【天眼深度】“Rayonism”的现实 一个合并以太坊和Eth 2.0的新计划

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:102 评论:0
  讯 : 本周,我们将深入探讨以太坊2.0的一个复杂指标:总价值(TVS)。这个指标有很多细微差别,但一旦你做了分析工作,在深入了解协议和更好地理解如何解释最初在提供者和来源之间的数据之间的...



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  讯 : 本周,我们将深入探讨以太坊2.0的一个复杂指标:总价值(TVS)。这个指标有很多细微差别,但一旦你做了分析工作,在深入了解协议和更好地理解如何解释最初在提供者和来源之间的数据之间的主要差异方面,一些知识确实会带来回报。

This week, we will explore in depth one of the complex indicators in Ethio 2.0: Total Values (TVS). There are many nuances in this indicator, but once you have done your analytical work, some of the knowledge does pay off in terms of a deeper understanding of the protocol and a better understanding of how to explain the main differences that initially exist between the data provided by the provider and the source.


And then, in real nerdy style, we looked into an ongoing hacker marathon, and even if you weren't particularly interested in participating, you'd want to know. Why? Because the future of Ethio 2.0 depends on it.


Users and data providers have many different interpretations of the total value (TVS) measured by Taiku 2.0. On the basis of this interpretation, the calculation and results of this indicator will vary, sometimes by thousands of ETHs (+11.86%).

  每当在Eth 2.0上阅读TVS数据时,重要的是要考虑如何解释该指标,以便理解和理解其值在不同来源中的差异。

Whenever TVS data are read on Eth 2.0, it is important to consider how to interpret the indicator in order to understand and understand the differences in its values from different sources.

  大多数用户和数据源将根据发送到ETH 2.0定金合同的ETH数量来计算TVS。

Most users and data sources will calculate TVS based on the number of ETHs sent to the ETH 2.0 down payment contract.

  作为背景,该存款合约是一个基于以太坊的智能合约,由Eth 2.0区块链用于验证哪些用户有资格成为活跃验证者,并在以太坊的平行权益证明(PoS)网络上获得奖励。在用户成为ETH 2.0验证者之前,必须一次付32ETH到定金合同中。

As a background, the deposit contract is a smart contract based on the Eth 2.0 block chain, which is used to verify which users qualify for active certification and are rewarded on the PoS network. Before the user becomes an ETH 2.0 certifier, a lump sum of 32 ETH must be paid to the down payment contract.

  总结未来Eth 2.0验证者的初始存款,可以了解Etherscan、Dune Analytics、CryptoQuant和Glassnode等网站如何计算以太坊PoS网络上的累积价值。在这些站点之间,发送到定金合同的ETH总量可能会因一到两个验证器定金而不同,这取决于特定站点最后一次查询以太坊区块链并使用最新链上数据更新其网页的时间。

Summarizing the initial deposits of future Eth 2.0 certifying officers, it is possible to see how websites such as Ethancan, Dune Analytics, CryptoQuant and Glasnode calculate the cumulative value of the PoS network in the Pacific. Between these sites, the total amount of ETH sent to the down payment contract may vary depending on the time of the last search by a particular site to update its web page with a chain of taupules and the latest data on the chain.


Other data providers directly consult the Taiyo 2.0 block chain and calculate the total ETH value of the Taiyeon 2.0 block chain by synthesizing the balance of the online certifier.

  并非以太坊上32ETH的所有存款都能在ETH 2.0上立即激活。有时会有一个等待队列,验证者必须等待一段时间,他们的股份才有资格获得奖励。在其他情况下,验证器脱机或与internet断开连接;因此,该股权不会被用于结束区块或事务。验证者也可以因恶意行为被强制从网络中删除,同样,在这种情况下,他们的32个ETH保证金将不符合履行验证者职责的资格。

Not all deposits of 32ETH are activated immediately on ETH 2.0. Sometimes there is a waiting queue, and the certifier has to wait a while to qualify for an award. In other cases, the certifier is offline or disconnected from the Internet; therefore, the unit power is not used to end blocks or affairs. Certifiers can also be forced out of the network for malicious acts. In this case, their 32 ETH

  Eth 2.0上所有在线和活跃参与者的总余额,包括验证者奖励,是反映Eth总投资的指标可以解释的第二种方式。beaconcha。in和BeaconScan可以使用此图进行图表和数据分析。因为它不计算所有存在的验证器的初始ETH存款,而是选择性地选择合格验证器的股份,所以最终的总数通常比第一种方法跟踪的总数要少。

The total balance of all online and active participants on Eth 2.0, including the certifying officer incentive, is the second way in which indicators reflecting the total investment of Eth can be explained. Beaconcha. In and BeaconScan can use this figure for chart and data analysis. Because it does not calculate the initial ETH deposits of all existing certifications, it selects the shares of the qualified certificationer selectively, the final total is usually less than the totals tracked in the first method.


The third method of calculating TVS is to add together the deposits of all certifying officers and their incentive balances without taking into account their identity or qualifications.


As long as the transfer of ETH to Etheria 2.0 remains a one-way deposit, and any incentives accumulated on Ether 2.0 remain on Etheria 2.0, this interpretation of TVS reflects the cumulative sum of all the wealth that has been sent to that PoS block chain since its release. And how much new wealth has been released in the form of interest on the balance of the authenticator.

  它通常会导致TVS的最高估价。与ETH 2.0保证金合同中ETH的金额为3,891,586个ETH,与ETH 2.0的合格股权金额为3,876,812个ETH相比,在本文撰写时,ETH 2.0累计价值为3,978,285个ETH。

It usually results in the highest valuation of TVS. The value of the ETH 2.0 bond contract was 3,891,586 ETHs, and the cumulative value of ETH 2.0 was 3,978,285 ETHs at the time of writing, compared to the eligible ETH 2.0 shares of 3,876,812 ETHs.

  自从推出CoinDesk Data Dashboard以来,我一直在使用最后一种解释来计算Eth 2.0上的电视。这是对这个指标最广泛的定义,我认为它反映了有多少是取决于整个协议的。

Since the introduction of CoinDesk Data Dashboard, I have been using the last explanation to calculate the television on Eth 2.0. This is the most extensive definition of this indicator, and I think it reflects how much depends on the whole deal.

  然而,一旦该网络开始与以太坊合并,作为衡量Eth 2.0价值增长的一种方式,这些解释都将不断演变,变得不那么可互换。

However, once the network has begun to merge with Eth 2.0 value growth, these interpretations will evolve and become less interchangeable.


New area: transition from Rayonism to Etheria 2.0


Let us talk about Rayonism, the hacker marathon project, which is about to transition to Poss.


As a background, as early as December 2020, the developer released a parallel PoS block chain called Ether 2.0. It operates independently of the existing Ether block chain and will initially become a network of users and decentralised applications (dapps).


With the appearance of Rayonism, ideas have changed.


Instead of eliminating the PoW network through multi-stage upgrades, developers want to reconnect the protocol in order to reach a consensus on it at 2.0, that is to say, the way blocks and trade histories are finally determined in decentralised agreements.

  以太坊的“共识层”将从PoW挖矿交换到Eth 2.0加密。用户交易和dapp的执行将继续在以太坊上正常进行,并由我们许多人知道和喜爱的软件客户端进行维护,比如Geth、OpenEthereum和Hyperledger Besu。

The “consensus layer” in the Taiku will be exchanged from PoW to Eth 2.0 encryption. User transactions and dapp enforcement will continue to be carried out normally in the Etheria and maintained by software clients many of us know and love, such as Geth, OpenEtherum, and Hyperledger Besu.

  维护Eth 2.0的软件客户端(如Prysm、Lighthouse和Teku)也将继续在维护和支持以太坊PoS共识层方面发挥作用。合并这两个并行系统,而不是从一个系统过渡到另一个系统,确实会带来麻烦。

The software client that maintains Eth 2.0 (e.g. Prysm, Lighthouse and Teku) will also continue to play a role in maintaining and supporting the EthnoPoS consensus layer. Combining the two parallel systems, rather than moving from one system to another, will indeed cause trouble.


This means that consensus and implementation are not done on a single client software, as most users and dapp developers are used to doing today. After the Great Merger, there will be a two-part complex design in the Taiku software: consensus nodes and implementation nodes.


What does Rayonism look like in practice?


Well, no one's really sure. To find the answer, Ether's developer has launched a month-long hacker marathon designed to design a testnet that will achieve all the features of Rayonism, as well as the segment function.


Over the next four weeks, the hakathon participants will build and replace a series of shared ideas and to-dos to achieve the great merger of Ether. On May 14, all projects will be showcased and judged, and it is hoped that the abstract plan to activate Pos will be made more concrete and presented in the timeline for the development of the network.


The goal of the Etherm developers and the Etherm 2.0 project is as ambitious as ever. Will Rayonism succeed? As always, I look forward to seeing it try.


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