a better way to classify artists and creators'songs; and to use smart contracts behind music lists like automated brains.


13, share the car.


Like the Uber ride application, which appears to be a negative case of decentralisation, a company, as a dispatch centre, uses its algorithm to control the drivers of the motorcade for which they are responsible. The Israeli entrepreneur la'zooz wants to be a “ anti-UBER” according to Bloomberg. It uses its own unique digital currency, similar to Bitcoin, and records currency using block-chain digital technology. People can no longer use a centralized Internet taxi to call their car service, and people use la'zooz to find other people's travel routes and ride by exchanging digital money. Some digital money will be used in future transactions.


14. Real estate


The pain in buying and selling property rights is that there is a lack of transparency in the course of and after transactions, a great deal of paperwork, potential fraud, errors in public records, and so on, which is only a part of it. Block chains provide a way to achieve paperless and fast-trading needs. Real estate block chain applications can help record, trace and transfer land deeds, deeds, retention rights, etc., and provide a platform for financial companies, equity companies, and mortgage companies.


15. Insurance

AirBnB, Tujia, Wimdu等公司,为人们提供了一个途径去暂时交换资产——包括私有住宅,来产生价值。可问题在于,人们几乎无法在这些平台上为他们的资产上保险。与区块链初创公司Stratumn一起,专业服务公司德勤和支付服务提供商Lemonway发布了基于区块链的解决方案,被称作“LenderBot”。

AirBnB, Tujia, Wimdu, etc., provides a way for people to exchange assets & mdash; & mdash; including private homes, to generate value. The problem is that people can hardly insure their assets on these platforms. Together with Stratumn, a start-up block chain company, the professional service provider, Deloitte and the payment provider Lemonway, has issued a block-based solution called “ LenderBot”

它是一款为共享经济而设计的微保险概念产品,并且证实了区块链应用与服务在保险行业中的潜力。LenderBot允许人们注册个性化的微保险产品,并可以通过Facebook Messenger进行交流。其目标是为个人之间交换的高价值物品进行投保,而区块链在贷款合同中扮演着第三方的角色。

It is a microinsurance concept product designed to share the economy, and confirms the potential of block chain applications and services in the insurance industry. LenderBot allows people to register personalized microinsurance products and communicate through Facebook Messenge.


16. Medical


Better data collaboration among data providers means more accurate diagnosis, more effective treatment, and upgrading the overall capacity of the health-care system to provide cost-effective medical services. Block chain technology allows hospitals, patients, and parties in the medical interest chain to share data in the network of blocks without worrying about their safety and integrity.


For example: Gem, a start-up company, published Gem Health Network & mdash; & mdash; provided an Etherm platform to achieve multiple signatures and multi-factor validation techniques to create a secure and common data structure. Tierion, another start-up company in the block chain, created a platform for the storage and validation of medical data. Gem and Tierion worked with Philip Health at the Fibre Chain Laboratory in Philip District.


17. Government


The transparency of information such as government information, project tenders, etc., is usually the subject of public attention and oversight. The implementation of transparent government management is greatly facilitated by block-chain technology, which ensures transparency and irreversibility of information. There is a certain degree of opacity in government bidding for projects, and there is a risk that companies will leak information during the sealed bidding process. The block-chain ensures that tender information cannot be tampered with and that it is transparent, creating a consensus of trust among competitors who do not trust each other.


18. Public good

公益流程中相关的信息,如捐赠项目、募集明细、资金流向等信息都可以存放在区块链上进行公示。在一些更复杂的公益场景,如定向捐赠、有条件捐赠,也可以用智能合约进行管理,使公益行为更加透明,可被社会监管。福利救助的分配是另一个区块链技术可以应用的领域,区块链可以帮助公共管理更加简单、安全。如:GovCoin Systems Limited公司是一家总部位于伦敦的金融科技公司,其正在支持英国政府在福利分配领域的工作。

For example, GovCoin Systems Limited, a London-based financial science and technology company, is supporting the British government’s work in the area of welfare allocation.


19. Sports


Investments in athletes have gradually become a focus of attention for sports administrations and companies, but the block chain, through the ability of democratic fans to acquire the financial shares of current sports stars in the future, can centralize the process of investing in athletes. This concept of using the block chain to invest in athletes and reap benefits has not been tried on a large scale.

The Jetcoin Institute,提出了虚拟货币(Jetcoin)的概念,即粉丝可以用虚拟货币来投资他们喜爱的运动员,然后有机会获得运动员未来收益的一部分,包括VIP活动和观赛座位升级等等。Jetcoin已经与意大利的Hellas Verona足球队达成合作去实验这一想法。

The Jetcoin Institute, which proposes the concept of virtual money (Jetcoin), in which fans can invest in their favorite athletes in virtual currency and then have the opportunity to gain a share of the future benefits of athletes, including VIP activities and competition seat upgrades, etc. Jetcoin has worked with the Italian Hellas Verona football team to experiment with the idea.


20 Supply chain management


One of the most common applications of block chain technology is that it makes transactions safer and more transparent. Simply put, the supply chain is a series of trading nodes that connect the product from the end of supply to the end of the sale or terminal. From production to sale, the product passes through multiple segments of the supply chain and, with block chain technology, transactions are recorded permanently and decentralised, reducing time delays, costs and manual errors.


Many start-ups of block chains have entered this area: Provence is creating a traceability system for raw materials and products, Fluent provides a global supply chain lending platform, and Skuchain has created a number of block-based products for B2B transactions and supply chain financial markets.


21. Energy management

能源管理是另一个长久以来高度中心化的产业。在美国,如果你想交易能源,你必须经过一个可信任的能源持有公司,例如Duke Energy,或者在英国,则是国家电网,或者与已经从大的电力公司购买完的再销售方进行交易。

Energy management is another industry that has long been highly central. In the United States, if you want to trade in energy, you have to go through a trusted energy holding company, such as Duke Energy, or, in the United Kingdom, the national electricity grid, or with a re-saler that has already purchased it from a large power company.

初创公司,例如Transactive Grid,这是LO3 Energy和在布鲁克林的以太坊机构Consensys的合资公司,应用以太坊区块链技术来允许消费者在去中心化的能源生产架构中进行交易,并且允许人们有效地生产能源和邻居之间买卖能源。

Start-up companies, such as Transactive Grid, a joint venture between LO3 Energy and Consensys, an Etherian agency in Brooklyn, have been used to allow consumers to trade in decentralised energy production structures and to allow people to effectively produce energy and buy and sell energy between their neighbours.


22 Cloud storage


Most of the companies that currently provide cloud storage place customer data in a centralized database, which increases the risk of hackers stealing information. The block chain cloud storage program allows central storage. The Beta version of the cloud storage network product at Stori aims to improve data security and reduce transaction costs of storing information on cloud ends.


Stori users can even rent electronic storage space that they do not use, which may create a new market for crowd-packed cloud storage space capacity.


23. Gift cards and membership items


Block chains can help retailers that provide gift cards and membership projects, making their systems cheaper and safer. Few intermediaries are needed to handle sales transactions and gift card issuances, and the process of acquiring and using gift cards that apply block chain technology will be more efficient and inexpensive.

Gyft是First Data旗下的一家购买、赠送、兑换礼品卡的在线平台,其正在与区块链架构提供商Chain进行合作,在区块链上为数以千计的小商户提供礼品卡业务,这一项目被称作“Gyft Block”。

Gyft, an online platform for the purchase, gift and exchange of gift cards under the First Data flag, is working with Chain, a block chain structure provider, to provide gift card operations for thousands of small businesses on the block chain, known as “ Gyft Block”


24. Smart contracts


Smart contracts are in fact computer programs that function on the actions of another object. Like normal computer programs, smart contracts are & & & & & & quo; functions, but block chain technologies achieve these & & & & & & &, without manual intervention. Such contracts may eventually replace the core business of the legal profession, i.e., the business of drafting and managing contracts in the commercial and civil fields.




The block chain application in the area of e-commerce is represented by OpenBazaar. This is an open-source project designed to create a decentralised and unbridled point-to-point e-commerce network using Bitcoin. Unlike its peers, the platform can be downloaded as opposed to accessing a shopping website, and connects users directly to others who are looking for goods and services buyers or sellers. 美化布局示例



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